module MotionPrime class ViewStyler attr_reader :view, :options def initialize(view, bounds = CGRectZero, options = {}) @options = Styles.extend_and_normalize_options options @view = view calculate_frame_for(bounds) if @options.delete(:calculate_frame) end def apply convert_primitives_to_objects(options) setValuesForKeysWithDictionary(options) end def convert_primitives_to_objects(options) options.each do |k,v| options[k] = STRUCTS_MAP[v.class].call(v) if STRUCTS_MAP.has_key?(v.class) end end def calculate_frame_for(bounds) width = options.delete(:width) height = options.delete(:height) top = options.delete(:top) right = options.delete(:right) bottom = options.delete(:bottom) left = options.delete(:left) value_type = options.delete(:value_type).to_s # absolute/relative if options[:height_to_fit].present? && height.nil? && (top.nil? || bottom.nil?) height = options[:height_to_fit] end if width.nil? && height.nil? && right.nil? && bottom.nil? options[:frame] = bounds else frame = CGRectZero max_width = bounds.size.width max_height = bounds.size.height width = 0.0 if width.nil? height = 0.0 if height.nil? # calculate left and right if width is relative, e.g 0.7 if width && width > 0 && width <= 1 && value_type != 'absolute' if right.nil? left ||= 0 right = max_width - max_width * width else left = max_width - max_width * width end end # calculate top and bottom if height is relative, e.g 0.7 if height && height > 0 && height <= 1 && value_type != 'absolute' if bottom.nil? top ||= 0 bottom = max_height - max_height * height else top = max_height - max_height * height end end mask = UIViewAutoresizingNone mask |= UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin if top.nil? mask |= UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin if left.nil? mask |= UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin if bottom.nil? mask |= UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin if right.nil? mask |= UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth if !left.nil? && !right.nil? mask |= UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight if !top.nil? && !bottom.nil? if !left.nil? && !right.nil? frame.origin.x = left frame.size.width = max_width - left - right elsif !right.nil? frame.origin.x = max_width - width - right frame.size.width = width elsif !left.nil? frame.origin.x = left frame.size.width = width else frame.origin.x = max_width / 2 - width / 2 frame.size.width = width end if !top.nil? && !bottom.nil? frame.origin.y = top frame.size.height = max_height - top - bottom elsif !bottom.nil? frame.origin.y = max_height - height - bottom frame.size.height = height elsif !top.nil? frame.origin.y = top frame.size.height = height else frame.origin.y = max_height / 2 - height / 2 frame.size.height = height end options[:frame] = frame options[:autoresizingMask] = mask end end def setValue(value, forUndefinedKey: key) # return if value.nil? # ignore options return if key == 'size_to_fit' && view.is_a?(UILabel) return if (key == 'url' || key == 'default') && view.is_a?(UIImageView) return if %w[max_width min_width height_to_fit container].include? key.to_s # apply options if key.end_with?('title_color') view.setTitleColor value.uicolor, forState: UIControlStateNormal elsif key.end_with?('alignment') && value.is_a?(Symbol) view.setValue value.uitextalignment, forKey: key.camelize elsif key.end_with?('line_break_mode') && value.is_a?(Symbol) view.setValue value.uilinebreakmode, forKey: key.camelize elsif key.end_with?('title_shadow_color') view.setTitleShadowColor value.uicolor, forState: UIControlStateNormal elsif key.end_with?('color') color = value.try(:uicolor) color = color.cgcolor if view.is_a?(CALayer) view.send :"#{key.camelize(:lower)}=", color elsif key.end_with?('background_image') if view.is_a?(UIButton) view.setBackgroundImage value.uiimage, forState: UIControlStateNormal elsif view.is_a?(UISearchBar) && key == 'search_field_background_image' view.setSearchFieldBackgroundImage value.uiimage, forState: UIControlStateNormal else view.setBackgroundColor value.uiimage.uicolor end elsif key.end_with?('background_view') if view.is_a?(UITableView) bg_view = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame(view.bounds) bg_view.backgroundColor = value[:color].uicolor view.backgroundView = bg_view else view.setValue value, forKey: key.camelize(:lower) end elsif key.end_with?('image') view.setValue value.uiimage, forKey: key.camelize elsif key.end_with?('_content_offset') current_inset = view.contentInset current_inset.send("#{key.partition('_').first}=", value) view.contentInset = current_inset elsif key == 'autocapitalization' view.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone if value === false elsif key == 'keyboard_type' view.setKeyboardType value.uikeyboardtype elsif key == 'mask' radius = value[:radius] bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, value[:width], value[:height]) mask_path = UIBezierPath.bezierPathWithRoundedRect(bounds, byRoundingCorners: UIRectCornerAllCorners, cornerRadii: CGSizeMake(radius, radius)) mask_layer = CAShapeLayer.layer mask_layer.frame = bounds mask_layer.path = mask_path.CGPath view.layer.mask = mask_layer # TODO: apply for corner_radius_top/bottom # CAShapeLayer *shape = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init]; # shape.path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.bounds.size.width, self.bounds.size.height) byRoundingCorners:UIRectCornerTopLeft|UIRectCornerTopRight cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(10, 10)].CGPath; # self.layer.mask = shape; # self.layer.masksToBounds = YES; elsif key == 'attributed_text_options' attributes = {} if line_spacing = value[:line_spacing] paragrahStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle.alloc.init paragrahStyle.setLineSpacing(line_spacing) attributes[NSParagraphStyleAttributeName] = paragrahStyle end attributedString = NSAttributedString.alloc.initWithString(value[:text], attributes: attributes) if underline_range = value[:underline] attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString.alloc.initWithAttributedString(attributedString) attributedString.addAttributes({NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName => NSUnderlineStyleSingle}, range: underline_range) end if view.is_a?(UIButton) view.setAttributedTitle attributedString, forState: UIControlStateNormal else view.attributedText = attributedString end elsif key == 'gradient' gradient = CAGradientLayer.layer gradient.frame = CGRectMake(value[:frame_x].to_f, value[:frame_y].to_f, value[:frame_width].to_f, value[:frame_height].to_f) gradient.colors = value[:colors].map(&:uicolor).map(&:cgcolor) gradient.locations = value[:locations] if value[:locations] view.layer.insertSublayer(gradient, atIndex: 0) elsif value.is_a?(Hash), nil, value).apply else view.setValue value, forKey: key.camelize(:lower) end end STRUCTS_MAP = { CGAffineTransform => {|v| NSValue.valueWithCGAffineTransform(v) }, CGPoint => {|v| NSValue.valueWithCGPoint(v) }, CGRect => {|v| NSValue.valueWithCGRect(v) }, CGSize => {|v| NSValue.valueWithCGSize(v) }, UIEdgeInsets => {|v| NSValue.valueWithUIEdgeInsets(v) }, UIOffset => {|v| NSValue.valueWithUIOffset(v) } } end end