*master * renderers now have access to request_forgery_protection stuff (this allows delete-links as navigation-items) *1.2.1 * changed way to include render_*-helper_methods into view (including them into Controller and declaring them as helper_methods instead of adding whole module as Helper). this seems to be more reliable under certain conditions. Credits to Gernot Kogler. *1.2.0 * added capability to add conditions to navigation-items (primary.item key, name, url, :if => Proc.new {current_user.admin?}) *1.1.2 * Bugfix: config now gets evaluated on every render_navigation call. Credits to Joël Azémar. * Config file gets reloaded on every render_navigation call in development mode. Only load config file on server start in production mode. *1.1.1 * Change plugin into a GemPlugin