module Assert; end module Assert::Result class Base; end class Pass < Base; end class Ignore < Base; end class Fail < Base; end class Error < Base; end class Skip < Base; end def self.types { :pass => Pass, :fail => Fail, :ignore => Ignore, :skip => Skip, :error => Error } end class Backtrace < ::Array # ripped from minitest... file = File.expand_path __FILE__ # if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9/ then # bt's expanded, but __FILE__ isn't :( # File.expand_path __FILE__ # elsif __FILE__ =~ /^[^\.]/ then # assume both relative # require 'pathname' # pwd = Dir.pwd # pn = File.expand_path(__FILE__) # relpath = pn.relative_path_from(pwd) rescue pn # pn = File.join ".", relpath unless pn.relative? # pn.to_s # else # assume both are expanded # __FILE__ # end # './lib' in project dir, or '/usr/local/blahblah' if installed ASSERT_DIR = File.dirname(File.dirname(file)) def initialize(value=nil) super(value || ["No backtrace"]) end def to_s self.join("\n") end def filtered new_bt = [] self.each do |line| break if filter_out?(line) new_bt << line end new_bt = self.reject { |line| filter_out?(line) } if new_bt.empty? new_bt = self.dup if new_bt.empty? end protected def filter_out?(line) line.rindex(ASSERT_DIR, 0) end end # Result classes... class Base attr_reader :test, :message, :backtrace def initialize(test, message, backtrace=nil) @test = test @backtrace = @message = message && !message.empty? ? message : nil end Assert::Result.types.keys.each do |meth| define_method("#{meth}?") { false } end def test_name end def to_sym; nil; end def to_s [ "#{}: #{self.test_name}", self.message, self.trace ].compact.join("\n") end def name "" end def trace self.backtrace.filtered.first.to_s end def ==(other) self.class == other.class && self.message == other.message end def inspect "#<#{self.class} @message=#{self.message.inspect}>" end end class Pass < Base def pass?; true; end def to_sym; :pass; end def name "Pass" end end class Ignore < Base def ignore?; true; end def to_sym; :ignore; end def name "Ignore" end end # raised by the 'fail' context helper to break test execution # (if Test.halt_on_fail?) class TestFailure < RuntimeError; end class Fail < Base # fail results can be generated manually or by raising Assert::Result::TestFailure def initialize(test, message_or_exception, backtrace=nil) if message_or_exception.kind_of?(TestFailure) super(test, message_or_exception.message, message_or_exception.backtrace || []) elsif message_or_exception.kind_of?(Exception) raise ArgumentError, "generate fail results by raising Assert::Result::TestFailure" else super(test, message_or_exception, backtrace) end end def fail?; true; end def to_sym; :fail; end def name "Fail" end # override of the base, show the test's context info called_from def trace self.test.context_info.called_from || super end end # raised by the 'skip' context helper to break test execution class TestSkipped < RuntimeError; end class Skip < Base # skip results are generated by raising Assert::Result::TestSkipped def initialize(test, exception) if exception.kind_of?(TestSkipped) super(test, exception.message, exception.backtrace || []) else raise ArgumentError, "generate skip results by raising Assert::Result::TestSkipped" end end def skip?; true; end def to_sym; :skip; end def name "Skip" end end class Error < Base # error results are generated by raising exceptions in tests def initialize(test, exception) if exception.kind_of?(Exception) super(test, "#{exception.message} (#{})", exception.backtrace || []) else raise ArgumentError, "generate error results by raising an exception" end end def error?; true; end def to_sym; :error; end def name "Error" end # override of the base, always show the full unfiltered backtrace for errors def trace self.backtrace.to_s end end end