require "calabash-cucumber/version" require 'rexml/rexml' require "rexml/document" def dup_scheme(project_name, pbx_dir, target) userdata_dirs = Dir.foreach("#{pbx_dir}/xcuserdata").find_all { |x| /\.xcuserdatad$/.match(x) } target_name = if target_name.start_with?'"' and target_name.end_with?'"' target_name = target_name[1..target_name.length-2] end userdata_dirs.each do |userdata_dir| scheme_to_find = "#{target_name}.xcscheme" cal_scheme_to_find = "#{target_name}-cal.xcscheme" schemes = Dir.foreach("#{pbx_dir}/xcuserdata/#{userdata_dir}/xcschemes") scheme = schemes.find do |s| scheme_to_find == s end cal_scheme = schemes.find do |s| cal_scheme_to_find == s end if scheme.nil? puts "-"*10 + "Warning" + "-"*10 puts "Unable to find scheme: #{target_name}.xcscheme." puts "You must manually create a scheme." puts "Make sure your scheme uses the Calabash build configuration." puts "-"*10 + "-------" + "-"*10 else if not cal_scheme.nil? msg("Warning") do puts "Scheme: #{target_name}-cal.xcscheme already exists." puts "Will not try to duplicate #{target_name}.xcscheme." end else msg("Action") do puts "Duplicating scheme #{target_name}.xcscheme as #{target_name}-cal.xcscheme" doc ="#{pbx_dir}/xcuserdata/#{userdata_dir}/xcschemes/#{scheme}")) doc.elements.each("Scheme/LaunchAction") do |la| la.attributes["buildConfiguration"] = "Calabash" end doc.elements.each("Scheme/ArchiveAction") do |la| la.attributes["buildConfiguration"] = "Calabash" end doc.elements.each("Scheme/AnalyzeAction") do |la| la.attributes["buildConfiguration"] = "Calabash" end doc.elements.each("Scheme/ProfileAction") do |la| la.attributes["buildConfiguration"] = "Calabash" end"#{pbx_dir}/xcuserdata/#{userdata_dir}/xcschemes/#{target_name}-cal.xcscheme", "w") doc.write f f.close end end end end "#{target_name}-cal" end def calabash_setup(args) puts "Checking if Xcode is running..." res = `ps x -o pid,command | grep -v grep | grep` if res=="" puts "Xcode not running." project_name, project_path, xpath = find_project_files(args) target = setup_project(project_name, project_path, xpath) scheme = dup_scheme(project_name, xpath, target) msg("Setup done") do puts "Please validate by running the #{scheme} scheme" puts "from Xcode." puts "When starting the iOS Simulator using the" puts "new scheme: #{project_name}-cal, you should see:\n\n" puts ' "Started LPHTTP server on port 37265"' puts "\nin the application log in Xcode." puts "\n\n" puts "After validating, you can generate a features folder:" puts "Go to your project (the dir containing the .xcodeproj file)." puts "Then run calabash-ios gen" puts "(if you don't already have a features folder)." sleep 2 system("open #{xpath}") end else puts "Xcode is running. We'll be changing the project file so we'd better stop it." puts "Shall I stop Xcode? Please answer yes (y) or no (n)" answer = STDIN.gets.chomp if (answer == 'yes' or answer == 'y') res.split("\n").each do |line| pid = line.split(" ")[0] if system("kill #{pid}") puts "Stopped XCode. Retrying... " calabash_setup(args) else puts "Killing Xcode seemed to fail :( Aborting..." end end else puts "Please stop Xcode and try again." exit(0) end end end def find_project_files(args) dir_to_search, project_files = ensure_correct_path(args) xc_project_file = project_files[0] project_name = xc_project_file.split(".xcodeproj")[0] puts "Found Project: #{project_name}" pbx_dir = "#{dir_to_search}/#{xc_project_file}" pbx_files = Dir.foreach(pbx_dir).find_all { |x| /\.pbxproj$/.match(x) } if pbx_files.empty? puts "Found no *.pbxproj files in dir #{xc_project_file}." puts "Please setup calabash manually." exit 1 elsif pbx_files.count > 1 puts "Found several *.pbxproj files in dir #{xc_project_file}." puts "Found: #{pbx_files.join("\n")}" puts "We don't yet support this. Please setup calabash manually." exit 1 end return project_name, dir_to_search, File.expand_path("#{dir_to_search}/#{xc_project_file}") end def calabash_download(args) project_name, project_path, xpath = find_project_files(args) download_calabash(project_path) end def download_calabash(project_path) file = 'calabash.framework' ##Download calabash.framework if not, file)) msg("Info") do zip_file = "calabash.framework-#{ENV['FRAMEWORK_VERSION']||Calabash::Cucumber::FRAMEWORK_VERSION}.zip" puts "Did not find calabash.framework. I'll download it...'" puts "{zip_file}" require 'uri' uri = URI.parse "{zip_file}" success = false Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| request = uri.request_uri http.request request do |response| if response.code == '200' open zip_file, 'wb' do |io| response.read_body do |chunk| print "." io.write chunk end end success = true else puts "Got bad response code #{response.code}." puts "Aborting..." end end end if success puts "\nDownload done: #{file}. Unzipping..." if not system("unzip -C -K -o -q -d #{project_path} #{zip_file}") msg("Error") do puts "Unable to unzip file: #{zip_file}" puts "You must install manually." end exit 1 end FileUtils.rm(zip_file) else exit 0 end end else msg("Info") do puts "Found calabash.framework in #{File.expand_path(project_path)}." puts "Shall I delete it and download the latest matching version?" puts "Please answer yes (y) or no (n)" answer = STDIN.gets.chomp if (answer == 'yes' or answer == 'y') FileUtils.rm_r File.join(project_path, file) return download_calabash(project_path) else puts "Not downloading..." end end end file end def setup_project(project_name, project_path, path) ##Ensure exists and parse proj_file = "#{path}/project.pbxproj" if not File.exists?(proj_file) msg("Error") do puts "Directory #{path} doesn't contain #{proj_file}" end exit 1 end pbx = => proj_file) pbx.parse pwd = FileUtils.pwd project_path ##Backup msg("Info") do puts "Making backup of project file: #{proj_file}" if File.exists? "#{proj_file}.bak" msg("Error") do puts "Backup file already exists. #{proj_file}.bak" puts "For safety, I won't overwrite this file." puts "You must manually move this file, if you want to" puts "Run calabash-ios setup again." end exit 1 end FileUtils.cp(proj_file, "#{proj_file}.bak") puts "Saved as #{proj_file}.bak" end file = download_calabash(project_path) file_ref = pbx.sections['PBXFileReference'].find do |fr| /calabash\.framework/.match(fr.path) end if file_ref msg("Error") do puts "Your project already contains a file reference to calabash.framework." puts "I was not expecting this. Aborting." end exit 1 end msg("Info") do puts "Setting up project file for calabash-ios." end ## Augment f = => file, :lastKnownFileType => "wrapper.framework", :sourceTree => '""') f.comment = "calabash.framework" pbx.add_item f bf = => "calabash.framework in Frameworks", :fileRef => f.guid) bf.comment = "calabash.framework in Frameworks" pbx.add_item bf group = pbx.find_item :name => "Frameworks", :type => PBXProject::PBXTypes::PBXGroup group.add_children f build_phase_entry = => bf.guid, :comment => bf.comment) pbx.sections['PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'][0].files << build_phase_entry targets = pbx.sections['PBXNativeTarget'] target = nil if targets.count == 0 msg("Error") do puts "Unable to find targets in project." puts "Aborting..." end exit 1 elsif (targets.count == 1) target = targets[0] else preferred_target = targets.find { |t| == project_name } msg("Question") do puts "You have several targets..." target_names = do |t| n = if n.length>2 and n.end_with?'"' and n.start_with?'"' n = n[1..n.length-2] end n end puts target_names.join("\n") found = nil until found do puts "Please specify which is your production app target." puts "Please enter target name." puts "Hit Enter for default choice: #{}" unless preferred_target.nil? answer = STDIN.gets.chomp if (preferred_target and answer == '') target = preferred_target found = true else target = found = targets.find { |t| == answer ||"\"#{answer}\""} end end end end #CFNetwork cfnet = pbx.find_item :name => "CFNetwork.framework", :type => PBXProject::PBXTypes::PBXFileReference if cfnet msg("Warning") do puts "You are already using CFNetwork.framework" puts "Please make sure you have added it to your target #{}." end else f = => "System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework", :lastKnownFileType => "wrapper.framework", :sourceTree => 'SDKROOT') f.comment = "CFNetwork.framework" = f.comment pbx.add_item f bf = => "CFNetwork.framework in Frameworks", :fileRef => f.guid) bf.comment = "CFNetwork.framework in Frameworks" pbx.add_item bf group.add_children f build_phase_entry = => bf.guid, :comment => bf.comment) pbx.sections['PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'][0].files << build_phase_entry end ##project level build conf project_bc_id = pbx.sections['PBXProject'][0].buildConfigurationList.value project_bc_list = pbx.find_item :guid => project_bc_id, :type => PBXProject::PBXTypes::XCConfigurationList project_bc_ref = project_bc_list.buildConfigurations.find { |bc| bc.comment =="Debug" } project_bc_id = project_bc_ref.value project_bc = pbx.find_item :guid => project_bc_id, :type => PBXProject::PBXTypes::XCBuildConfiguration project_cal_build_settings = project_bc.buildSettings.clone project_bc.buildSettings.each do |k, v| project_cal_build_settings[k] = v.clone end project_cal_bc = => "Calabash") project_cal_bc.buildSettings = project_cal_build_settings project_cal_bc.comment = "Calabash" ##target level build conf bc_list_id = target.buildConfigurationList.value bc_list = pbx.find_item :guid => bc_list_id, :type => PBXProject::PBXTypes::XCConfigurationList bc_ref = bc_list.buildConfigurations.find { |bc| bc.comment =="Debug" } bc_id = bc_ref.value bc = pbx.find_item :guid => bc_id, :type => PBXProject::PBXTypes::XCBuildConfiguration cal_build_settings = bc.buildSettings.clone bc.buildSettings.each do |k, v| cal_build_settings[k] = v.clone end ld_flags = cal_build_settings['OTHER_LDFLAGS'] || [] if not ld_flags.is_a?Array ld_flags = [ld_flags] end danger = ld_flags.find_all {|f| /-ObjC/i.match(f.value) || /-all_load/i.match(f.value)} unless danger.empty? msg("Error") do puts "Detected Other Linker Flag: #{( {|d| d.value}).join(", ")}" puts "calabash-ios setup does not yet support this scenario" puts "(why?" puts "You must manually setup ios see:" puts "" end exit 1 end ld_flags << => '"-force_load"') ld_flags << => '"$(SRCROOT)/calabash.framework/calabash"') ld_flags << => '"-lstdc++"') cal_build_settings['OTHER_LDFLAGS'] = ld_flags cal_bc = => "Calabash") cal_bc.buildSettings = cal_build_settings cal_bc.comment = "Calabash" targets.each do |target| bc_list_id = target.buildConfigurationList.value bc_list = pbx.find_item :guid => bc_list_id, :type => PBXProject::PBXTypes::XCConfigurationList bc_list.buildConfigurations << => cal_bc.guid, :comment => "Calabash") end project_bc_list.buildConfigurations << => project_cal_bc.guid, :comment => "Calabash") pbx.sections['XCBuildConfiguration']< '"$(inherited)"') unless inherit sp << => "\"$(SRCROOT)\"") unless srcroot bc.buildSettings["FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS"] = sp end pwd pbx.write_to :file => proj_file return target end require 'calabash-cucumber/launch/simulator_helper' def validate_setup(args) if args.length > 0 if args[0].end_with?(".ipa") validate_ipa(args[0]) elsif args[0].end_with?(".app") validate_app(args[0]) else msg("Error") do puts "File should end with .app or .ipa" end exit 1 end else dd_dir = Calabash::Cucumber::SimulatorHelper.derived_data_dir_for_project if not dd_dir puts "Unable to find iOS project." puts "You should run this command from an iOS project directory." exit 1 end app_bundles = Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "*", "*.app")) sim_dirs = Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "Debug-iphonesimulator", "*.app")) sim_dirs = sim_dirs.concat(Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "Calabash-iphonesimulator", "*.app"))) if sim_dirs.empty? msg = ["Have you built your app for simulator?"] msg << "You should build the -cal scheme and your normal scheme" msg << "(with configuration Debug)." msg << "Searched dir: #{dd_dir}/Build/Products" msg("Error") do puts msg.join("\n") end exit 1 elsif sim_dirs.count != 2 msg = ["Have you built your app for simulator?"] msg << "You should build the -cal scheme and your normal scheme" msg << "(with configuration Debug)." msg << "Searched dir: #{dd_dir}/Build/Products" msg("Error") do puts msg.join("\n") end exit 1 end out_debug = `otool #{sim_dirs[0]}/* -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer` out_cal = `otool #{sim_dirs[1]}/* -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer 2> /dev/null` ok = (not /CalabashServer/.match(out_debug)) and /CalabashServer/.match(out_cal) if ok msg("OK") do puts "Your configuration seems ok." puts "app in directory:" puts sim_dirs[0] puts "does not have calabash.framework linked in." puts "directory:" puts sim_dirs[1] puts "does." end else msg("Fail") do puts "Your configuration looks bad." if (not /CalabashServer/.match(out_debug)) puts "WARNING: You Debug build seems to be linking with Calabash." puts "You should restore your xcodeproject file from backup." else puts "app in directory" puts sim_dirs[1] puts "does not have calabash.framework linked in." end end end end end def validate_ipa(ipa) require 'tmpdir' fail = false Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| if not system("unzip -C -K -o -q -d #{dir} #{ipa}") msg("Error") do puts "Unable to unzip ipa: #{ipa}" end Dir fail = true end app_dir = Dir.foreach("#{dir}/Payload").find {|d| /\.app$/.match(d)} app = app_dir.split(".")[0] res = `otool #{dir}/Payload/#{app_dir}/#{app} -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer` msg("Info") do if /CalabashServer/.match(res) puts "Ipa: #{ipa} *contains* calabash.framework" else puts "Ipa: #{ipa} *does not contain* calabash.framework" end end end if fail exit(1) end end def validate_app(app) if not msg("Error") do puts "Path: #{app} is not a directory." end exit 1 end out = `otool #{app}/* -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer` msg("Info") do if /CalabashServer/.match(out) puts "App: #{app} *contains* calabash.framework" else puts "App: #{app} *does not contain* calabash.framework" end end end