require 'sqlite3' class CodeRunner::Budget # Initialize the sqlite database that stores the user # choices for external_account and sub_account def self.init_sqlite(folder) require 'sqlite3' FileUtils.makedirs(folder + '/sqlite') Dir.chdir(folder + '/sqlite') do db = sqlitedb(Dir.pwd) _rows = db.execute <<-SQL create table external_accounts ( eid INTEGER primary key, external_account text ); SQL _rows = db.execute <<-SQL create table sub_accounts ( sid INTEGER primary key, sub_account text, eid INTEGER, foreign key (eid) references external_accounts (eid) ); SQL _rows = db.execute <<-SQL create table choices ( id INTEGER primary key, signature text, sid INTEGER, foreign key (sid) references sub_accounts (sid) ); SQL end end DATABASES={} def self.sqlitedb(folder) DATABASES[folder] ||= folder + "/treasurer.db" end def sqlitedb self.class.sqlitedb(@runner.root_folder + '/sqlite') end # Get stored choices from the old flat files def get_old_choices chosen = false Hash.phoenix(@runner.root_folder + '/account_choices.rb') do |choices_hash| if choices_hash[signature] chosen = choices_hash[signature] elsif choices_hash[data_line] #choices_hash[data_line][:external_account] = #choices_hash[data_line][:external_account].to_sym #fixes earlier bug #choices_hash[data_line][:sub_account] = #choices_hash[data_line][:sub_account].to_sym #fixes earlier bug chosen = choices_hash[data_line] choices_hash[signature] = choices_hash[data_line] choices_hash.delete(data_line) elsif choices_hash[old_data_line] chosen = choices_hash[old_data_line] choices_hash[signature] = choices_hash[old_data_line] end end if chosen puts "ADDING TO DB" add_sqlite_choices(chosen) end chosen||{} end def sqlite_eid(account_spec) eid = nil until eid rows = sqlitedb.execute( 'SELECT (eid) ' + 'FROM external_accounts ' + 'WHERE external_account = ? ', account_spec[:external_account].inspect ) pp 'ROWSSS', rows if rows.size < 1 sqlitedb.execute( 'INSERT INTO external_accounts ' + '(external_account) VALUES (?)', account_spec[:external_account].inspect ) elsif rows.size > 1 raise "Duplicate external_accounts" else eid=rows[0][0] raise"Bad eid: #{eid.inspect}") unless eid.kind_of? Integer end end eid end def sqlite_sid(account_spec) eid = sqlite_eid(account_spec) sid = nil until sid rows = sqlitedb.execute( 'SELECT (sid) ' + 'FROM sub_accounts ' + 'WHERE sub_account = ? AND eid= ?', [account_spec[:sub_account].inspect, eid] ) pp 'ROWSSS', rows if rows.size < 1 sqlitedb.execute( 'INSERT INTO sub_accounts ' + '(sub_account, eid) VALUES (?, ?)', [account_spec[:sub_account].inspect, eid] ) elsif rows.size > 1 raise "Duplicate sub_accounts" else sid=rows[0][0] raise"Bad sid: #{sid.inspect}") unless sid.kind_of? Integer end end sid end def add_sqlite_choices(chosen) sid = sqlite_sid(chosen) sqlitedb.execute( 'INSERT INTO choices' + '(signature, sid) VALUES (?, ?)', [signature.inspect, sid] ) end # Get stored choices from the sqlite database def get_sqlite_choices rows = sqlitedb.execute( 'SELECT external_account, sub_account ' + 'FROM choices ' + 'LEFT JOIN sub_accounts ON ' + 'sub_accounts.sid = choices.sid ' + 'LEFT JOIN external_accounts ON ' + 'external_accounts.eid = sub_accounts.eid ' + 'WHERE signature = ?', signature.inspect ) #pp "RRRRROOO", rows if rows.size == 1 return { external_account: eval(rows[0][0]), sub_account: eval(rows[0][1]), } elsif rows.size > 1 raise "Duplicate signatures in sqlitedb" else return {} end end # Get new choices from the user interactively. def get_new_choices ext_account = nil chosen = false transactions = runner.component_run_list.values.sort_by{|r|} idx = transactions.index(self) ff ={|float| float ? sprintf("%8.2f", float) : " "*8} format ={|runs|{|r| #begin sprintf("%70s %s %8s %8s %8s %-12s", r.description[0,70],,,,, r.account) #rescue #p r #p r.data_line #exit #end }.join("\n")} format_choices ={|chs|{|k,v| Terminal::LIGHT_GREEN + k + ":" + Terminal.default_colour + v}.join(" ")} Dir.chdir(@runner.root_folder) do sym = nil print_transactions = do puts[idx-30, 0].max, 30)) puts Terminal::LIGHT_GREEN +[transactions[idx]]) + "<-----" + Terminal.default_colour sz = transactions.size puts[idx+1, sz-1].min, 10)) end while not chosen Hash.phoenix('external_accounts.rb') do |account_hash| #account_hash.each{|k,v| v[:name] = v[:name].to_sym} #Fixes an earlier bug #choices ={|i| [i,account_arr[i][:name]]} choices ={|k,v| [v[:sym], k]}.to_h choices["-"] = "Transfer" puts Terminal.default_colour #format ={|runs|{|r|{|d| d.to_s}.join(",")}.join("\n")} puts puts puts puts "Please choose from the above external accounts for this transaction." + "If you wish to add a new account type 0. To quit type q. " + "To start again for this transaction, type z. To mark it as transfer between" + "two non-external accounts, press -." while not chosen require 'io/console' choice = STDIN.getch if choice == "q" throw :quit_data_entry elsif choice == "0" puts "Please type the name of the new account" name = STDIN.gets.chomp.to_sym puts "Please enter a symbol to represent this account (e.g. digit, letter, punctuation)." sym = false until sym sym = STDIN.getch if choices.keys.include? sym puts "This symbol is taken" sym = false end end account_hash[name] = {name: name, sym: sym, sub_accounts: {}} #choices_hash[@id] = name chosen = name elsif choice == "z" chosen = false break elsif choice == "-" ext_account = "Transfer" chosen = "Transfer" break elsif not choices.keys.include? choice puts "Error: this symbol does not correspond to an account" else chosen = choices[choice] #account_hash[choice][:name] end end #Hash.phoenix('account_choices.rb') do |choices_hash| #choices_hash[data_line] = {external_account: chosen} #end end next if not chosen if ext_account and chosen break end ext_account = chosen chosen = false Hash.phoenix('external_accounts.rb') do |account_hash| #choices ={|i| [i,account_arr[i][:name]]} sub_accounts = account_hash[ext_account][:sub_accounts] sub_accounts.each{|k,v| v[:name] = v[:name].to_sym} #Fixes an earlier bug choices ={|k,v| [v[:sym], k]}.to_h #puts "-" * data_line.size puts puts puts puts "Please choose from the above sub-accounts for this transaction. " + "If you wish to add a new sub account, type 0. To quit, type q. " + "To start again for this transaction, type z" while not chosen require 'io/console' choice = STDIN.getch if choice == "q" throw :quit_data_entry elsif choice == "0" puts "Please type the name of the new sub account" name = STDIN.gets.chomp.to_sym puts "Please enter a symbol to represent this account (e.g. digit, letter, punctuation)." sym = false until sym sym = STDIN.getch if choices.keys.include? sym puts "This symbol is taken" sym = false end end sub_accounts[name] = {name: name, sym: sym} #choices_hash[@id] = name chosen = name elsif choice == "z" chosen = false ext_account = nil break elsif not choices.keys.include? choice puts "Error: this symbol does not correspond to a sub-account" else chosen = choices[choice] #sub_accounts[choice][:name] end end end next if not chosen #Hash.phoenix('account_choices.rb') do |choices_hash| #choices_hash[signature] = {external_account: ext_account, sub_account: chosen} #end end #while not chosen add_sqlite_choices({external_account: ext_account, sub_account: chosen}) end {external_account: ext_account, sub_account: chosen} end # All transactions occur between two accounts. # One of those accounts is always physical (e.g. bank account, loan, credit card) # and the other can be either physical or a virtual account of the users choice, # e.g. Food or Petrol or Energy, or maybe WeeklyBudget and LongTermBudget etc. def external_account unless @runner raise "No runner for " + data_line end if not @external_account @external_account = ( (ch = get_sqlite_choices)[:external_account] or (ch = get_old_choices)[:external_account] or (ch = get_new_choices)[:external_account] ) @sub_account = ch[:sub_account] #if not @external_account #raise "No external account for #{data_line}" #end end return @external_account end # All transactions have a subaccount. For transactions between # physical accounts this will almost always be just 'Transfer' # or similar, but virtual accounts will have more meaningful # sub_accounts, e.g. Food might have Groceries, EatingOut # or WeeklyBudget might have Transport, Food, Clothes... depending # on the users preferred way of organising things. # The sub_accounts are primarily a labelling exercise, but done # well can be very helpful in showing a breakdown of expenditure. def sub_account return @sub_account if @sub_account puts "SIGNATURE ", signature.inspect Dir.chdir(@runner.root_folder) do external_account until ( choices = nil Hash.phoenix('account_choices.rb'){|choices_hash| choices = choices_hash[signature]} #p [choices, data_line] choices ) and choices[:sub_account] @sub_account = choices[:sub_account] end end end