# Copyright (C) 2013, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) $stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = Thread.abort_on_exception = true $-w = true if RUBY_VERSION.to_f >= 2.0 require 'thread' require 'fileutils' def rubyv puts RUBY_DESCRIPTION end # Global Test Lock, to protect: # Process.wait*, Dir.chdir, ENV, trap, require, etc... GTL = Mutex.new # fork-aware coverage data gatherer, see also test/covshow.rb if ENV["COVERAGE"] require "coverage" COVMATCH = %r{(/lib/yahns\b|extras/).*rb\z} COVDUMPFILE = File.expand_path("coverage.dump") def __covmerge res = Coverage.result # do not create the file, Makefile does this before any tests run File.open(COVDUMPFILE, IO::RDWR) do |covtmp| covtmp.binmode covtmp.sync = true # we own this file (at least until somebody tries to use NFS :x) covtmp.flock(File::LOCK_EX) prev = covtmp.read prev = prev.empty? ? {} : Marshal.load(prev) res.each do |filename, counts| # filter out stuff that's not in our project COVMATCH =~ filename or next merge = prev[filename] || [] merge = merge counts.each_with_index do |count, i| count or next merge[i] = (merge[i] || 0) + count end prev[filename] = merge end covtmp.rewind covtmp.truncate(0) covtmp.write(Marshal.dump(prev)) covtmp.flock(File::LOCK_UN) end end Coverage.start # we need to nest at_exit to fire after minitest runs at_exit { at_exit { __covmerge } } end gem 'minitest' begin # favor minitest 5 require 'minitest' Testcase = Minitest::Test mtobj = Minitest rescue NameError, LoadError # but support minitest 4 require 'minitest/unit' Testcase = Minitest::Unit::TestCase mtobj = MiniTest::Unit.new end # Not using minitest/autorun because that doesn't guard against redundant # extra runs with fork. We cannot use exit! in the tests either # (since users/apps hosted on yahns _should_ expect exit, not exit!). TSTART_PID = $$ at_exit do # skipping @@after_run stuff in minitest since we don't need it case $! when nil, SystemExit exit(mtobj.run(ARGV)) if $$ == TSTART_PID end end require "tempfile" require 'tmpdir' class Dir def Dir.mktmpdir begin d = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#$$.#{rand}" Dir.mkdir(d) rescue Errno::EEXIST end while true return d unless block_given? begin yield d ensure FileUtils.remove_entry(d) end end end unless Dir.respond_to?(:mktmpdir) def tmpfile(*args) tmp = Tempfile.new(*args) tmp.sync = true tmp.binmode tmp end require 'io/wait' # needed for Rubinius 2.0.0, we only use IO#nread in tests class IO # this ignores buffers def nread buf = "\0" * 8 ioctl(0x541B, buf) buf.unpack("l_")[0] end end if ! IO.method_defined?(:nread) && RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ def cloexec_pipe IO.pipe.each { |io| io.close_on_exec = true } end require 'yahns' # needed for parallel (MT) tests) require 'yahns/rack'