require 'java' require 'thread' require 'rubygems' gem 'slyphon-log4j', '= 1.2.15' gem 'slyphon-zookeeper_jar', '= 3.3.3' require 'log4j' require 'zookeeper_jar' # The low-level wrapper-specific methods for the Java lib, # subclassed by the top-level Zookeeper class class ZookeeperBase include Java include ZookeeperCommon include ZookeeperConstants include ZookeeperCallbacks include ZookeeperExceptions include ZookeeperACLs include ZookeeperStat JZK = org.apache.zookeeper JZKD = Code = JZK::KeeperException::Code ANY_VERSION = -1 DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 10_000 ZKRB_GLOBAL_CB_REQ = -1 unless defined?(ZKRB_GLOBAL_CB_REQ) JZKD::Stat.class_eval do MEMBERS = [:version, :czxid, :mzxid, :ctime, :mtime, :cversion, :aversion, :ephemeralOwner, :dataLength, :numChildren, :pzxid] def to_hash MEMBERS.inject({}) { |h,k| h[k] = __send__(k); h } end end JZKD::Id.class_eval do def to_hash { :scheme => getScheme, :id => getId } end end JZKD::ACL.class_eval do def self.from_ruby_acl(acl) raise TypeError, "acl must be a ZookeeperACLs::ACL not #{acl.inspect}" unless acl.kind_of?(ZookeeperACLs::ACL) id =, new(acl.perms.to_i, id) end def to_hash { :perms => getPerms, :id => getId.to_hash } end end JZK::WatchedEvent.class_eval do def to_hash { :type => getType.getIntValue, :state => getState.getIntValue, :path => getPath } end end class QueueWithPipe attr_writer :clear_reads_on_pop def initialize r, w = IO.pipe @pipe = { :read => r, :write => w } @queue = # with the EventMachine client, we want to let EM handle clearing the # event pipe, so we set this to false @clear_reads_on_pop = true end def push(obj) rv = @queue.push(obj) @pipe[:write].write('0') logger.debug { "pushed #{obj.inspect} onto queue and wrote to pipe" } rv end def pop(non_blocking=false) rv = @queue.pop(non_blocking) # if non_blocking is true and an exception is raised, this won't get called @pipe[:read].read(1) if clear_reads_on_pop? rv end def close @pipe.values.each { |io| io.close unless io.closed? } end def selectable_io @pipe[:read] end private def clear_reads_on_pop? @clear_reads_on_pop end def logger Zookeeper.logger end end # used for internal dispatching module JavaCB #:nodoc: class Callback attr_reader :req_id def initialize(req_id) @req_id = req_id end protected def logger Zookeeper.logger end end class DataCallback < Callback include JZK::AsyncCallback::DataCallback def processResult(rc, path, queue, data, stat) logger.debug { "#{}#processResult rc: #{rc}, req_id: #{req_id}, path: #{path}, queue: #{queue.inspect}, data: #{data.inspect}, stat: #{stat.inspect}" } hash = { :rc => rc, :req_id => req_id, :path => path, :data => (data && String.from_java_bytes(data)), :stat => (stat && stat.to_hash), } # if rc == Zookeeper::ZOK # hash.merge!({ # :data => String.from_java_bytes(data), # :stat => stat.to_hash, # }) # end queue.push(hash) end end class StringCallback < Callback include JZK::AsyncCallback::StringCallback def processResult(rc, path, queue, str) logger.debug { "#{}#processResult rc: #{rc}, req_id: #{req_id}, path: #{path}, queue: #{queue.inspect}, str: #{str.inspect}" } queue.push(:rc => rc, :req_id => req_id, :path => path, :string => str) end end class StatCallback < Callback include JZK::AsyncCallback::StatCallback def processResult(rc, path, queue, stat) logger.debug { "#{}#processResult rc: #{rc.inspect}, req_id: #{req_id}, path: #{path.inspect}, queue: #{queue.inspect}, stat: #{stat.inspect}" } queue.push(:rc => rc, :req_id => req_id, :stat => (stat and stat.to_hash), :path => path) end end class Children2Callback < Callback include JZK::AsyncCallback::Children2Callback def processResult(rc, path, queue, children, stat) logger.debug { "#{}#processResult rc: #{rc}, req_id: #{req_id}, path: #{path}, queue: #{queue.inspect}, children: #{children.inspect}, stat: #{stat.inspect}" } hash = { :rc => rc, :req_id => req_id, :path => path, :strings => (children && children.to_a), :stat => (stat and stat.to_hash), } queue.push(hash) end end class ACLCallback < Callback include JZK::AsyncCallback::ACLCallback def processResult(rc, path, queue, acl, stat) logger.debug { "ACLCallback#processResult rc: #{rc.inspect}, req_id: #{req_id}, path: #{path.inspect}, queue: #{queue.inspect}, acl: #{acl.inspect}, stat: #{stat.inspect}" } a = Array(acl).map { |a| a.to_hash } queue.push(:rc => rc, :req_id => req_id, :path => path, :acl => a, :stat => (stat && stat.to_hash)) end end class VoidCallback < Callback include JZK::AsyncCallback::VoidCallback def processResult(rc, path, queue) logger.debug { "#{}#processResult rc: #{rc}, req_id: #{req_id}, queue: #{queue.inspect}" } queue.push(:rc => rc, :req_id => req_id, :path => path) end end class WatcherCallback < Callback include JZK::Watcher def initialize(event_queue) @event_queue = event_queue super(ZookeeperBase::ZKRB_GLOBAL_CB_REQ) end def process(event) logger.debug { "WatcherCallback got event: #{event.to_hash.inspect}" } hash = event.to_hash.merge(:req_id => req_id) @event_queue.push(hash) end end end def reopen(timeout=10, watcher=nil) watcher ||= @default_watcher @req_mutex.synchronize do # flushes all outstanding watcher reqs. @watcher_req = {} set_default_global_watcher(&watcher) end @start_stop_mutex.synchronize do @jzk =, DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT, if timeout > 0 time_to_stop = + timeout until connected? break if > time_to_stop sleep 0.1 end end end state end def initialize(host, timeout=10, watcher=nil, options={}) @host = host @event_queue = @current_req_id = 0 @req_mutex = @watcher_reqs = {} @completion_reqs = {} @_running = nil @_closed = false @options = {} @start_stop_mutex = watcher ||= get_default_global_watcher # allows connected-state handlers to be registered before yield self if block_given? reopen(timeout, watcher) return nil unless connected? @_running = true setup_dispatch_thread! end def state @jzk.state end def connected? state == JZK::ZooKeeper::States::CONNECTED end def connecting? state == JZK::ZooKeeper::States::CONNECTING end def associating? state == JZK::ZooKeeper::States::ASSOCIATING end def running? @_running end def closed? @_closed end def self.set_debug_level(*a) # IGNORED IN JRUBY end def set_debug_level(*a) # IGNORED IN JRUBY end def get(req_id, path, callback, watcher) handle_keeper_exception do watch_cb = watcher ? create_watcher(req_id, path) : false if callback @jzk.getData(path, watch_cb,, @event_queue) [Code::Ok, nil, nil] # the 'nil, nil' isn't strictly necessary here else # sync stat = data = String.from_java_bytes(@jzk.getData(path, watch_cb, stat)) [Code::Ok, data, stat.to_hash] end end end def set(req_id, path, data, callback, version) handle_keeper_exception do version ||= ANY_VERSION if callback @jzk.setData(path, data.to_java_bytes, version,, @event_queue) [Code::Ok, nil] else stat = @jzk.setData(path, data.to_java_bytes, version).to_hash [Code::Ok, stat] end end end def get_children(req_id, path, callback, watcher) handle_keeper_exception do watch_cb = watcher ? create_watcher(req_id, path) : false if callback @jzk.getChildren(path, watch_cb,, @event_queue) [Code::Ok, nil, nil] else stat = children = @jzk.getChildren(path, watch_cb, stat) [Code::Ok, children.to_a, stat.to_hash] end end end def create(req_id, path, data, callback, acl, flags) handle_keeper_exception do acl = Array(acl).map{ |a| JZKD::ACL.from_ruby_acl(a) } mode = JZK::CreateMode.fromFlag(flags) data ||= '' if callback @jzk.create(path, data.to_java_bytes, acl, mode,, @event_queue) [Code::Ok, nil] else new_path = @jzk.create(path, data.to_java_bytes, acl, mode) [Code::Ok, new_path] end end end def delete(req_id, path, version, callback) handle_keeper_exception do if callback @jzk.delete(path, version,, @event_queue) else @jzk.delete(path, version) end Code::Ok end end def set_acl(req_id, path, acl, callback, version) handle_keeper_exception do logger.debug { "set_acl: acl #{acl.inspect}" } acl = Array(acl) { |a| JZKD::ACL.from_ruby_acl(a) } logger.debug { "set_acl: converted #{acl.inspect}" } if callback @jzk.setACL(path, acl, version,, @event_queue) else @jzk.setACL(path, acl, version) end Code::Ok end end def exists(req_id, path, callback, watcher) handle_keeper_exception do watch_cb = watcher ? create_watcher(req_id, path) : false if callback @jzk.exists(path, watch_cb,, @event_queue) [Code::Ok, nil, nil] else stat = @jzk.exists(path, watch_cb) [Code::Ok, (stat and stat.to_hash)] end end end def get_acl(req_id, path, callback) handle_keeper_exception do stat = if callback logger.debug { "calling getACL, path: #{path.inspect}, stat: #{stat.inspect}" } @jzk.getACL(path, stat,, @event_queue) [Code::Ok, nil, nil] else acls = @jzk.getACL(path, stat).map { |a| a.to_hash } [Code::Ok, Array(acls).map{|m| m.to_hash}, stat.to_hash] end end end def assert_open # XXX don't know how to check for valid session state! raise ZookeeperException::NotConnected unless connected? end KILL_TOKEN = :__kill_token__ class DispatchShutdownException < StandardError; end def wake_event_loop! @event_queue.push(KILL_TOKEN) # ignored by dispatch_next_callback end def close @req_mutex.synchronize do @_running = false if @_running end # XXX: why is wake_event_loop! here? if @dispatcher wake_event_loop! @dispatcher.join end unless @_closed @start_stop_mutex.synchronize do @_closed = true close_handle end @event_queue.close end end def close_handle if @jzk @jzk.close wait_until { !connected? } end end # set the watcher object/proc that will receive all global events (such as session/state events) #--- # XXX: this code needs to be duplicated from ext/zookeeper_base.rb because # it's called from the initializer, and because of the C impl. we can't have # the two decend from a common base, and a module wouldn't work def set_default_global_watcher(&block) @req_mutex.synchronize do @default_watcher = block @watcher_reqs[ZKRB_GLOBAL_CB_REQ] = { :watcher => @default_watcher, :watcher_context => nil } end end # by accessing this selectable_io you indicate that you intend to clear it # when you have delivered an event by reading one byte per event. # def selectable_io @event_queue.clear_reads_on_pop = false @event_queue.selectable_io end def get_next_event(blocking=true) @event_queue.pop(!blocking).tap do |event| logger.debug { "get_next_event delivering event: #{event.inspect}" } raise DispatchShutdownException if event == KILL_TOKEN end rescue ThreadError nil end protected def handle_keeper_exception yield rescue JZK::KeeperException => e e.cause.code.intValue end def call_type(callback, watcher) if callback watcher ? :async_watch : :async else watcher ? :sync_watch : :sync end end def create_watcher(req_id, path) logger.debug { "creating watcher for req_id: #{req_id} path: #{path}" } lambda do |event| logger.debug { "watcher for req_id #{req_id}, path: #{path} called back" } h = { :req_id => req_id, :type => event.type.int_value, :state => event.state.int_value, :path => path } @event_queue.push(h) end end # method to wait until block passed returns true or timeout (default is 10 seconds) is reached def wait_until(timeout=10, &block) time_to_stop = + timeout until yield do break if > time_to_stop sleep 0.1 end end # TODO: Make all global puts configurable def get_default_global_watcher { |args| logger.debug { "Ruby ZK Global CB called type=#{event_by_value(args[:type])} state=#{state_by_value(args[:state])}" } true } end def setup_dispatch_thread! logger.debug { "starting dispatch thread" } @dispatcher = do while running? begin dispatch_next_callback rescue DispatchShutdownException { "dispatch thread exiting, got shutdown exception" } break rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts ["#{e.class}: #{e.message}", { |n| "\t#{n}" }.join("\n")].join("\n") end end end end end