module BookingSync::Engine::AuthHelpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do rescue_from OAuth2::Error, with: :handle_oauth_error rescue_from BookingSync::API::Unauthorized, with: :reset_authorization! helper_method :current_account end private # @return [Account, nil] currently authorized Account or nil if unauthorized def current_account @current_account ||= ::Account.find_by(uid: session[:account_id]) if session[:account_id].present? end # Callback after account is authorized. # # Stores the authorized account's uid in the session. # # @param account [Account] the just authorized account def account_authorized(account) session[:account_id] = account.uid.to_s end # Clear authorization if the account passed from the BookingSync app store # embed doesn't match the currently authorized account def enforce_requested_account_authorized! clear_authorization! unless requested_account_authorized? end # Checks if the account requested from the BookingSync app store embed # matches currently authorized account. def requested_account_authorized? session[:_bookingsync_account_id].blank? || session[:_bookingsync_account_id] == session[:account_id] end # Removes the authorization from session. Will not redirect to any other # page, see {#reset_authorization!} def clear_authorization! session[:account_id] = nil end # Removes authorization from session and requests new authorization. # For removing authorization without redirecting, see {#clear_authorization!}. def reset_authorization! session[:_bookingsync_account_id] = params[:account_id].presence || session[:account_id] clear_authorization! request_authorization! end # Request a new authorization. def request_authorization! if request.xhr? request_authorization_for_xhr! elsif BookingSync::Engine.embedded request_authorization_for_embedded! else request_authorization_for_standalone! end end # Request a new authorization for Ajax requests. # # Renders the new authorization path with 401 Unauthorized status by default. def request_authorization_for_xhr! render text: new_authorization_url, status: :unauthorized end # Request a new authorization for Embedded Apps. # # Load the new authorization path using Javascript by default. def request_authorization_for_embedded! allow_bookingsync_iframe render text: "" end # Request a new authorization for Standalone Apps. # # Redirects to new authorization path by default. def request_authorization_for_standalone! redirect_to new_authorization_path end # Path to which the user should be redirected to start a new # Authorization process. # # Default to /auth/bookingsync/?account_id=SESSION_BOOKINGSYNC_ACCOUNT_ID def new_authorization_path "/auth/bookingsync/?account_id=#{session[:_bookingsync_account_id]}" end def new_authorization_url request.base_url + new_authorization_path end # Handler to rescue OAuth errors # # @param error [OAuth2::Error] the rescued error def handle_oauth_error(error) if error.code == "Not authorized" current_account.try(:clear_token!) reset_authorization! else raise end end # Path to which the user should be redirected after successful authorization. # This method should be overridden in applications using this engine. # # Defaults to root_path. def after_bookingsync_sign_in_path root_path end # Path to which the user should be redirected after sign out. # This method should be overridden in applications using this engine. # # Defaults to root_path. def after_bookingsync_sign_out_path root_path end # Requests authorization if not currently authorized. def authenticate_account! store_bookingsync_account_id if BookingSync::Engine.embedded sign_out_if_inactive enforce_requested_account_authorized! request_authorization! unless current_account end def store_bookingsync_account_id # :nodoc: session[:_bookingsync_account_id] = params.delete(:_bookingsync_account_id) end end