# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require 'prop_check/generator' require 'prop_check/lazy_tree' module PropCheck ## # Contains common generators. # Use this module by including it in the class (e.g. in your test suite) # where you want to use them. module Generators extend self ## # Always returns the same value, regardless of `size` or `rng` (random number generator state) # # No shrinking (only considers the current single value `val`). # # >> Generators.constant("pie").sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["pie", "pie", "pie", "pie", "pie"] def constant(val) Generator.wrap(val) end private def integer_shrink(val) # 0 cannot shrink further; base case return [] if val.zero? # Numbers are shrunken by # subtracting themselves, their half, quarter, eight, ... (rounded towards zero!) # from themselves, until the number itself is reached. # So: for 20 we have [0, 10, 15, 18, 19, 20] halvings = Helper .scanl(val) { |x| (x / 2.0).truncate } .take_while { |x| !x.zero? } .map { |x| val - x } .map { |x| LazyTree.new(x, integer_shrink(x)) } # For negative numbers, we also attempt if the positive number has the same result. if val.abs > val [LazyTree.new(val.abs, halvings)].lazy else halvings end end ## # Returns a random integer in the given range (if a range is given) # or between 0..num (if a single integer is given). # # Does not scale when `size` changes. # This means `choose` is useful for e.g. picking an element out of multiple possibilities, # but for other purposes you probably want to use `integer` et co. # # Shrinks to integers closer to zero. # # >> r = Random.new(42); Generators.choose(0..5).sample(size: 10, rng: r) # => [3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4] # >> r = Random.new(42); Generators.choose(0..5).sample(size: 20000, rng: r) # => [3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4] def choose(range) Generator.new do |rng:, **| val = rng.rand(range) LazyTree.new(val, integer_shrink(val)) end end ## # A random integer which scales with `size`. # Integers start small (around 0) # and become more extreme (both higher and lower, negative) when `size` increases. # # # Shrinks to integers closer to zero. # # >> Generators.integer.call(size: 2, rng: Random.new(42)) # => 1 # >> Generators.integer.call(size: 10000, rng: Random.new(42)) # => 5795 # >> r = Random.new(42); Generators.integer.sample(size: 20000, rng: r) # => [-4205, -19140, 18158, -8716, -13735, -3150, 17194, 1962, -3977, -18315] def integer Generator.new do |size:, rng:, **| val = rng.rand(-size..size) LazyTree.new(val, integer_shrink(val)) end end ## # Only returns integers that are zero or larger. # See `integer` for more information. def nonnegative_integer integer.map(&:abs) end ## # Only returns integers that are larger than zero. # See `integer` for more information. def positive_integer nonnegative_integer.map { |x| x + 1 } end ## # Only returns integers that are zero or smaller. # See `integer` for more information. def nonpositive_integer nonnegative_integer.map(&:-@) end ## # Only returns integers that are smaller than zero. # See `integer` for more information. def negative_integer positive_integer.map(&:-@) end private def fraction(num_a, num_b, num_c) num_a.to_f + num_b.to_f / (num_c.to_f.abs + 1.0) end ## # Generates floating-point numbers # These start small (around 0) # and become more extreme (large positive and large negative numbers) # # Will only generate 'reals', # that is: no infinity, no NaN, # no numbers testing the limits of floating-point arithmetic. # # Shrinks to numbers closer to zero. # # >> Generators.real_float().sample(10, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [-2.2, -0.2727272727272727, 4.0, 1.25, -3.7272727272727275, -8.833333333333334, -8.090909090909092, 1.1428571428571428, 0.0, 8.0] def real_float tuple(integer, integer, integer).map do |a, b, c| fraction(a, b, c) end end @special_floats = [Float::NAN, Float::INFINITY, -Float::INFINITY, Float::MAX, Float::MIN, 0.0.next_float, 0.0.prev_float] ## # Generates floating-point numbers # Will generate NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, # as well as Float::EPSILON, Float::MAX, Float::MIN, # 0.0.next_float, 0.0.prev_float, # to test the handling of floating-point edge cases. # Approx. 1/100 generated numbers is a special one. # # Shrinks to smaller, real floats. # >> Generators.float().sample(10, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [4.0, 9.555555555555555, 0.0, -Float::INFINITY, 5.5, -5.818181818181818, 1.1428571428571428, 0.0, 8.0, 7.857142857142858] def float frequency(99 => real_float, 1 => one_of(*@special_floats.map(&method(:constant)))) end ## # Picks one of the given generators in `choices` at random uniformly every time. # # Shrinks to values earlier in the list of `choices`. # # >> Generators.one_of(Generators.constant(true), Generators.constant(false)).sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [true, false, true, true, true] def one_of(*choices) choose(choices.length).bind do |index| choices[index] end end ## # Picks one of the choices given in `frequencies` at random every time. # `frequencies` expects keys to be numbers # (representing the relative frequency of this generator) # and values to be generators. # # Side note: If you want to use the same frequency number for multiple generators, # Ruby syntax requires you to send an array of two-element arrays instead of a hash. # # Shrinks to arbitrary elements (since hashes are not ordered). # # >> Generators.frequency(5 => Generators.integer, 1 => Generators.printable_ascii_char).sample(size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [4, -3, 10, 8, 0, -7, 10, 1, "E", 10] def frequency(frequencies) choices = frequencies.reduce([]) do |acc, elem| freq, val = elem acc + ([val] * freq) end one_of(*choices) end ## # Generates an array containing always exactly one value from each of the passed generators, # in the same order as specified: # # Shrinks element generators, one at a time (trying last one first). # # >> Generators.tuple(Generators.integer, Generators.real_float).call(size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [-4, 13.0] def tuple(*generators) Generator.new do |**kwargs| LazyTree.zip(generators.map do |generator| generator.generate(**kwargs) end) end end ## # Given a `hash` where the values are generators, # creates a generator that returns hashes # with the same keys, and their corresponding values from their corresponding generators. # # Shrinks element generators. # # >> Generators.fixed_hash(a: Generators.integer(), b: Generators.real_float(), c: Generators.integer()).call(size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => {:a=>-4, :b=>13.0, :c=>-3} def fixed_hash(hash) keypair_generators = hash.map do |key, generator| generator.map { |val| [key, val] } end tuple(*keypair_generators) .map(&:to_h) end ## # Generates an array of elements, where each of the elements # is generated by `element_generator`. # # Shrinks to shorter arrays (with shrunken elements). # Accepted keyword arguments: # # `empty:` When false, behaves the same as `min: 1` # `min:` Ensures at least this many elements are generated. (default: 0) # `max:` Ensures at most this many elements are generated. When nil, an arbitrary count is used instead. (default: nil) # # # >> Generators.array(Generators.positive_integer).sample(5, size: 1, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [[2], [2], [2], [1], [2]] # >> Generators.array(Generators.positive_integer).sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [[10, 5, 1, 4], [5, 9, 1, 1, 11, 8, 4, 9, 11, 10], [6], [11, 11, 2, 2, 7, 2, 6, 5, 5], [2, 10, 9, 7, 9, 5, 11, 3]] # # >> Generators.array(Generators.positive_integer, empty: true).sample(5, size: 1, rng: Random.new(1)) # => [[], [2], [], [], [2]] # >> Generators.array(Generators.positive_integer, empty: false).sample(5, size: 1, rng: Random.new(1)) # => [[2], [1], [2], [1], [1]] def array(element_generator, min: 0, max: nil, empty: true) min = 1 if min.zero? && !empty res = proc do |count| count = min + 1 if count < min count += 1 if count == min && min != 0 generators = (min...count).map do element_generator.clone end tuple(*generators) end if max.nil? nonnegative_integer.bind(&res) else proc.call(max) end end ## # Generates a hash of key->values, # where each of the keys is made using the `key_generator` # and each of the values using the `value_generator`. # # Shrinks to hashes with less key/value pairs. # # >> Generators.hash(Generators.printable_ascii_string, Generators.positive_integer).sample(5, size: 3, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [{""=>2, "g\\4"=>4, "rv"=>2}, {"7"=>2}, {"!"=>1, "E!"=>1}, {"kY5"=>2}, {}] def hash(*args, **kwargs) if args.length == 2 hash_of(*args, **kwargs) else super end end ## # # Alias for `#hash` that does not conflict with a possibly overriden `Object#hash`. # def hash_of(key_generator, value_generator, **kwargs) array(tuple(key_generator, value_generator), **kwargs) .map(&:to_h) end @alphanumeric_chars = [('a'..'z'), ('A'..'Z'), ('0'..'9')].flat_map(&:to_a).freeze ## # Generates a single-character string # containing one of a..z, A..Z, 0..9 # # Shrinks towards lowercase 'a'. # # >> Generators.alphanumeric_char.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["M", "Z", "C", "o", "Q"] def alphanumeric_char one_of(*@alphanumeric_chars.map(&method(:constant))) end ## # Generates a string # containing only the characters a..z, A..Z, 0..9 # # Shrinks towards fewer characters, and towards lowercase 'a'. # # >> Generators.alphanumeric_string.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["ZCoQ", "8uM", "wkkx0JNx", "v0bxRDLb", "Gl5v8RyWA6"] def alphanumeric_string(**kwargs) array(alphanumeric_char, **kwargs).map(&:join) end @printable_ascii_chars = (' '..'~').to_a.freeze ## # Generates a single-character string # from the printable ASCII character set. # # Shrinks towards ' '. # # >> Generators.printable_ascii_char.sample(size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["S", "|", ".", "g", "\\", "4", "r", "v", "j", "j"] def printable_ascii_char one_of(*@printable_ascii_chars.map(&method(:constant))) end ## # Generates strings # from the printable ASCII character set. # # Shrinks towards fewer characters, and towards ' '. # # >> Generators.printable_ascii_string.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["S|.g", "rvjjw7\"5T!", "=", "!_[4@", "Y"] def printable_ascii_string(**kwargs) array(printable_ascii_char, **kwargs).map(&:join) end @ascii_chars = [ @printable_ascii_chars, [ "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\b", "\f", "\e", "\d", "\a" ] ].flat_map(&:to_a).freeze ## # Generates a single-character string # from the printable ASCII character set. # # Shrinks towards '\n'. # # >> Generators.ascii_char.sample(size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["d", "S", "|", ".", "g", "\\", "4", "d", "r", "v"] def ascii_char one_of(*@ascii_chars.map(&method(:constant))) end ## # Generates strings # from the printable ASCII character set. # # Shrinks towards fewer characters, and towards '\n'. # # >> Generators.ascii_string.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["S|.g", "drvjjw\b\a7\"", "!w=E!_[4@k", "x", "zZI{[o"] def ascii_string(**kwargs) array(ascii_char, **kwargs).map(&:join) end @printable_chars = [ @ascii_chars, "\u{A0}".."\u{D7FF}", "\u{E000}".."\u{FFFD}", "\u{10000}".."\u{10FFFF}" ].flat_map(&:to_a).freeze ## # Generates a single-character printable string # both ASCII characters and Unicode. # # Shrinks towards characters with lower codepoints, e.g. ASCII # # >> Generators.printable_char.sample(size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["吏", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Ȍ"] def printable_char one_of(*@printable_chars.map(&method(:constant))) end ## # Generates a printable string # both ASCII characters and Unicode. # # Shrinks towards shorter strings, and towards characters with lower codepoints, e.g. ASCII # # >> Generators.printable_string.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["", "Ȍ", "𐁂", "Ȕ", ""] def printable_string(**kwargs) array(printable_char, **kwargs).map(&:join) end ## # Generates a single unicode character # (both printable and non-printable). # # Shrinks towards characters with lower codepoints, e.g. ASCII # # >> Generators.printable_char.sample(size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["吏", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Ȍ"] def char choose(0..0x10FFFF).map do |num| [num].pack('U') end end ## # Generates a string of unicode characters # (which might contain both printable and non-printable characters). # # Shrinks towards characters with lower codepoints, e.g. ASCII # # >> Generators.string.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => ["\u{A3DB3}𠍜\u{3F46A}\u{1AEBC}", "􍙦𡡹󴇒\u{DED74}𪱣\u{43E97}ꂂ\u{50695}􏴴\u{C0301}", "\u{4FD9D}", "\u{C14BF}\u{193BB}𭇋󱣼\u{76B58}", "𦐺\u{9FDDB}\u{80ABB}\u{9E3CF}𐂽\u{14AAE}"] def string(**kwargs) array(char, **kwargs).map(&:join) end ## # Generates either `true` or `false` # # Shrinks towards `false` # # >> Generators.boolean.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [false, true, false, false, false] def boolean one_of(constant(false), constant(true)) end ## # Generates always `nil`. # # Does not shrink. # # >> Generators.nil.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil] def nil constant(nil) end ## # Generates `nil` or `false`. # # Shrinks towards `nil`. # # >> Generators.falsey.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [nil, false, nil, nil, nil] def falsey one_of(constant(nil), constant(false)) end ## # Generates symbols consisting of lowercase letters and potentially underscores. # # Shrinks towards shorter symbols and the letter 'a'. # # >> Generators.simple_symbol.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [:tokh, :gzswkkxudh, :vubxlfbu, :lzvlyq__jp, :oslw] def simple_symbol alphabet = ('a'..'z').to_a alphabet << '_' array(one_of(*alphabet.map(&method(:constant)))) .map(&:join) .map(&:to_sym) end ## # Generates common terms that are not `nil` or `false`. # # Shrinks towards simpler terms, like `true`, an empty array, a single character or an integer. # # >> Generators.truthy.sample(5, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [[4, 0, -3, 10, -4, 8, 0, 0, 10], -3, [5.5, -5.818181818181818, 1.1428571428571428, 0.0, 8.0, 7.857142857142858, -0.6666666666666665, 5.25], [], ["\u{9E553}\u{DD56E}\u{A5BBB}\u{8BDAB}\u{3E9FC}\u{C4307}\u{DAFAE}\u{1A022}\u{938CD}\u{70631}", "\u{C4C01}\u{32D85}\u{425DC}"]] def truthy one_of(constant(true), constant([]), char, integer, float, string, array(integer), array(float), array(char), array(string), hash(simple_symbol, integer), hash(string, integer), hash(string, string) ) end ## # Generates whatever `other_generator` generates # but sometimes instead `nil`.` # # >> Generators.nillable(Generators.integer).sample(20, size: 10, rng: Random.new(42)) # => [9, 10, 8, 0, 10, -3, -8, 10, 1, -9, -10, nil, 1, 6, nil, 1, 9, -8, 8, 10] def nillable(other_generator) frequency(9 => other_generator, 1 => constant(nil)) end ## # Generates an instance of `klass` # using `args` and/or `kwargs` # as generators for the arguments that are passed to `klass.new` # # ## Example: # # Given a class like this: # # # class User # def initialize(name: , age: ) # @name = name # @age = age # end # # def inspect # "" # end # end # # >> user_gen = Generators.instance(User, name: Generators.printable_ascii_string, age: Generators.nonnegative_integer) # >> user_gen.sample(3, rng: Random.new(42)).inspect # => "[, , ]" def instance(klass, *args, **kwargs) tuple(*args).bind do |vals| fixed_hash(**kwargs).map do |kwvals| if kwvals == {} klass.new(*vals) elsif vals == [] klass.new(**kwvals) else klass.new(*vals, **kwvals) end end end end end end