require "delayed_after_commit/version" module DelayedAfterCommit extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do def enqueue_delayed_method(method, id) # this is used as a generic method that is created to run asyncronously from within sidekiq # it finds the object, and runs the deferred method obj = self.find(id) obj.send(method) end def delayed_on_create(method, &block) delayed_after_commit(method, on: :create, &block) end def delayed_on_update(method, &block) delayed_after_commit(method, on: :update, &block) end protected def delayed_after_commit(method, on:, &block) # this creates a method that runs `enqueue_delayed_method` # it then adds that method to the after_commit callback delayed_method_name = "delayed_after_#{on}_#{method}" define_method(delayed_method_name) do |m = method| self.class.delay.enqueue_delayed_method(m, end self.after_commit(delayed_method_name.to_sym, on: on, &block) end end end