=== Travis Build Status
=== Synopsis
transitions is a ruby state machine implementation.
=== Installation
==== Rails
This goes into your Gemfile:
gem "transitions", :require => ["transitions", "active_model/transitions"]
… and this into your ORM model:
include ActiveModel::Transitions
==== Standalone
gem install transitions
=== Using transitions
class Product
include ActiveModel::Transitions
state_machine do
state :available # first one is initial state
state :out_of_stock, :exit => :exit_out_of_stock
state :discontinued, :enter => lambda { |product| product.cancel_orders }
event :discontinued do
transitions :to => :discontinued, :from => [:available, :out_of_stock], :on_transition => :do_discontinue
event :out_of_stock do
transitions :to => :out_of_stock, :from => [:available, :discontinued]
event :available do
transitions :to => :available, :from => [:out_of_stock], :guard => lambda { |product| product.in_stock > 0 }
In this example we assume that you are in a rails project using Bundler, which would automitcally require `transitions`.
If this is not the case for you you have to add
require 'transitions'
whereever you load your dependencies in your application.
Known limitations:
* You can only use one state machine per model. While in theory you can define two or more, this won't work as you would expect. Not supporting this was intentional, if you're interested in the ratione look up version 1.0.0 in the CHANGELOG.
* Use symbols, not strings for declaring the state machine. Using strings is *not* supported as is using whitespace in names (because `transitions` possibly generates methods out of this).
=== Features
==== Getting and setting the current state
Use the (surprise ahead) `current_state` method - in case you didn't set a state explicitly you'll get back the state that you defined as initial state.
>> Product.new.current_state
=> :available
You can also set a new state explicitly via `update_current_state(new_state, persist = true / false)` but you should never do this unless you really know what you're doing and why - rather use events / state transitions (see below).
==== Events
When you declare an event, say discontinue, three methods are declared for
you: discontinue, discontinue! and can_discontinue?. The first two events will modify the state attribute on successful transition,
but only the bang(!)-version will call save!. The can_discontinue? method will
not modify state but instead returns a boolean letting you know if a given transition is possible.
==== Automatic scope generation
transitions will automatically generate scopes for you if you are using ActiveRecord and tell it to do so via the auto_scopes option:
Given a model like this:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
include ActiveModel::Transitions
state_machine :auto_scopes => true do
state :pick_line_items
state :picking_line_items
you can use this feature a la:
>> Order.pick_line_items
=> []
>> Order.create!
=> #
>> Order.pick_line_items
=> [#]
==== Using on_transition
Each event definition takes an optional "on_transition" argument, which allows you to execute methods on transition.
You can pass in a Symbol, a String, a Proc or an Array containing method names as Symbol or String like this:
event :discontinue do
transitions :to => :discontinued, :from => [:available, :out_of_stock], :on_transition => [:do_discontinue, :notify_clerk]
==== Using success
In case you need to trigger a method call after a successful transition you can use success:
event :discontinue, :success => :notfiy_admin do
transitions :to => :discontinued, :from => [:available, :out_of_stock]
In addition to just specify the method name on the record as a symbol you can pass a lambda to
perfom some more complex success callbacks:
event :discontinue, :success => lambda { |order| AdminNotifier.notify_about_discontinued_order(order) } do
transitions :to => :discontinued, :from => [:available, :out_of_stock]
==== Timestamps
If you'd like to note the time of a state change, Transitions comes with timestamps free!
To activate them, simply pass the :timestamp option to the event definition with a value of either true or
the name of the timestamp column.
*NOTE - This should be either true, a String or a Symbol*
# This will look for an attribute called exploded_at or exploded_on (in that order)
# If present, it will be updated
event :explode, :timestamp => true do
transitions :from => :complete, :to => :exploded
# This will look for an attribute named repaired_on to update upon save
event :rebuild, :timestamp => :repaired_on do
transitions :from => :exploded, :to => :rebuilt
==== Using event_fired and event_failed
In case you define `event_fired` and / or `event_failed`, `transitions` will use those callbacks correspondingly.
You can use those callbacks like this:
def event_fired(current_state, new_state, event)
MyLogger.info "Event fired #{event.inspect}"
def event_failed(event)
MyLogger.warn "Event failed #{event.inspect}"
==== Listing all the available states
You can easily get a listing of all available states:
Order.available_states # Uses the default state machine
# => [:pick_line_items, :picking_line_items]
==== Explicitly setting the initial state with the initial option
state_machine :initial => :closed do
state :open
state :closed
=== Documentation, Guides & Examples
- {Online API Documentation}[http://rdoc.info/github/troessner/transitions/master/Transitions]
=== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Jakub Kuźma, Timo Rößner. See LICENSE for details.