termsdef: Definitions
termsdefsymbolsabbrev: Definitions
termsdefsymbols: Definitions
termsdefabbrev: Definitions
termnote: NOTE %
normref: References
symbolsabbrev: Abbreviations and acronyms
abbrev: Abbreviations and acronyms
symbols: Abbreviations and acronyms
conventions: Conventions
abstract: Summary
elsewhere_terms: >-
  This Recommendation uses the following terms defined elsewhere:
here_terms: >-
  This Recommendation defines the following terms:
norm_annex: (This annex forms an integral part of this %.)
inform_annex: (This appendix does not form an integral part of this %.)
formula: Equation
inequality: Inequality
clause: clause
section: Section
annex_subclause: clause
in: in
to: to
where: "where:"
where_one: "where"
blankclause: This clause is intentionally left blank.
  The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
internal_termsdef: Terms defined in this recommendation
external_termsdef: Terms defined elsewhere
  "This Recommendation defines the following terms:"
  "This Recommendation defines the following terms:"
   "This Recommendation uses the following terms defined elsewhere:"
  "This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:"
amendment: Amendment
corrigendum: Corrigendum
table_of_contents: Table of Contents
page: Page
placedate: Geneva, %
annex_to_itu_ob: Annex to ITU Operational Bulletin
number_abbrev: No.
annex_to_itu_ob_abbrev: Annex to ITU OB %
international_telecommunication_union: International Telecommunication Union
position_on: (Position on %)
revision_abbreviation: Rev.
tsb: TSB
br: BR
bdt: BDT
tsb_full: Telecommunication<br/>Standardization Bureau<br/>of ITU
br_full: Radiocommunication Bureau<br/>of ITU
bdt_full: Telecommunication<br/>Development Bureau<br/>of ITU
prepub: Prepublished version
draft_new: Draft new %
email: E-mail
editor_full: editor
  resolution: Resolution
  recommendation: Recommendation
  recommendation-supplement: Recommendation Supplement
  recommendation-amendment: Recommendation Amendment
  recommendation-corrigendum: Recommendation Corrigendum
  recommendation-errata: Recommendation Errata
  recommendation-annex: Recommendation Annex
  focus-group: Focus Group
  implementers-guide: Implementers’ Guide
  technical-paper: Technical Paper
  technical-report: Technical Report
  joint-itu-iso-iec: Joint ITU/ISO/IEC
  service-publication: Service Publication
  recommendation: Rec.
  recommendation-supplement: Rec.
  recommendation-amendment: Rec.
  recommendation-corrigendum: Rec.
  recommendation-errata: Rec.
  recommendation-annex: Rec.
  focus-group: FG
  implementers-guide: Imp.
  technical-paper: TP
  technical-report: TR
  joint-itu-iso-iec: ITU/ISO/IEC
    sg: editor
    pl: editors