tork-driver - drives tork-engine(1) when files change
This program drives tork-engine(1) when tork-herald(1) reports files changes.
This program can be controlled remotely by multiple tork-remote(1) instances.
This program reads the following commands, which are single-line JSON arrays, from stdin and performs the actions described respectively.
This program prints the following messages, which are single-line JSON arrays, to stdout.
, --help
environment variable..tork/driver.rb
- Array of strings or regular expressions that match the paths of overhead files. If any of these equal or match the path of a changed file reported by tork-herald(1), then the test execution overhead will be reabsorbed in tork-master(1).
- Array of file globbing patterns that describe the set of all test files in your Ruby application.
- Hash that maps (1) a regular expression describing a set of file paths to (2) a lambda function that accepts a
object containing the results of the regular expression matching against the path of a changed file, and yields one or more file globbing patterns (a single string, or an array of strings) that describe a set of test files that need to be run.
- The results of these functions are recursively expanded (fed back into them) to construct an entire dependency tree of test files that need to be run. For instance, if one function returns a glob that yields files matched by another function, then that second function will be called to glob more test files. This process repeats until all dependent test files have been accounted for.
Single glob expansion
For example, if test files had the same names as their source files followed by an underscore and the file name in reverse like this:
- lib/hello.rb => test/hello_olleh.rb
- app/world.rb => spec/world_ldrow.rb
Then you would add the following to your configuration file:
Tork::Driver::TEST_FILE_GLOBBERS.update( %r{^(lib|app)/.*?([^/]+?)\.rb$} => lambda do |matches| name = matches[2] "{test,spec}/**/#{name}_#{name.reverse}.rb" end )
Multi-glob expansion
For example, if test files could optionally have "test" or "spec" prefixed or appended to their already peculiar names, like so:
- lib/hello.rb => test/hello_olleh_test.rb
- lib/hello.rb => test/test_hello_olleh.rb
- app/world.rb => spec/world_ldrow_spec.rb
- app/world.rb => spec/spec_world_ldrow.rb
Then you would add the following to your configuration file:
Tork::Driver::TEST_FILE_GLOBBERS.update( %r{^(lib|app)/.*?([^/]+?)\.rb$} => lambda do |matches| name = matches[2] ["{test,spec}/**/#{name}_#{name.reverse}.rb", "{test,spec}/**/#{name}_#{name.reverse}_{test,spec}.rb", "{test,spec}/**/{test,spec}_#{name}_#{name.reverse}.rb"] end )
Recursive expansion
For example, if you wanted to run test files associated with
whenever theapp/world.rb
file changed, then you would write:Tork::Driver::TEST_FILE_GLOBBERS.update( %r{^app/world\.rb$} => lambda do |matches| 'lib/hello.rb' end )
This effectively aliases one file onto another, but not in both directions.
Suppressing expansion
These lambda functions can return
if they do not wish for a particular source file to be tested. For example, to ignore tests for all source files except those within amodels/
directory, you would write:Tork::Driver::TEST_FILE_GLOBBERS.update( %r{^(lib|app)(/.*?)([^/]+?)\.rb$} => lambda do |matches| if matches[2].include? '/models/' ["{test,spec}/**/#{matches[3]}_{test,spec}.rb", "{test,spec}/**/{test,spec}_#{matches[3]}.rb"] #else # implied by the Ruby language #nil # implied by the Ruby language end end )
See tork(1).
tork(1), tork-remote(1), tork-herald(1), tork-engine(1), tork-master(1)