# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Auto-generated by gapic-generator-ruby. DO NOT EDIT!

require "google/cloud/errors"
require "google/cloud/channel/v1/service_pb"

module Google
  module Cloud
    module Channel
      module V1
        module CloudChannelService
          # Client for the CloudChannelService service.
          # CloudChannelService lets Google cloud resellers and distributors manage
          # their customers, channel partners, entitlements, and reports.
          # Using this service:
          # 1. Resellers and distributors can manage a customer entity.
          # 2. Distributors can register an authorized reseller in their channel and
          #    provide them with delegated admin access.
          # 3. Resellers and distributors can manage customer entitlements.
          # CloudChannelService exposes the following resources:
          # - {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer}s: An entity—usually an enterprise—managed by a reseller or
          # distributor.
          # - {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement Entitlement}s: An entity that provides a customer with the means to use
          # a service. Entitlements are created or updated as a result of a successful
          # fulfillment.
          # - {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink}s: An entity that identifies links between
          # distributors and their indirect resellers in a channel.
          class Client
            include Paths

            # @private
            attr_reader :cloud_channel_service_stub

            # Configure the CloudChannelService Client class.
            # See {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client::Configuration}
            # for a description of the configuration fields.
            # @example
            #   # Modify the configuration for all CloudChannelService clients
            #   ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.configure do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #   end
            # @yield [config] Configure the Client client.
            # @yieldparam config [Client::Configuration]
            # @return [Client::Configuration]
            def self.configure
              @configure ||= begin
                namespace = ["Google", "Cloud", "Channel", "V1"]
                parent_config = while namespace.any?
                                  parent_name = namespace.join "::"
                                  parent_const = const_get parent_name
                                  break parent_const.configure if parent_const.respond_to? :configure
                default_config = Client::Configuration.new parent_config

                default_config.timeout = 60.0
                default_config.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 1.0, max_delay: 10.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14]

                default_config.rpcs.provision_cloud_identity.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.create_entitlement.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.change_parameters.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.change_renewal_settings.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.change_offer.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.start_paid_service.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.suspend_entitlement.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.cancel_entitlement.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.activate_entitlement.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements.timeout = 60.0

                default_config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements_to_google.timeout = 60.0

              yield @configure if block_given?

            # Configure the CloudChannelService Client instance.
            # The configuration is set to the derived mode, meaning that values can be changed,
            # but structural changes (adding new fields, etc.) are not allowed. Structural changes
            # should be made on {Client.configure}.
            # See {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client::Configuration}
            # for a description of the configuration fields.
            # @yield [config] Configure the Client client.
            # @yieldparam config [Client::Configuration]
            # @return [Client::Configuration]
            def configure
              yield @config if block_given?

            # Create a new CloudChannelService client object.
            # @example
            #   # Create a client using the default configuration
            #   client = ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a client using a custom configuration
            #   client = ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #   end
            # @yield [config] Configure the CloudChannelService client.
            # @yieldparam config [Client::Configuration]
            def initialize
              # These require statements are intentionally placed here to initialize
              # the gRPC module only when it's required.
              # See https://github.com/googleapis/toolkit/issues/446
              require "gapic/grpc"
              require "google/cloud/channel/v1/service_services_pb"

              # Create the configuration object
              @config = Configuration.new Client.configure

              # Yield the configuration if needed
              yield @config if block_given?

              # Create credentials
              credentials = @config.credentials
              # Use self-signed JWT if the endpoint is unchanged from default,
              # but only if the default endpoint does not have a region prefix.
              enable_self_signed_jwt = @config.endpoint == Client.configure.endpoint &&
              credentials ||= Credentials.default scope: @config.scope,
                                                  enable_self_signed_jwt: enable_self_signed_jwt
              if credentials.is_a?(::String) || credentials.is_a?(::Hash)
                credentials = Credentials.new credentials, scope: @config.scope
              @quota_project_id = @config.quota_project
              @quota_project_id ||= credentials.quota_project_id if credentials.respond_to? :quota_project_id

              @operations_client = Operations.new do |config|
                config.credentials = credentials
                config.quota_project = @quota_project_id
                config.endpoint = @config.endpoint

              @cloud_channel_service_stub = ::Gapic::ServiceStub.new(
                credentials:  credentials,
                endpoint:     @config.endpoint,
                channel_args: @config.channel_args,
                interceptors: @config.interceptors

            # Get the associated client for long-running operations.
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Operations]
            attr_reader :operations_client

            # Service calls

            # List {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer}s.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # Return value:
            # List of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer}s, or an empty list if there are no customers.
            # @overload list_customers(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_customers` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomersRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomersRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_customers(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_customers` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller account to list customers from.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. The maximum number of customers to return. The service may return fewer
            #     than this value. If unspecified, returns at most 10 customers. The
            #     maximum value is 50.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token identifying a page of results other than the first page.
            #     Obtained through
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomersResponse#next_page_token ListCustomersResponse.next_page_token} of the previous
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#list_customers CloudChannelService.ListCustomers} call.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Optional. Filters applied to the [CloudChannelService.ListCustomers] results. See
            #     https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/concepts/google-cloud/filter-customers
            #     for more information.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomersRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_customers method.
            #   result = client.list_customers request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_customers request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomersRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_customers.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_customers.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_customers.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_customers, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_customers, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Returns the requested {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The customer resource doesn't exist. Usually the result of an
            # invalid name parameter.
            # Return value:
            # The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource.
            # @overload get_customer(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_customer` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_customer(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_customer` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the customer to retrieve.
            #     Name uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_customer method.
            #   result = client.get_customer request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer.
            #   p result
            def get_customer request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_customer.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_customer.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_customer.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :get_customer, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Confirms the existence of Cloud Identity accounts based on the domain and
            # if the Cloud Identity accounts are owned by the reseller.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * INVALID_VALUE: Invalid domain value in the request.
            # Return value:
            # A list of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudIdentityCustomerAccount CloudIdentityCustomerAccount} resources for the domain (may be
            # empty)
            # Note: in the v1alpha1 version of the API, a NOT_FOUND error returns if
            # no {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudIdentityCustomerAccount CloudIdentityCustomerAccount} resources match the domain.
            # @overload check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist(parent: nil, domain: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The reseller account's resource name.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}
            #   @param domain [::String]
            #     Required. Domain to fetch for Cloud Identity account customer.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest.new
            #   # Call the check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist method.
            #   result = client.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse.
            #   p result
            def check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a new {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource under the reseller or distributor
            # account.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT:
            #     * Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            #     * Domain field value doesn't match the primary email domain.
            # Return value:
            # The newly created {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource.
            # @overload create_customer(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_customer` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_customer(parent: nil, customer: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_customer` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of reseller account in which to create the customer.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}
            #   @param customer [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The customer to create.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_customer method.
            #   result = client.create_customer request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer.
            #   p result
            def create_customer request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_customer.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_customer.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_customer.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :create_customer, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates an existing {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource for the reseller or
            # distributor.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: No {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource found for the name in the request.
            # Return value:
            # The updated {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource.
            # @overload update_customer(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_customer` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_customer(customer: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_customer` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param customer [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer, ::Hash]
            #     Required. New contents of the customer.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     The update mask that applies to the resource.
            #     Optional.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_customer method.
            #   result = client.update_customer request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer.
            #   p result
            def update_customer request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_customer.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.customer&.name
                header_params["customer.name"] = request.customer.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_customer.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_customer.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :update_customer, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes the given {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} permanently.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The account making the request does not own
            # this customer.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * FAILED_PRECONDITION: The customer has existing entitlements.
            # * NOT_FOUND: No {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} resource found for the name in the request.
            # @overload delete_customer(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_customer` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_customer(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_customer` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the customer to delete.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_customer method.
            #   result = client.delete_customer request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_customer request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_customer.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_customer.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_customer.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_customer, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Imports a {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer} from the Cloud Identity associated with the provided
            # Cloud Identity ID or domain before a TransferEntitlements call. If a
            # linked Customer already exists and overwrite_if_exists is true, it will
            # update that Customer's data.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Cloud Identity doesn't exist or was deleted.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required parameters are missing, or the auth_token is
            # expired or invalid.
            # * ALREADY_EXISTS: A customer already exists and has conflicting critical
            # fields. Requires an overwrite.
            # Return value:
            # The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer Customer}.
            # @overload import_customer(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `import_customer` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ImportCustomerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ImportCustomerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload import_customer(domain: nil, cloud_identity_id: nil, parent: nil, auth_token: nil, overwrite_if_exists: nil, channel_partner_id: nil, customer: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `import_customer` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param domain [::String]
            #     Required. Customer domain.
            #   @param cloud_identity_id [::String]
            #     Required. Customer's Cloud Identity ID
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller's account.
            #     Parent takes the format: accounts/\\{account_id} or
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/\\{channel_partner_id}
            #   @param auth_token [::String]
            #     Optional. The super admin of the resold customer generates this token to
            #     authorize a reseller to access their Cloud Identity and purchase
            #     entitlements on their behalf. You can omit this token after authorization.
            #     See https://support.google.com/a/answer/7643790 for more details.
            #   @param overwrite_if_exists [::Boolean]
            #     Required. Choose to overwrite an existing customer if found.
            #     This must be set to true if there is an existing customer with a
            #     conflicting region code or domain.
            #   @param channel_partner_id [::String]
            #     Optional. Cloud Identity ID of a channel partner who will be the direct reseller for
            #     the customer's order. This field is required for 2-tier transfer scenarios
            #     and can be provided via the request Parent binding as well.
            #   @param customer [::String]
            #     Optional. Specifies the customer that will receive imported Cloud Identity
            #     information.
            #     Format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ImportCustomerRequest.new
            #   # Call the import_customer method.
            #   result = client.import_customer request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Customer.
            #   p result
            def import_customer request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ImportCustomerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.import_customer.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.import_customer.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.import_customer.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :import_customer, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a Cloud Identity for the given customer using the customer's
            # information, or the information provided here.
            # Possible error codes:
            # *  PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # *  INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # *  NOT_FOUND: The customer was not found.
            # *  ALREADY_EXISTS: The customer's primary email already exists. Retry
            #    after changing the customer's primary contact email.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata contains an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload provision_cloud_identity(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `provision_cloud_identity` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload provision_cloud_identity(customer: nil, cloud_identity_info: nil, user: nil, validate_only: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `provision_cloud_identity` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param customer [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the customer.
            #     Format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            #   @param cloud_identity_info [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudIdentityInfo, ::Hash]
            #     CloudIdentity-specific customer information.
            #   @param user [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::AdminUser, ::Hash]
            #     Admin user information.
            #   @param validate_only [::Boolean]
            #     Validate the request and preview the review, but do not post it.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest.new
            #   # Call the provision_cloud_identity method.
            #   result = client.provision_cloud_identity request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def provision_cloud_identity request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.provision_cloud_identity.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.customer
                header_params["customer"] = request.customer

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.provision_cloud_identity.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.provision_cloud_identity.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :provision_cloud_identity, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement Entitlement}s belonging to a customer.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # Return value:
            # A list of the customer's {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement Entitlement}s.
            # @overload list_entitlements(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_entitlements` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListEntitlementsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListEntitlementsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_entitlements(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_entitlements` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller's customer account to list
            #     entitlements for.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, return at most 50 entitlements.
            #     The maximum value is 100; the server will coerce values above 100.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #     Obtained using
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListEntitlementsResponse#next_page_token ListEntitlementsResponse.next_page_token} of the previous
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#list_entitlements CloudChannelService.ListEntitlements} call.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListEntitlementsRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_entitlements method.
            #   result = client.list_entitlements request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_entitlements request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListEntitlementsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_entitlements.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_entitlements.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_entitlements.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_entitlements, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_entitlements, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # List {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableSku TransferableSku}s of a customer based on the Cloud Identity ID or
            # Customer Name in the request.
            # Use this method to list the entitlements information of an
            # unowned customer. You should provide the customer's
            # Cloud Identity ID or Customer Name.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED:
            #     * The customer doesn't belong to the reseller and has no auth token.
            #     * The supplied auth token is invalid.
            #     * The reseller account making the request is different
            #     from the reseller account in the query.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # Return value:
            # A list of the customer's {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableSku TransferableSku}.
            # @overload list_transferable_skus(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_transferable_skus` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableSkusRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableSkusRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_transferable_skus(cloud_identity_id: nil, customer_name: nil, parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, auth_token: nil, language_code: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_transferable_skus` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param cloud_identity_id [::String]
            #     Customer's Cloud Identity ID
            #   @param customer_name [::String]
            #     A reseller is required to create a customer and use the resource name of
            #     the created customer here.
            #     Customer_name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The reseller account's resource name.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     The requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 100 SKUs.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #     Optional.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #     Obtained using
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableSkusResponse#next_page_token ListTransferableSkusResponse.next_page_token} of the previous
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#list_transferable_skus CloudChannelService.ListTransferableSkus} call.
            #     Optional.
            #   @param auth_token [::String]
            #     Optional. The super admin of the resold customer generates this token to
            #     authorize a reseller to access their Cloud Identity and purchase
            #     entitlements on their behalf. You can omit this token after authorization.
            #     See https://support.google.com/a/answer/7643790 for more details.
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     The BCP-47 language code. For example, "en-US". The
            #     response will localize in the corresponding language code, if specified.
            #     The default value is "en-US".
            #     Optional.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableSku>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableSku>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableSkusRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_transferable_skus method.
            #   result = client.list_transferable_skus request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableSku.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_transferable_skus request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableSkusRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_transferable_skus.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_transferable_skus.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_transferable_skus.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_transferable_skus, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_transferable_skus, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # List {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableOffer TransferableOffer}s of a customer based on Cloud Identity ID or
            # Customer Name in the request.
            # Use this method when a reseller gets the entitlement information of an
            # unowned customer. The reseller should provide the customer's
            # Cloud Identity ID or Customer Name.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED:
            #     * The customer doesn't belong to the reseller and has no auth token.
            #     * The customer provided incorrect reseller information when generating
            #     auth token.
            #     * The reseller account making the request is different
            #     from the reseller account in the query.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # Return value:
            # List of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableOffer TransferableOffer} for the given customer and SKU.
            # @overload list_transferable_offers(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_transferable_offers` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableOffersRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableOffersRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_transferable_offers(cloud_identity_id: nil, customer_name: nil, parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, sku: nil, language_code: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_transferable_offers` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param cloud_identity_id [::String]
            #     Customer's Cloud Identity ID
            #   @param customer_name [::String]
            #     A reseller should create a customer and use the resource name of
            #     that customer here.
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller's account.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 100 offers.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #     Obtained using
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableOffersResponse#next_page_token ListTransferableOffersResponse.next_page_token} of the previous
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#list_transferable_offers CloudChannelService.ListTransferableOffers} call.
            #   @param sku [::String]
            #     Required. The SKU to look up Offers for.
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     Optional. The BCP-47 language code. For example, "en-US". The
            #     response will localize in the corresponding language code, if specified.
            #     The default value is "en-US".
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableOffer>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableOffer>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableOffersRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_transferable_offers method.
            #   result = client.list_transferable_offers request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferableOffer.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_transferable_offers request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListTransferableOffersRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_transferable_offers.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_transferable_offers.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_transferable_offers.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_transferable_offers, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_transferable_offers, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Returns the requested {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement Entitlement} resource.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The customer entitlement was not found.
            # Return value:
            # The requested {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement Entitlement} resource.
            # @overload get_entitlement(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_entitlement` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetEntitlementRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetEntitlementRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_entitlement(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_entitlement` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the entitlement to retrieve.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetEntitlementRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_entitlement method.
            #   result = client.get_entitlement request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement.
            #   p result
            def get_entitlement request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetEntitlementRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_entitlement.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_entitlement.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_entitlement.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :get_entitlement, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates an entitlement for a customer.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT:
            #     * Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            #     * There is already a customer entitlement for a SKU from the same
            #     product family.
            # * INVALID_VALUE: Make sure the OfferId is valid. If it is, contact
            # Google Channel support for further troubleshooting.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The customer or offer resource was not found.
            # * ALREADY_EXISTS:
            #     * The SKU was already purchased for the customer.
            #     * The customer's primary email already exists. Retry
            #     after changing the customer's primary contact email.
            #     * The domain required for purchasing a SKU has not been verified.
            #     * A pre-requisite SKU required to purchase an Add-On SKU is missing.
            #     For example, Google Workspace Business Starter is required to purchase
            #     Vault or Drive.
            #     * (Developer accounts only) Reseller and resold domain must meet the
            #     following naming requirements:
            #         * Domain names must start with goog-test.
            #         * Domain names must include the reseller domain.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload create_entitlement(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_entitlement` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateEntitlementRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateEntitlementRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_entitlement(parent: nil, entitlement: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_entitlement` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller's customer account in which to create the
            #     entitlement.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            #   @param entitlement [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The entitlement to create.
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateEntitlementRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_entitlement method.
            #   result = client.create_entitlement request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def create_entitlement request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateEntitlementRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_entitlement.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_entitlement.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_entitlement.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :create_entitlement, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Change parameters of the entitlement.
            # An entitlement update is a long-running operation and it updates the
            # entitlement as a result of fulfillment.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # For example, the number of seats being changed is greater than the allowed
            # number of max seats, or decreasing seats for a commitment based plan.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Entitlement resource not found.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload change_parameters(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `change_parameters` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeParametersRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeParametersRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload change_parameters(name: nil, parameters: nil, request_id: nil, purchase_order_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `change_parameters` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The name of the entitlement to update.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            #   @param parameters [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Parameter, ::Hash>]
            #     Required. Entitlement parameters to update. You can only change editable parameters.
            #     To view the available Parameters for a request, refer to the
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer#parameter_definitions Offer.parameter_definitions} from the desired offer.
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            #   @param purchase_order_id [::String]
            #     Optional. Purchase order ID provided by the reseller.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeParametersRequest.new
            #   # Call the change_parameters method.
            #   result = client.change_parameters request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def change_parameters request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeParametersRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.change_parameters.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.change_parameters.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.change_parameters.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :change_parameters, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates the renewal settings for an existing customer entitlement.
            # An entitlement update is a long-running operation and it updates the
            # entitlement as a result of fulfillment.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Entitlement resource not found.
            # * NOT_COMMITMENT_PLAN: Renewal Settings are only applicable for a
            # commitment plan. Can't enable or disable renewals for non-commitment plans.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            #   Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload change_renewal_settings(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `change_renewal_settings` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeRenewalSettingsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeRenewalSettingsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload change_renewal_settings(name: nil, renewal_settings: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `change_renewal_settings` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The name of the entitlement to update.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            #   @param renewal_settings [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RenewalSettings, ::Hash]
            #     Required. New renewal settings.
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeRenewalSettingsRequest.new
            #   # Call the change_renewal_settings method.
            #   result = client.change_renewal_settings request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def change_renewal_settings request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeRenewalSettingsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.change_renewal_settings.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.change_renewal_settings.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.change_renewal_settings.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :change_renewal_settings, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates the Offer for an existing customer entitlement.
            # An entitlement update is a long-running operation and it updates the
            # entitlement as a result of fulfillment.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Offer or Entitlement resource not found.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload change_offer(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `change_offer` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeOfferRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeOfferRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload change_offer(name: nil, offer: nil, parameters: nil, purchase_order_id: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `change_offer` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the entitlement to update.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            #   @param offer [::String]
            #     Required. New Offer.
            #     Format: accounts/\\{account_id}/offers/\\{offer_id}.
            #   @param parameters [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Parameter, ::Hash>]
            #     Optional. Parameters needed to purchase the Offer. To view the available Parameters
            #     refer to the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer#parameter_definitions Offer.parameter_definitions} from the desired offer.
            #   @param purchase_order_id [::String]
            #     Optional. Purchase order id provided by the reseller.
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeOfferRequest.new
            #   # Call the change_offer method.
            #   result = client.change_offer request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def change_offer request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChangeOfferRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.change_offer.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.change_offer.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.change_offer.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :change_offer, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Starts paid service for a trial entitlement.
            # Starts paid service for a trial entitlement immediately. This method is
            # only applicable if a plan is set up for a trial entitlement but has some
            # trial days remaining.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Entitlement resource not found.
            # * FAILED_PRECONDITION/NOT_IN_TRIAL: This method only works for
            # entitlement on trial plans.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload start_paid_service(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `start_paid_service` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::StartPaidServiceRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::StartPaidServiceRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload start_paid_service(name: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `start_paid_service` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The name of the entitlement to start a paid service for.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::StartPaidServiceRequest.new
            #   # Call the start_paid_service method.
            #   result = client.start_paid_service request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def start_paid_service request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::StartPaidServiceRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.start_paid_service.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.start_paid_service.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.start_paid_service.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :start_paid_service, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Suspends a previously fulfilled entitlement.
            # An entitlement suspension is a long-running operation.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Entitlement resource not found.
            # * NOT_ACTIVE: Entitlement is not active.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload suspend_entitlement(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `suspend_entitlement` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::SuspendEntitlementRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::SuspendEntitlementRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload suspend_entitlement(name: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `suspend_entitlement` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the entitlement to suspend.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::SuspendEntitlementRequest.new
            #   # Call the suspend_entitlement method.
            #   result = client.suspend_entitlement request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def suspend_entitlement request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::SuspendEntitlementRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.suspend_entitlement.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.suspend_entitlement.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.suspend_entitlement.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :suspend_entitlement, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Cancels a previously fulfilled entitlement.
            # An entitlement cancellation is a long-running operation.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * FAILED_PRECONDITION: There are Google Cloud projects linked to the
            # Google Cloud entitlement's Cloud Billing subaccount.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Entitlement resource not found.
            # * DELETION_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED: Cancel is only allowed for Google Workspace
            # add-ons, or entitlements for Google Cloud's development platform.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The response will contain
            # google.protobuf.Empty on success. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload cancel_entitlement(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `cancel_entitlement` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CancelEntitlementRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CancelEntitlementRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload cancel_entitlement(name: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `cancel_entitlement` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the entitlement to cancel.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CancelEntitlementRequest.new
            #   # Call the cancel_entitlement method.
            #   result = client.cancel_entitlement request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def cancel_entitlement request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CancelEntitlementRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.cancel_entitlement.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.cancel_entitlement.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.cancel_entitlement.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :cancel_entitlement, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Activates a previously suspended entitlement. Entitlements suspended for
            # pending ToS acceptance can't be activated using this method.
            # An entitlement activation is a long-running operation and it updates
            # the state of the customer entitlement.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Entitlement resource not found.
            # * SUSPENSION_NOT_RESELLER_INITIATED: Can only activate reseller-initiated
            # suspensions and entitlements that have accepted the TOS.
            # * NOT_SUSPENDED: Can only activate suspended entitlements not in an ACTIVE
            # state.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload activate_entitlement(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `activate_entitlement` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ActivateEntitlementRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ActivateEntitlementRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload activate_entitlement(name: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `activate_entitlement` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the entitlement to activate.
            #     Name uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ActivateEntitlementRequest.new
            #   # Call the activate_entitlement method.
            #   result = client.activate_entitlement request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def activate_entitlement request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ActivateEntitlementRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.activate_entitlement.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.activate_entitlement.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.activate_entitlement.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :activate_entitlement, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Transfers customer entitlements to new reseller.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The customer or offer resource was not found.
            # * ALREADY_EXISTS: The SKU was already transferred for the customer.
            #     * The SKU requires domain verification to transfer, but the domain is
            #     not verified.
            #     * An Add-On SKU (example, Vault or Drive) is missing the
            #     pre-requisite SKU (example, G Suite Basic).
            #     * (Developer accounts only) Reseller and resold domain must meet the
            #     following naming requirements:
            #         * Domain names must start with goog-test.
            #         * Domain names must include the reseller domain.
            #     * Specify all transferring entitlements.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload transfer_entitlements(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `transfer_entitlements` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload transfer_entitlements(parent: nil, entitlements: nil, auth_token: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `transfer_entitlements` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller's customer account that will receive
            #     transferred entitlements.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            #   @param entitlements [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement, ::Hash>]
            #     Required. The new entitlements to create or transfer.
            #   @param auth_token [::String]
            #     The super admin of the resold customer generates this token to
            #     authorize a reseller to access their Cloud Identity and purchase
            #     entitlements on their behalf. You can omit this token after authorization.
            #     See https://support.google.com/a/answer/7643790 for more details.
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsRequest.new
            #   # Call the transfer_entitlements method.
            #   result = client.transfer_entitlements request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def transfer_entitlements request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :transfer_entitlements, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Transfers customer entitlements from their current reseller to Google.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The customer or offer resource was not found.
            # * ALREADY_EXISTS: The SKU was already transferred for the customer.
            #     * The SKU requires domain verification to transfer, but the domain is
            #     not verified.
            #     * An Add-On SKU (example, Vault or Drive) is missing the
            #     pre-requisite SKU (example, G Suite Basic).
            #     * (Developer accounts only) Reseller and resold domain must meet the
            #     following naming requirements:
            #         * Domain names must start with goog-test.
            #         * Domain names must include the reseller domain.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The ID of a long-running operation.
            # To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of
            # CloudChannelOperationsService. The response will contain
            # google.protobuf.Empty on success. The Operation metadata will contain an
            # instance of {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::OperationMetadata OperationMetadata}.
            # @overload transfer_entitlements_to_google(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `transfer_entitlements_to_google` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsToGoogleRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsToGoogleRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload transfer_entitlements_to_google(parent: nil, entitlements: nil, request_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `transfer_entitlements_to_google` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller's customer account where the entitlements
            #     transfer from.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            #   @param entitlements [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Entitlement, ::Hash>]
            #     Required. The entitlements to transfer to Google.
            #   @param request_id [::String]
            #     Optional. You can specify an optional unique request ID, and if you need to retry
            #     your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it's complete.
            #     For example, you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
            #     make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if
            #     it received the original operation with the same request ID. If it did, it
            #     will ignore the second request.
            #     The request ID must be a valid [UUID](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
            #     with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
            #     (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`).
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::Operation]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsToGoogleRequest.new
            #   # Call the transfer_entitlements_to_google method.
            #   result = client.transfer_entitlements_to_google request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::Operation. You can use this
            #   # object to check the status of an operation, cancel it, or wait
            #   # for results. Here is how to block until completion:
            #   result.wait_until_done! timeout: 60
            #   if result.response?
            #     p result.response
            #   else
            #     puts "Error!"
            #   end
            def transfer_entitlements_to_google request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::TransferEntitlementsToGoogleRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements_to_google.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements_to_google.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.transfer_entitlements_to_google.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :transfer_entitlements_to_google, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::Operation.new response, @operations_client, options: options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # List {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink}s belonging to a distributor.
            # You must be a distributor to call this method.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # Return value:
            # The list of the distributor account's {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink} resources.
            # @overload list_channel_partner_links(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_channel_partner_links` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerLinksRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerLinksRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_channel_partner_links(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, view: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_channel_partner_links` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller account for listing channel partner
            #     links.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, server will pick a default size (25).
            #     The maximum value is 200; the server will coerce values above 200.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #     Obtained using
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerLinksResponse#next_page_token ListChannelPartnerLinksResponse.next_page_token} of the previous
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#list_channel_partner_links CloudChannelService.ListChannelPartnerLinks} call.
            #   @param view [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLinkView]
            #     Optional. The level of granularity the ChannelPartnerLink will display.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerLinksRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_channel_partner_links method.
            #   result = client.list_channel_partner_links request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_channel_partner_links request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerLinksRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_channel_partner_links.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_channel_partner_links.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_channel_partner_links.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_channel_partner_links, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_channel_partner_links, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Returns the requested {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink} resource.
            # You must be a distributor to call this method.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: ChannelPartnerLink resource not found because of an
            # invalid channel partner link name.
            # Return value:
            # The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink} resource.
            # @overload get_channel_partner_link(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_channel_partner_link` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerLinkRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerLinkRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_channel_partner_link(name: nil, view: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_channel_partner_link` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the channel partner link to retrieve.
            #     Name uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/\\{id}
            #     where \\{id} is the Cloud Identity ID of the partner.
            #   @param view [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLinkView]
            #     Optional. The level of granularity the ChannelPartnerLink will display.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerLinkRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_channel_partner_link method.
            #   result = client.get_channel_partner_link request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink.
            #   p result
            def get_channel_partner_link request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerLinkRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_channel_partner_link.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_channel_partner_link.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_channel_partner_link.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :get_channel_partner_link, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Initiates a channel partner link between a distributor and a reseller, or
            # between resellers in an n-tier reseller channel.
            # Invited partners need to follow the invite_link_uri provided in the
            # response to accept. After accepting the invitation, a link is set up
            # between the two parties.
            # You must be a distributor to call this method.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * ALREADY_EXISTS: The ChannelPartnerLink sent in the request already
            # exists.
            # * NOT_FOUND: No Cloud Identity customer exists for provided domain.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The new {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink} resource.
            # @overload create_channel_partner_link(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_channel_partner_link` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerLinkRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerLinkRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_channel_partner_link(parent: nil, channel_partner_link: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_channel_partner_link` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Create a channel partner link for the provided reseller account's
            #     resource name.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}
            #   @param channel_partner_link [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The channel partner link to create.
            #     Either channel_partner_link.reseller_cloud_identity_id or domain can be
            #     used to create a link.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerLinkRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_channel_partner_link method.
            #   result = client.create_channel_partner_link request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink.
            #   p result
            def create_channel_partner_link request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerLinkRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_channel_partner_link.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_channel_partner_link.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_channel_partner_link.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :create_channel_partner_link, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates a channel partner link. Distributors call this method to change a
            # link's status. For example, to suspend a partner link.
            # You must be a distributor to call this method.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request is different
            # from the reseller account in the API request.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT:
            #     * Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            #     * Link state cannot change from invited to active or suspended.
            #     * Cannot send reseller_cloud_identity_id, invite_url, or name in update
            #     mask.
            # * NOT_FOUND: ChannelPartnerLink resource not found.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The updated {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink} resource.
            # @overload update_channel_partner_link(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_channel_partner_link` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerLinkRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerLinkRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_channel_partner_link(name: nil, channel_partner_link: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_channel_partner_link` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the channel partner link to cancel.
            #     Name uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/\\{id}
            #     where \\{id} is the Cloud Identity ID of the partner.
            #   @param channel_partner_link [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The channel partner link to update. Only channel_partner_link.link_state
            #     is allowed for updates.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The update mask that applies to the resource.
            #     The only allowable value for an update mask is
            #     channel_partner_link.link_state.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerLinkRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_channel_partner_link method.
            #   result = client.update_channel_partner_link request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink.
            #   p result
            def update_channel_partner_link request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerLinkRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_channel_partner_link.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_channel_partner_link.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_channel_partner_link.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :update_channel_partner_link, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending
            # it to a Customer.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} was not found.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} resource, otherwise returns
            # an error.
            # @overload get_customer_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_customer_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_customer_repricing_config(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_customer_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the CustomerRepricingConfig.
            #     Format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/customerRepricingConfigs/\\{id}.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_customer_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.get_customer_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig.
            #   p result
            def get_customer_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetCustomerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_customer_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_customer_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_customer_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :get_customer_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending
            # it to a Customer.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} specified does not exist or is
            # not associated with the given account.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} resources. The
            # data for each resource is displayed in the ascending order of:
            # * customer ID
            # * {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig::EntitlementGranularity#entitlement RepricingConfig.EntitlementGranularity.entitlement}
            # * {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}
            # * {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig#update_time CustomerRepricingConfig.update_time}
            # If unsuccessful, returns an error.
            # @overload list_customer_repricing_configs(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_customer_repricing_configs` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomerRepricingConfigsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomerRepricingConfigsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_customer_repricing_configs(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_customer_repricing_configs` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the customer.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}.
            #     Supports accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/- to retrieve configs for all
            #     customers.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. The maximum number of repricing configs to return. The service may return
            #     fewer than this value. If unspecified, returns a maximum of 50 rules. The
            #     maximum value is 100; values above 100 will be coerced to 100.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token identifying a page of results beyond the first page.
            #     Obtained through
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomerRepricingConfigsResponse#next_page_token ListCustomerRepricingConfigsResponse.next_page_token} of the previous
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#list_customer_repricing_configs CloudChannelService.ListCustomerRepricingConfigs} call.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Optional. A filter for [CloudChannelService.ListCustomerRepricingConfigs]
            #     results (customer only). You can use this filter when you support
            #     a BatchGet-like query.
            #     To use the filter, you must set `parent=accounts/{account_id}/customers/-`.
            #     Example: customer = accounts/account_id/customers/c1 OR
            #     customer = accounts/account_id/customers/c2.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomerRepricingConfigsRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_customer_repricing_configs method.
            #   result = client.list_customer_repricing_configs request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_customer_repricing_configs request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListCustomerRepricingConfigsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_customer_repricing_configs.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_customer_repricing_configs.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_customer_repricing_configs.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_customer_repricing_configs, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_customer_repricing_configs, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a CustomerRepricingConfig. Call this method to set modifications
            # for a specific customer's bill. You can only create configs if the
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month} is a
            # future month. If needed, you can create a config for the current month,
            # with some restrictions.
            # When creating a config for a future month, make sure there are no existing
            # configs for that
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}.
            # The following restrictions are for creating configs in the current month.
            # * This functionality is reserved for recovering from an erroneous config,
            # and should not be used for regular business cases.
            # * The new config will not modify exports used with other configs.
            # Changes to the config may be immediate, but may take up to 24 hours.
            # * There is a limit of ten configs for any
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig::EntitlementGranularity#entitlement RepricingConfig.EntitlementGranularity.entitlement}
            # or {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}.
            # * The contained {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig#repricing_config CustomerRepricingConfig.repricing_config} vaule must be
            # different from the value used in the current config for a
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig::EntitlementGranularity#entitlement RepricingConfig.EntitlementGranularity.entitlement}.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Missing or invalid required parameters in the
            # request. Also displays if the updated config is for the current month or
            # past months.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} specified does not exist or is
            # not associated with the given account.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the updated {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} resource, otherwise
            # returns an error.
            # @overload create_customer_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_customer_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_customer_repricing_config(parent: nil, customer_repricing_config: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_customer_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the customer that will receive this repricing config.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}
            #   @param customer_repricing_config [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The CustomerRepricingConfig object to update.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_customer_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.create_customer_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig.
            #   p result
            def create_customer_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_customer_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_customer_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_customer_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :create_customer_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates a CustomerRepricingConfig. Call this method to set modifications
            # for a specific customer's bill. This method overwrites the existing
            # CustomerRepricingConfig.
            # You can only update configs if the
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month} is a
            # future month. To make changes to configs for the current month, use
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#create_customer_repricing_config CreateCustomerRepricingConfig}, taking note of its restrictions. You
            # cannot update the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}.
            # When updating a config in the future:
            # * This config must already exist.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Missing or invalid required parameters in the
            # request. Also displays if the updated config is for the current month or
            # past months.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} specified does not exist or is
            # not associated with the given account.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the updated {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} resource, otherwise
            # returns an error.
            # @overload update_customer_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_customer_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_customer_repricing_config(customer_repricing_config: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_customer_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param customer_repricing_config [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The CustomerRepricingConfig object to update.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_customer_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.update_customer_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig.
            #   p result
            def update_customer_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateCustomerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_customer_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.customer_repricing_config&.name
                header_params["customer_repricing_config.name"] = request.customer_repricing_config.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_customer_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_customer_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :update_customer_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes the given {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} permanently. You can only
            # delete configs if their {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month} is set
            # to a date after the current month.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The account making the request does not own
            # this customer.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * FAILED_PRECONDITION: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} is active or in the
            # past.
            # * NOT_FOUND: No {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CustomerRepricingConfig CustomerRepricingConfig} found for the name in the
            # request.
            # @overload delete_customer_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_customer_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_customer_repricing_config(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_customer_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the customer repricing config rule to delete.
            #     Format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/customerRepricingConfigs/\\{id}.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_customer_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.delete_customer_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_customer_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteCustomerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_customer_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_customer_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_customer_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_customer_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets information about how a Distributor modifies their bill before sending
            # it to a ChannelPartner.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} was not found.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} resource, otherwise
            # returns an error.
            # @overload get_channel_partner_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_channel_partner_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_channel_partner_repricing_config(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_channel_partner_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig
            #     Format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/\\{channel_partner_id}/channelPartnerRepricingConfigs/\\{id}.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_channel_partner_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.get_channel_partner_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
            #   p result
            def get_channel_partner_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::GetChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_channel_partner_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_channel_partner_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_channel_partner_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :get_channel_partner_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists information about how a Reseller modifies their bill before sending
            # it to a ChannelPartner.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} specified does not exist
            # or is not associated with the given account.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} resources.
            # The data for each resource is displayed in the ascending order of:
            # * channel partner ID
            # * {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}
            # * {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig#update_time ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.update_time}
            # If unsuccessful, returns an error.
            # @overload list_channel_partner_repricing_configs(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_channel_partner_repricing_configs` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_channel_partner_repricing_configs(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_channel_partner_repricing_configs` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the account's {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerLink ChannelPartnerLink}.
            #     Parent uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/\\{channel_partner_id}.
            #     Supports accounts/\\{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/- to retrieve configs
            #     for all channel partners.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. The maximum number of repricing configs to return. The service may return
            #     fewer than this value. If unspecified, returns a maximum of 50 rules. The
            #     maximum value is 100; values above 100 will be coerced to 100.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token identifying a page of results beyond the first page.
            #     Obtained through
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsResponse#next_page_token ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsResponse.next_page_token} of the
            #     previous {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#list_channel_partner_repricing_configs CloudChannelService.ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigs} call.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Optional. A filter for [CloudChannelService.ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigs]
            #     results (channel_partner_link only). You can use this filter when you
            #     support a BatchGet-like query.
            #     To use the filter, you must set
            #     `parent=accounts/{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/-`.
            #     Example: `channel_partner_link =
            #     accounts/account_id/channelPartnerLinks/c1` OR `channel_partner_link =
            #     accounts/account_id/channelPartnerLinks/c2`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_channel_partner_repricing_configs method.
            #   result = client.list_channel_partner_repricing_configs request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_channel_partner_repricing_configs request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_channel_partner_repricing_configs.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_channel_partner_repricing_configs.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_channel_partner_repricing_configs.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_channel_partner_repricing_configs, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_channel_partner_repricing_configs, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig. Call this method to set
            # modifications for a specific ChannelPartner's bill. You can only create
            # configs if the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month} is a future
            # month. If needed, you can create a config for the current month, with some
            # restrictions.
            # When creating a config for a future month, make sure there are no existing
            # configs for that
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}.
            # The following restrictions are for creating configs in the current month.
            # * This functionality is reserved for recovering from an erroneous config,
            # and should not be used for regular business cases.
            # * The new config will not modify exports used with other configs.
            # Changes to the config may be immediate, but may take up to 24 hours.
            # * There is a limit of ten configs for any ChannelPartner or
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}.
            # * The contained {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig#repricing_config ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.repricing_config} vaule
            # must be different from the value used in the current config for a
            # ChannelPartner.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Missing or invalid required parameters in the
            # request. Also displays if the updated config is for the current month or
            # past months.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} specified does not exist
            # or is not associated with the given account.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the updated {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} resource,
            # otherwise returns an error.
            # @overload create_channel_partner_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_channel_partner_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_channel_partner_repricing_config(parent: nil, channel_partner_repricing_config: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_channel_partner_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the ChannelPartner that will receive the repricing
            #     config. Parent uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/channelPartnerLinks/\\{channel_partner_id}
            #   @param channel_partner_repricing_config [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig object to update.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_channel_partner_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.create_channel_partner_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
            #   p result
            def create_channel_partner_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CreateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_channel_partner_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_channel_partner_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_channel_partner_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :create_channel_partner_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates a ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig. Call this method to set
            # modifications for a specific ChannelPartner's bill. This method overwrites
            # the existing CustomerRepricingConfig.
            # You can only update configs if the
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month} is a
            # future month. To make changes to configs for the current month, use
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client#create_channel_partner_repricing_config CreateChannelPartnerRepricingConfig}, taking note of its restrictions.
            # You cannot update the {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month}.
            # When updating a config in the future:
            # * This config must already exist.
            # Possible Error Codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: If the account making the request and the account
            # being queried are different.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Missing or invalid required parameters in the
            # request. Also displays if the updated config is for the current month or
            # past months.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} specified does not exist
            # or is not associated with the given account.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to technical issues in the
            # backend. In this case, contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return Value:
            # If successful, the updated {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} resource,
            # otherwise returns an error.
            # @overload update_channel_partner_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_channel_partner_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_channel_partner_repricing_config(channel_partner_repricing_config: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_channel_partner_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param channel_partner_repricing_config [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig object to update.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_channel_partner_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.update_channel_partner_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig.
            #   p result
            def update_channel_partner_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UpdateChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_channel_partner_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.channel_partner_repricing_config&.name
                header_params["channel_partner_repricing_config.name"] = request.channel_partner_repricing_config.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_channel_partner_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_channel_partner_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :update_channel_partner_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes the given {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} permanently. You can
            # only delete configs if their {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RepricingConfig#effective_invoice_month RepricingConfig.effective_invoice_month} is
            # set to a date after the current month.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The account making the request does not own
            # this customer.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * FAILED_PRECONDITION: The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} is active or
            # in the past.
            # * NOT_FOUND: No {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig} found for the name in the
            # request.
            # @overload delete_channel_partner_repricing_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_channel_partner_repricing_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_channel_partner_repricing_config(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_channel_partner_repricing_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the channel partner repricing config rule to delete.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_channel_partner_repricing_config method.
            #   result = client.delete_channel_partner_repricing_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_channel_partner_repricing_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::DeleteChannelPartnerRepricingConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_channel_partner_repricing_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_channel_partner_repricing_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_channel_partner_repricing_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_channel_partner_repricing_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Returns the requested {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer Offer} resource.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The entitlement doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: Entitlement or offer was not found.
            # Return value:
            # The {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer Offer} resource.
            # @overload lookup_offer(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `lookup_offer` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::LookupOfferRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::LookupOfferRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload lookup_offer(entitlement: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `lookup_offer` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param entitlement [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the entitlement to retrieve the Offer.
            #     Entitlement uses the format:
            #     accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}/entitlements/\\{entitlement_id}
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::LookupOfferRequest.new
            #   # Call the lookup_offer method.
            #   result = client.lookup_offer request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer.
            #   p result
            def lookup_offer request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::LookupOfferRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.lookup_offer.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.entitlement
                header_params["entitlement"] = request.entitlement

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.lookup_offer.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.lookup_offer.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :lookup_offer, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists the Products the reseller is authorized to sell.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # @overload list_products(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_products` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListProductsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListProductsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_products(account: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, language_code: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_products` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param account [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller account.
            #     Format: accounts/\\{account_id}.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 100 Products.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     Optional. The BCP-47 language code. For example, "en-US". The
            #     response will localize in the corresponding language code, if specified.
            #     The default value is "en-US".
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Product>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Product>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListProductsRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_products method.
            #   result = client.list_products request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Product.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_products request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListProductsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_products.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_products.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_products.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_products, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_products, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists the SKUs for a product the reseller is authorized to sell.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # @overload list_skus(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_skus` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSkusRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSkusRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_skus(parent: nil, account: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, language_code: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_skus` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the Product to list SKUs for.
            #     Parent uses the format: products/\\{product_id}.
            #     Supports products/- to retrieve SKUs for all products.
            #   @param account [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the reseller.
            #     Format: accounts/\\{account_id}.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 100 SKUs.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #     Optional.
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     Optional. The BCP-47 language code. For example, "en-US". The
            #     response will localize in the corresponding language code, if specified.
            #     The default value is "en-US".
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Sku>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Sku>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSkusRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_skus method.
            #   result = client.list_skus request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Sku.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_skus request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSkusRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_skus.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_skus.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_skus.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_skus, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_skus, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists the Offers the reseller can sell.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # @overload list_offers(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_offers` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListOffersRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListOffersRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_offers(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil, language_code: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_offers` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the reseller account from which to list Offers.
            #     Parent uses the format: accounts/\\{account_id}.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 500 Offers.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Optional. The expression to filter results by name (name of
            #     the Offer), sku.name (name of the SKU), or sku.product.name (name of the
            #     Product).
            #     Example 1: sku.product.name=products/p1 AND sku.name!=products/p1/skus/s1
            #     Example 2: name=accounts/a1/offers/o1
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     Optional. The BCP-47 language code. For example, "en-US". The
            #     response will localize in the corresponding language code, if specified.
            #     The default value is "en-US".
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListOffersRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_offers method.
            #   result = client.list_offers request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::Offer.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_offers request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListOffersRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_offers.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_offers.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_offers.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_offers, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_offers, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists the following:
            # * SKUs that you can purchase for a customer
            # * SKUs that you can upgrade or downgrade for an entitlement.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # @overload list_purchasable_skus(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_purchasable_skus` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableSkusRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableSkusRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_purchasable_skus(create_entitlement_purchase: nil, change_offer_purchase: nil, customer: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, language_code: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_purchasable_skus` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param create_entitlement_purchase [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableSkusRequest::CreateEntitlementPurchase, ::Hash]
            #     List SKUs for CreateEntitlement purchase.
            #   @param change_offer_purchase [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableSkusRequest::ChangeOfferPurchase, ::Hash]
            #     List SKUs for ChangeOffer purchase with a new SKU.
            #   @param customer [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the customer to list SKUs for.
            #     Format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 100 SKUs.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     Optional. The BCP-47 language code. For example, "en-US". The
            #     response will localize in the corresponding language code, if specified.
            #     The default value is "en-US".
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::PurchasableSku>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::PurchasableSku>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableSkusRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_purchasable_skus method.
            #   result = client.list_purchasable_skus request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::PurchasableSku.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_purchasable_skus request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableSkusRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_purchasable_skus.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.customer
                header_params["customer"] = request.customer

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_purchasable_skus.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_purchasable_skus.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_purchasable_skus, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_purchasable_skus, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists the following:
            # * Offers that you can purchase for a customer.
            # * Offers that you can change for an entitlement.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The customer doesn't belong to the reseller
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # @overload list_purchasable_offers(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_purchasable_offers` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableOffersRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableOffersRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_purchasable_offers(create_entitlement_purchase: nil, change_offer_purchase: nil, customer: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, language_code: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_purchasable_offers` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param create_entitlement_purchase [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableOffersRequest::CreateEntitlementPurchase, ::Hash]
            #     List Offers for CreateEntitlement purchase.
            #   @param change_offer_purchase [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableOffersRequest::ChangeOfferPurchase, ::Hash]
            #     List Offers for ChangeOffer purchase.
            #   @param customer [::String]
            #     Required. The resource name of the customer to list Offers for.
            #     Format: accounts/\\{account_id}/customers/\\{customer_id}.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Requested page size. Server might return fewer results than requested.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 100 Offers.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A token for a page of results other than the first page.
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     Optional. The BCP-47 language code. For example, "en-US". The
            #     response will localize in the corresponding language code, if specified.
            #     The default value is "en-US".
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::PurchasableOffer>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::PurchasableOffer>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableOffersRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_purchasable_offers method.
            #   result = client.list_purchasable_offers request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can
            #   # iterate over all elements by calling #each, and the enumerable
            #   # will lazily make API calls to fetch subsequent pages. Other
            #   # methods are also available for managing paging directly.
            #   result.each do |response|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::PurchasableOffer.
            #     p response
            #   end
            def list_purchasable_offers request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListPurchasableOffersRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_purchasable_offers.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.customer
                header_params["customer"] = request.customer

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_purchasable_offers.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_purchasable_offers.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_purchasable_offers, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @cloud_channel_service_stub, :list_purchasable_offers, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Registers a service account with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub
            # topic for this Channel Services account. After you create a
            # subscriber, you get the events through {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::SubscriberEvent SubscriberEvent}
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request and the
            # provided reseller account are different, or the impersonated user
            # is not a super admin.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The topic name with the registered service email address.
            # @overload register_subscriber(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `register_subscriber` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RegisterSubscriberRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RegisterSubscriberRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload register_subscriber(account: nil, service_account: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `register_subscriber` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param account [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the account.
            #   @param service_account [::String]
            #     Required. Service account that provides subscriber access to the registered topic.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RegisterSubscriberResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RegisterSubscriberResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RegisterSubscriberRequest.new
            #   # Call the register_subscriber method.
            #   result = client.register_subscriber request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RegisterSubscriberResponse.
            #   p result
            def register_subscriber request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::RegisterSubscriberRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.register_subscriber.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.account
                header_params["account"] = request.account

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.register_subscriber.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.register_subscriber.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :register_subscriber, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Unregisters a service account with subscriber privileges on the Cloud
            # Pub/Sub topic created for this Channel Services account. If there are no
            # service accounts left with subscriber privileges, this deletes the topic.
            # You can call ListSubscribers to check for these accounts.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request and the
            # provided reseller account are different, or the impersonated user
            # is not a super admin.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The topic resource doesn't exist.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # The topic name that unregistered the service email address.
            # Returns a success response if the service email address wasn't registered
            # with the topic.
            # @overload unregister_subscriber(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `unregister_subscriber` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UnregisterSubscriberRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UnregisterSubscriberRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload unregister_subscriber(account: nil, service_account: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `unregister_subscriber` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param account [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the account.
            #   @param service_account [::String]
            #     Required. Service account to unregister from subscriber access to the topic.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UnregisterSubscriberResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UnregisterSubscriberResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UnregisterSubscriberRequest.new
            #   # Call the unregister_subscriber method.
            #   result = client.unregister_subscriber request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UnregisterSubscriberResponse.
            #   p result
            def unregister_subscriber request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::UnregisterSubscriberRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.unregister_subscriber.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.account
                header_params["account"] = request.account

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.unregister_subscriber.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.unregister_subscriber.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :unregister_subscriber, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists service accounts with subscriber privileges on the Cloud Pub/Sub
            # topic created for this Channel Services account.
            # Possible error codes:
            # * PERMISSION_DENIED: The reseller account making the request and the
            # provided reseller account are different, or the impersonated user
            # is not a super admin.
            # * INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
            # * NOT_FOUND: The topic resource doesn't exist.
            # * INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the
            # backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # * UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend.
            # Contact Cloud Channel support.
            # Return value:
            # A list of service email addresses.
            # @overload list_subscribers(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_subscribers` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSubscribersRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSubscribersRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_subscribers(account: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_subscribers` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param account [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the account.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. The maximum number of service accounts to return. The service may return
            #     fewer than this value.
            #     If unspecified, returns at most 100 service accounts.
            #     The maximum value is 1000; the server will coerce values above 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. A page token, received from a previous `ListSubscribers` call.
            #     Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.
            #     When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListSubscribers` must
            #     match the call that provided the page token.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSubscribersResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSubscribersResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/channel/v1"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSubscribersRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_subscribers method.
            #   result = client.list_subscribers request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSubscribersResponse.
            #   p result
            def list_subscribers request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::ListSubscribersRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_subscribers.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client and x-goog-user-project headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.account
                header_params["account"] = request.account

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_subscribers.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_subscribers.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @cloud_channel_service_stub.call_rpc :list_subscribers, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Configuration class for the CloudChannelService API.
            # This class represents the configuration for CloudChannelService,
            # providing control over timeouts, retry behavior, logging, transport
            # parameters, and other low-level controls. Certain parameters can also be
            # applied individually to specific RPCs. See
            # {::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client::Configuration::Rpcs}
            # for a list of RPCs that can be configured independently.
            # Configuration can be applied globally to all clients, or to a single client
            # on construction.
            # @example
            #   # Modify the global config, setting the timeout for
            #   # list_customers to 20 seconds,
            #   # and all remaining timeouts to 10 seconds.
            #   ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.configure do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #     config.rpcs.list_customers.timeout = 20.0
            #   end
            #   # Apply the above configuration only to a new client.
            #   client = ::Google::Cloud::Channel::V1::CloudChannelService::Client.new do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #     config.rpcs.list_customers.timeout = 20.0
            #   end
            # @!attribute [rw] endpoint
            #   The hostname or hostname:port of the service endpoint.
            #   Defaults to `"cloudchannel.googleapis.com"`.
            #   @return [::String]
            # @!attribute [rw] credentials
            #   Credentials to send with calls. You may provide any of the following types:
            #    *  (`String`) The path to a service account key file in JSON format
            #    *  (`Hash`) A service account key as a Hash
            #    *  (`Google::Auth::Credentials`) A googleauth credentials object
            #       (see the [googleauth docs](https://googleapis.dev/ruby/googleauth/latest/index.html))
            #    *  (`Signet::OAuth2::Client`) A signet oauth2 client object
            #       (see the [signet docs](https://googleapis.dev/ruby/signet/latest/Signet/OAuth2/Client.html))
            #    *  (`GRPC::Core::Channel`) a gRPC channel with included credentials
            #    *  (`GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials`) a gRPC credentails object
            #    *  (`nil`) indicating no credentials
            #   @return [::Object]
            # @!attribute [rw] scope
            #   The OAuth scopes
            #   @return [::Array<::String>]
            # @!attribute [rw] lib_name
            #   The library name as recorded in instrumentation and logging
            #   @return [::String]
            # @!attribute [rw] lib_version
            #   The library version as recorded in instrumentation and logging
            #   @return [::String]
            # @!attribute [rw] channel_args
            #   Extra parameters passed to the gRPC channel. Note: this is ignored if a
            #   `GRPC::Core::Channel` object is provided as the credential.
            #   @return [::Hash]
            # @!attribute [rw] interceptors
            #   An array of interceptors that are run before calls are executed.
            #   @return [::Array<::GRPC::ClientInterceptor>]
            # @!attribute [rw] timeout
            #   The call timeout in seconds.
            #   @return [::Numeric]
            # @!attribute [rw] metadata
            #   Additional gRPC headers to be sent with the call.
            #   @return [::Hash{::Symbol=>::String}]
            # @!attribute [rw] retry_policy
            #   The retry policy. The value is a hash with the following keys:
            #    *  `:initial_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The initial delay in seconds.
            #    *  `:max_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The max delay in seconds.
            #    *  `:multiplier` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The incremental backoff multiplier.
            #    *  `:retry_codes` (*type:* `Array<String>`) - The error codes that should
            #       trigger a retry.
            #   @return [::Hash]
            # @!attribute [rw] quota_project
            #   A separate project against which to charge quota.
            #   @return [::String]
            class Configuration
              extend ::Gapic::Config

              config_attr :endpoint,      "cloudchannel.googleapis.com", ::String
              config_attr :credentials,   nil do |value|
                allowed = [::String, ::Hash, ::Proc, ::Symbol, ::Google::Auth::Credentials, ::Signet::OAuth2::Client, nil]
                allowed += [::GRPC::Core::Channel, ::GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials] if defined? ::GRPC
                allowed.any? { |klass| klass === value }
              config_attr :scope,         nil, ::String, ::Array, nil
              config_attr :lib_name,      nil, ::String, nil
              config_attr :lib_version,   nil, ::String, nil
              config_attr(:channel_args,  { "grpc.service_config_disable_resolution" => 1 }, ::Hash, nil)
              config_attr :interceptors,  nil, ::Array, nil
              config_attr :timeout,       nil, ::Numeric, nil
              config_attr :metadata,      nil, ::Hash, nil
              config_attr :retry_policy,  nil, ::Hash, ::Proc, nil
              config_attr :quota_project, nil, ::String, nil

              # @private
              def initialize parent_config = nil
                @parent_config = parent_config unless parent_config.nil?

                yield self if block_given?

              # Configurations for individual RPCs
              # @return [Rpcs]
              def rpcs
                @rpcs ||= begin
                  parent_rpcs = nil
                  parent_rpcs = @parent_config.rpcs if defined?(@parent_config) && @parent_config.respond_to?(:rpcs)
                  Rpcs.new parent_rpcs

              # Configuration RPC class for the CloudChannelService API.
              # Includes fields providing the configuration for each RPC in this service.
              # Each configuration object is of type `Gapic::Config::Method` and includes
              # the following configuration fields:
              #  *  `timeout` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The call timeout in seconds
              #  *  `metadata` (*type:* `Hash{Symbol=>String}`) - Additional gRPC headers
              #  *  `retry_policy (*type:* `Hash`) - The retry policy. The policy fields
              #     include the following keys:
              #      *  `:initial_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The initial delay in seconds.
              #      *  `:max_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The max delay in seconds.
              #      *  `:multiplier` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The incremental backoff multiplier.
              #      *  `:retry_codes` (*type:* `Array<String>`) - The error codes that should
              #         trigger a retry.
              class Rpcs
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_customers`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_customers
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_customer`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_customer
                # RPC-specific configuration for `check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_customer`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_customer
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_customer`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_customer
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_customer`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_customer
                # RPC-specific configuration for `import_customer`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :import_customer
                # RPC-specific configuration for `provision_cloud_identity`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :provision_cloud_identity
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_entitlements`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_entitlements
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_transferable_skus`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_transferable_skus
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_transferable_offers`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_transferable_offers
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_entitlement`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_entitlement
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_entitlement`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_entitlement
                # RPC-specific configuration for `change_parameters`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :change_parameters
                # RPC-specific configuration for `change_renewal_settings`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :change_renewal_settings
                # RPC-specific configuration for `change_offer`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :change_offer
                # RPC-specific configuration for `start_paid_service`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :start_paid_service
                # RPC-specific configuration for `suspend_entitlement`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :suspend_entitlement
                # RPC-specific configuration for `cancel_entitlement`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :cancel_entitlement
                # RPC-specific configuration for `activate_entitlement`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :activate_entitlement
                # RPC-specific configuration for `transfer_entitlements`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :transfer_entitlements
                # RPC-specific configuration for `transfer_entitlements_to_google`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :transfer_entitlements_to_google
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_channel_partner_links`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_channel_partner_links
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_channel_partner_link`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_channel_partner_link
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_channel_partner_link`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_channel_partner_link
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_channel_partner_link`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_channel_partner_link
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_customer_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_customer_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_customer_repricing_configs`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_customer_repricing_configs
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_customer_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_customer_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_customer_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_customer_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_customer_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_customer_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_channel_partner_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_channel_partner_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_channel_partner_repricing_configs`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_channel_partner_repricing_configs
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_channel_partner_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_channel_partner_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_channel_partner_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_channel_partner_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_channel_partner_repricing_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_channel_partner_repricing_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `lookup_offer`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :lookup_offer
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_products`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_products
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_skus`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_skus
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_offers`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_offers
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_purchasable_skus`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_purchasable_skus
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_purchasable_offers`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_purchasable_offers
                # RPC-specific configuration for `register_subscriber`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :register_subscriber
                # RPC-specific configuration for `unregister_subscriber`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :unregister_subscriber
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_subscribers`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_subscribers

                # @private
                def initialize parent_rpcs = nil
                  list_customers_config = parent_rpcs.list_customers if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_customers
                  @list_customers = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_customers_config
                  get_customer_config = parent_rpcs.get_customer if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_customer
                  @get_customer = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_customer_config
                  check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist_config = parent_rpcs.check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist
                  @check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new check_cloud_identity_accounts_exist_config
                  create_customer_config = parent_rpcs.create_customer if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_customer
                  @create_customer = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_customer_config
                  update_customer_config = parent_rpcs.update_customer if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_customer
                  @update_customer = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_customer_config
                  delete_customer_config = parent_rpcs.delete_customer if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_customer
                  @delete_customer = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_customer_config
                  import_customer_config = parent_rpcs.import_customer if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :import_customer
                  @import_customer = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new import_customer_config
                  provision_cloud_identity_config = parent_rpcs.provision_cloud_identity if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :provision_cloud_identity
                  @provision_cloud_identity = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new provision_cloud_identity_config
                  list_entitlements_config = parent_rpcs.list_entitlements if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_entitlements
                  @list_entitlements = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_entitlements_config
                  list_transferable_skus_config = parent_rpcs.list_transferable_skus if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_transferable_skus
                  @list_transferable_skus = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_transferable_skus_config
                  list_transferable_offers_config = parent_rpcs.list_transferable_offers if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_transferable_offers
                  @list_transferable_offers = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_transferable_offers_config
                  get_entitlement_config = parent_rpcs.get_entitlement if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_entitlement
                  @get_entitlement = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_entitlement_config
                  create_entitlement_config = parent_rpcs.create_entitlement if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_entitlement
                  @create_entitlement = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_entitlement_config
                  change_parameters_config = parent_rpcs.change_parameters if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :change_parameters
                  @change_parameters = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new change_parameters_config
                  change_renewal_settings_config = parent_rpcs.change_renewal_settings if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :change_renewal_settings
                  @change_renewal_settings = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new change_renewal_settings_config
                  change_offer_config = parent_rpcs.change_offer if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :change_offer
                  @change_offer = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new change_offer_config
                  start_paid_service_config = parent_rpcs.start_paid_service if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :start_paid_service
                  @start_paid_service = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new start_paid_service_config
                  suspend_entitlement_config = parent_rpcs.suspend_entitlement if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :suspend_entitlement
                  @suspend_entitlement = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new suspend_entitlement_config
                  cancel_entitlement_config = parent_rpcs.cancel_entitlement if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :cancel_entitlement
                  @cancel_entitlement = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new cancel_entitlement_config
                  activate_entitlement_config = parent_rpcs.activate_entitlement if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :activate_entitlement
                  @activate_entitlement = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new activate_entitlement_config
                  transfer_entitlements_config = parent_rpcs.transfer_entitlements if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :transfer_entitlements
                  @transfer_entitlements = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new transfer_entitlements_config
                  transfer_entitlements_to_google_config = parent_rpcs.transfer_entitlements_to_google if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :transfer_entitlements_to_google
                  @transfer_entitlements_to_google = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new transfer_entitlements_to_google_config
                  list_channel_partner_links_config = parent_rpcs.list_channel_partner_links if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_channel_partner_links
                  @list_channel_partner_links = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_channel_partner_links_config
                  get_channel_partner_link_config = parent_rpcs.get_channel_partner_link if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_channel_partner_link
                  @get_channel_partner_link = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_channel_partner_link_config
                  create_channel_partner_link_config = parent_rpcs.create_channel_partner_link if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_channel_partner_link
                  @create_channel_partner_link = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_channel_partner_link_config
                  update_channel_partner_link_config = parent_rpcs.update_channel_partner_link if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_channel_partner_link
                  @update_channel_partner_link = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_channel_partner_link_config
                  get_customer_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.get_customer_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_customer_repricing_config
                  @get_customer_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_customer_repricing_config_config
                  list_customer_repricing_configs_config = parent_rpcs.list_customer_repricing_configs if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_customer_repricing_configs
                  @list_customer_repricing_configs = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_customer_repricing_configs_config
                  create_customer_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.create_customer_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_customer_repricing_config
                  @create_customer_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_customer_repricing_config_config
                  update_customer_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.update_customer_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_customer_repricing_config
                  @update_customer_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_customer_repricing_config_config
                  delete_customer_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.delete_customer_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_customer_repricing_config
                  @delete_customer_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_customer_repricing_config_config
                  get_channel_partner_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.get_channel_partner_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_channel_partner_repricing_config
                  @get_channel_partner_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_channel_partner_repricing_config_config
                  list_channel_partner_repricing_configs_config = parent_rpcs.list_channel_partner_repricing_configs if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_channel_partner_repricing_configs
                  @list_channel_partner_repricing_configs = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_channel_partner_repricing_configs_config
                  create_channel_partner_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.create_channel_partner_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_channel_partner_repricing_config
                  @create_channel_partner_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_channel_partner_repricing_config_config
                  update_channel_partner_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.update_channel_partner_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_channel_partner_repricing_config
                  @update_channel_partner_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_channel_partner_repricing_config_config
                  delete_channel_partner_repricing_config_config = parent_rpcs.delete_channel_partner_repricing_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_channel_partner_repricing_config
                  @delete_channel_partner_repricing_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_channel_partner_repricing_config_config
                  lookup_offer_config = parent_rpcs.lookup_offer if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :lookup_offer
                  @lookup_offer = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new lookup_offer_config
                  list_products_config = parent_rpcs.list_products if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_products
                  @list_products = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_products_config
                  list_skus_config = parent_rpcs.list_skus if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_skus
                  @list_skus = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_skus_config
                  list_offers_config = parent_rpcs.list_offers if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_offers
                  @list_offers = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_offers_config
                  list_purchasable_skus_config = parent_rpcs.list_purchasable_skus if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_purchasable_skus
                  @list_purchasable_skus = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_purchasable_skus_config
                  list_purchasable_offers_config = parent_rpcs.list_purchasable_offers if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_purchasable_offers
                  @list_purchasable_offers = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_purchasable_offers_config
                  register_subscriber_config = parent_rpcs.register_subscriber if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :register_subscriber
                  @register_subscriber = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new register_subscriber_config
                  unregister_subscriber_config = parent_rpcs.unregister_subscriber if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :unregister_subscriber
                  @unregister_subscriber = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new unregister_subscriber_config
                  list_subscribers_config = parent_rpcs.list_subscribers if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_subscribers
                  @list_subscribers = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_subscribers_config

                  yield self if block_given?