require "pubid-jis" module Metanorma module JIS class Converter < ISO::Converter def org_abbrev super.merge("Japanese Industrial Standards" => "JIS") end def metadata_author(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || "JIS" csv_split(publishers)&.each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role type: "author" c.organization do |a| organization(a, p, false, node, !node.attr("publisher")) end end end node.attr("doctype") == "expert-commentary" and personal_author(node, xml) end def metadata_publisher(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || "JIS" csv_split(publishers)&.each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role type: "publisher" c.organization do |a| organization(a, p, true, node, !node.attr("publisher")) end end end end def metadata_copyright(node, xml) pub = node.attr("copyright-holder") || node.attr("publisher") || "JIS" csv_split(pub)&.each do |p| xml.copyright do |c| c.from (node.attr("copyright-year") || c.owner do |owner| owner.organization do |o| organization(o, p, true, node, !node.attr("copyright-holder") || node.attr("publisher")) end end end end end def title(node, xml) %w(en ja).each do |lang| at = { language: lang, format: "text/plain" } title_full(node, xml, lang, at) title_intro(node, xml, lang, at) title_main(node, xml, lang, at) title_part(node, xml, lang, at) title_amd(node, xml, lang, at) if @amd end end def metadata_id(node, xml) node.attr("docidentifier") || node.attr("docnumber") or @fatalerror << "No docnumber attribute supplied" if id = node.attr("docidentifier") xml.docidentifier id.sub(/^JIS /, ""), **attr_code(type: "JIS") else iso_id(node, xml) end xml.docnumber node.attr("docnumber") end def get_typeabbr(node, amd: false) amd || node.attr("amendment-number") and return :amd case doctype(node) when "technical-report" then :tr when "technical-specification" then :ts when "amendment" then :amd end end def iso_id(node, xml) (!@amd && node.attr("docnumber")) || (@amd && node.attr("updates")) or return params = iso_id_params(node) iso_id_out(xml, params, true) end def iso_id_params(node) params = iso_id_params_core(node) params2 = iso_id_params_add(node) if node.attr("updates") orig_id = Pubid::Jis::Identifier::Base.parse(node.attr("updates")) orig_id.edition ||= 1 end iso_id_params_resolve(params, params2, node, orig_id) end def iso_id_params_core(node) pub = (node.attr("publisher") || "JIS").split(/[;,]/) ret = { number: node.attr("docnumber") || "0", part: node.attr("partnumber"), series: node.attr("docseries"), language: node.attr("language") == "en" ? "E" : nil, type: get_typeabbr(node), publisher: pub[0], copublisher: pub[1..-1] }.compact ret[:copublisher].empty? and ret.delete(:copublisher) ret end def iso_id_params_add(node) { number: node.attr("amendment-number"), year: iso_id_year(node) }.compact end def iso_id_out(xml, params, _with_prf) id = iso_id_default(params).to_s(with_publisher: false) xml.docidentifier id.strip, type: "JIS" end def iso_id_default(params) Pubid::Jis::Identifier.create(**params) rescue StandardError => e clean_abort("Document identifier: #{e}", xml) end end end end