require 'cgi' require "base64" module CouchRest class Database attr_reader :server, :host, :name, :root, :uri attr_accessor :bulk_save_cache_limit # Create a CouchRest::Database adapter for the supplied CouchRest::Server # and database name. # # ==== Parameters # server:: database host # name:: database name # def initialize(server, name) @name = name @server = server @host = server.uri @uri = "/#{name.gsub('/','%2F')}" @root = host + uri @streamer = @bulk_save_cache = [] @bulk_save_cache_limit = 500 # must be smaller than the uuid count end # == Database information and manipulation methods # returns the database's uri def to_s @root end # GET the database info from CouchDB def info CouchRest.get @root end # Compact the database, removing old document revisions and optimizing space use. def compact! "#{@root}/_compact" end # Create the database def create! bool = server.create_db(@name) rescue false bool && true end # Delete and re create the database def recreate! delete! create! rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound ensure create! end # Replicates via "pulling" from another database to this database. Makes no attempt to deal with conflicts. def replicate_from(other_db, continuous = false, create_target = false, doc_ids = nil) replicate(other_db, continuous, :target => name, :create_target => create_target, :doc_ids => doc_ids) end # Replicates via "pushing" to another database. Makes no attempt to deal with conflicts. def replicate_to(other_db, continuous = false, create_target = false, doc_ids = nil) replicate(other_db, continuous, :source => name, :create_target => create_target, :doc_ids => doc_ids) end # DELETE the database itself. This is not undoable and could be rather # catastrophic. Use with care! def delete! CouchRest.delete @root end # == Retrieving and saving single documents # GET a document from CouchDB, by id. Returns a Document or Design. def get(id, params = {}) slug = escape_docid(id) url = CouchRest.paramify_url("#{@root}/#{slug}", params) result = CouchRest.get(url) return result unless result.is_a?(Hash) doc = if /^_design/ =~ result["_id"] else end doc.database = self doc end # Save a document to CouchDB. This will use the _id field from # the document as the id for PUT, or request a new UUID from CouchDB, if # no _id is present on the document. IDs are attached to # documents on the client side because POST has the curious property of # being automatically retried by proxies in the event of network # segmentation and lost responses. # # If bulk is true (false by default) the document is cached for bulk-saving later. # Bulk saving happens automatically when #bulk_save_cache limit is exceded, or on the next non bulk save. # # If batch is true (false by default) the document is saved in # batch mode, "used to achieve higher throughput at the cost of lower # guarantees. When [...] sent using this option, it is not immediately # written to disk. Instead it is stored in memory on a per-user basis for a # second or so (or the number of docs in memory reaches a certain point). # After the threshold has passed, the docs are committed to disk. Instead # of waiting for the doc to be written to disk before responding, CouchDB # sends an HTTP 202 Accepted response immediately. batch=ok is not suitable # for crucial data, but it ideal for applications like logging which can # accept the risk that a small proportion of updates could be lost due to a # crash." def save_doc(doc, bulk = false, batch = false) if doc['_attachments'] doc['_attachments'] = encode_attachments(doc['_attachments']) end if bulk @bulk_save_cache << doc bulk_save if @bulk_save_cache.length >= @bulk_save_cache_limit return {'ok' => true} # Compatibility with Document#save elsif !bulk && @bulk_save_cache.length > 0 bulk_save end result = if doc['_id'] slug = escape_docid(doc['_id']) begin uri = "#{@root}/#{slug}" uri << "?batch=ok" if batch CouchRest.put uri, doc rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound p "resource not found when saving even tho an id was passed" slug = doc['_id'] = @server.next_uuid CouchRest.put "#{@root}/#{slug}", doc end else begin slug = doc['_id'] = @server.next_uuid CouchRest.put "#{@root}/#{slug}", doc rescue #old version of couchdb @root, doc end end if result['ok'] doc['_id'] = result['id'] doc['_rev'] = result['rev'] doc.database = self if doc.respond_to?(:database=) end result end # Save a document to CouchDB in bulk mode. See #save_doc's +bulk+ argument. def bulk_save_doc(doc) save_doc(doc, true) end # Save a document to CouchDB in batch mode. See #save_doc's +batch+ argument. def batch_save_doc(doc) save_doc(doc, false, true) end # POST an array of documents to CouchDB. If any of the documents are # missing ids, supply one from the uuid cache. # # If called with no arguments, bulk saves the cache of documents to be bulk saved. def bulk_save(docs = nil, use_uuids = true) if docs.nil? docs = @bulk_save_cache @bulk_save_cache = [] end if (use_uuids) ids, noids = docs.partition{|d|d['_id']} uuid_count = [noids.length, @server.uuid_batch_count].max noids.each do |doc| nextid = @server.next_uuid(uuid_count) rescue nil doc['_id'] = nextid if nextid end end "#{@root}/_bulk_docs", {:docs => docs} end alias :bulk_delete :bulk_save # DELETE the document from CouchDB that has the given _id and # _rev. # # If bulk is true (false by default) the deletion is recorded for bulk-saving (bulk-deletion :) later. # Bulk saving happens automatically when #bulk_save_cache limit is exceded, or on the next non bulk save. def delete_doc(doc, bulk = false) raise ArgumentError, "_id and _rev required for deleting" unless doc['_id'] && doc['_rev'] if bulk @bulk_save_cache << { '_id' => doc['_id'], '_rev' => doc['_rev'], :_deleted => true } return bulk_save if @bulk_save_cache.length >= @bulk_save_cache_limit return {'ok' => true} # Mimic the non-deferred version end slug = escape_docid(doc['_id']) CouchRest.delete "#{@root}/#{slug}?rev=#{doc['_rev']}" end # COPY an existing document to a new id. If the destination id currently exists, a rev must be provided. # dest can take one of two forms if overwriting: "id_to_overwrite?rev=revision" or the actual doc # hash with a '_rev' key def copy_doc(doc, dest) raise ArgumentError, "_id is required for copying" unless doc['_id'] slug = escape_docid(doc['_id']) destination = if dest.respond_to?(:has_key?) && dest['_id'] && dest['_rev'] "#{dest['_id']}?rev=#{dest['_rev']}" else dest end CouchRest.copy "#{@root}/#{slug}", destination end # Updates the given doc by yielding the current state of the doc # and trying to update update_limit times. Returns the doc # if successfully updated without hitting the limit. # If the limit is reached, the last execption will be raised. def update_doc(doc_id, params = {}, update_limit = 10) resp = {'ok' => false} last_fail = nil until resp['ok'] or update_limit <= 0 doc = self.get(doc_id, params) yield doc begin resp = self.save_doc doc rescue RestClient::RequestFailed => e if e.http_code == 409 # Update collision update_limit -= 1 last_fail = e else raise e end end end raise last_fail unless resp['ok'] doc end # == View and multi-document based queries # Query a CouchDB view as defined by a _design document. Accepts # paramaters as described in def view(name, params = {}, payload = {}, &block) payload['keys'] = params.delete(:keys) if params[:keys] # Try recognising the name, otherwise assume already prepared view_path = name_to_view_path(name) url = CouchRest.paramify_url "#{@root}/#{view_path}", params if block_given? if !payload.empty? url, payload, &block else @streamer.get url, &block end else if !payload.empty? url, payload else CouchRest.get url end end end # POST a temporary view function to CouchDB for querying. This is not # recommended, as you don't get any performance benefit from CouchDB's # materialized views. Can be quite slow on large databases. def temp_view(payload, params = {}, &block) view('_temp_view', params, payload, &block) end alias :slow_view :temp_view # Query the _all_docs view. Accepts all the same arguments as view. def all_docs(params = {}, payload = {}, &block) view("_all_docs", params, payload, &block) end alias :documents :all_docs # Query CouchDB's special _changes feed for the latest. # All standard CouchDB options can be provided. # # Warning: sending :feed => 'continuous' will cause your code to block # indefinetly while waiting for changes. You might want to look-up an # alternative to this. def changes(params = {}, payload = {}, &block) view("_changes", params, payload, &block) end # Query a CouchDB-Lucene search view def fti(name, params={}) # -> http://localhost:5984/yourdb/_fti/YourDesign/by_name?include_docs=true&q=plop*' view("_fti/#{name}", params) end alias :search :fti # load a set of documents by passing an array of ids def get_bulk(ids) all_docs(:keys => ids, :include_docs => true) end alias :bulk_load :get_bulk # == Handling attachments # GET an attachment directly from CouchDB def fetch_attachment(doc, name) uri = url_for_attachment(doc, name) CouchRest.get uri, :raw => true end # PUT an attachment directly to CouchDB def put_attachment(doc, name, file, options = {}) docid = escape_docid(doc['_id']) uri = url_for_attachment(doc, name) CouchRest.put(uri, file, options.merge(:raw => true)) end # DELETE an attachment directly from CouchDB def delete_attachment(doc, name, force=false) uri = url_for_attachment(doc, name) # this needs a rev begin CouchRest.delete(uri) rescue Exception => error if force # get over a 409 doc = get(doc['_id']) uri = url_for_attachment(doc, name) CouchRest.delete(uri) else error end end end private def replicate(other_db, continuous, options) raise ArgumentError, "must provide a CouchReset::Database" unless other_db.kind_of?(CouchRest::Database) raise ArgumentError, "must provide a target or source option" unless (options.key?(:target) || options.key?(:source)) payload = options if options.has_key?(:target) payload['source'] = other_db.root else payload['target'] = other_db.root end payload['continuous'] = continuous payload['doc_ids'] = options[:doc_ids] if options[:doc_ids] "#{@host}/_replicate", payload end def uri_for_attachment(doc, name) if doc.is_a?(String) puts "CouchRest::Database#fetch_attachment will eventually require a doc as the first argument, not a" docid = doc rev = nil else docid = doc['_id'] rev = doc['_rev'] end docid = escape_docid(docid) name = CGI.escape(name) rev = "?rev=#{doc['_rev']}" if rev "/#{docid}/#{name}#{rev}" end def url_for_attachment(doc, name) @root + uri_for_attachment(doc, name) end def escape_docid id /^_design\/(.*)/ =~ id ? "_design/#{CGI.escape($1)}" : CGI.escape(id) end def encode_attachments(attachments) attachments.each do |k,v| next if v['stub'] v['data'] = base64(v['data']) end attachments end def base64(data) Base64.encode64(data).gsub(/\s/,'') end # Convert a simplified view name into a complete view path. If # the name already starts with a "_" no alterations will be made. def name_to_view_path(name) name =~ /^([^_].+?)\/(.*)$/ ? "_design/#{$1}/_view/#{$2}" : name end end end