# frozen_string_literal: true require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' RSpec.describe "YARD::Handlers::Ruby::#{LEGACY_PARSER ? "Legacy::" : ""}ConstantHandler" do before(:all) { parse_file :constant_handler_001, __FILE__ } it "does not parse constants inside methods" do expect(Registry.at("A::B::SOMECONSTANT").source).to eq "SOMECONSTANT= \"hello\"" end it "only parses valid constants" do expect(Registry.at("A::B::notaconstant")).to be nil end it "maintains newlines" do expect(Registry.at("A::B::MYCONSTANT").value.delete("\r")).to eq "A +\nB +\nC +\nD" end it "turns Const = Struct.new(:sym) into class Const with attr :sym" do obj = Registry.at("MyClass") expect(obj).to be_kind_of(CodeObjects::ClassObject) attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] [:a, :b, :c].each do |key| expect(attrs).to have_key(key) expect(attrs[key][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[key][:write]).not_to be nil end end it 'documents block for Struct.new if present' do obj = Registry.at("MyStructWithConstant") expect(obj).to be_kind_of(CodeObjects::ClassObject) expect(obj.constants[0].docstring).to eq 'A constant.' expect(obj.constants[0].name).to eq :CONSTANT expect(obj.constants[0].value).to eq "42" expect(obj.constants[1].docstring).to eq 'Special constant (empty symbol)' expect(obj.constants[1].name).to eq :EMPTY expect(obj.constants[1].value).to eq ":''" end it "turns Const = Struct.new('Name', :sym) into class Const with attr :sym" do obj = Registry.at("NotMyClass") expect(obj).to be_kind_of(CodeObjects::ClassObject) attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] [:b, :c].each do |key| expect(attrs).to have_key(key) expect(attrs[key][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[key][:write]).not_to be nil end expect(Registry.at("NotMyClass2")).to be nil end it "turns Const = Struct.new into empty struct" do obj = Registry.at("MyEmptyStruct") expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.attributes[:instance]).to be_empty end it "maintains docstrings on structs defined via constants" do obj = Registry.at("DocstringStruct") expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.docstring).to eq "A crazy struct." expect(obj.attributes[:instance]).not_to be_empty a1 = Registry.at("DocstringStruct#bar") a2 = Registry.at("DocstringStruct#baz") expect(a1.docstring).to eq "An attr" expect(a1.tag(:return).types).to eq ["String"] expect(a2.docstring).to eq "Another attr" expect(a2.tag(:return).types).to eq ["Number"] a3 = Registry.at("DocstringStruct#new_syntax") expect(a3.docstring).to eq "Attribute defined with the new syntax" expect(a3.tag(:return).types).to eq ["Symbol"] end it "raises undocumentable error in 1.9 parser for Struct.new assignment to non-const" do undoc_error "nonconst = Struct.new" end unless LEGACY_PARSER %w(module class).each do |type| it "does not allow #{type} to be redefined as constant" do undoc_error <<-eof #{type} Foo; end Foo = "value" eof end end unless LEGACY_PARSER it "allows constant to have same name as constant in parent namespace" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof module A class C; end module B; C = 1 end end eof expect(log.io.string).to eq "" expect(Registry.at('A::B::C').type).to eq :constant end it "detects compound constant names" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof module A class AA; end AA::B = true end A::AA::C = true eof expect(Registry.at('A::AA::B').type).to eq :constant expect(Registry.at('A::AA::C').type).to eq :constant end if HAVE_RIPPER end