module Debugger class VarConstantCommand < Command # :nodoc: def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+c(?:onst(?:ant)?)?\s+/ end def execute obj = debug_eval(@match.post_match) unless obj.kind_of? Module print_msg "Should be Class/Module: %s", @match.post_match else print_variables(obj.constants, "constant") do |var| obj.const_get(var) end end end class << self def help_command 'var' end def help(cmd) %{ v[ar] c[onst] \t\tshow constants of object } end end end class VarGlobalCommand < Command # :nodoc: def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+g(?:lobal)?\s*$/ end def execute print_variables(global_variables, 'global') do |var| debug_eval(var) end end class << self def help_command 'var' end def help(cmd) %{ v[ar] g[lobal]\t\t\tshow global variables } end end end class VarInstanceCommand < Command # :nodoc: def regexp # id will be read as first match, name as post match /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+i(?:nstance)?\s+((?:[\\+-]0x)[\dabcdef]+)?/ end def execute if (@match[1]) obj = ObjectSpace._id2ref(@match[1].hex) rescue nil unless obj # TODO: ensure that empty variables frame will be printed @printer.print_msg("Unknown object id : %s", @match[1]) end else obj = debug_eval(@match.post_match) end return unless obj if ( == "Array") then print_array(obj) elsif ( == "Hash") then print_hash(obj) else b = obj.instance_eval{binding()} print_variables(obj.instance_variables, 'instance') do |var| debug_eval(var, b) end end end class << self def help_command 'var' end def help(cmd) %{ v[ar] i[nstance] \tshow instance variables of object, object can be given by its id or an expression } end end end class VarLocalCommand < Command # :nodoc: def regexp /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+l(?:ocal)?\s*$/ end def execute locals = @state.context.frame_locals(@state.frame_pos) _self = @state.context.frame_self(@state.frame_pos) locals['self'] = _self unless _self.to_s == "main" print_variables(locals.keys, 'local') do |var| locals[var] end end class << self def help_command 'var' end def help(cmd) %{ v[ar] l[ocal]\t\t\tshow local variables } end end end end