require 'open3' module Executioner class ExecutionerError < StandardError; end class ProcessError < ExecutionerError; end class ExecutableNotFoundError < ExecutionerError; end SEARCH_PATHS = %w{ /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin } class << self attr_accessor :logger def included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods end end def execute(command, options={}) options[:switch_stdout_and_stderr] = false if options[:switch_stdout_and_stderr].nil? Executioner.logger.debug("Executing: `#{command}'") if Executioner.logger output = nil Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdout, stderr = stderr, stdout if options[:switch_stdout_and_stderr] output = stdout.gets(nil) if output.nil? && (error_message = stderr.gets(nil)) if error_message =~ /:in\s`exec':\s(.+)\s\(.+\)$/ error_message = $1 end raise ProcessError, "Command: \"#{command}\"\nOutput: \"#{error_message.chomp}\"" end end output end module_function :execute def concat_args(args) { |a,v| "-#{a} #{v}" }.join(' ') end def queue(command) @commands ||= [] @commands << command end def queued_commands @commands ? @commands.join(' && ') : '' end def execute_queued(options={}) execute(queued_commands, options) @commands = [] end module ClassMethods def executable(executable, options={}) options[:switch_stdout_and_stderr] = false if options[:switch_stdout_and_stderr].nil? options[:use_queue] = false if options[:use_queue].nil? executable = executable.to_s if executable.is_a? Symbol use_queue = options.delete(:use_queue) if selection_proc = options.delete(:select_if) advance_from = nil while executable_path = find_executable(executable, advance_from) break if advance_from = File.dirname(executable_path) end else executable_path = options[:path] || find_executable(executable) end if executable_path if use_queue body = "queue(\"#{executable_path} \#{args}\")" else body = "execute(\"#{executable_path} \#{args}\", #{options.inspect})" end else body = "raise Executioner::ExecutableNotFoundError, \"Unable to find the executable '#{executable}' in: #{Executioner::SEARCH_PATHS.join(', ')}\"" end class_eval "def #{executable.gsub(/-/, '_')}(args); #{body}; end", __FILE__, __LINE__ end def find_executable(executable, advance_from = nil) search_paths = Executioner::SEARCH_PATHS search_paths = search_paths[(search_paths.index(advance_from) + 1)..-1] if advance_from if executable_in_path = search_paths.find { |path| File.exist? File.join(path, executable) } File.join executable_in_path, executable end end module_function :find_executable end end