# # Copyright:: Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef-cli/policyfile_compiler" require "chef-cli/exceptions" describe ChefCLI::PolicyfileCompiler, "including upstream policy locks" do def expand_run_list(r) r.map do |item| "recipe[#{item}]" end end let(:run_list) { ["local::default"] } let(:run_list_expanded) { expand_run_list(run_list) } let(:named_run_list) { {} } let(:named_run_list_expanded) do named_run_list.inject({}) do |acc, (key, val)| acc[key] = expand_run_list(val) acc end end let(:default_attributes) { {} } let(:override_attributes) { {} } let(:default_source) { nil } let(:external_cookbook_universe) do { "cookbookA" => { "1.0.0" => [ ], "2.0.0" => [ ], }, "cookbookB" => { "1.0.0" => [ ], "2.0.0" => [ ], }, "cookbookC" => { "1.0.0" => [ ], "2.0.0" => [ ], }, "local" => { "1.0.0" => [ ["cookbookC", "= 1.0.0" ] ], }, "local_easy" => { "1.0.0" => [ ["cookbookC", "= 2.0.0" ] ], }, } end let(:included_policy_default_attributes) { {} } let(:included_policy_override_attributes) { {} } let(:included_policy_expanded_named_runlist) { nil } let(:included_policy_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookA::default]"] } let(:included_policy_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookA", version: "2.0.0", }, ] end let(:included_policy_lock_data) do cookbook_locks = included_policy_cookbooks.inject({}) do |acc, cookbook_info| acc[cookbook_info[:name]] = { "version" => cookbook_info[:version], "identifier" => "identifier", "dotted_decimal_identifier" => "dotted_decimal_identifier", "cache_key" => "#{cookbook_info[:name]}-#{cookbook_info[:version]}", "origin" => "uri", "source_options" => {}, } acc end solution_dependencies_lock = included_policy_cookbooks.map do |cookbook_info| [cookbook_info[:name], cookbook_info[:version]] end solution_dependencies_cookbooks = included_policy_cookbooks.inject({}) do |acc, cookbook_info| acc["#{cookbook_info[:name]} (#{cookbook_info[:version]})"] = external_cookbook_universe[cookbook_info[:name]][cookbook_info[:version]] acc end { "name" => "included_policyfile", "revision_id" => "myrevisionid", "run_list" => included_policy_expanded_runlist, "cookbook_locks" => cookbook_locks, "default_attributes" => included_policy_default_attributes, "override_attributes" => included_policy_override_attributes, "solution_dependencies" => { "Policyfile" => solution_dependencies_lock, "dependencies" => solution_dependencies_cookbooks, }, }.tap do |core| core["named_run_lists"] = included_policy_expanded_named_runlist if included_policy_expanded_named_runlist end end let(:included_policy_lock_name) { "included" } let(:included_policy_fetcher) do instance_double("ChefCLI::Policyfile::LocalLockFetcher").tap do |double| allow(double).to receive(:lock_data).and_return(included_policy_lock_data) allow(double).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) allow(double).to receive(:errors).and_return([]) end end let(:lock_source_options) { { path: "somelocation" } } let(:included_policy_lock_spec) do ChefCLI::Policyfile::PolicyfileLocationSpecification.new(included_policy_lock_name, lock_source_options, nil).tap do |spec| allow(spec).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) allow(spec).to receive(:fetcher).and_return(included_policy_fetcher) allow(spec).to receive(:source_options_for_lock).and_return(lock_source_options) end end let(:included_policies) { [] } let(:policyfile) do policyfile = ChefCLI::PolicyfileCompiler.new.build do |p| if default_source p.default_source.replace([default_source]) else allow(p.default_source.first).to receive(:universe_graph).and_return(external_cookbook_universe) allow(p.default_source.first).to receive(:null?).and_return(false) end p.run_list(*run_list) named_run_list.each do |name, run_list| p.named_run_list(name, *run_list) end default_attributes.each do |(name, value)| p.default[name] = value end override_attributes.each do |(name, value)| p.override[name] = value end allow(p).to receive(:included_policies).and_return(included_policies) end policyfile end let(:policyfile_lock) do policyfile.lock end context "when no policies are included" do it "does not emit included policies information in the lockfile" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["included_policies"]).to eq(nil) end end context "when one policy is included" do let(:included_policies) { [included_policy_lock_spec] } # currently you must have a run list in a policyfile, but it should now # become possible to make a combo-policy just by combining other policies context "when the including policy does not have a run list" do let(:run_list) { [] } it "emits a lockfile with an identical run list as the included policy" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["run_list"]).to eq(included_policy_expanded_runlist) end end context "when the including policy has a run list" do it "appends run list items from the including policy to the included policy's run list, removing duplicates" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["run_list"]).to eq(included_policy_expanded_runlist + run_list_expanded) end end context "when the policies have named run lists" do let(:included_policy_expanded_named_runlist) do { "shared" => ["recipe[cookbookA::included]"], } end context "and no named run lists are shared between the including and included policy" do let(:named_run_list) do { "local" => ["local::foo"], } end it "preserves the named run lists as given in both policies" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["named_run_lists"]).to include(included_policy_expanded_named_runlist, named_run_list_expanded) end end context "and some named run lists are shared between the including and included policy" do let(:named_run_list) do { "shared" => ["local::foo"], } end it "appends run lists items from the including policy's run lists to the included policy's run lists" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["named_run_lists"]["shared"]).to eq(included_policy_expanded_named_runlist["shared"] + named_run_list_expanded["shared"]) end end end context "when no cookbooks are shared as dependencies or transitive dependencies" do let(:included_policy_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookC::default]"] } let(:run_list) { ["cookbookA::default"] } it "does not raise a have conflicting dependency requirements error" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.not_to raise_error end it "emits a lockfile where cookbooks pulled from the upstream are at identical versions" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["solution_dependencies"]["dependencies"]).to( have_key("cookbookC (2.0.0)") ) end end context "when some cookbooks are shared as dependencies or transitive dependencies" do let(:included_policy_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookC::default]"] } let(:included_policy_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookC", version: "2.0.0", }, ] end context "and the including policy does not specify any sources" do let(:run_list) { [] } it "it defaults to those provided in the included policy lock" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["solution_dependencies"]["dependencies"]).to( have_key("cookbookC (2.0.0)") ) end end context "and the including policy specifies a source that is equivalent to the included policy" do let(:run_list) { [] } let(:default_source) { instance_double("ChefCLI::Policyfile::NullCookbookSource") } before do allow(default_source).to receive(:preferred_cookbooks).and_return(["cookbookC"]) allow(default_source).to receive(:source_options_for).with("cookbookC", "2.0.0").and_return({}) allow(default_source).to receive(:null?).and_return(false) allow(default_source).to receive(:universe_graph).and_return(external_cookbook_universe) allow(default_source).to receive(:desc).and_return("source double") end it "it defaults to those provided in the included policy lock" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.not_to raise_error end end context "and the including policy specifies a source that is not equivalent to the included policy" do let(:run_list) { [] } let(:default_source) { instance_double("ChefCLI::Policyfile::NullCookbookSource") } before do allow(default_source).to receive(:preferred_cookbooks).and_return(["cookbookC"]) allow(default_source).to receive(:source_options_for).with("cookbookC", "2.0.0").and_return({ "foo" => "bar" }) allow(default_source).to receive(:null?).and_return(false) allow(default_source).to receive(:universe_graph).and_return(external_cookbook_universe) allow(default_source).to receive(:desc).and_return("source double") end it "it raises an error" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.to raise_error(ChefCLI::IncludePolicyCookbookSourceConflict) end end context "and the including policy's dependencies can be solved with the included policy's locks" do let(:run_list) { ["local_easy::default"] } it "solves the dependencies added by the top-level policyfile and emits them in the lockfile" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["solution_dependencies"]["dependencies"]).to( have_key("cookbookC (2.0.0)") ) end end context "and the including policy's dependencies cannot be solved with the included policy's locks" do let(:run_list) { ["local::default"] } it "raises an error describing the conflict" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.to raise_error(Solve::Errors::NoSolutionError) end it "includes the source of the conflicting dependency constraint from the including policy" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.to raise_error(Solve::Errors::NoSolutionError) do |e| expect(e.to_s).to match(/`cookbookC \(= 2.0.0\)`/) # This one comes from the included policy expect(e.to_s).to match(/`cookbookC \(= 1.0.0\)` required by `local-1.0.0`/) # This one comes from the included policy end end end end context "when default attributes are specified" do let(:default_attributes) do { "shared" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end context "when the included policy does not have attributes that conflict with the including policy" do let(:included_policy_default_attributes) do { "not_shared" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end it "emits a lockfile with the attributes from both merged" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["default_attributes"]).to include(included_policy_default_attributes, default_attributes) end end context "when the included policy has attributes that conflict with the including policy, but provide the same value" do let(:included_policy_default_attributes) { default_attributes } it "emits a lockfile with the attributes from both merged" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["default_attributes"]).to eq(default_attributes) end end context "when the included policy has attributes that conflict with the including policy's attributes" do let(:included_policy_default_attributes) do { "shared" => { "foo" => "not_bar", }, } end it "raises an error describing all attribute conflicts" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.to raise_error( ChefCLI::Policyfile::AttributeMergeChecker::ConflictError, "Attribute '[shared][foo]' provided conflicting values by the following sources [\"user-specified\", \"included\"]" ) end end end context "when override attributes are specified" do let(:override_attributes) do { "shared" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end context "when the included policy does not have attributes that conflict with the including policy" do let(:included_policy_override_attributes) do { "not_shared" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end it "emits a lockfile with the attributes from both merged" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["override_attributes"]).to include(included_policy_override_attributes, override_attributes) end end context "when the included policy has attributes that conflict with the including policy, but provide the same value" do let(:included_policy_override_attributes) { override_attributes } it "emits a lockfile with the attributes from both merged" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["override_attributes"]).to eq(override_attributes) end end context "when the included policy has attributes that conflict with the including policy's attributes" do let(:included_policy_override_attributes) do { "shared" => { "foo" => "not_bar", }, } end it "raises an error describing all attribute conflicts" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.to raise_error( ChefCLI::Policyfile::AttributeMergeChecker::ConflictError, "Attribute '[shared][foo]' provided conflicting values by the following sources [\"user-specified\", \"included\"]" ) end end end end context "when several policies are included" do let(:included_policy_2_default_attributes) { {} } let(:included_policy_2_override_attributes) { {} } let(:included_policy_2_expanded_named_runlist) { nil } let(:included_policy_2_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookA::default]"] } let(:included_policy_2_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookA", version: "2.0.0", }, ] end let(:included_policy_2_lock_data) do cookbook_locks = included_policy_2_cookbooks.inject({}) do |acc, cookbook_info| acc[cookbook_info[:name]] = { "version" => cookbook_info[:version], "identifier" => "identifier", "dotted_decimal_identifier" => "dotted_decimal_identifier", "cache_key" => "#{cookbook_info[:name]}-#{cookbook_info[:version]}", "origin" => "uri", "source_options" => {}, } acc end solution_dependencies_lock = included_policy_2_cookbooks.map do |cookbook_info| [cookbook_info[:name], cookbook_info[:version]] end solution_dependencies_cookbooks = included_policy_2_cookbooks.inject({}) do |acc, cookbook_info| acc["#{cookbook_info[:name]} (#{cookbook_info[:version]})"] = external_cookbook_universe[cookbook_info[:name]][cookbook_info[:version]] acc end { "name" => "included_policy_2file", "revision_id" => "myrevisionid", "run_list" => included_policy_2_expanded_runlist, "cookbook_locks" => cookbook_locks, "default_attributes" => included_policy_2_default_attributes, "override_attributes" => included_policy_2_override_attributes, "solution_dependencies" => { "Policyfile" => solution_dependencies_lock, "dependencies" => solution_dependencies_cookbooks, }, }.tap do |core| core["named_run_lists"] = included_policy_2_expanded_named_runlist if included_policy_2_expanded_named_runlist end end let(:included_policy_2_lock_name) { "included2" } let(:included_policy_2_fetcher) do instance_double("ChefCLI::Policyfile::LocalLockFetcher").tap do |double| allow(double).to receive(:lock_data).and_return(included_policy_2_lock_data) allow(double).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) allow(double).to receive(:errors).and_return([]) end end let(:included_policy_2_lock_spec) do ChefCLI::Policyfile::PolicyfileLocationSpecification.new(included_policy_2_lock_name, lock_source_options, nil).tap do |spec| allow(spec).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) allow(spec).to receive(:fetcher).and_return(included_policy_2_fetcher) allow(spec).to receive(:source_options_for_lock).and_return(lock_source_options) end end let(:included_policies) { [included_policy_lock_spec, included_policy_2_lock_spec] } let(:run_list) { ["local::default"] } context "when no cookbooks are shared as dependencies or transitive dependencies by included policies" do let(:included_policy_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookA::default]"] } let(:included_policy_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookA", version: "2.0.0", }, ] end let(:included_policy_2_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookB::default]"] } let(:included_policy_2_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookB", version: "2.0.0", }, ] end it "does not raise a have conflicting dependency requirements error" do expect { policyfile_lock.to_lock }.not_to raise_error end it "emits a lockfile with the correct dependencies" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["solution_dependencies"]["dependencies"]).to eq({ "cookbookA (2.0.0)" => [], "cookbookB (2.0.0)" => [], "cookbookC (1.0.0)" => [], "local (1.0.0)" => [["cookbookC", "= 1.0.0"]], }) end end context "when some cookbooks appear as dependencies or transitive dependencies of some included policies" do let(:included_policy_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookC::default]"] } let(:included_policy_2_expanded_runlist) { ["recipe[cookbookC::default]"] } context "and the locked versions of the cookbooks match" do let(:included_policy_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookC", version: "1.0.0", }, ] end let(:included_policy_2_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookC", version: "1.0.0", }, ] end it "solves the dependencies with the matching versions" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["solution_dependencies"]["dependencies"]).to eq({ "cookbookC (1.0.0)" => [], "local (1.0.0)" => [["cookbookC", "= 1.0.0"]], }) end end context "and the locked versions of the cookbooks do not match" do let(:included_policy_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookC", version: "1.0.0", }, ] end let(:included_policy_2_cookbooks) do [ { name: "cookbookC", version: "2.0.0", }, ] end it "raises an error describing the conflict" do expect { policyfile_lock }.to raise_error( ChefCLI::Policyfile::IncludedPoliciesCookbookSource::ConflictingCookbookVersions, /Multiple versions provided for cookbook cookbookC/ ) end end end context "when default attributes are specified" do context "when the included policies do not have conflicting attributes" do let(:included_policy_default_attributes) do { "not_conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end let(:included_policy_2_default_attributes) do { "not_conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end let(:default_attributes) do { "not_conflict" => { "bar" => "baz", }, } end it "emits a lockfile with the included policies' attributes merged" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["default_attributes"]).to eq({ "not_conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", "bar" => "baz", }, }) end end context "when the included policies have conflicting attributes" do let(:included_policy_default_attributes) do { "conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end let(:included_policy_2_default_attributes) do { "conflict" => { "foo" => "baz", }, } end it "raises an error describing the conflict" do expect { policyfile_lock }.to raise_error( ChefCLI::Policyfile::AttributeMergeChecker::ConflictError, "Attribute '[conflict][foo]' provided conflicting values by the following sources [\"included\", \"included2\"]" ) end end end context "when override attributes are specified" do context "when the included policies do not have conflicting attributes" do let(:included_policy_override_attributes) do { "not_conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end let(:included_policy_2_override_attributes) do { "not_conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end let(:override_attributes) do { "not_conflict" => { "bar" => "baz", }, } end it "emits a lockfile with the included policies' attributes merged" do expect(policyfile_lock.to_lock["override_attributes"]).to eq({ "not_conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", "bar" => "baz", }, }) end end context "when the included policies have conflicting attributes" do let(:included_policy_override_attributes) do { "conflict" => { "foo" => "bar", }, } end let(:included_policy_2_override_attributes) do { "conflict" => { "foo" => "baz", }, } end it "raises an error describing the conflict" do expect { policyfile_lock }.to raise_error( ChefCLI::Policyfile::AttributeMergeChecker::ConflictError, "Attribute '[conflict][foo]' provided conflicting values by the following sources [\"included\", \"included2\"]" ) end end end end end