# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/CONTRIBUTING.md
module Aws::FSx
module Types
# The Microsoft Active Directory attributes of the Amazon FSx for
# Windows File Server file system.
# @!attribute [rw] domain_name
# The fully qualified domain name of the self-managed Active Directory
# directory.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] active_directory_id
# The ID of the Amazon Web Services Managed Microsoft Active Directory
# instance to which the file system is joined.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ActiveDirectoryBackupAttributes AWS API Documentation
class ActiveDirectoryBackupAttributes < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An Active Directory error.
# @!attribute [rw] active_directory_id
# The directory ID of the directory that an error pertains to.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of Active Directory error.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ActiveDirectoryError AWS API Documentation
class ActiveDirectoryError < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Describes a specific Amazon FSx administrative action for the current
# Windows, Lustre, or OpenZFS file system.
# @!attribute [rw] administrative_action_type
# Describes the type of administrative action, as follows:
# * `FILE_SYSTEM_UPDATE` - A file system update administrative action
# initiated from the Amazon FSx console, API (`UpdateFileSystem`),
# or CLI (`update-file-system`).
# increase a file system's storage capacity has been completed
# successfully, a `STORAGE_OPTIMIZATION` task starts.
# * For Windows and ONTAP, storage optimization is the process of
# migrating the file system data to newer larger disks.
# * For Lustre, storage optimization consists of rebalancing the
# data across the existing and newly added file servers.
# You can track the storage-optimization progress using the
# `ProgressPercent` property. When `STORAGE_OPTIMIZATION` has been
# completed successfully, the parent `FILE_SYSTEM_UPDATE` action
# status changes to `COMPLETED`. For more information, see [Managing
# storage capacity][1] in the *Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
# User Guide*, [Managing storage and throughput capacity][2] in the
# *Amazon FSx for Lustre User Guide*, and [Managing storage capacity
# and provisioned IOPS][3] in the *Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP User
# Guide*.
# * `FILE_SYSTEM_ALIAS_ASSOCIATION` - A file system update to
# associate a new Domain Name System (DNS) alias with the file
# system. For more information, see [
# AssociateFileSystemAliases][4].
# * `FILE_SYSTEM_ALIAS_DISASSOCIATION` - A file system update to
# disassociate a DNS alias from the file system. For more
# information, see [DisassociateFileSystemAliases][5].
# * `VOLUME_UPDATE` - A volume update to an Amazon FSx for NetApp
# ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume initiated from the Amazon
# FSx console, API (`UpdateVolume`), or CLI (`update-volume`).
# * `VOLUME_RESTORE` - An Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume is returned to
# the state saved by the specified snapshot, initiated from an API
# (`RestoreVolumeFromSnapshot`) or CLI
# (`restore-volume-from-snapshot`).
# * `SNAPSHOT_UPDATE` - A snapshot update to an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# volume initiated from the Amazon FSx console, API
# (`UpdateSnapshot`), or CLI (`update-snapshot`).
# * `RELEASE_NFS_V3_LOCKS` - Tracks the release of Network File System
# (NFS) V3 locks on an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/managing-storage-capacity.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/managing-storage-capacity.html
# [3]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/managing-storage-capacity.html
# [4]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/APIReference/API_AssociateFileSystemAliases.html
# [5]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/APIReference/API_DisassociateFileSystemAliases.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] progress_percent
# The percentage-complete status of a `STORAGE_OPTIMIZATION`
# administrative action. Does not apply to any other administrative
# action type.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] request_time
# The time that the administrative action request was received.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# Describes the status of the administrative action, as follows:
# * `FAILED` - Amazon FSx failed to process the administrative action
# successfully.
# * `IN_PROGRESS` - Amazon FSx is processing the administrative
# action.
# * `PENDING` - Amazon FSx is waiting to process the administrative
# action.
# * `COMPLETED` - Amazon FSx has finished processing the
# administrative task.
# * `UPDATED_OPTIMIZING` - For a storage-capacity increase update,
# Amazon FSx has updated the file system with the new storage
# capacity, and is now performing the storage-optimization process.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] target_file_system_values
# Describes the target value for the administration action, provided
# in the `UpdateFileSystem` operation. Returned for
# `FILE_SYSTEM_UPDATE` administrative actions.
# @return [Types::FileSystem]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# Provides information about a failed administrative action.
# @return [Types::AdministrativeActionFailureDetails]
# @!attribute [rw] target_volume_values
# Describes an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# volume.
# @return [Types::Volume]
# @!attribute [rw] target_snapshot_values
# A snapshot of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume.
# @return [Types::Snapshot]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/AdministrativeAction AWS API Documentation
class AdministrativeAction < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Provides information about a failed administrative action.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# Error message providing details about the failed administrative
# action.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/AdministrativeActionFailureDetails AWS API Documentation
class AdministrativeActionFailureDetails < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A DNS alias that is associated with the file system. You can use a DNS
# alias to access a file system using user-defined DNS names, in
# addition to the default DNS name that Amazon FSx assigns to the file
# system. For more information, see [DNS aliases][1] in the *FSx for
# Windows File Server User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/managing-dns-aliases.html
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the DNS alias. The alias name has to meet the following
# requirements:
# * Formatted as a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN),
# `hostname.domain`, for example, `accounting.example.com`.
# * Can contain alphanumeric characters, the underscore (\_), and the
# hyphen (-).
# * Cannot start or end with a hyphen.
# * Can start with a numeric.
# For DNS names, Amazon FSx stores alphabetic characters as lowercase
# letters (a-z), regardless of how you specify them: as uppercase
# letters, lowercase letters, or the corresponding letters in escape
# codes.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# Describes the state of the DNS alias.
# * AVAILABLE - The DNS alias is associated with an Amazon FSx file
# system.
# * CREATING - Amazon FSx is creating the DNS alias and associating it
# with the file system.
# * CREATE\_FAILED - Amazon FSx was unable to associate the DNS alias
# with the file system.
# * DELETING - Amazon FSx is disassociating the DNS alias from the
# file system and deleting it.
# * DELETE\_FAILED - Amazon FSx was unable to disassociate the DNS
# alias from the file system.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/Alias AWS API Documentation
class Alias < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object specifying one or more DNS alias names to associate
# with an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass AssociateFileSystemAliasesRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# aliases: ["AlternateDNSName"], # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# Specifies the file system with which you want to associate one or
# more DNS aliases.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aliases
# An array of one or more DNS alias names to associate with the file
# system. The alias name has to comply with the following formatting
# requirements:
# * Formatted as a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN),
# hostname.domain
, for example,
# `accounting.corp.example.com`.
# * Can contain alphanumeric characters and the hyphen (-).
# * Cannot start or end with a hyphen.
# * Can start with a numeric.
# For DNS alias names, Amazon FSx stores alphabetic characters as
# lowercase letters (a-z), regardless of how you specify them: as
# uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or the corresponding letters
# in escape codes.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/AssociateFileSystemAliasesRequest AWS API Documentation
class AssociateFileSystemAliasesRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The system generated response showing the DNS aliases that Amazon FSx
# is attempting to associate with the file system. Use the API operation
# to monitor the status of the aliases Amazon FSx is associating with
# the file system. It can take up to 2.5 minutes for the alias status to
# change from `CREATING` to `AVAILABLE`.
# @!attribute [rw] aliases
# An array of the DNS aliases that Amazon FSx is associating with the
# file system.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/AssociateFileSystemAliasesResponse AWS API Documentation
class AssociateFileSystemAliasesResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Describes a data repository association's automatic export policy.
# The `AutoExportPolicy` defines the types of updated objects on the
# file system that will be automatically exported to the data
# repository. As you create, modify, or delete files, Amazon FSx for
# Lustre automatically exports the defined changes asynchronously once
# your application finishes modifying the file.
# This `AutoExportPolicy` is supported only for Amazon FSx for Lustre
# file systems with the `Persistent_2` deployment type.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass AutoExportPolicy
# data as a hash:
# {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# }
# @!attribute [rw] events
# The `AutoExportPolicy` can have the following event values:
# * `NEW` - New files and directories are automatically exported to
# the data repository as they are added to the file system.
# * `CHANGED` - Changes to files and directories on the file system
# are automatically exported to the data repository.
# * `DELETED` - Files and directories are automatically deleted on the
# data repository when they are deleted on the file system.
# You can define any combination of event types for your
# `AutoExportPolicy`.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/AutoExportPolicy AWS API Documentation
class AutoExportPolicy < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Describes the data repository association's automatic import policy.
# The AutoImportPolicy defines how Amazon FSx keeps your file metadata
# and directory listings up to date by importing changes to your Amazon
# FSx for Lustre file system as you modify objects in a linked S3
# bucket.
# The `AutoImportPolicy` is supported only for Amazon FSx for Lustre
# file systems with the `Persistent_2` deployment type.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass AutoImportPolicy
# data as a hash:
# {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# }
# @!attribute [rw] events
# The `AutoImportPolicy` can have the following event values:
# * `NEW` - Amazon FSx automatically imports metadata of files added
# to the linked S3 bucket that do not currently exist in the FSx
# file system.
# * `CHANGED` - Amazon FSx automatically updates file metadata and
# invalidates existing file content on the file system as files
# change in the data repository.
# * `DELETED` - Amazon FSx automatically deletes files on the file
# system as corresponding files are deleted in the data repository.
# You can define any combination of event types for your
# `AutoImportPolicy`.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/AutoImportPolicy AWS API Documentation
class AutoImportPolicy < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A backup of an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon FSx for
# Lustre file system, Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP volume, or Amazon FSx
# for OpenZFS file system.
# @!attribute [rw] backup_id
# The ID of the backup.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the backup.
# * `AVAILABLE` - The backup is fully available.
# * `PENDING` - For user-initiated backups on Lustre file systems
# only; Amazon FSx hasn't started creating the backup.
# * `CREATING` - Amazon FSx is creating the backup.
# * `TRANSFERRING` - For user-initiated backups on Lustre file systems
# only; Amazon FSx is transferring the backup to Amazon S3.
# * `COPYING` - Amazon FSx is copying the backup.
# * `DELETED` - Amazon FSx deleted the backup and it's no longer
# available.
# * `FAILED` - Amazon FSx couldn't finish the backup.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# Details explaining any failures that occurred when creating a
# backup.
# @return [Types::BackupFailureDetails]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of the file-system backup.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] progress_percent
# The current percent of progress of an asynchronous task.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time when a particular backup was created.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# The ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key used to encrypt the
# backup of the Amazon FSx file system's data at rest.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the backup resource.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# The tags associated with a particular file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system
# The metadata of the file system associated with the backup. This
# metadata is persisted even if the file system is deleted.
# @return [Types::FileSystem]
# @!attribute [rw] directory_information
# The configuration of the self-managed Microsoft Active Directory
# directory to which the Windows File Server instance is joined.
# @return [Types::ActiveDirectoryBackupAttributes]
# @!attribute [rw] owner_id
# An Amazon Web Services account ID. This ID is a 12-digit number that
# you use to construct Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for resources.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] source_backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the backup that you are
# copying.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] source_backup_region
# The source Region of the backup. Specifies the Region from where
# this backup is copied.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_type
# Specifies the resource type that's backed up.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume
# Describes an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# volume.
# @return [Types::Volume]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/Backup AWS API Documentation
class Backup < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# You can't delete a backup while it's being copied.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the backup that you are
# copying.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/BackupBeingCopied AWS API Documentation
class BackupBeingCopied < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# If backup creation fails, this structure contains the details of that
# failure.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A message describing the backup-creation failure.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/BackupFailureDetails AWS API Documentation
class BackupFailureDetails < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Another backup is already under way. Wait for completion before
# initiating additional backups of this file system.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/BackupInProgress AWS API Documentation
class BackupInProgress < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# No Amazon FSx backups were found based upon the supplied parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/BackupNotFound AWS API Documentation
class BackupNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# You can't delete a backup while it's being used to restore a file
# system.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The ID of a file system being restored from the backup.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/BackupRestoring AWS API Documentation
class BackupRestoring < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A generic error indicating a failure with a client request.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/BadRequest AWS API Documentation
class BadRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Cancels a data repository task.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CancelDataRepositoryTaskRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# task_id: "TaskId", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] task_id
# Specifies the data repository task to cancel.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CancelDataRepositoryTaskRequest AWS API Documentation
class CancelDataRepositoryTaskRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the data repository task, as follows:
# * `PENDING` - Amazon FSx has not started the task.
# * `EXECUTING` - Amazon FSx is processing the task.
# * `FAILED` - Amazon FSx was not able to complete the task. For
# example, there may be files the task failed to process. The
# DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails property provides more
# information about task failures.
# * `SUCCEEDED` - FSx completed the task successfully.
# * `CANCELED` - Amazon FSx canceled the task and it did not complete.
# * `CANCELING` - FSx is in process of canceling the task.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] task_id
# The ID of the task being canceled.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CancelDataRepositoryTaskResponse AWS API Documentation
class CancelDataRepositoryTaskResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Provides a report detailing the data repository task results of the
# files processed that match the criteria specified in the report
# `Scope` parameter. FSx delivers the report to the file system's
# linked data repository in Amazon S3, using the path specified in the
# report `Path` parameter. You can specify whether or not a report gets
# generated for a task using the `Enabled` parameter.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CompletionReport
# data as a hash:
# {
# enabled: false, # required
# path: "ArchivePath",
# format: "REPORT_CSV_20191124", # accepts REPORT_CSV_20191124
# }
# @!attribute [rw] enabled
# Set `Enabled` to `True` to generate a `CompletionReport` when the
# task completes. If set to `true`, then you need to provide a report
# `Scope`, `Path`, and `Format`. Set `Enabled` to `False` if you do
# not want a `CompletionReport` generated when the task completes.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] path
# Required if `Enabled` is set to `true`. Specifies the location of
# the report on the file system's linked S3 data repository. An
# absolute path that defines where the completion report will be
# stored in the destination location. The `Path` you provide must be
# located within the file system’s ExportPath. An example `Path` value
# is "s3://myBucket/myExportPath/optionalPrefix". The report
# provides the following information for each file in the report:
# FilePath, FileStatus, and ErrorCode. To learn more about a file
# system's `ExportPath`, see .
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] format
# Required if `Enabled` is set to `true`. Specifies the format of the
# `CompletionReport`. `REPORT_CSV_20191124` is the only format
# currently supported. When `Format` is set to `REPORT_CSV_20191124`,
# the `CompletionReport` is provided in CSV format, and is delivered
# to `\{path\}/task-\{id\}/failures.csv`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] scope
# Required if `Enabled` is set to `true`. Specifies the scope of the
# `CompletionReport`; `FAILED_FILES_ONLY` is the only scope currently
# supported. When `Scope` is set to `FAILED_FILES_ONLY`, the
# `CompletionReport` only contains information about files that the
# data repository task failed to process.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CompletionReport AWS API Documentation
class CompletionReport < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CopyBackupRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# source_backup_id: "SourceBackupId", # required
# source_region: "Region",
# kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
# copy_tags: false,
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] source_backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the ID of the backup that's
# being copied.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] source_region
# The source Amazon Web Services Region of the backup. Specifies the
# Amazon Web Services Region from which the backup is being copied.
# The source and destination Regions must be in the same Amazon Web
# Services partition. If you don't specify a Region, `SourceRegion`
# defaults to the Region where the request is sent from (in-Region
# copy).
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# Specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use for
# encrypting data on Amazon FSx file systems, as follows:
# * Amazon FSx for Lustre `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment
# types only.
# `SCRATCH_1` and `SCRATCH_2` types are encrypted using the Amazon
# FSx service KMS key for your account.
# * Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
# * Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# * Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
# If a `KmsKeyId` isn't specified, the Amazon FSx-managed KMS key for
# your account is used. For more information, see [Encrypt][1] in the
# *Key Management Service API Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_Encrypt.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags
# A Boolean flag indicating whether tags from the source backup should
# be copied to the backup copy. This value defaults to `false`.
# If you set `CopyTags` to `true` and the source backup has existing
# tags, you can use the `Tags` parameter to create new tags, provided
# that the sum of the source backup tags and the new tags doesn't
# exceed 50. Both sets of tags are merged. If there are tag conflicts
# (for example, two tags with the same key but different values), the
# tags created with the `Tags` parameter take precedence.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CopyBackupRequest AWS API Documentation
class CopyBackupRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] backup
# A backup of an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon FSx for
# Lustre file system, Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP volume, or Amazon
# FSx for OpenZFS file system.
# @return [Types::Backup]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CopyBackupResponse AWS API Documentation
class CopyBackupResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for the `CreateBackup` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateBackupRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId",
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# volume_id: "VolumeId",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The ID of the file system to back up.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) A string of up to 64 ASCII characters that Amazon FSx
# uses to ensure idempotent creation. This string is automatically
# filled on your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI)
# or an Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# (Optional) The tags to apply to the backup at backup creation. The
# key value of the `Name` tag appears in the console as the backup
# name. If you have set `CopyTagsToBackups` to `true`, and you specify
# one or more tags using the `CreateBackup` operation, no existing
# file system tags are copied from the file system to the backup.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# (Optional) The ID of the FSx for ONTAP volume to back up.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateBackupRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateBackupRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the `CreateBackup` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] backup
# A description of the backup.
# @return [Types::Backup]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateBackupResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateBackupResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateDataRepositoryAssociationRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# file_system_path: "Namespace",
# data_repository_path: "ArchivePath", # required
# batch_import_meta_data_on_create: false,
# imported_file_chunk_size: 1,
# s3: {
# auto_import_policy: {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# },
# auto_export_policy: {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# },
# },
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon FSx.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_path
# A path on the file system that points to a high-level directory
# (such as `/ns1/`) or subdirectory (such as `/ns1/subdir/`) that will
# be mapped 1-1 with `DataRepositoryPath`. The leading forward slash
# in the name is required. Two data repository associations cannot
# have overlapping file system paths. For example, if a data
# repository is associated with file system path `/ns1/`, then you
# cannot link another data repository with file system path
# `/ns1/ns2`.
# This path specifies where in your file system files will be exported
# from or imported to. This file system directory can be linked to
# only one Amazon S3 bucket, and no other S3 bucket can be linked to
# the directory.
# If you specify only a forward slash (`/`) as the file system path,
# you can link only one data repository to the file system. You can
# only specify "/" as the file system path for the first data
# repository associated with a file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_path
# The path to the Amazon S3 data repository that will be linked to the
# file system. The path can be an S3 bucket or prefix in the format
# `s3://myBucket/myPrefix/`. This path specifies where in the S3 data
# repository files will be imported from or exported to.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] batch_import_meta_data_on_create
# Set to `true` to run an import data repository task to import
# metadata from the data repository to the file system after the data
# repository association is created. Default is `false`.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] imported_file_chunk_size
# For files imported from a data repository, this value determines the
# stripe count and maximum amount of data per file (in MiB) stored on
# a single physical disk. The maximum number of disks that a single
# file can be striped across is limited by the total number of disks
# that make up the file system.
# The default chunk size is 1,024 MiB (1 GiB) and can go as high as
# 512,000 MiB (500 GiB). Amazon S3 objects have a maximum size of 5
# TB.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] s3
# The configuration for an Amazon S3 data repository linked to an
# Amazon FSx Lustre file system with a data repository association.
# The configuration defines which file events (new, changed, or
# deleted files or directories) are automatically imported from the
# linked data repository to the file system or automatically exported
# from the file system to the data repository.
# @return [Types::S3DataRepositoryConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateDataRepositoryAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateDataRepositoryAssociationRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] association
# The response object returned after the data repository association
# is created.
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryAssociation]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateDataRepositoryAssociationResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateDataRepositoryAssociationResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateDataRepositoryTaskRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# paths: ["DataRepositoryTaskPath"],
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# report: { # required
# enabled: false, # required
# path: "ArchivePath",
# format: "REPORT_CSV_20191124", # accepts REPORT_CSV_20191124
# },
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# capacity_to_release: 1,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] type
# Specifies the type of data repository task to create.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] paths
# A list of paths for the data repository task to use when the task is
# processed. If a path that you provide isn't valid, the task fails.
# * For export tasks, the list contains paths on the Amazon FSx file
# system from which the files are exported to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# The default path is the file system root directory. The paths you
# provide need to be relative to the mount point of the file system.
# If the mount point is `/mnt/fsx` and `/mnt/fsx/path1` is a
# directory or file on the file system you want to export, then the
# path to provide is `path1`.
# * For import tasks, the list contains paths in the Amazon S3 bucket
# from which POSIX metadata changes are imported to the Amazon FSx
# file system. The path can be an S3 bucket or prefix in the format
# `s3://myBucket/myPrefix` (where `myPrefix` is optional).
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon FSx.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] report
# Defines whether or not Amazon FSx provides a CompletionReport once
# the task has completed. A CompletionReport provides a detailed
# report on the files that Amazon FSx processed that meet the criteria
# specified by the `Scope` parameter. For more information, see
# [Working with Task Completion Reports][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/task-completion-report.html
# @return [Types::CompletionReport]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] capacity_to_release
# Specifies the amount of data to release, in GiB, by an Amazon File
# Cache `AUTO_RELEASE_DATA` task that automatically releases files
# from the cache.
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateDataRepositoryTaskRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateDataRepositoryTaskRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_task
# The description of the data repository task that you just created.
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryTask]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateDataRepositoryTaskResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateDataRepositoryTaskResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Amazon File Cache configuration for the cache that you are
# creating.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileCacheLustreConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# per_unit_storage_throughput: 1, # required
# deployment_type: "CACHE_1", # required, accepts CACHE_1
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# metadata_configuration: { # required
# storage_capacity: 1, # required
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] per_unit_storage_throughput
# Provisions the amount of read and write throughput for each 1
# tebibyte (TiB) of cache storage capacity, in MB/s/TiB. The only
# supported value is `1000`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# Specifies the cache deployment type, which must be `CACHE_1`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] metadata_configuration
# The configuration for a Lustre MDT (Metadata Target) storage volume.
# @return [Types::FileCacheLustreMetadataConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileCacheLustreConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileCacheLustreConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileCacheRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# file_cache_type: "LUSTRE", # required, accepts LUSTRE
# file_cache_type_version: "FileSystemTypeVersion", # required
# storage_capacity: 1, # required
# subnet_ids: ["SubnetId"], # required
# security_group_ids: ["SecurityGroupId"],
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# copy_tags_to_data_repository_associations: false,
# kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
# lustre_configuration: {
# per_unit_storage_throughput: 1, # required
# deployment_type: "CACHE_1", # required, accepts CACHE_1
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# metadata_configuration: { # required
# storage_capacity: 1, # required
# },
# },
# data_repository_associations: [
# {
# file_cache_path: "Namespace", # required
# data_repository_path: "ArchivePath", # required
# data_repository_subdirectories: ["Namespace"],
# nfs: {
# version: "NFS3", # required, accepts NFS3
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# },
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string of up to 64
# ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on your behalf
# when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an Amazon Web
# Services SDK.
# By using the idempotent operation, you can retry a `CreateFileCache`
# operation without the risk of creating an extra cache. This approach
# can be useful when an initial call fails in a way that makes it
# unclear whether a cache was created. Examples are if a transport
# level timeout occurred, or your connection was reset. If you use the
# same client request token and the initial call created a cache, the
# client receives success as long as the parameters are the same.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_type
# The type of cache that you're creating, which must be `LUSTRE`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_type_version
# Sets the Lustre version for the cache that you're creating, which
# must be `2.12`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# The storage capacity of the cache in gibibytes (GiB). Valid values
# are 1200 GiB, 2400 GiB, and increments of 2400 GiB.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] subnet_ids
# A list of subnet IDs that the cache will be accessible from. You can
# specify only one subnet ID in a call to the `CreateFileCache`
# operation.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] security_group_ids
# A list of IDs specifying the security groups to apply to all network
# interfaces created for Amazon File Cache access. This list isn't
# returned in later requests to describe the cache.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_data_repository_associations
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags for the cache should be
# copied to data repository associations. This value defaults to
# false.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# Specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use for
# encrypting data on an Amazon File Cache. If a `KmsKeyId` isn't
# specified, the Amazon FSx-managed KMS key for your account is used.
# For more information, see [Encrypt][1] in the *Key Management
# Service API Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_Encrypt.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The configuration for the Amazon File Cache resource being created.
# @return [Types::CreateFileCacheLustreConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_associations
# A list of up to 8 configurations for data repository associations
# (DRAs) to be created during the cache creation. The DRAs link the
# cache to either an Amazon S3 data repository or a Network File
# System (NFS) data repository that supports the NFSv3 protocol.
# The DRA configurations must meet the following requirements:
# * All configurations on the list must be of the same data repository
# type, either all S3 or all NFS. A cache can't link to different
# data repository types at the same time.
# * An NFS DRA must link to an NFS file system that supports the NFSv3
# protocol.
# DRA automatic import and automatic export is not supported.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileCacheRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileCacheRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache
# A description of the cache that was created.
# @return [Types::FileCacheCreating]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileCacheResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileCacheResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for the `CreateFileSystemFromBackup` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileSystemFromBackupRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# backup_id: "BackupId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# subnet_ids: ["SubnetId"], # required
# security_group_ids: ["SecurityGroupId"],
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# windows_configuration: {
# active_directory_id: "DirectoryId",
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# domain_name: "ActiveDirectoryFullyQualifiedName", # required
# organizational_unit_distinguished_name: "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName",
# file_system_administrators_group: "FileSystemAdministratorsGroupName",
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName", # required
# password: "DirectoryPassword", # required
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"], # required
# },
# deployment_type: "MULTI_AZ_1", # accepts MULTI_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_2
# preferred_subnet_id: "SubnetId",
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# aliases: ["AlternateDNSName"],
# audit_log_configuration: {
# file_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# file_share_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# audit_log_destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# },
# lustre_configuration: {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# import_path: "ArchivePath",
# export_path: "ArchivePath",
# imported_file_chunk_size: 1,
# deployment_type: "SCRATCH_1", # accepts SCRATCH_1, SCRATCH_2, PERSISTENT_1, PERSISTENT_2
# auto_import_policy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, NEW, NEW_CHANGED, NEW_CHANGED_DELETED
# per_unit_storage_throughput: 1,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# drive_cache_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, READ
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, LZ4
# log_configuration: {
# level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, WARN_ONLY, ERROR_ONLY, WARN_ERROR
# destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# root_squash_configuration: {
# root_squash: "LustreRootSquash",
# no_squash_nids: ["LustreNoSquashNid"],
# },
# },
# storage_type: "SSD", # accepts SSD, HDD
# kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
# file_system_type_version: "FileSystemTypeVersion",
# open_zfs_configuration: {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# copy_tags_to_volumes: false,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# deployment_type: "SINGLE_AZ_1", # required, accepts SINGLE_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_2
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# root_volume_configuration: {
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# copy_tags_to_snapshots: false,
# read_only: false,
# },
# },
# storage_capacity: 1,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the backup that you are
# copying.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# A string of up to 64 ASCII characters that Amazon FSx uses to ensure
# idempotent creation. This string is automatically filled on your
# behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an Amazon
# Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] subnet_ids
# Specifies the IDs of the subnets that the file system will be
# accessible from. For Windows `MULTI_AZ_1` file system deployment
# types, provide exactly two subnet IDs, one for the preferred file
# server and one for the standby file server. You specify one of these
# subnets as the preferred subnet using the `WindowsConfiguration >
# PreferredSubnetID` property.
# Windows `SINGLE_AZ_1` and `SINGLE_AZ_2` file system deployment
# types, Lustre file systems, and OpenZFS file systems provide exactly
# one subnet ID. The file server is launched in that subnet's
# Availability Zone.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] security_group_ids
# A list of IDs for the security groups that apply to the specified
# network interfaces created for file system access. These security
# groups apply to all network interfaces. This value isn't returned
# in later `DescribeFileSystem` requests.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# The tags to be applied to the file system at file system creation.
# The key value of the `Name` tag appears in the console as the file
# system name.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] windows_configuration
# The configuration for this Microsoft Windows file system.
# @return [Types::CreateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The Lustre configuration for the file system being created.
# The following parameters are not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use
# `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation` to create a data repository
# association to link your Lustre file system to a data repository.
# * `AutoImportPolicy`
# * `ExportPath`
# * `ImportedChunkSize`
# * `ImportPath`
# @return [Types::CreateFileSystemLustreConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_type
# Sets the storage type for the Windows or OpenZFS file system that
# you're creating from a backup. Valid values are `SSD` and `HDD`.
# * Set to `SSD` to use solid state drive storage. SSD is supported on
# all Windows and OpenZFS deployment types.
# * Set to `HDD` to use hard disk drive storage. HDD is supported on
# `SINGLE_AZ_2` and `MULTI_AZ_1` FSx for Windows File Server file
# system deployment types.
# The default value is `SSD`.
# HDD and SSD storage types have different minimum storage capacity
# requirements. A restored file system's storage capacity is tied to
# the file system that was backed up. You can create a file system
# that uses HDD storage from a backup of a file system that used SSD
# storage if the original SSD file system had a storage capacity of at
# least 2000 GiB.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# Specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use for
# encrypting data on Amazon FSx file systems, as follows:
# * Amazon FSx for Lustre `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment
# types only.
# `SCRATCH_1` and `SCRATCH_2` types are encrypted using the Amazon
# FSx service KMS key for your account.
# * Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
# * Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# * Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
# If a `KmsKeyId` isn't specified, the Amazon FSx-managed KMS key for
# your account is used. For more information, see [Encrypt][1] in the
# *Key Management Service API Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_Encrypt.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_type_version
# Sets the version for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system that
# you're creating from a backup. Valid values are `2.10` and `2.12`.
# You don't need to specify `FileSystemTypeVersion` because it will
# be applied using the backup's `FileSystemTypeVersion` setting. If
# you choose to specify `FileSystemTypeVersion` when creating from
# backup, the value must match the backup's `FileSystemTypeVersion`
# setting.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# The OpenZFS configuration for the file system that's being created.
# @return [Types::CreateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# Sets the storage capacity of the OpenZFS file system that you're
# creating from a backup, in gibibytes (GiB). Valid values are from 64
# GiB up to 524,288 GiB (512 TiB). However, the value that you specify
# must be equal to or greater than the backup's storage capacity
# value. If you don't use the `StorageCapacity` parameter, the
# default is the backup's `StorageCapacity` value.
# If used to create a file system other than OpenZFS, you must provide
# a value that matches the backup's `StorageCapacity` value. If you
# provide any other value, Amazon FSx responds with a 400 Bad Request.
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemFromBackupRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemFromBackupRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the `CreateFileSystemFromBackup` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] file_system
# A description of the file system.
# @return [Types::FileSystem]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemFromBackupResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemFromBackupResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Lustre configuration for the file system being created.
# The following parameters are not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use
# `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation` to create a data repository
# association to link your Lustre file system to a data repository.
# * `AutoImportPolicy`
# * `ExportPath`
# * `ImportedChunkSize`
# * `ImportPath`
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileSystemLustreConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# import_path: "ArchivePath",
# export_path: "ArchivePath",
# imported_file_chunk_size: 1,
# deployment_type: "SCRATCH_1", # accepts SCRATCH_1, SCRATCH_2, PERSISTENT_1, PERSISTENT_2
# auto_import_policy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, NEW, NEW_CHANGED, NEW_CHANGED_DELETED
# per_unit_storage_throughput: 1,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# drive_cache_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, READ
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, LZ4
# log_configuration: {
# level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, WARN_ONLY, ERROR_ONLY, WARN_ERROR
# destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# root_squash_configuration: {
# root_squash: "LustreRootSquash",
# no_squash_nids: ["LustreNoSquashNid"],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# (Optional) The preferred start time to perform weekly maintenance,
# formatted d:HH:MM in the UTC time zone, where d is the weekday
# number, from 1 through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with
# Sunday.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] import_path
# (Optional) The path to the Amazon S3 bucket (including the optional
# prefix) that you're using as the data repository for your Amazon
# FSx for Lustre file system. The root of your FSx for Lustre file
# system will be mapped to the root of the Amazon S3 bucket you
# select. An example is `s3://import-bucket/optional-prefix`. If you
# specify a prefix after the Amazon S3 bucket name, only object keys
# with that prefix are loaded into the file system.
# This parameter is not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use
# `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation` to create a data repository
# association to link your Lustre file system to a data repository.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] export_path
# (Optional) Available with `Scratch` and `Persistent_1` deployment
# types. Specifies the path in the Amazon S3 bucket where the root of
# your Amazon FSx file system is exported. The path must use the same
# Amazon S3 bucket as specified in ImportPath. You can provide an
# optional prefix to which new and changed data is to be exported from
# your Amazon FSx for Lustre file system. If an `ExportPath` value is
# not provided, Amazon FSx sets a default export path,
# `s3://import-bucket/FSxLustre[creation-timestamp]`. The timestamp is
# in UTC format, for example
# `s3://import-bucket/FSxLustre20181105T222312Z`.
# The Amazon S3 export bucket must be the same as the import bucket
# specified by `ImportPath`. If you specify only a bucket name, such
# as `s3://import-bucket`, you get a 1:1 mapping of file system
# objects to S3 bucket objects. This mapping means that the input data
# in S3 is overwritten on export. If you provide a custom prefix in
# the export path, such as
# `s3://import-bucket/[custom-optional-prefix]`, Amazon FSx exports
# the contents of your file system to that export prefix in the Amazon
# S3 bucket.
# This parameter is not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use
# `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation` to create a data repository
# association to link your Lustre file system to a data repository.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] imported_file_chunk_size
# (Optional) For files imported from a data repository, this value
# determines the stripe count and maximum amount of data per file (in
# MiB) stored on a single physical disk. The maximum number of disks
# that a single file can be striped across is limited by the total
# number of disks that make up the file system.
# The default chunk size is 1,024 MiB (1 GiB) and can go as high as
# 512,000 MiB (500 GiB). Amazon S3 objects have a maximum size of 5
# TB.
# This parameter is not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use
# `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation` to create a data repository
# association to link your Lustre file system to a data repository.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# (Optional) Choose `SCRATCH_1` and `SCRATCH_2` deployment types when
# you need temporary storage and shorter-term processing of data. The
# `SCRATCH_2` deployment type provides in-transit encryption of data
# and higher burst throughput capacity than `SCRATCH_1`.
# Choose `PERSISTENT_1` for longer-term storage and for
# throughput-focused workloads that aren’t latency-sensitive.
# `PERSISTENT_1` supports encryption of data in transit, and is
# available in all Amazon Web Services Regions in which FSx for Lustre
# is available.
# Choose `PERSISTENT_2` for longer-term storage and for
# latency-sensitive workloads that require the highest levels of
# IOPS/throughput. `PERSISTENT_2` supports SSD storage, and offers
# higher `PerUnitStorageThroughput` (up to 1000 MB/s/TiB).
# `PERSISTENT_2` is available in a limited number of Amazon Web
# Services Regions. For more information, and an up-to-date list of
# Amazon Web Services Regions in which `PERSISTENT_2` is available,
# see [File system deployment options for FSx for Lustre][1] in the
# *Amazon FSx for Lustre User Guide*.
# If you choose `PERSISTENT_2`, and you set `FileSystemTypeVersion` to
# `2.10`, the `CreateFileSystem` operation fails.
# Encryption of data in transit is automatically turned on when you
# access `SCRATCH_2`, `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` file systems
# from Amazon EC2 instances that [support automatic encryption][2] in
# the Amazon Web Services Regions where they are available. For more
# information about encryption in transit for FSx for Lustre file
# systems, see [Encrypting data in transit][3] in the *Amazon FSx for
# Lustre User Guide*.
# (Default = `SCRATCH_1`)
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/using-fsx-lustre.html#lustre-deployment-types
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/data- protection.html
# [3]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/encryption-in-transit-fsxl.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] auto_import_policy
# (Optional) Available with `Scratch` and `Persistent_1` deployment
# types. When you create your file system, your existing S3 objects
# appear as file and directory listings. Use this property to choose
# how Amazon FSx keeps your file and directory listings up to date as
# you add or modify objects in your linked S3 bucket.
# `AutoImportPolicy` can have the following values:
# * `NONE` - (Default) AutoImport is off. Amazon FSx only updates file
# and directory listings from the linked S3 bucket when the file
# system is created. FSx does not update file and directory listings
# for any new or changed objects after choosing this option.
# * `NEW` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically imports
# directory listings of any new objects added to the linked S3
# bucket that do not currently exist in the FSx file system.
# * `NEW_CHANGED` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically imports
# file and directory listings of any new objects added to the S3
# bucket and any existing objects that are changed in the S3 bucket
# after you choose this option.
# * `NEW_CHANGED_DELETED` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically
# imports file and directory listings of any new objects added to
# the S3 bucket, any existing objects that are changed in the S3
# bucket, and any objects that were deleted in the S3 bucket.
# For more information, see [ Automatically import updates from your
# S3 bucket][1].
# This parameter is not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use
# `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation` to create a data repository
# association to link your Lustre file system to a data repository.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/older-deployment-types.html#legacy-auto-import-from-s3
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] per_unit_storage_throughput
# Required with `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment types,
# provisions the amount of read and write throughput for each 1
# tebibyte (TiB) of file system storage capacity, in MB/s/TiB. File
# system throughput capacity is calculated by multiplying file system
# storage capacity (TiB) by the `PerUnitStorageThroughput` (MB/s/TiB).
# For a 2.4-TiB file system, provisioning 50 MB/s/TiB of
# `PerUnitStorageThroughput` yields 120 MB/s of file system throughput.
# You pay for the amount of throughput that you provision.
# Valid values:
# * For `PERSISTENT_1` SSD storage: 50, 100, 200 MB/s/TiB.
# * For `PERSISTENT_1` HDD storage: 12, 40 MB/s/TiB.
# * For `PERSISTENT_2` SSD storage: 125, 250, 500, 1000 MB/s/TiB.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# (Optional) Not available for use with file systems that are linked
# to a data repository. A boolean flag indicating whether tags for the
# file system should be copied to backups. The default value is false.
# If `CopyTagsToBackups` is set to true, all file system tags are
# copied to all automatic and user-initiated backups when the user
# doesn't specify any backup-specific tags. If `CopyTagsToBackups` is
# set to true and you specify one or more backup tags, only the
# specified tags are copied to backups. If you specify one or more
# tags when creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from
# the file system, regardless of this value.
# (Default = `false`)
# For more information, see [ Working with backups][1] in the *Amazon
# FSx for Lustre User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/using-backups-fsx.html
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] drive_cache_type
# The type of drive cache used by `PERSISTENT_1` file systems that are
# provisioned with HDD storage devices. This parameter is required
# when storage type is HDD. Set this property to `READ` to improve the
# performance for frequently accessed files by caching up to 20% of
# the total storage capacity of the file system.
# This parameter is required when `StorageType` is set to `HDD`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_compression_type
# Sets the data compression configuration for the file system.
# `DataCompressionType` can have the following values:
# * `NONE` - (Default) Data compression is turned off when the file
# system is created.
# * `LZ4` - Data compression is turned on with the LZ4 algorithm.
# For more information, see [Lustre data compression][1] in the
# *Amazon FSx for Lustre User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/data-compression.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] log_configuration
# The Lustre logging configuration used when creating an Amazon FSx
# for Lustre file system. When logging is enabled, Lustre logs error
# and warning events for data repositories associated with your file
# system to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
# @return [Types::LustreLogCreateConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] root_squash_configuration
# The Lustre root squash configuration used when creating an Amazon
# FSx for Lustre file system. When enabled, root squash restricts
# root-level access from clients that try to access your file system
# as a root user.
# @return [Types::LustreRootSquashConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemLustreConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemLustreConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The ONTAP configuration properties of the FSx for ONTAP file system
# that you are creating.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileSystemOntapConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# deployment_type: "MULTI_AZ_1", # required, accepts MULTI_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_1
# endpoint_ip_address_range: "IpAddressRange",
# fsx_admin_password: "AdminPassword",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# preferred_subnet_id: "SubnetId",
# route_table_ids: ["RouteTableId"],
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# Specifies the FSx for ONTAP file system deployment type to use in
# creating the file system.
# * `MULTI_AZ_1` - (Default) A high availability file system
# configured for Multi-AZ redundancy to tolerate temporary
# Availability Zone (AZ) unavailability.
# * `SINGLE_AZ_1` - A file system configured for Single-AZ redundancy.
# For information about the use cases for Multi-AZ and Single-AZ
# deployments, refer to [Choosing a file system deployment type][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/high-availability-AZ.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] endpoint_ip_address_range
# (Multi-AZ only) Specifies the IP address range in which the
# endpoints to access your file system will be created. By default in
# the Amazon FSx API, Amazon FSx selects an unused IP address range
# for you from the 198.19.* range. By default in the Amazon FSx
# console, Amazon FSx chooses the last 64 IP addresses from the VPC’s
# primary CIDR range to use as the endpoint IP address range for the
# file system. You can have overlapping endpoint IP addresses for file
# systems deployed in the same VPC/route tables.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] fsx_admin_password
# The ONTAP administrative password for the `fsxadmin` user with which
# you administer your file system using the NetApp ONTAP CLI and REST
# API.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] disk_iops_configuration
# The SSD IOPS configuration for the FSx for ONTAP file system.
# @return [Types::DiskIopsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] preferred_subnet_id
# Required when `DeploymentType` is set to `MULTI_AZ_1`. This
# specifies the subnet in which you want the preferred file server to
# be located.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] route_table_ids
# (Multi-AZ only) Specifies the virtual private cloud (VPC) route
# tables in which your file system's endpoints will be created. You
# should specify all VPC route tables associated with the subnets in
# which your clients are located. By default, Amazon FSx selects your
# VPC's default route table.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# Sets the throughput capacity for the file system that you're
# creating. Valid values are 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096 MBps.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemOntapConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemOntapConfiguration < Struct.new(
SENSITIVE = [:fsx_admin_password]
include Aws::Structure
# The Amazon FSx for OpenZFS configuration properties for the file
# system that you are creating.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# copy_tags_to_volumes: false,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# deployment_type: "SINGLE_AZ_1", # required, accepts SINGLE_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_2
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# root_volume_configuration: {
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# copy_tags_to_snapshots: false,
# read_only: false,
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the file system should
# be copied to backups. This value defaults to `false`. If it's set
# to `true`, all tags for the file system are copied to all automatic
# and user-initiated backups where the user doesn't specify tags. If
# this value is `true`, and you specify one or more tags, only the
# specified tags are copied to backups. If you specify one or more
# tags when creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from
# the file system, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_volumes
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the file system should
# be copied to volumes. This value defaults to `false`. If it's set
# to `true`, all tags for the file system are copied to volumes where
# the user doesn't specify tags. If this value is `true`, and you
# specify one or more tags, only the specified tags are copied to
# volumes. If you specify one or more tags when creating the volume,
# no tags are copied from the file system, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# Specifies the file system deployment type. Single AZ deployment
# types are configured for redundancy within a single Availability
# Zone in an Amazon Web Services Region . Valid values are the
# following:
# * `SINGLE_AZ_1`- (Default) Creates file systems with throughput
# capacities of 64 - 4,096 MB/s. `Single_AZ_1` is available in all
# Amazon Web Services Regions where Amazon FSx for OpenZFS is
# available, except US West (Oregon).
# * `SINGLE_AZ_2`- Creates file systems with throughput capacities of
# 160 - 10,240 MB/s using an NVMe L2ARC cache. `Single_AZ_2` is
# available only in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US
# West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Amazon Web Services Regions.
# For more information, see: [Deployment type availability][1] and [
# File system performance][2]in the*Amazon FSx for OpenZFS User
# Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/available-aws-regions.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/zfs-fs-performance.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# Specifies the throughput of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system,
# measured in megabytes per second (MB/s). Valid values depend on the
# DeploymentType you choose, as follows:
# * For `SINGLE_AZ_1`, valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048,
# 3072, or 4096 MB/s.
# * For `SINGLE_AZ_2`, valid values are 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560,
# 3840, 5120, 7680, or 10240 MB/s.
# You pay for additional throughput capacity that you provision.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] disk_iops_configuration
# The SSD IOPS (input/output operations per second) configuration for
# an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file
# system. The default is 3 IOPS per GB of storage capacity, but you
# can provision additional IOPS per GB of storage. The configuration
# consists of the total number of provisioned SSD IOPS and how the
# amount was provisioned (by the customer or by the system).
# @return [Types::DiskIopsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] root_volume_configuration
# The configuration Amazon FSx uses when creating the root value of
# the Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system. All volumes are children of
# the root volume.
# @return [Types::OpenZFSCreateRootVolumeConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object used to create a new Amazon FSx file system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileSystemRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# file_system_type: "WINDOWS", # required, accepts WINDOWS, LUSTRE, ONTAP, OPENZFS
# storage_capacity: 1, # required
# storage_type: "SSD", # accepts SSD, HDD
# subnet_ids: ["SubnetId"], # required
# security_group_ids: ["SecurityGroupId"],
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
# windows_configuration: {
# active_directory_id: "DirectoryId",
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# domain_name: "ActiveDirectoryFullyQualifiedName", # required
# organizational_unit_distinguished_name: "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName",
# file_system_administrators_group: "FileSystemAdministratorsGroupName",
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName", # required
# password: "DirectoryPassword", # required
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"], # required
# },
# deployment_type: "MULTI_AZ_1", # accepts MULTI_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_2
# preferred_subnet_id: "SubnetId",
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# aliases: ["AlternateDNSName"],
# audit_log_configuration: {
# file_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# file_share_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# audit_log_destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# },
# lustre_configuration: {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# import_path: "ArchivePath",
# export_path: "ArchivePath",
# imported_file_chunk_size: 1,
# deployment_type: "SCRATCH_1", # accepts SCRATCH_1, SCRATCH_2, PERSISTENT_1, PERSISTENT_2
# auto_import_policy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, NEW, NEW_CHANGED, NEW_CHANGED_DELETED
# per_unit_storage_throughput: 1,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# drive_cache_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, READ
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, LZ4
# log_configuration: {
# level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, WARN_ONLY, ERROR_ONLY, WARN_ERROR
# destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# root_squash_configuration: {
# root_squash: "LustreRootSquash",
# no_squash_nids: ["LustreNoSquashNid"],
# },
# },
# ontap_configuration: {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# deployment_type: "MULTI_AZ_1", # required, accepts MULTI_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_1
# endpoint_ip_address_range: "IpAddressRange",
# fsx_admin_password: "AdminPassword",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# preferred_subnet_id: "SubnetId",
# route_table_ids: ["RouteTableId"],
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# },
# file_system_type_version: "FileSystemTypeVersion",
# open_zfs_configuration: {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# copy_tags_to_volumes: false,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# deployment_type: "SINGLE_AZ_1", # required, accepts SINGLE_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_2
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# root_volume_configuration: {
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# copy_tags_to_snapshots: false,
# read_only: false,
# },
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# A string of up to 64 ASCII characters that Amazon FSx uses to ensure
# idempotent creation. This string is automatically filled on your
# behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an Amazon
# Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_type
# The type of Amazon FSx file system to create. Valid values are
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# Sets the storage capacity of the file system that you're creating,
# in gibibytes (GiB).
# **FSx for Lustre file systems** - The amount of storage capacity
# that you can configure depends on the value that you set for
# `StorageType` and the Lustre `DeploymentType`, as follows:
# * For `SCRATCH_2`, `PERSISTENT_2` and `PERSISTENT_1` deployment
# types using SSD storage type, the valid values are 1200 GiB, 2400
# GiB, and increments of 2400 GiB.
# * For `PERSISTENT_1` HDD file systems, valid values are increments
# of 6000 GiB for 12 MB/s/TiB file systems and increments of 1800
# GiB for 40 MB/s/TiB file systems.
# * For `SCRATCH_1` deployment type, valid values are 1200 GiB, 2400
# GiB, and increments of 3600 GiB.
# **FSx for ONTAP file systems** - The amount of storage capacity that
# you can configure is from 1024 GiB up to 196,608 GiB (192 TiB).
# **FSx for OpenZFS file systems** - The amount of storage capacity
# that you can configure is from 64 GiB up to 524,288 GiB (512 TiB).
# **FSx for Windows File Server file systems** - The amount of storage
# capacity that you can configure depends on the value that you set
# for `StorageType` as follows:
# * For SSD storage, valid values are 32 GiB-65,536 GiB (64 TiB).
# * For HDD storage, valid values are 2000 GiB-65,536 GiB (64 TiB).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_type
# Sets the storage type for the file system that you're creating.
# Valid values are `SSD` and `HDD`.
# * Set to `SSD` to use solid state drive storage. SSD is supported on
# all Windows, Lustre, ONTAP, and OpenZFS deployment types.
# * Set to `HDD` to use hard disk drive storage. HDD is supported on
# `SINGLE_AZ_2` and `MULTI_AZ_1` Windows file system deployment
# types, and on `PERSISTENT_1` Lustre file system deployment types.
# Default value is `SSD`. For more information, see [ Storage type
# options][1] in the *FSx for Windows File Server User Guide* and
# [Multiple storage options][2] in the *FSx for Lustre User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/optimize-fsx-costs.html#storage-type-options
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/what-is.html#storage-options
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] subnet_ids
# Specifies the IDs of the subnets that the file system will be
# accessible from. For Windows and ONTAP `MULTI_AZ_1` deployment
# types,provide exactly two subnet IDs, one for the preferred file
# server and one for the standby file server. You specify one of these
# subnets as the preferred subnet using the `WindowsConfiguration >
# PreferredSubnetID` or `OntapConfiguration > PreferredSubnetID`
# properties. For more information about Multi-AZ file system
# configuration, see [ Availability and durability: Single-AZ and
# Multi-AZ file systems][1] in the *Amazon FSx for Windows User Guide*
# and [ Availability and durability][2] in the *Amazon FSx for ONTAP
# User Guide*.
# For Windows `SINGLE_AZ_1` and `SINGLE_AZ_2` and all Lustre
# deployment types, provide exactly one subnet ID. The file server is
# launched in that subnet's Availability Zone.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/high-availability-multiAZ.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/high-availability-multiAZ.html
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] security_group_ids
# A list of IDs specifying the security groups to apply to all network
# interfaces created for file system access. This list isn't returned
# in later requests to describe the file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# The tags to apply to the file system that's being created. The key
# value of the `Name` tag appears in the console as the file system
# name.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# Specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use for
# encrypting data on Amazon FSx file systems, as follows:
# * Amazon FSx for Lustre `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment
# types only.
# `SCRATCH_1` and `SCRATCH_2` types are encrypted using the Amazon
# FSx service KMS key for your account.
# * Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
# * Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# * Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
# If a `KmsKeyId` isn't specified, the Amazon FSx-managed KMS key for
# your account is used. For more information, see [Encrypt][1] in the
# *Key Management Service API Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_Encrypt.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] windows_configuration
# The Microsoft Windows configuration for the file system that's
# being created.
# @return [Types::CreateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The Lustre configuration for the file system being created.
# The following parameters are not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use
# `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation` to create a data repository
# association to link your Lustre file system to a data repository.
# * `AutoImportPolicy`
# * `ExportPath`
# * `ImportedChunkSize`
# * `ImportPath`
# @return [Types::CreateFileSystemLustreConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# The ONTAP configuration properties of the FSx for ONTAP file system
# that you are creating.
# @return [Types::CreateFileSystemOntapConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_type_version
# (Optional) For FSx for Lustre file systems, sets the Lustre version
# for the file system that you're creating. Valid values are `2.10`
# and `2.12`\:
# * 2\.10 is supported by the Scratch and Persistent\_1 Lustre
# deployment types.
# * 2\.12 is supported by all Lustre deployment types. `2.12` is
# required when setting FSx for Lustre `DeploymentType` to
# Default value = `2.10`, except when `DeploymentType` is set to
# `PERSISTENT_2`, then the default is `2.12`.
# If you set `FileSystemTypeVersion` to `2.10` for a `PERSISTENT_2`
# Lustre deployment type, the `CreateFileSystem` operation fails.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# The OpenZFS configuration for the file system that's being created.
# @return [Types::CreateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object returned after the file system is created.
# @!attribute [rw] file_system
# The configuration of the file system that was created.
# @return [Types::FileSystem]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration object for the Microsoft Windows file system used in
# `CreateFileSystem` and `CreateFileSystemFromBackup` operations.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# active_directory_id: "DirectoryId",
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# domain_name: "ActiveDirectoryFullyQualifiedName", # required
# organizational_unit_distinguished_name: "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName",
# file_system_administrators_group: "FileSystemAdministratorsGroupName",
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName", # required
# password: "DirectoryPassword", # required
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"], # required
# },
# deployment_type: "MULTI_AZ_1", # accepts MULTI_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_1, SINGLE_AZ_2
# preferred_subnet_id: "SubnetId",
# throughput_capacity: 1, # required
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# aliases: ["AlternateDNSName"],
# audit_log_configuration: {
# file_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# file_share_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# audit_log_destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] active_directory_id
# The ID for an existing Amazon Web Services Managed Microsoft Active
# Directory (AD) instance that the file system should join when it's
# created.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] self_managed_active_directory_configuration
# The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join a FSx for Windows
# File Server file system or an ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) to
# a self-managed (including on-premises) Microsoft Active Directory
# (AD) directory. For more information, see [ Using Amazon FSx with
# your self-managed Microsoft Active Directory][1] or [Managing
# SVMs][2].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/self-managed-AD.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/managing-svms.html
# @return [Types::SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# Specifies the file system deployment type, valid values are the
# following:
# * `MULTI_AZ_1` - Deploys a high availability file system that is
# configured for Multi-AZ redundancy to tolerate temporary
# Availability Zone (AZ) unavailability. You can only deploy a
# Multi-AZ file system in Amazon Web Services Regions that have a
# minimum of three Availability Zones. Also supports HDD storage
# type
# * `SINGLE_AZ_1` - (Default) Choose to deploy a file system that is
# configured for single AZ redundancy.
# * `SINGLE_AZ_2` - The latest generation Single AZ file system.
# Specifies a file system that is configured for single AZ
# redundancy and supports HDD storage type.
# For more information, see [ Availability and Durability: Single-AZ
# and Multi-AZ File Systems][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/high-availability-multiAZ.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] preferred_subnet_id
# Required when `DeploymentType` is set to `MULTI_AZ_1`. This
# specifies the subnet in which you want the preferred file server to
# be located. For in-Amazon Web Services applications, we recommend
# that you launch your clients in the same Availability Zone (AZ) as
# your preferred file server to reduce cross-AZ data transfer costs
# and minimize latency.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# Sets the throughput capacity of an Amazon FSx file system, measured
# in megabytes per second (MB/s), in 2 to the *n*th increments,
# between 2^3 (8) and 2^11 (2048).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# The preferred start time to perform weekly maintenance, formatted
# d:HH:MM in the UTC time zone, where d is the weekday number, from 1
# through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# The preferred time to take daily automatic backups, formatted HH:MM
# in the UTC time zone.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. The default is to
# retain backups for 7 days. Setting this value to 0 disables the
# creation of automatic backups. The maximum retention period for
# backups is 90 days.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags for the file system should be
# copied to backups. This value defaults to false. If it's set to
# true, all tags for the file system are copied to all automatic and
# user-initiated backups where the user doesn't specify tags. If this
# value is true, and you specify one or more tags, only the specified
# tags are copied to backups. If you specify one or more tags when
# creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from the file
# system, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] aliases
# An array of one or more DNS alias names that you want to associate
# with the Amazon FSx file system. Aliases allow you to use existing
# DNS names to access the data in your Amazon FSx file system. You can
# associate up to 50 aliases with a file system at any time. You can
# associate additional DNS aliases after you create the file system
# using the AssociateFileSystemAliases operation. You can remove DNS
# aliases from the file system after it is created using the
# DisassociateFileSystemAliases operation. You only need to specify
# the alias name in the request payload.
# For more information, see [Working with DNS Aliases][1] and
# [Walkthrough 5: Using DNS aliases to access your file system][2],
# including additional steps you must take to be able to access your
# file system using a DNS alias.
# An alias name has to meet the following requirements:
# * Formatted as a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN),
# `hostname.domain`, for example, `accounting.example.com`.
# * Can contain alphanumeric characters, the underscore (\_), and the
# hyphen (-).
# * Cannot start or end with a hyphen.
# * Can start with a numeric.
# For DNS alias names, Amazon FSx stores alphabetic characters as
# lowercase letters (a-z), regardless of how you specify them: as
# uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or the corresponding letters
# in escape codes.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/managing-dns-aliases.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/walkthrough05-file-system-custom-CNAME.html
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] audit_log_configuration
# The configuration that Amazon FSx for Windows File Server uses to
# audit and log user accesses of files, folders, and file shares on
# the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.
# @return [Types::WindowsAuditLogCreateConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Specifies the configuration of the ONTAP volume that you are creating.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateOntapVolumeConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# junction_path: "JunctionPath",
# security_style: "UNIX", # accepts UNIX, NTFS, MIXED
# size_in_megabytes: 1, # required
# storage_efficiency_enabled: false,
# storage_virtual_machine_id: "StorageVirtualMachineId", # required
# tiering_policy: {
# cooling_period: 1,
# },
# ontap_volume_type: "RW", # accepts RW, DP
# snapshot_policy: "SnapshotPolicy",
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] junction_path
# Specifies the location in the SVM's namespace where the volume is
# mounted. The `JunctionPath` must have a leading forward slash, such
# as `/vol3`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] security_style
# Specifies the security style for the volume. If a volume's security
# style is not specified, it is automatically set to the root
# volume's security style. The security style determines the type of
# permissions that FSx for ONTAP uses to control data access. For more
# information, see [Volume security style][1] in the *Amazon FSx for
# NetApp ONTAP User Guide*. Specify one of the following values:
# * `UNIX` if the file system is managed by a UNIX administrator, the
# majority of users are NFS clients, and an application accessing
# the data uses a UNIX user as the service account.
# * `NTFS` if the file system is managed by a Windows administrator,
# the majority of users are SMB clients, and an application
# accessing the data uses a Windows user as the service account.
# * `MIXED` if the file system is managed by both UNIX and Windows
# administrators and users consist of both NFS and SMB clients.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/managing-volumes.html#volume-security-style
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] size_in_megabytes
# Specifies the size of the volume, in megabytes (MB), that you are
# creating.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_efficiency_enabled
# Set to true to enable deduplication, compression, and compaction
# storage efficiency features on the volume.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_id
# Specifies the ONTAP SVM in which to create the volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tiering_policy
# Describes the data tiering policy for an ONTAP volume. When enabled,
# Amazon FSx for ONTAP's intelligent tiering automatically
# transitions a volume's data between the file system's primary
# storage and capacity pool storage based on your access patterns.
# Valid tiering policies are the following:
# * `SNAPSHOT_ONLY` - (Default value) moves cold snapshots to the
# capacity pool storage tier.
# ^
# ^
# * `AUTO` - moves cold user data and snapshots to the capacity pool
# storage tier based on your access patterns.
# ^
# ^
# * `ALL` - moves all user data blocks in both the active file system
# and Snapshot copies to the storage pool tier.
# ^
# ^
# * `NONE` - keeps a volume's data in the primary storage tier,
# preventing it from being moved to the capacity pool tier.
# ^
# @return [Types::TieringPolicy]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_volume_type
# Specifies the type of volume you are creating. Valid values are the
# following:
# * `RW` specifies a read/write volume. `RW` is the default.
# * `DP` specifies a data-protection volume. A `DP` volume is
# read-only and can be used as the destination of a NetApp
# SnapMirror relationship.
# For more information, see [Volume types][1] in the *Amazon FSx for
# NetApp ONTAP User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/volume-types
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_policy
# Specifies the snapshot policy for the volume. There are three
# built-in snapshot policies:
# * `default`\: This is the default policy. A maximum of six hourly
# snapshots taken five minutes past the hour. A maximum of two daily
# snapshots taken Monday through Saturday at 10 minutes after
# midnight. A maximum of two weekly snapshots taken every Sunday at
# 15 minutes after midnight.
# * `default-1weekly`\: This policy is the same as the `default`
# policy except that it only retains one snapshot from the weekly
# schedule.
# * `none`\: This policy does not take any snapshots. This policy can
# be assigned to volumes to prevent automatic snapshots from being
# taken.
# You can also provide the name of a custom policy that you created
# with the ONTAP CLI or REST API.
# For more information, see [Snapshot policies][1] in the *Amazon FSx
# for NetApp ONTAP User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/snapshots-ontap.html#snapshot-policies
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to backups. This value defaults to false. If it's set to
# true, all tags for the volume are copied to all automatic and
# user-initiated backups where the user doesn't specify tags. If this
# value is true, and you specify one or more tags, only the specified
# tags are copied to backups. If you specify one or more tags when
# creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from the
# volume, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateOntapVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateOntapVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The snapshot configuration to use when creating an OpenZFS volume from
# a snapshot.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateOpenZFSOriginSnapshotConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# snapshot_arn: "ResourceARN", # required
# copy_strategy: "CLONE", # required, accepts CLONE, FULL_COPY
# }
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_strategy
# The strategy used when copying data from the snapshot to the new
# volume.
# * `CLONE` - The new volume references the data in the origin
# snapshot. Cloning a snapshot is faster than copying data from the
# snapshot to a new volume and doesn't consume disk throughput.
# However, the origin snapshot can't be deleted if there is a
# volume using its copied data.
# * `FULL_COPY` - Copies all data from the snapshot to the new volume.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateOpenZFSOriginSnapshotConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateOpenZFSOriginSnapshotConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Specifies the configuration of the Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume that
# you are creating.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# parent_volume_id: "VolumeId", # required
# storage_capacity_reservation_gi_b: 1,
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1,
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# copy_tags_to_snapshots: false,
# origin_snapshot: {
# snapshot_arn: "ResourceARN", # required
# copy_strategy: "CLONE", # required, accepts CLONE, FULL_COPY
# },
# read_only: false,
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] parent_volume_id
# The ID of the volume to use as the parent volume of the volume that
# you are creating.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity_reservation_gi_b
# Specifies the amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to reserve from
# the parent volume. Setting `StorageCapacityReservationGiB`
# guarantees that the specified amount of storage space on the parent
# volume will always be available for the volume. You can't reserve
# more storage than the parent volume has. To *not* specify a storage
# capacity reservation, set this to `0` or `-1`. For more information,
# see [Volume properties][1] in the *Amazon FSx for OpenZFS User
# Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/managing-volumes.html#volume-properties
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity_quota_gi_b
# Sets the maximum storage size in gibibytes (GiB) for the volume. You
# can specify a quota that is larger than the storage on the parent
# volume. A volume quota limits the amount of storage that the volume
# can consume to the configured amount, but does not guarantee the
# space will be available on the parent volume. To guarantee quota
# space, you must also set `StorageCapacityReservationGiB`. To *not*
# specify a storage capacity quota, set this to `-1`.
# For more information, see [Volume properties][1] in the *Amazon FSx
# for OpenZFS User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/managing-volumes.html#volume-properties
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] record_size_ki_b
# Specifies the suggested block size for a volume in a ZFS dataset, in
# kibibytes (KiB). Valid values are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512,
# or 1024 KiB. The default is 128 KiB. We recommend using the default
# setting for the majority of use cases. Generally, workloads that
# write in fixed small or large record sizes may benefit from setting
# a custom record size, like database workloads (small record size) or
# media streaming workloads (large record size). For additional
# guidance on when to set a custom record size, see [ ZFS Record
# size][1] in the *Amazon FSx for OpenZFS User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/performance.html#record-size-performance
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] data_compression_type
# Specifies the method used to compress the data on the volume. The
# compression type is `NONE` by default.
# * `NONE` - Doesn't compress the data on the volume. `NONE` is the
# default.
# * `ZSTD` - Compresses the data in the volume using the Zstandard
# (ZSTD) compression algorithm. ZSTD compression provides a higher
# level of data compression and higher read throughput performance
# than LZ4 compression.
# * `LZ4` - Compresses the data in the volume using the LZ4
# compression algorithm. LZ4 compression provides a lower level of
# compression and higher write throughput performance than ZSTD
# compression.
# For more information about volume compression types and the
# performance of your Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system, see [ Tips
# for maximizing performance][1] File system and volume settings in
# the *Amazon FSx for OpenZFS User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/performance.html#performance-tips-zfs
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_snapshots
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to snapshots. This value defaults to `false`. If it's set to
# `true`, all tags for the volume are copied to snapshots where the
# user doesn't specify tags. If this value is `true`, and you specify
# one or more tags, only the specified tags are copied to snapshots.
# If you specify one or more tags when creating the snapshot, no tags
# are copied from the volume, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] origin_snapshot
# The configuration object that specifies the snapshot to use as the
# origin of the data for the volume.
# @return [Types::CreateOpenZFSOriginSnapshotConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] read_only
# A Boolean value indicating whether the volume is read-only.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] nfs_exports
# The configuration object for mounting a Network File System (NFS)
# file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] user_and_group_quotas
# An object specifying how much storage users or groups can use on the
# volume.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateSnapshotRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# name: "SnapshotName", # required
# volume_id: "VolumeId", # required
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the snapshot.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The ID of the volume that you are taking a snapshot of.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateSnapshotRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateSnapshotRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot
# A description of the snapshot.
# @return [Types::Snapshot]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateSnapshotResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateSnapshotResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateStorageVirtualMachineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# active_directory_configuration: {
# net_bios_name: "NetBiosAlias", # required
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# domain_name: "ActiveDirectoryFullyQualifiedName", # required
# organizational_unit_distinguished_name: "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName",
# file_system_administrators_group: "FileSystemAdministratorsGroupName",
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName", # required
# password: "DirectoryPassword", # required
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"], # required
# },
# },
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# name: "StorageVirtualMachineName", # required
# svm_admin_password: "AdminPassword",
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# root_volume_security_style: "UNIX", # accepts UNIX, NTFS, MIXED
# }
# @!attribute [rw] active_directory_configuration
# Describes the self-managed Microsoft Active Directory to which you
# want to join the SVM. Joining an Active Directory provides user
# authentication and access control for SMB clients, including
# Microsoft Windows and macOS client accessing the file system.
# @return [Types::CreateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon FSx.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the SVM.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] svm_admin_password
# The password to use when managing the SVM using the NetApp ONTAP CLI
# or REST API. If you do not specify a password, you can still use the
# file system's `fsxadmin` user to manage the SVM.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] root_volume_security_style
# The security style of the root volume of the SVM. Specify one of the
# following values:
# * `UNIX` if the file system is managed by a UNIX administrator, the
# majority of users are NFS clients, and an application accessing
# the data uses a UNIX user as the service account.
# * `NTFS` if the file system is managed by a Windows administrator,
# the majority of users are SMB clients, and an application
# accessing the data uses a Windows user as the service account.
# * `MIXED` if the file system is managed by both UNIX and Windows
# administrators and users consist of both NFS and SMB clients.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateStorageVirtualMachineRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateStorageVirtualMachineRequest < Struct.new(
SENSITIVE = [:svm_admin_password]
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine
# Returned after a successful `CreateStorageVirtualMachine` operation;
# describes the SVM just created.
# @return [Types::StorageVirtualMachine]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateStorageVirtualMachineResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateStorageVirtualMachineResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join the ONTAP storage
# virtual machine (SVM) to your self-managed (including on-premises)
# Microsoft Active Directory (AD) directory.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# net_bios_name: "NetBiosAlias", # required
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# domain_name: "ActiveDirectoryFullyQualifiedName", # required
# organizational_unit_distinguished_name: "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName",
# file_system_administrators_group: "FileSystemAdministratorsGroupName",
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName", # required
# password: "DirectoryPassword", # required
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"], # required
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] net_bios_name
# The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory computer object that will
# be created for your SVM.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] self_managed_active_directory_configuration
# The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join a FSx for Windows
# File Server file system or an ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) to
# a self-managed (including on-premises) Microsoft Active Directory
# (AD) directory. For more information, see [ Using Amazon FSx with
# your self-managed Microsoft Active Directory][1] or [Managing
# SVMs][2].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/self-managed-AD.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/managing-svms.html
# @return [Types::SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class CreateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateVolumeFromBackupRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# backup_id: "BackupId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# name: "VolumeName", # required
# ontap_configuration: {
# junction_path: "JunctionPath",
# security_style: "UNIX", # accepts UNIX, NTFS, MIXED
# size_in_megabytes: 1, # required
# storage_efficiency_enabled: false,
# storage_virtual_machine_id: "StorageVirtualMachineId", # required
# tiering_policy: {
# cooling_period: 1,
# },
# ontap_volume_type: "RW", # accepts RW, DP
# snapshot_policy: "SnapshotPolicy",
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# },
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the backup that you are
# copying.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the new volume you're creating.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# Specifies the configuration of the ONTAP volume that you are
# creating.
# @return [Types::CreateOntapVolumeConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateVolumeFromBackupRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateVolumeFromBackupRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] volume
# Returned after a successful `CreateVolumeFromBackup` API operation,
# describing the volume just created.
# @return [Types::Volume]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateVolumeFromBackupResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateVolumeFromBackupResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateVolumeRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# volume_type: "ONTAP", # required, accepts ONTAP, OPENZFS
# name: "VolumeName", # required
# ontap_configuration: {
# junction_path: "JunctionPath",
# security_style: "UNIX", # accepts UNIX, NTFS, MIXED
# size_in_megabytes: 1, # required
# storage_efficiency_enabled: false,
# storage_virtual_machine_id: "StorageVirtualMachineId", # required
# tiering_policy: {
# cooling_period: 1,
# },
# ontap_volume_type: "RW", # accepts RW, DP
# snapshot_policy: "SnapshotPolicy",
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# },
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# open_zfs_configuration: {
# parent_volume_id: "VolumeId", # required
# storage_capacity_reservation_gi_b: 1,
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1,
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# copy_tags_to_snapshots: false,
# origin_snapshot: {
# snapshot_arn: "ResourceARN", # required
# copy_strategy: "CLONE", # required, accepts CLONE, FULL_COPY
# },
# read_only: false,
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_type
# Specifies the type of volume to create; `ONTAP` and `OPENZFS` are
# the only valid volume types.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# Specifies the name of the volume that you're creating.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# Specifies the configuration to use when creating the ONTAP volume.
# @return [Types::CreateOntapVolumeConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# Specifies the configuration to use when creating the OpenZFS volume.
# @return [Types::CreateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateVolumeRequest AWS API Documentation
class CreateVolumeRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] volume
# Returned after a successful `CreateVolume` API operation, describing
# the volume just created.
# @return [Types::Volume]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/CreateVolumeResponse AWS API Documentation
class CreateVolumeResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration of a data repository association that links an
# Amazon FSx for Lustre file system to an Amazon S3 bucket or an Amazon
# File Cache resource to an Amazon S3 bucket or an NFS file system. The
# data repository association configuration object is returned in the
# response of the following operations:
# * `CreateDataRepositoryAssociation`
# * `UpdateDataRepositoryAssociation`
# * `DescribeDataRepositoryAssociations`
# Data repository associations are supported only for an Amazon FSx for
# Lustre file system with the `Persistent_2` deployment type and for an
# Amazon File Cache resource.
# @!attribute [rw] association_id
# The system-generated, unique ID of the data repository association.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon FSx.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# Describes the state of a data repository association. The lifecycle
# can have the following values:
# * `CREATING` - The data repository association between the file
# system or cache and the data repository is being created. The data
# repository is unavailable.
# * `AVAILABLE` - The data repository association is available for
# use.
# * `MISCONFIGURED` - The data repository association is
# misconfigured. Until the configuration is corrected, automatic
# import and automatic export will not work (only for Amazon FSx for
# Lustre).
# * `UPDATING` - The data repository association is undergoing a
# customer initiated update that might affect its availability.
# * `DELETING` - The data repository association is undergoing a
# customer initiated deletion.
# * `FAILED` - The data repository association is in a terminal state
# that cannot be recovered.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# Provides detailed information about the data repository if its
# `Lifecycle` is set to `MISCONFIGURED` or `FAILED`.
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryFailureDetails]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_path
# A path on the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system that points to a
# high-level directory (such as `/ns1/`) or subdirectory (such as
# `/ns1/subdir/`) that will be mapped 1-1 with `DataRepositoryPath`.
# The leading forward slash in the name is required. Two data
# repository associations cannot have overlapping file system paths.
# For example, if a data repository is associated with file system
# path `/ns1/`, then you cannot link another data repository with file
# system path `/ns1/ns2`.
# This path specifies where in your file system files will be exported
# from or imported to. This file system directory can be linked to
# only one Amazon S3 bucket, and no other S3 bucket can be linked to
# the directory.
# If you specify only a forward slash (`/`) as the file system path,
# you can link only one data repository to the file system. You can
# only specify "/" as the file system path for the first data
# repository associated with a file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_path
# The path to the data repository that will be linked to the cache or
# file system.
# * For Amazon File Cache, the path can be an NFS data repository that
# will be linked to the cache. The path can be in one of two
# formats:
# * If you are not using the `DataRepositorySubdirectories`
# parameter, the path is to an NFS Export directory (or one of its
# subdirectories) in the format
# `nsf://nfs-domain-name/exportpath`. You can therefore link a
# single NFS Export to a single data repository association.
# * If you are using the `DataRepositorySubdirectories` parameter,
# the path is the domain name of the NFS file system in the format
# `nfs://filer-domain-name`, which indicates the root of the
# subdirectories specified with the `DataRepositorySubdirectories`
# parameter.
# * For Amazon File Cache, the path can be an S3 bucket or prefix in
# the format `s3://myBucket/myPrefix/`.
# * For Amazon FSx for Lustre, the path can be an S3 bucket or prefix
# in the format `s3://myBucket/myPrefix/`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] batch_import_meta_data_on_create
# A boolean flag indicating whether an import data repository task to
# import metadata should run after the data repository association is
# created. The task runs if this flag is set to `true`.
# `BatchImportMetaDataOnCreate` is not supported for data repositories
# linked to an Amazon File Cache resource.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] imported_file_chunk_size
# For files imported from a data repository, this value determines the
# stripe count and maximum amount of data per file (in MiB) stored on
# a single physical disk. The maximum number of disks that a single
# file can be striped across is limited by the total number of disks
# that make up the file system or cache.
# The default chunk size is 1,024 MiB (1 GiB) and can go as high as
# 512,000 MiB (500 GiB). Amazon S3 objects have a maximum size of 5
# TB.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] s3
# The configuration for an Amazon S3 data repository linked to an
# Amazon FSx for Lustre file system with a data repository
# association.
# @return [Types::S3DataRepositoryConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the resource was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_id
# The globally unique ID of the Amazon File Cache resource.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_path
# A path on the Amazon File Cache that points to a high-level
# directory (such as `/ns1/`) or subdirectory (such as `/ns1/subdir/`)
# that will be mapped 1-1 with `DataRepositoryPath`. The leading
# forward slash in the path is required. Two data repository
# associations cannot have overlapping cache paths. For example, if a
# data repository is associated with cache path `/ns1/`, then you
# cannot link another data repository with cache path `/ns1/ns2`.
# This path specifies the directory in your cache where files will be
# exported from. This cache directory can be linked to only one data
# repository (S3 or NFS) and no other data repository can be linked to
# the directory.
# The cache path can only be set to root (/) on an NFS DRA when
# `DataRepositorySubdirectories` is specified. If you specify root (/)
# as the cache path, you can create only one DRA on the cache.
# The cache path cannot be set to root (/) for an S3 DRA.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_subdirectories
# For Amazon File Cache, a list of NFS Exports that will be linked
# with an NFS data repository association. All the subdirectories must
# be on a single NFS file system. The Export paths are in the format
# `/exportpath1`. To use this parameter, you must configure
# `DataRepositoryPath` as the domain name of the NFS file system. The
# NFS file system domain name in effect is the root of the
# subdirectories. Note that `DataRepositorySubdirectories` is not
# supported for S3 data repositories.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] nfs
# The configuration for an NFS data repository linked to an Amazon
# File Cache resource with a data repository association.
# @return [Types::NFSDataRepositoryConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryAssociation AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryAssociation < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# No data repository associations were found based upon the supplied
# parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryAssociationNotFound AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryAssociationNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The data repository configuration object for Lustre file systems
# returned in the response of the `CreateFileSystem` operation.
# This data type is not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use .
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# Describes the state of the file system's S3 durable data
# repository, if it is configured with an S3 repository. The lifecycle
# can have the following values:
# * `CREATING` - The data repository configuration between the FSx
# file system and the linked S3 data repository is being created.
# The data repository is unavailable.
# * `AVAILABLE` - The data repository is available for use.
# * `MISCONFIGURED` - Amazon FSx cannot automatically import updates
# from the S3 bucket until the data repository configuration is
# corrected. For more information, see [Troubleshooting a
# Misconfigured linked S3 bucket][1].
# * `UPDATING` - The data repository is undergoing a customer
# initiated update and availability may be impacted.
# * `FAILED` - The data repository is in a terminal state that cannot
# be recovered.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/troubleshooting.html#troubleshooting-misconfigured-data-repository
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] import_path
# The import path to the Amazon S3 bucket (and optional prefix) that
# you're using as the data repository for your FSx for Lustre file
# system, for example `s3://import-bucket/optional-prefix`. If a
# prefix is specified after the Amazon S3 bucket name, only object
# keys with that prefix are loaded into the file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] export_path
# The export path to the Amazon S3 bucket (and prefix) that you are
# using to store new and changed Lustre file system files in S3.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] imported_file_chunk_size
# For files imported from a data repository, this value determines the
# stripe count and maximum amount of data per file (in MiB) stored on
# a single physical disk. The maximum number of disks that a single
# file can be striped across is limited by the total number of disks
# that make up the file system.
# The default chunk size is 1,024 MiB (1 GiB) and can go as high as
# 512,000 MiB (500 GiB). Amazon S3 objects have a maximum size of 5
# TB.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] auto_import_policy
# Describes the file system's linked S3 data repository's
# `AutoImportPolicy`. The AutoImportPolicy configures how Amazon FSx
# keeps your file and directory listings up to date as you add or
# modify objects in your linked S3 bucket. `AutoImportPolicy` can have
# the following values:
# * `NONE` - (Default) AutoImport is off. Amazon FSx only updates file
# and directory listings from the linked S3 bucket when the file
# system is created. FSx does not update file and directory listings
# for any new or changed objects after choosing this option.
# * `NEW` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically imports
# directory listings of any new objects added to the linked S3
# bucket that do not currently exist in the FSx file system.
# * `NEW_CHANGED` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically imports
# file and directory listings of any new objects added to the S3
# bucket and any existing objects that are changed in the S3 bucket
# after you choose this option.
# * `NEW_CHANGED_DELETED` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically
# imports file and directory listings of any new objects added to
# the S3 bucket, any existing objects that are changed in the S3
# bucket, and any objects that were deleted in the S3 bucket.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# Provides detailed information about the data repository if its
# `Lifecycle` is set to `MISCONFIGURED` or `FAILED`.
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryFailureDetails]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Provides detailed information about the data repository if its
# `Lifecycle` is set to `MISCONFIGURED` or `FAILED`.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryFailureDetails AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryFailureDetails < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A description of the data repository task. You use data repository
# tasks to perform bulk transfer operations between an Amazon FSx for
# Lustre file system and a linked data repository. An Amazon File Cache
# resource uses a task to automatically release files from the cache.
# @!attribute [rw] task_id
# The system-generated, unique 17-digit ID of the data repository
# task.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the data repository task, as follows:
# * `PENDING` - The task has not started.
# * `EXECUTING` - The task is in process.
# * `FAILED` - The task was not able to be completed. For example,
# there may be files the task failed to process. The
# DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails property provides more
# information about task failures.
# * `SUCCEEDED` - The task has completed successfully.
# * `CANCELED` - The task was canceled and it did not complete.
# * `CANCELING` - The task is in process of being canceled.
# You cannot delete an FSx for Lustre file system if there are data
# repository tasks for the file system in the `PENDING` or `EXECUTING`
# states. Please retry when the data repository task is finished (with
# a status of `CANCELED`, `SUCCEEDED`, or `FAILED`). You can use the
# DescribeDataRepositoryTask action to monitor the task status.
# Contact the FSx team if you need to delete your file system
# immediately.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of data repository task.
# * `EXPORT_TO_REPOSITORY` tasks export from your Amazon FSx for
# Lustre file system to a linked data repository.
# * `IMPORT_METADATA_FROM_REPOSITORY` tasks import metadata changes
# from a linked S3 bucket to your Amazon FSx for Lustre file system.
# * `AUTO_RELEASE_DATA` tasks automatically release files from an
# Amazon File Cache resource.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the resource was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The time the system began processing the task.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] end_time
# The time the system completed processing the task, populated after
# the task is complete.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] paths
# An array of paths that specify the data for the data repository task
# to process. For example, in an EXPORT\_TO\_REPOSITORY task, the
# paths specify which data to export to the linked data repository.
# (Default) If `Paths` is not specified, Amazon FSx uses the file
# system root directory.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# Failure message describing why the task failed, it is populated only
# when `Lifecycle` is set to `FAILED`.
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# Provides the status of the number of files that the task has
# processed successfully and failed to process.
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryTaskStatus]
# @!attribute [rw] report
# Provides a report detailing the data repository task results of the
# files processed that match the criteria specified in the report
# `Scope` parameter. FSx delivers the report to the file system's
# linked data repository in Amazon S3, using the path specified in the
# report `Path` parameter. You can specify whether or not a report
# gets generated for a task using the `Enabled` parameter.
# @return [Types::CompletionReport]
# @!attribute [rw] capacity_to_release
# Specifies the amount of data to release, in GiB, by an Amazon File
# Cache AUTO\_RELEASE\_DATA task that automatically releases files
# from the cache.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_id
# The system-generated, unique ID of the cache.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryTask AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryTask < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The data repository task could not be canceled because the task has
# already ended.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryTaskEnded AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryTaskEnded < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An existing data repository task is currently executing on the file
# system. Wait until the existing task has completed, then create the
# new task.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryTaskExecuting AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryTaskExecuting < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Provides information about why a data repository task failed. Only
# populated when the task `Lifecycle` is set to `FAILED`.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# (Optional) An array of filter objects you can use to filter the
# response of data repository tasks you will see in the the response.
# You can filter the tasks returned in the response by one or more file
# system IDs, task lifecycles, and by task type. A filter object
# consists of a filter `Name`, and one or more `Values` for the filter.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DataRepositoryTaskFilter
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, task-lifecycle, data-repository-association-id, file-cache-id
# values: ["DataRepositoryTaskFilterValue"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# Name of the task property to use in filtering the tasks returned in
# the response.
# * Use `file-system-id` to retrieve data repository tasks for
# specific file systems.
# * Use `task-lifecycle` to retrieve data repository tasks with one or
# more specific lifecycle states, as follows: CANCELED, EXECUTING,
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] values
# Use Values to include the specific file system IDs and task
# lifecycle states for the filters you are using.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryTaskFilter AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryTaskFilter < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The data repository task or tasks you specified could not be found.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryTaskNotFound AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryTaskNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Provides the task status showing a running total of the total number
# of files to be processed, the number successfully processed, and the
# number of files the task failed to process.
# @!attribute [rw] total_count
# The total number of files that the task will process. While a task
# is executing, the sum of `SucceededCount` plus `FailedCount` may not
# equal `TotalCount`. When the task is complete, `TotalCount` equals
# the sum of `SucceededCount` plus `FailedCount`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] succeeded_count
# A running total of the number of files that the task has
# successfully processed.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] failed_count
# A running total of the number of files that the task failed to
# process.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] last_updated_time
# The time at which the task status was last updated.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] released_capacity
# The total amount of data, in GiB, released by an Amazon File Cache
# AUTO\_RELEASE\_DATA task that automatically releases files from the
# cache.
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DataRepositoryTaskStatus AWS API Documentation
class DataRepositoryTaskStatus < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for the `DeleteBackup` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteBackupRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# backup_id: "BackupId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] backup_id
# The ID of the backup that you want to delete.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# A string of up to 64 ASCII characters that Amazon FSx uses to ensure
# idempotent deletion. This parameter is automatically filled on your
# behalf when using the CLI or SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteBackupRequest AWS API Documentation
class DeleteBackupRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the `DeleteBackup` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] backup_id
# The ID of the backup that was deleted.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the backup. If the `DeleteBackup` operation
# is successful, the status is `DELETED`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteBackupResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteBackupResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteDataRepositoryAssociationRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# association_id: "DataRepositoryAssociationId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# delete_data_in_file_system: false,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] association_id
# The ID of the data repository association that you want to delete.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] delete_data_in_file_system
# Set to `true` to delete the data in the file system that corresponds
# to the data repository association.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteDataRepositoryAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation
class DeleteDataRepositoryAssociationRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] association_id
# The ID of the data repository association being deleted.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# Describes the lifecycle state of the data repository association
# being deleted.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] delete_data_in_file_system
# Indicates whether data in the file system that corresponds to the
# data repository association is being deleted. Default is `false`.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteDataRepositoryAssociationResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteDataRepositoryAssociationResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteFileCacheRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_cache_id: "FileCacheId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_id
# The ID of the cache that's being deleted.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileCacheRequest AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileCacheRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_id
# The ID of the cache that's being deleted.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The cache lifecycle for the deletion request. If the
# `DeleteFileCache` operation is successful, this status is
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileCacheResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileCacheResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration object for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system
# being deleted in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteFileSystemLustreConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] skip_final_backup
# Set `SkipFinalBackup` to false if you want to take a final backup of
# the file system you are deleting. By default, Amazon FSx will not
# take a final backup on your behalf when the `DeleteFileSystem`
# operation is invoked. (Default = true)
# The `fsx:CreateBackup` permission is required if you set
# `SkipFinalBackup` to `false` in order to delete the file system and
# take a final backup.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# Use if `SkipFinalBackup` is set to `false`, and you want to apply an
# array of tags to the final backup. If you have set the file system
# property `CopyTagsToBackups` to true, and you specify one or more
# `FinalBackupTags` when deleting a file system, Amazon FSx will not
# copy any existing file system tags to the backup.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemLustreConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemLustreConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system being
# deleted in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_id
# The ID of the final backup for this file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# The set of tags applied to the final backup.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemLustreResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemLustreResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration object for the Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system
# used in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] skip_final_backup
# By default, Amazon FSx for OpenZFS takes a final backup on your
# behalf when the `DeleteFileSystem` operation is invoked. Doing this
# helps protect you from data loss, and we highly recommend taking the
# final backup. If you want to skip taking a final backup, set this
# value to `true`.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# A list of tags to apply to the file system's final backup.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] options
# To delete a file system if there are child volumes present below the
# root volume, use the string `DELETE_CHILD_VOLUMES_AND_SNAPSHOTS`. If
# your file system has child volumes and you don't use this option,
# the delete request will fail.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system that's
# being deleted in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the backup that you are
# copying.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemOpenZFSResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemOpenZFSResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteFileSystemRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# windows_configuration: {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# },
# lustre_configuration: {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# },
# open_zfs_configuration: {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The ID of the file system that you want to delete.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# A string of up to 64 ASCII characters that Amazon FSx uses to ensure
# idempotent deletion. This token is automatically filled on your
# behalf when using the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an Amazon Web
# Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] windows_configuration
# The configuration object for the Microsoft Windows file system used
# in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Types::DeleteFileSystemWindowsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The configuration object for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system
# being deleted in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Types::DeleteFileSystemLustreConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# The configuration object for the OpenZFS file system used in the
# `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Types::DeleteFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemRequest AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The ID of the file system that's being deleted.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The file system lifecycle for the deletion request. If the
# `DeleteFileSystem` operation is successful, this status is
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] windows_response
# The response object for the Microsoft Windows file system used in
# the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Types::DeleteFileSystemWindowsResponse]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_response
# The response object for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system being
# deleted in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Types::DeleteFileSystemLustreResponse]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_response
# The response object for the OpenZFS file system that's being
# deleted in the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Types::DeleteFileSystemOpenZFSResponse]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration object for the Microsoft Windows file system used in
# the `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteFileSystemWindowsConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] skip_final_backup
# By default, Amazon FSx for Windows takes a final backup on your
# behalf when the `DeleteFileSystem` operation is invoked. Doing this
# helps protect you from data loss, and we highly recommend taking the
# final backup. If you want to skip this backup, use this flag to do
# so.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# A set of tags for your final backup.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemWindowsConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemWindowsConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the Microsoft Windows file system used in the
# `DeleteFileSystem` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_id
# The ID of the final backup for this file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# The set of tags applied to the final backup.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteFileSystemWindowsResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteFileSystemWindowsResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteSnapshotRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# snapshot_id: "SnapshotId", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_id
# The ID of the snapshot that you want to delete.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteSnapshotRequest AWS API Documentation
class DeleteSnapshotRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_id
# The ID of the deleted snapshot.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the snapshot. If the `DeleteSnapshot`
# operation is successful, this status is `DELETING`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteSnapshotResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteSnapshotResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteStorageVirtualMachineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# storage_virtual_machine_id: "StorageVirtualMachineId", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_id
# The ID of the SVM that you want to delete.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteStorageVirtualMachineRequest AWS API Documentation
class DeleteStorageVirtualMachineRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_id
# The ID of the SVM Amazon FSx is deleting.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# Describes the lifecycle state of the SVM being deleted.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteStorageVirtualMachineResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteStorageVirtualMachineResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Use to specify skipping a final backup, or to add tags to a final
# backup.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteVolumeOntapConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] skip_final_backup
# Set to true if you want to skip taking a final backup of the volume
# you are deleting.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteVolumeOntapConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class DeleteVolumeOntapConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP volume being
# deleted in the `DeleteVolume` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the backup that you are
# copying.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] final_backup_tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteVolumeOntapResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteVolumeOntapResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A value that specifies whether to delete all child volumes and
# snapshots.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteVolumeOpenZFSConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# }
# @!attribute [rw] options
# To delete the volume's child volumes, snapshots, and clones, use
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteVolumeOpenZFSConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class DeleteVolumeOpenZFSConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteVolumeRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# volume_id: "VolumeId", # required
# ontap_configuration: {
# skip_final_backup: false,
# final_backup_tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# },
# open_zfs_configuration: {
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The ID of the volume that you are deleting.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# For Amazon FSx for ONTAP volumes, specify whether to take a final
# backup of the volume and apply tags to the backup. To apply tags to
# the backup, you must have the `fsx:TagResource` permission.
# @return [Types::DeleteVolumeOntapConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# For Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volumes, specify whether to delete all
# child volumes and snapshots.
# @return [Types::DeleteVolumeOpenZFSConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteVolumeRequest AWS API Documentation
class DeleteVolumeRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The ID of the volume that's being deleted.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle state of the volume being deleted. If the
# `DeleteVolume` operation is successful, this value is `DELETING`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_response
# Returned after a `DeleteVolume` request, showing the status of the
# delete request.
# @return [Types::DeleteVolumeOntapResponse]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DeleteVolumeResponse AWS API Documentation
class DeleteVolumeResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for the `DescribeBackups` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeBackupsRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# backup_ids: ["BackupId"],
# filters: [
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, backup-type, file-system-type, volume-id, data-repository-type, file-cache-id, file-cache-type
# values: ["FilterValue"],
# },
# ],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] backup_ids
# The IDs of the backups that you want to retrieve. This parameter
# value overrides any filters. If any IDs aren't found, a
# `BackupNotFound` error occurs.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] filters
# The filters structure. The supported names are `file-system-id`,
# `backup-type`, `file-system-type`, and `volume-id`.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# Maximum number of backups to return in the response. This parameter
# value must be greater than 0. The number of items that Amazon FSx
# returns is the minimum of the `MaxResults` parameter specified in
# the request and the service's internal maximum number of items per
# page.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# An opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# `DescribeBackups` operation. If a token is present, the operation
# continues the list from where the returning call left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeBackupsRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeBackupsRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Response object for the `DescribeBackups` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] backups
# An array of backups.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# A `NextToken` value is present if there are more backups than
# returned in the response. You can use the `NextToken` value in the
# subsequent request to fetch the backups.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeBackupsResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeBackupsResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeDataRepositoryAssociationsRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# association_ids: ["DataRepositoryAssociationId"],
# filters: [
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, backup-type, file-system-type, volume-id, data-repository-type, file-cache-id, file-cache-type
# values: ["FilterValue"],
# },
# ],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] association_ids
# IDs of the data repository associations whose descriptions you want
# to retrieve (String).
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] filters
# A list of `Filter` elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# The maximum number of resources to return in the response. This
# value must be an integer greater than zero.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeDataRepositoryAssociationsRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeDataRepositoryAssociationsRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] associations
# An array of one or more data repository association descriptions.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeDataRepositoryAssociationsResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeDataRepositoryAssociationsResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeDataRepositoryTasksRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# task_ids: ["TaskId"],
# filters: [
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, task-lifecycle, data-repository-association-id, file-cache-id
# values: ["DataRepositoryTaskFilterValue"],
# },
# ],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] task_ids
# (Optional) IDs of the tasks whose descriptions you want to retrieve
# (String).
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] filters
# (Optional) You can use filters to narrow the
# `DescribeDataRepositoryTasks` response to include just tasks for
# specific file systems, or tasks in a specific lifecycle state.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# The maximum number of resources to return in the response. This
# value must be an integer greater than zero.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeDataRepositoryTasksRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeDataRepositoryTasksRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_tasks
# The collection of data repository task descriptions returned.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeDataRepositoryTasksResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeDataRepositoryTasksResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeFileCachesRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_cache_ids: ["FileCacheId"],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_ids
# IDs of the caches whose descriptions you want to retrieve (String).
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# The maximum number of resources to return in the response. This
# value must be an integer greater than zero.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeFileCachesRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeFileCachesRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] file_caches
# The response object for the `DescribeFileCaches` operation.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeFileCachesResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeFileCachesResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for `DescribeFileSystemAliases` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeFileSystemAliasesRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The ID of the file system to return the associated DNS aliases for
# (String).
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# Maximum number of DNS aliases to return in the response (integer).
# This parameter value must be greater than 0. The number of items
# that Amazon FSx returns is the minimum of the `MaxResults` parameter
# specified in the request and the service's internal maximum number
# of items per page.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# `DescribeFileSystemAliases` operation (String). If a token is
# included in the request, the action continues the list from where
# the previous returning call left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeFileSystemAliasesRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeFileSystemAliasesRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for `DescribeFileSystemAliases` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] aliases
# An array of one or more DNS aliases currently associated with the
# specified file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# Present if there are more DNS aliases than returned in the response
# (String). You can use the `NextToken` value in a later request to
# fetch additional descriptions.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeFileSystemAliasesResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeFileSystemAliasesResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for `DescribeFileSystems` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeFileSystemsRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_system_ids: ["FileSystemId"],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_ids
# IDs of the file systems whose descriptions you want to retrieve
# (String).
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# Maximum number of file systems to return in the response (integer).
# This parameter value must be greater than 0. The number of items
# that Amazon FSx returns is the minimum of the `MaxResults` parameter
# specified in the request and the service's internal maximum number
# of items per page.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# `DescribeFileSystems` operation (String). If a token present, the
# operation continues the list from where the returning call left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeFileSystemsRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeFileSystemsRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for `DescribeFileSystems` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] file_systems
# An array of file system descriptions.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# Present if there are more file systems than returned in the response
# (String). You can use the `NextToken` value in the later request to
# fetch the descriptions.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeFileSystemsResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeFileSystemsResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeSnapshotsRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# snapshot_ids: ["SnapshotId"],
# filters: [
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, volume-id
# values: ["SnapshotFilterValue"],
# },
# ],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_ids
# The IDs of the snapshots that you want to retrieve. This parameter
# value overrides any filters. If any IDs aren't found, a
# `SnapshotNotFound` error occurs.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] filters
# The filters structure. The supported names are `file-system-id` or
# `volume-id`.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# The maximum number of resources to return in the response. This
# value must be an integer greater than zero.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeSnapshotsRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeSnapshotsRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] snapshots
# An array of snapshots.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeSnapshotsResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeSnapshotsResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeStorageVirtualMachinesRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# storage_virtual_machine_ids: ["StorageVirtualMachineId"],
# filters: [
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id
# values: ["StorageVirtualMachineFilterValue"],
# },
# ],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_ids
# Enter the ID of one or more SVMs that you want to view.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] filters
# Enter a filter name:value pair to view a select set of SVMs.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# The maximum number of resources to return in the response. This
# value must be an integer greater than zero.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeStorageVirtualMachinesRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeStorageVirtualMachinesRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machines
# Returned after a successful `DescribeStorageVirtualMachines`
# operation, describing each SVM.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeStorageVirtualMachinesResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeStorageVirtualMachinesResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeVolumesRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# volume_ids: ["VolumeId"],
# filters: [
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, storage-virtual-machine-id
# values: ["VolumeFilterValue"],
# },
# ],
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] volume_ids
# The IDs of the volumes whose descriptions you want to retrieve.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] filters
# Enter a filter `Name` and `Values` pair to view a select set of
# volumes.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# The maximum number of resources to return in the response. This
# value must be an integer greater than zero.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeVolumesRequest AWS API Documentation
class DescribeVolumesRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] volumes
# Returned after a successful `DescribeVolumes` operation, describing
# each volume.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# (Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# operation (String). If present, this token indicates from what point
# you can continue processing the request, where the previous
# `NextToken` value left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DescribeVolumesResponse AWS API Documentation
class DescribeVolumesResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object of DNS aliases to disassociate from an Amazon FSx
# for Windows File Server file system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DisassociateFileSystemAliasesRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# aliases: ["AlternateDNSName"], # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# Specifies the file system from which to disassociate the DNS
# aliases.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aliases
# An array of one or more DNS alias names to disassociate, or remove,
# from the file system.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DisassociateFileSystemAliasesRequest AWS API Documentation
class DisassociateFileSystemAliasesRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The system generated response showing the DNS aliases that Amazon FSx
# is attempting to disassociate from the file system. Use the API
# operation to monitor the status of the aliases Amazon FSx is removing
# from the file system.
# @!attribute [rw] aliases
# An array of one or more DNS aliases that Amazon FSx is attempting to
# disassociate from the file system.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DisassociateFileSystemAliasesResponse AWS API Documentation
class DisassociateFileSystemAliasesResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The SSD IOPS (input/output operations per second) configuration for an
# Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system. The
# default is 3 IOPS per GB of storage capacity, but you can provision
# additional IOPS per GB of storage. The configuration consists of the
# total number of provisioned SSD IOPS and how the amount was
# provisioned (by the customer or by the system).
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DiskIopsConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# iops: 1,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] mode
# Specifies whether the number of IOPS for the file system is using
# the system default (`AUTOMATIC`) or was provisioned by the customer
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] iops
# The total number of SSD IOPS provisioned for the file system.
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/DiskIopsConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class DiskIopsConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A description of a specific Amazon File Cache resource, which is a
# response object from the `DescribeFileCaches` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] owner_id
# An Amazon Web Services account ID. This ID is a 12-digit number that
# you use to construct Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for resources.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the resource was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_id
# The system-generated, unique ID of the cache.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_type
# The type of cache, which must be `LUSTRE`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_type_version
# The Lustre version of the cache, which must be `2.12`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the cache. The following are the possible
# values and what they mean:
# * `AVAILABLE` - The cache is in a healthy state, and is reachable
# and available for use.
# * `CREATING` - The new cache is being created.
# * `DELETING` - An existing cache is being deleted.
# * `UPDATING` - The cache is undergoing a customer-initiated update.
# * `FAILED` - An existing cache has experienced an unrecoverable
# failure. When creating a new cache, the cache was unable to be
# created.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# A structure providing details of any failures that occurred.
# @return [Types::FileCacheFailureDetails]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# The storage capacity of the cache in gibibytes (GiB).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] vpc_id
# The ID of your virtual private cloud (VPC). For more information,
# see [VPC and subnets][1] in the *Amazon VPC User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Subnets.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] subnet_ids
# A list of subnet IDs that the cache will be accessible from. You can
# specify only one subnet ID in a call to the `CreateFileCache`
# operation.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] network_interface_ids
# A list of network interface IDs.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_name
# The Domain Name System (DNS) name for the cache.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# Specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use for
# encrypting data on an Amazon File Cache. If a `KmsKeyId` isn't
# specified, the Amazon FSx-managed KMS key for your account is used.
# For more information, see [Encrypt][1] in the *Key Management
# Service API Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_Encrypt.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The configuration for the Amazon File Cache resource.
# @return [Types::FileCacheLustreConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_association_ids
# A list of IDs of data repository associations that are associated
# with this cache.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCache AWS API Documentation
class FileCache < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the Amazon File Cache resource being created
# in the `CreateFileCache` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] owner_id
# An Amazon Web Services account ID. This ID is a 12-digit number that
# you use to construct Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for resources.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the resource was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_id
# The system-generated, unique ID of the cache.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_type
# The type of cache, which must be `LUSTRE`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_type_version
# The Lustre version of the cache, which must be `2.12`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the cache. The following are the possible
# values and what they mean:
# * `AVAILABLE` - The cache is in a healthy state, and is reachable
# and available for use.
# * `CREATING` - The new cache is being created.
# * `DELETING` - An existing cache is being deleted.
# * `UPDATING` - The cache is undergoing a customer-initiated update.
# * `FAILED` - An existing cache has experienced an unrecoverable
# failure. When creating a new cache, the cache was unable to be
# created.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# A structure providing details of any failures that occurred.
# @return [Types::FileCacheFailureDetails]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# The storage capacity of the cache in gibibytes (GiB).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] vpc_id
# The ID of your virtual private cloud (VPC). For more information,
# see [VPC and subnets][1] in the *Amazon VPC User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Subnets.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] subnet_ids
# A list of subnet IDs that the cache will be accessible from. You can
# specify only one subnet ID in a call to the `CreateFileCache`
# operation.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] network_interface_ids
# A list of network interface IDs.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_name
# The Domain Name System (DNS) name for the cache.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# Specifies the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use for
# encrypting data on an Amazon File Cache. If a `KmsKeyId` isn't
# specified, the Amazon FSx-managed KMS key for your account is used.
# For more information, see [Encrypt][1] in the *Key Management
# Service API Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_Encrypt.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_data_repository_associations
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags for the cache should be
# copied to data repository associations.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The configuration for the Amazon File Cache resource.
# @return [Types::FileCacheLustreConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_association_ids
# A list of IDs of data repository associations that are associated
# with this cache.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCacheCreating AWS API Documentation
class FileCacheCreating < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for a data repository association (DRA) to be
# created during the Amazon File Cache resource creation. The DRA links
# the cache to either an Amazon S3 bucket or prefix, or a Network File
# System (NFS) data repository that supports the NFSv3 protocol.
# The DRA does not support automatic import or automatic export.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass FileCacheDataRepositoryAssociation
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_cache_path: "Namespace", # required
# data_repository_path: "ArchivePath", # required
# data_repository_subdirectories: ["Namespace"],
# nfs: {
# version: "NFS3", # required, accepts NFS3
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_path
# A path on the cache that points to a high-level directory (such as
# `/ns1/`) or subdirectory (such as `/ns1/subdir/`) that will be
# mapped 1-1 with `DataRepositoryPath`. The leading forward slash in
# the name is required. Two data repository associations cannot have
# overlapping cache paths. For example, if a data repository is
# associated with cache path `/ns1/`, then you cannot link another
# data repository with cache path `/ns1/ns2`.
# This path specifies where in your cache files will be exported from.
# This cache directory can be linked to only one data repository, and
# no data repository other can be linked to the directory.
# The cache path can only be set to root (/) on an NFS DRA when
# `DataRepositorySubdirectories` is specified. If you specify root (/)
# as the cache path, you can create only one DRA on the cache.
# The cache path cannot be set to root (/) for an S3 DRA.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_path
# The path to the S3 or NFS data repository that links to the cache.
# You must provide one of the following paths:
# * The path can be an NFS data repository that links to the cache.
# The path can be in one of two formats:
# * If you are not using the `DataRepositorySubdirectories`
# parameter, the path is to an NFS Export directory (or one of its
# subdirectories) in the format
# `nsf://nfs-domain-name/exportpath`. You can therefore link a
# single NFS Export to a single data repository association.
# * If you are using the `DataRepositorySubdirectories` parameter,
# the path is the domain name of the NFS file system in the format
# `nfs://filer-domain-name`, which indicates the root of the
# subdirectories specified with the `DataRepositorySubdirectories`
# parameter.
# * The path can be an S3 bucket or prefix in the format
# `s3://myBucket/myPrefix/`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_subdirectories
# A list of NFS Exports that will be linked with this data repository
# association. The Export paths are in the format `/exportpath1`. To
# use this parameter, you must configure `DataRepositoryPath` as the
# domain name of the NFS file system. The NFS file system domain name
# in effect is the root of the subdirectories. Note that
# `DataRepositorySubdirectories` is not supported for S3 data
# repositories.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] nfs
# The configuration for a data repository association that links an
# Amazon File Cache resource to an NFS data repository.
# @return [Types::FileCacheNFSConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCacheDataRepositoryAssociation AWS API Documentation
class FileCacheDataRepositoryAssociation < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A structure providing details of any failures that occurred.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A message describing any failures that occurred.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCacheFailureDetails AWS API Documentation
class FileCacheFailureDetails < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for the Amazon File Cache resource.
# @!attribute [rw] per_unit_storage_throughput
# Per unit storage throughput represents the megabytes per second of
# read or write throughput per 1 tebibyte of storage provisioned.
# Cache throughput capacity is equal to Storage capacity (TiB) *
# PerUnitStorageThroughput (MB/s/TiB). The only supported value is
# `1000`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# The deployment type of the Amazon File Cache resource, which must be
# `CACHE_1`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] mount_name
# You use the `MountName` value when mounting the cache. If you pass a
# cache ID to the `DescribeFileCaches` operation, it returns the the
# `MountName` value as part of the cache's description.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] metadata_configuration
# The configuration for a Lustre MDT (Metadata Target) storage volume.
# @return [Types::FileCacheLustreMetadataConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] log_configuration
# The configuration for Lustre logging used to write the enabled
# logging events for your Amazon File Cache resource to Amazon
# CloudWatch Logs.
# @return [Types::LustreLogConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCacheLustreConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class FileCacheLustreConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for a Lustre MDT (Metadata Target) storage volume.
# The metadata on Amazon File Cache is managed by a Lustre Metadata
# Server (MDS) while the actual metadata is persisted on an MDT.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass FileCacheLustreMetadataConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# storage_capacity: 1, # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# The storage capacity of the Lustre MDT (Metadata Target) storage
# volume in gibibytes (GiB). The only supported value is `2400` GiB.
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCacheLustreMetadataConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class FileCacheLustreMetadataConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for an NFS data repository association (DRA) created
# during the creation of the Amazon File Cache resource.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass FileCacheNFSConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# version: "NFS3", # required, accepts NFS3
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] version
# The version of the NFS (Network File System) protocol of the NFS
# data repository. The only supported value is `NFS3`, which indicates
# that the data repository must support the NFSv3 protocol.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_ips
# A list of up to 2 IP addresses of DNS servers used to resolve the
# NFS file system domain name. The provided IP addresses can either be
# the IP addresses of a DNS forwarder or resolver that the customer
# manages and runs inside the customer VPC, or the IP addresses of the
# on-premises DNS servers.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCacheNFSConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class FileCacheNFSConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# No caches were found based upon supplied parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileCacheNotFound AWS API Documentation
class FileCacheNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A description of a specific Amazon FSx file system.
# @!attribute [rw] owner_id
# The Amazon Web Services account that created the file system. If the
# file system was created by an Identity and Access Management (IAM)
# user, the Amazon Web Services account to which the IAM user belongs
# is the owner.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the file system was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The system-generated, unique 17-digit ID of the file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_type
# The type of Amazon FSx file system, which can be `LUSTRE`,
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the file system. The following are the
# possible values and what they mean:
# * `AVAILABLE` - The file system is in a healthy state, and is
# reachable and available for use.
# * `CREATING` - Amazon FSx is creating the new file system.
# * `DELETING` - Amazon FSx is deleting an existing file system.
# * `FAILED` - An existing file system has experienced an
# unrecoverable failure. When creating a new file system, Amazon FSx
# was unable to create the file system.
# * `MISCONFIGURED` - The file system is in a failed but recoverable
# state.
# * `MISCONFIGURED_UNAVAILABLE` - (Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
# only) The file system is currently unavailable due to a change in
# your Active Directory configuration.
# * `UPDATING` - The file system is undergoing a customer-initiated
# update.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] failure_details
# A structure providing details of any failures that occurred.
# @return [Types::FileSystemFailureDetails]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# The storage capacity of the file system in gibibytes (GiB).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_type
# The type of storage the file system is using. If set to `SSD`, the
# file system uses solid state drive storage. If set to `HDD`, the
# file system uses hard disk drive storage.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vpc_id
# The ID of the primary virtual private cloud (VPC) for the file
# system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] subnet_ids
# Specifies the IDs of the subnets that the file system is accessible
# from. For the Amazon FSx Windows and ONTAP `MULTI_AZ_1` file system
# deployment type, there are two subnet IDs, one for the preferred
# file server and one for the standby file server. The preferred file
# server subnet identified in the `PreferredSubnetID` property. All
# other file systems have only one subnet ID.
# For FSx for Lustre file systems, and Single-AZ Windows file systems,
# this is the ID of the subnet that contains the file system's
# endpoint. For `MULTI_AZ_1` Windows and ONTAP file systems, the file
# system endpoint is available in the `PreferredSubnetID`.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] network_interface_ids
# The IDs of the elastic network interfaces from which a specific file
# system is accessible. The elastic network interface is automatically
# created in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) that the Amazon FSx
# file system was created in. For more information, see [Elastic
# Network Interfaces][1] in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide.*
# For an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system, you can have
# one network interface ID. For an Amazon FSx for Lustre file system,
# you can have more than one.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-eni.html
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_name
# The Domain Name System (DNS) name for the file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] kms_key_id
# The ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key used to encrypt
# Amazon FSx file system data. Used as follows with Amazon FSx file
# system types:
# * Amazon FSx for Lustre `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment
# types only.
# `SCRATCH_1` and `SCRATCH_2` types are encrypted using the Amazon
# FSx service KMS key for your account.
# * Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
# * Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# * Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file system resource.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# The tags to associate with the file system. For more information,
# see [Tagging your Amazon EC2 resources][1] in the *Amazon EC2 User
# Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Using_Tags.html
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] windows_configuration
# The configuration for this Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file
# system.
# @return [Types::WindowsFileSystemConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The configuration for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system.
# @return [Types::LustreFileSystemConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] administrative_actions
# A list of administrative actions for the file system that are in
# process or waiting to be processed. Administrative actions describe
# changes to the Amazon FSx system that you have initiated using the
# `UpdateFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# The configuration for this Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system.
# @return [Types::OntapFileSystemConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_type_version
# The Lustre version of the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system, either
# `2.10` or `2.12`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# The configuration for this Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system.
# @return [Types::OpenZFSFileSystemConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileSystem AWS API Documentation
class FileSystem < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system has two endpoints that are
# used to access data or to manage the file system using the NetApp
# ONTAP CLI, REST API, or NetApp SnapMirror. They are the `Management`
# and `Intercluster` endpoints.
# @!attribute [rw] dns_name
# The Domain Name Service (DNS) name for the file system. You can
# mount your file system using its DNS name.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ip_addresses
# IP addresses of the file system endpoint.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileSystemEndpoint AWS API Documentation
class FileSystemEndpoint < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system has the following endpoints
# that are used to access data or to manage the file system using the
# NetApp ONTAP CLI, REST API, or NetApp SnapMirror.
# @!attribute [rw] intercluster
# An endpoint for managing your file system by setting up NetApp
# SnapMirror with other ONTAP systems.
# @return [Types::FileSystemEndpoint]
# @!attribute [rw] management
# An endpoint for managing your file system using the NetApp ONTAP CLI
# and NetApp ONTAP API.
# @return [Types::FileSystemEndpoint]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileSystemEndpoints AWS API Documentation
class FileSystemEndpoints < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A structure providing details of any failures that occurred.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A message describing any failures that occurred.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileSystemFailureDetails AWS API Documentation
class FileSystemFailureDetails < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# No Amazon FSx file systems were found based upon supplied parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/FileSystemNotFound AWS API Documentation
class FileSystemNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A filter used to restrict the results of describe calls. You can use
# multiple filters to return results that meet all applied filter
# requirements.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Filter
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, backup-type, file-system-type, volume-id, data-repository-type, file-cache-id, file-cache-type
# values: ["FilterValue"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name for this filter.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] values
# The values of the filter. These are all the values for any of the
# applied filters.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/Filter AWS API Documentation
class Filter < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The error returned when a second request is received with the same
# client request token but different parameters settings. A client
# request token should always uniquely identify a single request.
# @!attribute [rw] parameter
# A parameter that is incompatible with the earlier request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/IncompatibleParameterError AWS API Documentation
class IncompatibleParameterError < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Amazon FSx doesn't support Multi-AZ Windows File Server copy backup
# in the destination Region, so the copied backup can't be restored.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/IncompatibleRegionForMultiAZ AWS API Documentation
class IncompatibleRegionForMultiAZ < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A generic error indicating a server-side failure.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InternalServerError AWS API Documentation
class InternalServerError < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# You have filtered the response to a data repository type that is not
# supported.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidDataRepositoryType AWS API Documentation
class InvalidDataRepositoryType < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Key Management Service (KMS) key of the destination backup is not
# valid.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidDestinationKmsKey AWS API Documentation
class InvalidDestinationKmsKey < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The path provided for data repository export isn't valid.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidExportPath AWS API Documentation
class InvalidExportPath < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The path provided for data repository import isn't valid.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidImportPath AWS API Documentation
class InvalidImportPath < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# One or more network settings specified in the request are invalid.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# Error message explaining what's wrong with network settings.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] invalid_subnet_id
# The subnet ID that is either invalid or not part of the VPC
# specified.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] invalid_security_group_id
# The security group ID is either invalid or not part of the VPC
# specified.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] invalid_route_table_id
# The route table ID is either invalid or not part of the VPC
# specified.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidNetworkSettings AWS API Documentation
class InvalidNetworkSettings < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An invalid value for `PerUnitStorageThroughput` was provided. Please
# create your file system again, using a valid value.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidPerUnitStorageThroughput AWS API Documentation
class InvalidPerUnitStorageThroughput < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Region provided for `SourceRegion` is not valid or is in a
# different Amazon Web Services partition.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidRegion AWS API Documentation
class InvalidRegion < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Key Management Service (KMS) key of the source backup is not
# valid.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/InvalidSourceKmsKey AWS API Documentation
class InvalidSourceKmsKey < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Describes why a resource lifecycle state changed.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/LifecycleTransitionReason AWS API Documentation
class LifecycleTransitionReason < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for `ListTagsForResource` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ListTagsForResourceRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# resource_arn: "ResourceARN", # required
# max_results: 1,
# next_token: "NextToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The ARN of the Amazon FSx resource that will have its tags listed.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_results
# Maximum number of tags to return in the response (integer). This
# parameter value must be greater than 0. The number of items that
# Amazon FSx returns is the minimum of the `MaxResults` parameter
# specified in the request and the service's internal maximum number
# of items per page.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# Opaque pagination token returned from a previous
# `ListTagsForResource` operation (String). If a token present, the
# action continues the list from where the returning call left off.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ListTagsForResourceRequest AWS API Documentation
class ListTagsForResourceRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for `ListTagsForResource` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of tags on the resource.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_token
# This is present if there are more tags than returned in the response
# (String). You can use the `NextToken` value in the later request to
# fetch the tags.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ListTagsForResourceResponse AWS API Documentation
class ListTagsForResourceResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system.
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# The preferred start time to perform weekly maintenance, formatted
# d:HH:MM in the UTC time zone. Here, `d` is the weekday number, from
# 1 through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_repository_configuration
# The data repository configuration object for Lustre file systems
# returned in the response of the `CreateFileSystem` operation.
# This data type is not supported for file systems with the
# `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use .
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# The deployment type of the FSx for Lustre file system. *Scratch
# deployment type* is designed for temporary storage and shorter-term
# processing of data.
# `SCRATCH_1` and `SCRATCH_2` deployment types are best suited for
# when you need temporary storage and shorter-term processing of data.
# The `SCRATCH_2` deployment type provides in-transit encryption of
# data and higher burst throughput capacity than `SCRATCH_1`.
# The `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment type is used for
# longer-term storage and workloads and encryption of data in transit.
# `PERSISTENT_2` is built on Lustre v2.12 and offers higher
# `PerUnitStorageThroughput` (up to 1000 MB/s/TiB) along with a lower
# minimum storage capacity requirement (600 GiB). To learn more about
# FSx for Lustre deployment types, see [ FSx for Lustre deployment
# options][1].
# The default is `SCRATCH_1`.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/lustre-deployment-types.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] per_unit_storage_throughput
# Per unit storage throughput represents the megabytes per second of
# read or write throughput per 1 tebibyte of storage provisioned. File
# system throughput capacity is equal to Storage capacity (TiB) *
# PerUnitStorageThroughput (MB/s/TiB). This option is only valid for
# `PERSISTENT_1` and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment types.
# Valid values:
# * For `PERSISTENT_1` SSD storage: 50, 100, 200.
# * For `PERSISTENT_1` HDD storage: 12, 40.
# * For `PERSISTENT_2` SSD storage: 125, 250, 500, 1000.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] mount_name
# You use the `MountName` value when mounting the file system.
# For the `SCRATCH_1` deployment type, this value is always "`fsx`".
# For `SCRATCH_2`, `PERSISTENT_1`, and `PERSISTENT_2` deployment
# types, this value is a string that is unique within an Amazon Web
# Services Region.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags on the file system are copied
# to backups. If it's set to true, all tags on the file system are
# copied to all automatic backups and any user-initiated backups where
# the user doesn't specify any tags. If this value is true, and you
# specify one or more tags, only the specified tags are copied to
# backups. If you specify one or more tags when creating a
# user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from the file system,
# regardless of this value. (Default = false)
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] drive_cache_type
# The type of drive cache used by `PERSISTENT_1` file systems that are
# provisioned with HDD storage devices. This parameter is required
# when `StorageType` is HDD. When set to `READ` the file system has an
# SSD storage cache that is sized to 20% of the file system's storage
# capacity. This improves the performance for frequently accessed
# files by caching up to 20% of the total storage capacity.
# This parameter is required when `StorageType` is set to HDD.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_compression_type
# The data compression configuration for the file system.
# `DataCompressionType` can have the following values:
# * `NONE` - Data compression is turned off for the file system.
# * `LZ4` - Data compression is turned on with the LZ4 algorithm.
# For more information, see [Lustre data compression][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/data-compression.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] log_configuration
# The Lustre logging configuration. Lustre logging writes the enabled
# log events for your file system to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
# @return [Types::LustreLogConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] root_squash_configuration
# The Lustre root squash configuration for an Amazon FSx for Lustre
# file system. When enabled, root squash restricts root-level access
# from clients that try to access your file system as a root user.
# @return [Types::LustreRootSquashConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/LustreFileSystemConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class LustreFileSystemConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for Lustre logging used to write the enabled logging
# events for your Amazon FSx for Lustre file system or Amazon File Cache
# resource to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
# @!attribute [rw] level
# The data repository events that are logged by Amazon FSx.
# * `WARN_ONLY` - only warning events are logged.
# * `ERROR_ONLY` - only error events are logged.
# * `WARN_ERROR` - both warning events and error events are logged.
# * `DISABLED` - logging of data repository events is turned off.
# Note that Amazon File Cache uses a default setting of `WARN_ERROR`,
# which can't be changed.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] destination
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that specifies the destination of the
# logs. The destination can be any Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group
# ARN. The destination ARN must be in the same Amazon Web Services
# partition, Amazon Web Services Region, and Amazon Web Services
# account as your Amazon FSx file system.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/LustreLogConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class LustreLogConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Lustre logging configuration used when creating or updating an
# Amazon FSx for Lustre file system. An Amazon File Cache is created
# with Lustre logging enabled by default, with a setting of `WARN_ERROR`
# for the logging events. which can't be changed.
# Lustre logging writes the enabled logging events for your file system
# or cache to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass LustreLogCreateConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, WARN_ONLY, ERROR_ONLY, WARN_ERROR
# destination: "GeneralARN",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] level
# Sets which data repository events are logged by Amazon FSx.
# * `WARN_ONLY` - only warning events are logged.
# * `ERROR_ONLY` - only error events are logged.
# * `WARN_ERROR` - both warning events and error events are logged.
# * `DISABLED` - logging of data repository events is turned off.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] destination
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that specifies the destination of the
# logs.
# The destination can be any Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group ARN,
# with the following requirements:
# * The destination ARN that you provide must be in the same Amazon
# Web Services partition, Amazon Web Services Region, and Amazon Web
# Services account as your Amazon FSx file system.
# * The name of the Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group must begin with
# the `/aws/fsx` prefix.
# * If you do not provide a destination, Amazon FSx will create and
# use a log stream in the CloudWatch Logs `/aws/fsx/lustre` log
# group (for Amazon FSx for Lustre) or `/aws/fsx/filecache` (for
# Amazon File Cache).
# * If `Destination` is provided and the resource does not exist, the
# request will fail with a `BadRequest` error.
# * If `Level` is set to `DISABLED`, you cannot specify a destination
# in `Destination`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/LustreLogCreateConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class LustreLogCreateConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for Lustre root squash used to restrict root-level
# access from clients that try to access your FSx for Lustre file system
# as root. Use the `RootSquash` parameter to enable root squash. To
# learn more about Lustre root squash, see [Lustre root squash][1].
# You can also use the `NoSquashNids` parameter to provide an array of
# clients who are not affected by the root squash setting. These clients
# will access the file system as root, with unrestricted privileges.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/root-squash.html
# @note When making an API call, you may pass LustreRootSquashConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# root_squash: "LustreRootSquash",
# no_squash_nids: ["LustreNoSquashNid"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] root_squash
# You enable root squash by setting a user ID (UID) and group ID (GID)
# for the file system in the format `UID:GID` (for example,
# `365534:65534`). The UID and GID values can range from `0` to
# `4294967294`\:
# * A non-zero value for UID and GID enables root squash. The UID and
# GID values can be different, but each must be a non-zero value.
# * A value of `0` (zero) for UID and GID indicates root, and
# therefore disables root squash.
# When root squash is enabled, the user ID and group ID of a root user
# accessing the file system are re-mapped to the UID and GID you
# provide.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] no_squash_nids
# When root squash is enabled, you can optionally specify an array of
# NIDs of clients for which root squash does not apply. A client NID
# is a Lustre Network Identifier used to uniquely identify a client.
# You can specify the NID as either a single address or a range of
# addresses:
# * A single address is described in standard Lustre NID format by
# specifying the client’s IP address followed by the Lustre network
# ID (for example, ``).
# * An address range is described using a dash to separate the range
# (for example, `10.0.[2-10].[1-255]@tcp`).
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/LustreRootSquashConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class LustreRootSquashConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A cache configuration is required for this operation.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/MissingFileCacheConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class MissingFileCacheConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A file system configuration is required for this operation.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/MissingFileSystemConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class MissingFileSystemConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A volume configuration is required for this operation.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/MissingVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class MissingVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for a data repository association that links an
# Amazon File Cache resource to an NFS data repository.
# @!attribute [rw] version
# The version of the NFS (Network File System) protocol of the NFS
# data repository. Currently, the only supported value is `NFS3`,
# which indicates that the data repository must support the NFSv3
# protocol.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_ips
# A list of up to 2 IP addresses of DNS servers used to resolve the
# NFS file system domain name. The provided IP addresses can either be
# the IP addresses of a DNS forwarder or resolver that the customer
# manages and runs inside the customer VPC, or the IP addresses of the
# on-premises DNS servers.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] auto_export_policy
# This parameter is not supported for Amazon File Cache.
# @return [Types::AutoExportPolicy]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/NFSDataRepositoryConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class NFSDataRepositoryConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The resource specified for the tagging operation is not a resource
# type owned by Amazon FSx. Use the API of the relevant service to
# perform the operation.
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the non-Amazon FSx resource.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/NotServiceResourceError AWS API Documentation
class NotServiceResourceError < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Configuration for the FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system.
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# Specifies the FSx for ONTAP file system deployment type in use in
# the file system.
# * `MULTI_AZ_1` - (Default) A high availability file system
# configured for Multi-AZ redundancy to tolerate temporary
# Availability Zone (AZ) unavailability.
# * `SINGLE_AZ_1` - A file system configured for Single-AZ redundancy.
# For information about the use cases for Multi-AZ and Single-AZ
# deployments, refer to [Choosing Multi-AZ or Single-AZ file system
# deployment][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/high-availability-multiAZ.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] endpoint_ip_address_range
# (Multi-AZ only) The IP address range in which the endpoints to
# access your file system are created.
# The Endpoint IP address range you select for your file system must
# exist outside the VPC's CIDR range and must be at least /30 or
# larger. If you do not specify this optional parameter, Amazon FSx
# will automatically select a CIDR block for you.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] endpoints
# The `Management` and `Intercluster` endpoints that are used to
# access data or to manage the file system using the NetApp ONTAP CLI,
# REST API, or NetApp SnapMirror.
# @return [Types::FileSystemEndpoints]
# @!attribute [rw] disk_iops_configuration
# The SSD IOPS configuration for the ONTAP file system, specifying the
# number of provisioned IOPS and the provision mode.
# @return [Types::DiskIopsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] preferred_subnet_id
# The ID for a subnet. A *subnet* is a range of IP addresses in your
# virtual private cloud (VPC). For more information, see [VPC and
# subnets][1] in the *Amazon VPC User Guide.*
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Subnets.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] route_table_ids
# (Multi-AZ only) The VPC route tables in which your file system's
# endpoints are created.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# The sustained throughput of an Amazon FSx file system in Megabytes
# per second (MBps).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OntapFileSystemConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class OntapFileSystemConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration of an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP volume.
# @!attribute [rw] flex_cache_endpoint_type
# Specifies the FlexCache endpoint type of the volume. Valid values
# are the following:
# * `NONE` specifies that the volume doesn't have a FlexCache
# configuration. `NONE` is the default.
# * `ORIGIN` specifies that the volume is the origin volume for a
# FlexCache volume.
# * `CACHE` specifies that the volume is a FlexCache volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] junction_path
# Specifies the directory that network-attached storage (NAS) clients
# use to mount the volume, along with the storage virtual machine
# (SVM) Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address. You can create a
# `JunctionPath` directly below a parent volume junction or on a
# directory within a volume. A `JunctionPath` for a volume named
# `vol3` might be `/vol1/vol2/vol3`, or `/vol1/dir2/vol3`, or even
# `/dir1/dir2/vol3`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] security_style
# The security style for the volume, which can be `UNIX`, `NTFS`, or
# `MIXED`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] size_in_megabytes
# The configured size of the volume, in megabytes (MBs).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_efficiency_enabled
# The volume's storage efficiency setting.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_id
# The ID of the volume's storage virtual machine.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_root
# A Boolean flag indicating whether this volume is the root volume for
# its storage virtual machine (SVM). Only one volume on an SVM can be
# the root volume. This value defaults to `false`. If this value is
# `true`, then this is the SVM root volume.
# This flag is useful when you're deleting an SVM, because you must
# first delete all non-root volumes. This flag, when set to `false`,
# helps you identify which volumes to delete before you can delete the
# SVM.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] tiering_policy
# The volume's `TieringPolicy` setting.
# @return [Types::TieringPolicy]
# @!attribute [rw] uuid
# The volume's universally unique identifier (UUID).
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_volume_type
# Specifies the type of volume. Valid values are the following:
# * `RW` specifies a read/write volume. `RW` is the default.
# * `DP` specifies a data-protection volume. You can protect data by
# replicating it to data-protection mirror copies. If a disaster
# occurs, you can use these data-protection mirror copies to recover
# data.
# * `LS` specifies a load-sharing mirror volume. A load-sharing mirror
# reduces the network traffic to a FlexVol volume by providing
# additional read-only access to clients.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_policy
# Specifies the snapshot policy for the volume. There are three
# built-in snapshot policies:
# * `default`\: This is the default policy. A maximum of six hourly
# snapshots taken five minutes past the hour. A maximum of two daily
# snapshots taken Monday through Saturday at 10 minutes after
# midnight. A maximum of two weekly snapshots taken every Sunday at
# 15 minutes after midnight.
# * `default-1weekly`\: This policy is the same as the `default`
# policy except that it only retains one snapshot from the weekly
# schedule.
# * `none`\: This policy does not take any snapshots. This policy can
# be assigned to volumes to prevent automatic snapshots from being
# taken.
# You can also provide the name of a custom policy that you created
# with the ONTAP CLI or REST API.
# For more information, see [Snapshot policies][1] in the *Amazon FSx
# for NetApp ONTAP User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/snapshots-ontap.html#snapshot-policies
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to backups. This value defaults to false. If it's set to
# true, all tags for the volume are copied to all automatic and
# user-initiated backups where the user doesn't specify tags. If this
# value is true, and you specify one or more tags, only the specified
# tags are copied to backups. If you specify one or more tags when
# creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from the
# volume, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OntapVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class OntapVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Specifies who can mount an OpenZFS file system and the options
# available while mounting the file system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass OpenZFSClientConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] clients
# A value that specifies who can mount the file system. You can
# provide a wildcard character (`*`), an IP address (``), or a
# CIDR address (``). By default, Amazon FSx uses the
# wildcard character when specifying the client.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] options
# The options to use when mounting the file system. For a list of
# options that you can use with Network File System (NFS), see the
# [exports(5) - Linux man page][1]. When choosing your options,
# consider the following:
# * `crossmnt` is used by default. If you don't specify `crossmnt`
# when changing the client configuration, you won't be able to see
# or access snapshots in your file system's snapshot directory.
# * `sync` is used by default. If you instead specify `async`, the
# system acknowledges writes before writing to disk. If the system
# crashes before the writes are finished, you lose the unwritten
# data.
# [1]: https://linux.die.net/man/5/exports
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OpenZFSClientConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class OpenZFSClientConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS root volume.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass OpenZFSCreateRootVolumeConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# copy_tags_to_snapshots: false,
# read_only: false,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] record_size_ki_b
# Specifies the record size of an OpenZFS root volume, in kibibytes
# (KiB). Valid values are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024
# KiB. The default is 128 KiB. Most workloads should use the default
# record size. Database workflows can benefit from a smaller record
# size, while streaming workflows can benefit from a larger record
# size. For additional guidance on setting a custom record size, see [
# Tips for maximizing performance][1] in the *Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/performance.html#performance-tips-zfs
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] data_compression_type
# Specifies the method used to compress the data on the volume. The
# compression type is `NONE` by default.
# * `NONE` - Doesn't compress the data on the volume. `NONE` is the
# default.
# * `ZSTD` - Compresses the data in the volume using the Zstandard
# (ZSTD) compression algorithm. Compared to LZ4, Z-Standard provides
# a better compression ratio to minimize on-disk storage
# utilization.
# * `LZ4` - Compresses the data in the volume using the LZ4
# compression algorithm. Compared to Z-Standard, LZ4 is less
# compute-intensive and delivers higher write throughput speeds.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] nfs_exports
# The configuration object for mounting a file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] user_and_group_quotas
# An object specifying how much storage users or groups can use on the
# volume.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_snapshots
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to snapshots of the volume. This value defaults to `false`.
# If it's set to `true`, all tags for the volume are copied to
# snapshots where the user doesn't specify tags. If this value is
# `true` and you specify one or more tags, only the specified tags are
# copied to snapshots. If you specify one or more tags when creating
# the snapshot, no tags are copied from the volume, regardless of this
# value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] read_only
# A Boolean value indicating whether the volume is read-only. Setting
# this value to `true` can be useful after you have completed changes
# to a volume and no longer want changes to occur.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OpenZFSCreateRootVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class OpenZFSCreateRootVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for the Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system.
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags on the file system should be
# copied to backups. If it's set to `true`, all tags on the file
# system are copied to all automatic backups and any user-initiated
# backups where the user doesn't specify any tags. If this value is
# `true` and you specify one or more tags, only the specified tags are
# copied to backups. If you specify one or more tags when creating a
# user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from the file system,
# regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_volumes
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to snapshots. This value defaults to `false`. If it's set to
# `true`, all tags for the volume are copied to snapshots where the
# user doesn't specify tags. If this value is `true` and you specify
# one or more tags, only the specified tags are copied to snapshots.
# If you specify one or more tags when creating the snapshot, no tags
# are copied from the volume, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# Specifies the file-system deployment type. Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# supports
`SINGLE_AZ_1` and `SINGLE_AZ_2`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# The throughput of an Amazon FSx file system, measured in megabytes
# per second (MBps).
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] disk_iops_configuration
# The SSD IOPS (input/output operations per second) configuration for
# an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file
# system. The default is 3 IOPS per GB of storage capacity, but you
# can provision additional IOPS per GB of storage. The configuration
# consists of the total number of provisioned SSD IOPS and how the
# amount was provisioned (by the customer or by the system).
# @return [Types::DiskIopsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] root_volume_id
# The ID of the root volume of the OpenZFS file system.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OpenZFSFileSystemConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class OpenZFSFileSystemConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Network File System (NFS) configurations for mounting an Amazon
# FSx for OpenZFS file system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass OpenZFSNfsExport
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_configurations
# A list of configuration objects that contain the client and options
# for mounting the OpenZFS file system.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OpenZFSNfsExport AWS API Documentation
class OpenZFSNfsExport < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The snapshot configuration to use when creating an OpenZFS volume from
# a snapshot.
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_strategy
# The strategy used when copying data from the snapshot to the new
# volume.
# * `CLONE` - The new volume references the data in the origin
# snapshot. Cloning a snapshot is faster than copying the data from
# a snapshot to a new volume and doesn't consume disk throughput.
# However, the origin snapshot can't be deleted if there is a
# volume using its copied data.
# * `FULL_COPY` - Copies all data from the snapshot to the new volume.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OpenZFSOriginSnapshotConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class OpenZFSOriginSnapshotConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for how much storage a user or group can use on the
# volume.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass OpenZFSUserOrGroupQuota
# data as a hash:
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] type
# A value that specifies whether the quota applies to a user or group.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The ID of the user or group.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity_quota_gi_b
# The amount of storage that the user or group can use in gibibytes
# (GiB).
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OpenZFSUserOrGroupQuota AWS API Documentation
class OpenZFSUserOrGroupQuota < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume.
# @!attribute [rw] parent_volume_id
# The ID of the parent volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_path
# The path to the volume from the root volume. For example,
# `fsx/parentVolume/volume1`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity_reservation_gi_b
# The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to reserve from the parent
# volume. You can't reserve more storage than the parent volume has
# reserved.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity_quota_gi_b
# The maximum amount of storage in gibibtyes (GiB) that the volume can
# use from its parent. You can specify a quota larger than the storage
# on the parent volume.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] record_size_ki_b
# The record size of an OpenZFS volume, in kibibytes (KiB). Valid
# values are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 KiB. The default
# is 128 KiB. Most workloads should use the default record size. For
# guidance on when to set a custom record size, see the *Amazon FSx
# for OpenZFS User Guide*.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] data_compression_type
# Specifies the method used to compress the data on the volume. The
# compression type is `NONE` by default.
# * `NONE` - Doesn't compress the data on the volume. `NONE` is the
# default.
# * `ZSTD` - Compresses the data in the volume using the Zstandard
# (ZSTD) compression algorithm. Compared to LZ4, Z-Standard provides
# a better compression ratio to minimize on-disk storage
# utilization.
# * `LZ4` - Compresses the data in the volume using the LZ4
# compression algorithm. Compared to Z-Standard, LZ4 is less
# compute-intensive and delivers higher write throughput speeds.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_snapshots
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to snapshots. This value defaults to `false`. If it's set to
# `true`, all tags for the volume are copied to snapshots where the
# user doesn't specify tags. If this value is `true` and you specify
# one or more tags, only the specified tags are copied to snapshots.
# If you specify one or more tags when creating the snapshot, no tags
# are copied from the volume, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] origin_snapshot
# The configuration object that specifies the snapshot to use as the
# origin of the data for the volume.
# @return [Types::OpenZFSOriginSnapshotConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] read_only
# A Boolean value indicating whether the volume is read-only.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] nfs_exports
# The configuration object for mounting a Network File System (NFS)
# file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] user_and_group_quotas
# An object specifying how much storage users or groups can use on the
# volume.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] restore_to_snapshot
# Specifies the ID of the snapshot to which the volume was restored.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] delete_intermediate_snaphots
# A Boolean value indicating whether snapshots between the current
# state and the specified snapshot should be deleted when a volume is
# restored from snapshot.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] delete_cloned_volumes
# A Boolean value indicating whether dependent clone volumes created
# from intermediate snapshots should be deleted when a volume is
# restored from snapshot.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/OpenZFSVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class OpenZFSVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ReleaseFileSystemNfsV3LocksRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon FSx.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ReleaseFileSystemNfsV3LocksRequest AWS API Documentation
class ReleaseFileSystemNfsV3LocksRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] file_system
# A description of a specific Amazon FSx file system.
# @return [Types::FileSystem]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ReleaseFileSystemNfsV3LocksResponse AWS API Documentation
class ReleaseFileSystemNfsV3LocksResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The resource specified does not support tagging.
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that doesn't support
# tagging.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ResourceDoesNotSupportTagging AWS API Documentation
class ResourceDoesNotSupportTagging < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The resource specified by the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) can't be
# found.
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The resource ARN of the resource that can't be found.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ResourceNotFound AWS API Documentation
class ResourceNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass RestoreVolumeFromSnapshotRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# volume_id: "VolumeId", # required
# snapshot_id: "SnapshotId", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The ID of the volume that you are restoring.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_id
# The ID of the source snapshot. Specifies the snapshot that you are
# restoring from.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] options
# The settings used when restoring the specified volume from snapshot.
# * `DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_SNAPSHOTS` - Deletes snapshots between the
# current state and the specified snapshot. If there are
# intermediate snapshots and this option isn't used,
# `RestoreVolumeFromSnapshot` fails.
# * `DELETE_CLONED_VOLUMES` - Deletes any dependent clone volumes
# created from intermediate snapshots. If there are any dependent
# clone volumes and this option isn't used,
# `RestoreVolumeFromSnapshot` fails.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/RestoreVolumeFromSnapshotRequest AWS API Documentation
class RestoreVolumeFromSnapshotRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The ID of the volume that you restored.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle state of the volume being restored.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] administrative_actions
# A list of administrative actions for the file system that are in
# process or waiting to be processed. Administrative actions describe
# changes to the Amazon FSx system.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/RestoreVolumeFromSnapshotResponse AWS API Documentation
class RestoreVolumeFromSnapshotResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for an Amazon S3 data repository linked to an Amazon
# FSx for Lustre file system with a data repository association. The
# configuration consists of an `AutoImportPolicy` that defines which
# file events on the data repository are automatically imported to the
# file system and an `AutoExportPolicy` that defines which file events
# on the file system are automatically exported to the data repository.
# File events are when files or directories are added, changed, or
# deleted on the file system or the data repository.
# Data repository associations on Amazon File Cache don't use
# `S3DataRepositoryConfiguration` because they don't support automatic
# import or automatic export.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass S3DataRepositoryConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# auto_import_policy: {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# },
# auto_export_policy: {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] auto_import_policy
# Specifies the type of updated objects (new, changed, deleted) that
# will be automatically imported from the linked S3 bucket to your
# file system.
# @return [Types::AutoImportPolicy]
# @!attribute [rw] auto_export_policy
# Specifies the type of updated objects (new, changed, deleted) that
# will be automatically exported from your file system to the linked
# S3 bucket.
# @return [Types::AutoExportPolicy]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/S3DataRepositoryConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class S3DataRepositoryConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration of the self-managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
# directory to which the Windows File Server or ONTAP storage virtual
# machine (SVM) instance is joined.
# @!attribute [rw] domain_name
# The fully qualified domain name of the self-managed AD directory.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] organizational_unit_distinguished_name
# The fully qualified distinguished name of the organizational unit
# within the self-managed AD directory to which the Windows File
# Server or ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) instance is joined.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_administrators_group
# The name of the domain group whose members have administrative
# privileges for the FSx file system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] user_name
# The user name for the service account on your self-managed AD domain
# that FSx uses to join to your AD domain.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_ips
# A list of up to three IP addresses of DNS servers or domain
# controllers in the self-managed AD directory.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SelfManagedActiveDirectoryAttributes AWS API Documentation
class SelfManagedActiveDirectoryAttributes < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join a FSx for Windows File
# Server file system or an ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) to a
# self-managed (including on-premises) Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
# directory. For more information, see [ Using Amazon FSx with your
# self-managed Microsoft Active Directory][1] or [Managing SVMs][2].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/self-managed-AD.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/managing-svms.html
# @note When making an API call, you may pass SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# domain_name: "ActiveDirectoryFullyQualifiedName", # required
# organizational_unit_distinguished_name: "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName",
# file_system_administrators_group: "FileSystemAdministratorsGroupName",
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName", # required
# password: "DirectoryPassword", # required
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"], # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] domain_name
# The fully qualified domain name of the self-managed AD directory,
# such as `corp.example.com`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] organizational_unit_distinguished_name
# (Optional) The fully qualified distinguished name of the
# organizational unit within your self-managed AD directory. Amazon
# FSx only accepts OU as the direct parent of the file system. An
# example is `OU=FSx,DC=yourdomain,DC=corp,DC=com`. To learn more, see
# [RFC 2253][1]. If none is provided, the FSx file system is created
# in the default location of your self-managed AD directory.
# Only Organizational Unit (OU) objects can be the direct parent of
# the file system that you're creating.
# [1]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2253
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_administrators_group
# (Optional) The name of the domain group whose members are granted
# administrative privileges for the file system. Administrative
# privileges include taking ownership of files and folders, setting
# audit controls (audit ACLs) on files and folders, and administering
# the file system remotely by using the FSx Remote PowerShell. The
# group that you specify must already exist in your domain. If you
# don't provide one, your AD domain's Domain Admins group is used.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] user_name
# The user name for the service account on your self-managed AD domain
# that Amazon FSx will use to join to your AD domain. This account
# must have the permission to join computers to the domain in the
# organizational unit provided in
# `OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName`, or in the default location of
# your AD domain.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] password
# The password for the service account on your self-managed AD domain
# that Amazon FSx will use to join to your AD domain.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_ips
# A list of up to three IP addresses of DNS servers or domain
# controllers in the self-managed AD directory.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration < Struct.new(
SENSITIVE = [:password]
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join the Windows File Server
# instance to a self-managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD) directory.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfigurationUpdates
# data as a hash:
# {
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName",
# password: "DirectoryPassword",
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] user_name
# The user name for the service account on your self-managed AD domain
# that Amazon FSx will use to join to your AD domain. This account
# must have the permission to join computers to the domain in the
# organizational unit provided in
# `OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] password
# The password for the service account on your self-managed AD domain
# that Amazon FSx will use to join to your AD domain.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] dns_ips
# A list of up to three IP addresses of DNS servers or domain
# controllers in the self-managed AD directory.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfigurationUpdates AWS API Documentation
class SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfigurationUpdates < Struct.new(
SENSITIVE = [:password]
include Aws::Structure
# An error indicating that a particular service limit was exceeded. You
# can increase some service limits by contacting Amazon Web Services
# Support.
# @!attribute [rw] limit
# Enumeration of the service limit that was exceeded.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/ServiceLimitExceeded AWS API Documentation
class ServiceLimitExceeded < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A snapshot of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume.
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_id
# The ID of the snapshot.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the snapshot.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The ID of the volume that the snapshot is of.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the resource was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the snapshot.
# * `PENDING` - Amazon FSx hasn't started creating the snapshot.
# * `CREATING` - Amazon FSx is creating the snapshot.
# * `DELETING` - Amazon FSx is deleting the snapshot.
# * `AVAILABLE` - The snapshot is fully available.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle_transition_reason
# Describes why a resource lifecycle state changed.
# @return [Types::LifecycleTransitionReason]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] administrative_actions
# A list of administrative actions for the file system that are in
# process or waiting to be processed. Administrative actions describe
# changes to the Amazon FSx system.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/Snapshot AWS API Documentation
class Snapshot < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A filter used to restrict the results of `DescribeSnapshots` calls.
# You can use multiple filters to return results that meet all applied
# filter requirements.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass SnapshotFilter
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, volume-id
# values: ["SnapshotFilterValue"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the filter to use. You can filter by the
# `file-system-id` or by `volume-id`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] values
# The `file-system-id` or `volume-id` that you are filtering for.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SnapshotFilter AWS API Documentation
class SnapshotFilter < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# No Amazon FSx snapshots were found based on the supplied parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SnapshotNotFound AWS API Documentation
class SnapshotNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request was rejected because the lifecycle status of the source
# backup isn't `AVAILABLE`.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] backup_id
# The ID of the source backup. Specifies the backup that you are
# copying.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SourceBackupUnavailable AWS API Documentation
class SourceBackupUnavailable < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Describes the Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage virtual machine
# (SVM) configuration.
# @!attribute [rw] active_directory_configuration
# Describes the Microsoft Active Directory configuration to which the
# SVM is joined, if applicable.
# @return [Types::SvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the resource was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] endpoints
# The endpoints that are used to access data or to manage the SVM
# using the NetApp ONTAP CLI, REST API, or NetApp CloudManager. They
# are the `Iscsi`, `Management`, `Nfs`, and `Smb` endpoints.
# @return [Types::SvmEndpoints]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon FSx.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# Describes the SVM's lifecycle status.
# * `CREATED` - The SVM is fully available for use.
# * `CREATING` - Amazon FSx is creating the new SVM.
# * `DELETING` - Amazon FSx is deleting an existing SVM.
# * `FAILED` - Amazon FSx was unable to create the SVM.
# * `MISCONFIGURED` - The SVM is in a failed but recoverable state.
# * `PENDING` - Amazon FSx has not started creating the SVM.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the SVM, if provisioned.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_id
# The SVM's system generated unique ID.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] uuid
# The SVM's UUID (universally unique identifier).
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle_transition_reason
# Describes why the SVM lifecycle state changed.
# @return [Types::LifecycleTransitionReason]
# @!attribute [rw] root_volume_security_style
# The security style of the root volume of the SVM.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/StorageVirtualMachine AWS API Documentation
class StorageVirtualMachine < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A filter used to restrict the results of describe calls for Amazon FSx
# for NetApp ONTAP storage virtual machines (SVMs). You can use multiple
# filters to return results that meet all applied filter requirements.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass StorageVirtualMachineFilter
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id
# values: ["StorageVirtualMachineFilterValue"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name for this filter.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] values
# The values of the filter. These are all the values for any of the
# applied filters.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/StorageVirtualMachineFilter AWS API Documentation
class StorageVirtualMachineFilter < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# No FSx for ONTAP SVMs were found based upon the supplied parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/StorageVirtualMachineNotFound AWS API Documentation
class StorageVirtualMachineNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Describes the configuration of the Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
# directory to which the Amazon FSx for ONTAP storage virtual machine
# (SVM) is joined. Pleae note, account credentials are not returned in
# the response payload.
# @!attribute [rw] net_bios_name
# The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory computer object that is
# joined to your SVM.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] self_managed_active_directory_configuration
# The configuration of the self-managed Microsoft Active Directory
# (AD) directory to which the Windows File Server or ONTAP storage
# virtual machine (SVM) instance is joined.
# @return [Types::SelfManagedActiveDirectoryAttributes]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class SvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) has four
# endpoints that are used to access data or to manage the SVM using the
# NetApp ONTAP CLI, REST API, or NetApp CloudManager. They are the
# `Iscsi`, `Management`, `Nfs`, and `Smb` endpoints.
# @!attribute [rw] dns_name
# The Domain Name Service (DNS) name for the file system. You can
# mount your file system using its DNS name.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ip_addresses
# The SVM endpoint's IP addresses.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SvmEndpoint AWS API Documentation
class SvmEndpoint < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM) has the
# following endpoints that are used to access data or to manage the SVM
# using the NetApp ONTAP CLI, REST API, or NetApp CloudManager.
# @!attribute [rw] iscsi
# An endpoint for connecting using the Internet Small Computer Systems
# Interface (iSCSI) protocol.
# @return [Types::SvmEndpoint]
# @!attribute [rw] management
# An endpoint for managing SVMs using the NetApp ONTAP CLI, NetApp
# ONTAP API, or NetApp CloudManager.
# @return [Types::SvmEndpoint]
# @!attribute [rw] nfs
# An endpoint for connecting using the Network File System (NFS)
# protocol.
# @return [Types::SvmEndpoint]
# @!attribute [rw] smb
# An endpoint for connecting using the Server Message Block (SMB)
# protocol.
# @return [Types::SvmEndpoint]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/SvmEndpoints AWS API Documentation
class SvmEndpoints < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Specifies a key-value pair for a resource tag.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Tag
# data as a hash:
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] key
# A value that specifies the `TagKey`, the name of the tag. Tag keys
# must be unique for the resource to which they are attached.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] value
# A value that specifies the `TagValue`, the value assigned to the
# corresponding tag key. Tag values can be null and don't have to be
# unique in a tag set. For example, you can have a key-value pair in a
# tag set of `finances : April` and also of `payroll : April`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/Tag AWS API Documentation
class Tag < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for the `TagResource` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass TagResourceRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# resource_arn: "ResourceARN", # required
# tags: [ # required
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon FSx resource that you
# want to tag.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of tags for the resource. If a tag with a given key already
# exists, the value is replaced by the one specified in this
# parameter.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/TagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation
class TagResourceRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the `TagResource` operation.
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/TagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation
class TagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# Describes the data tiering policy for an ONTAP volume. When enabled,
# Amazon FSx for ONTAP's intelligent tiering automatically transitions
# a volume's data between the file system's primary storage and
# capacity pool storage based on your access patterns.
# Valid tiering policies are the following:
# * `SNAPSHOT_ONLY` - (Default value) moves cold snapshots to the
# capacity pool storage tier.
# ^
# ^
# * `AUTO` - moves cold user data and snapshots to the capacity pool
# storage tier based on your access patterns.
# ^
# ^
# * `ALL` - moves all user data blocks in both the active file system
# and Snapshot copies to the storage pool tier.
# ^
# ^
# * `NONE` - keeps a volume's data in the primary storage tier,
# preventing it from being moved to the capacity pool tier.
# ^
# @note When making an API call, you may pass TieringPolicy
# data as a hash:
# {
# cooling_period: 1,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] cooling_period
# Specifies the number of days that user data in a volume must remain
# inactive before it is considered "cold" and moved to the capacity
# pool. Used with the `AUTO` and `SNAPSHOT_ONLY` tiering policies.
# Enter a whole number between 2 and 183. Default values are 31 days
# for `AUTO` and 2 days for `SNAPSHOT_ONLY`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# Specifies the tiering policy used to transition data. Default value
# * `SNAPSHOT_ONLY` - moves cold snapshots to the capacity pool
# storage tier.
# * `AUTO` - moves cold user data and snapshots to the capacity pool
# storage tier based on your access patterns.
# * `ALL` - moves all user data blocks in both the active file system
# and Snapshot copies to the storage pool tier.
# * `NONE` - keeps a volume's data in the primary storage tier,
# preventing it from being moved to the capacity pool tier.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/TieringPolicy AWS API Documentation
class TieringPolicy < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The requested operation is not supported for this resource or API.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UnsupportedOperation AWS API Documentation
class UnsupportedOperation < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for `UntagResource` action.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UntagResourceRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# resource_arn: "ResourceARN", # required
# tag_keys: ["TagKey"], # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The ARN of the Amazon FSx resource to untag.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tag_keys
# A list of keys of tags on the resource to untag. In case the tag key
# doesn't exist, the call will still succeed to be idempotent.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UntagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation
class UntagResourceRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for `UntagResource` action.
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UntagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation
class UntagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateDataRepositoryAssociationRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# association_id: "DataRepositoryAssociationId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# imported_file_chunk_size: 1,
# s3: {
# auto_import_policy: {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# },
# auto_export_policy: {
# events: ["NEW"], # accepts NEW, CHANGED, DELETED
# },
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] association_id
# The ID of the data repository association that you are updating.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] imported_file_chunk_size
# For files imported from a data repository, this value determines the
# stripe count and maximum amount of data per file (in MiB) stored on
# a single physical disk. The maximum number of disks that a single
# file can be striped across is limited by the total number of disks
# that make up the file system.
# The default chunk size is 1,024 MiB (1 GiB) and can go as high as
# 512,000 MiB (500 GiB). Amazon S3 objects have a maximum size of 5
# TB.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] s3
# The configuration for an Amazon S3 data repository linked to an
# Amazon FSx Lustre file system with a data repository association.
# The configuration defines which file events (new, changed, or
# deleted files or directories) are automatically imported from the
# linked data repository to the file system or automatically exported
# from the file system to the data repository.
# @return [Types::S3DataRepositoryConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateDataRepositoryAssociationRequest AWS API Documentation
class UpdateDataRepositoryAssociationRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] association
# The response object returned after the data repository association
# is updated.
# @return [Types::DataRepositoryAssociation]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateDataRepositoryAssociationResponse AWS API Documentation
class UpdateDataRepositoryAssociationResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration update for an Amazon File Cache resource.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFileCacheLustreConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileCacheLustreConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileCacheLustreConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFileCacheRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_cache_id: "FileCacheId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# lustre_configuration: {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache_id
# The ID of the cache that you are updating.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The configuration updates for an Amazon File Cache resource.
# @return [Types::UpdateFileCacheLustreConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileCacheRequest AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileCacheRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] file_cache
# A description of the cache that was updated.
# @return [Types::FileCache]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileCacheResponse AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileCacheResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration object for Amazon FSx for Lustre file systems used
# in the `UpdateFileSystem` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFileSystemLustreConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# auto_import_policy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, NEW, NEW_CHANGED, NEW_CHANGED_DELETED
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, LZ4
# log_configuration: {
# level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, WARN_ONLY, ERROR_ONLY, WARN_ERROR
# destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# root_squash_configuration: {
# root_squash: "LustreRootSquash",
# no_squash_nids: ["LustreNoSquashNid"],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# (Optional) The preferred start time to perform weekly maintenance,
# formatted d:HH:MM in the UTC time zone. d is the weekday number,
# from 1 through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] auto_import_policy
# (Optional) When you create your file system, your existing S3
# objects appear as file and directory listings. Use this property to
# choose how Amazon FSx keeps your file and directory listing up to
# date as you add or modify objects in your linked S3 bucket.
# `AutoImportPolicy` can have the following values:
# * `NONE` - (Default) AutoImport is off. Amazon FSx only updates file
# and directory listings from the linked S3 bucket when the file
# system is created. FSx does not update the file and directory
# listing for any new or changed objects after choosing this option.
# * `NEW` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically imports
# directory listings of any new objects added to the linked S3
# bucket that do not currently exist in the FSx file system.
# * `NEW_CHANGED` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically imports
# file and directory listings of any new objects added to the S3
# bucket and any existing objects that are changed in the S3 bucket
# after you choose this option.
# * `NEW_CHANGED_DELETED` - AutoImport is on. Amazon FSx automatically
# imports file and directory listings of any new objects added to
# the S3 bucket, any existing objects that are changed in the S3
# bucket, and any objects that were deleted in the S3 bucket.
# The `AutoImportPolicy` parameter is not supported for Lustre file
# systems with the `Persistent_2` deployment type. Instead, use to
# update a data repository association on your `Persistent_2` file
# system.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_compression_type
# Sets the data compression configuration for the file system.
# `DataCompressionType` can have the following values:
# * `NONE` - Data compression is turned off for the file system.
# * `LZ4` - Data compression is turned on with the LZ4 algorithm.
# If you don't use `DataCompressionType`, the file system retains its
# current data compression configuration.
# For more information, see [Lustre data compression][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/data-compression.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] log_configuration
# The Lustre logging configuration used when updating an Amazon FSx
# for Lustre file system. When logging is enabled, Lustre logs error
# and warning events for data repositories associated with your file
# system to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
# @return [Types::LustreLogCreateConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] root_squash_configuration
# The Lustre root squash configuration used when updating an Amazon
# FSx for Lustre file system. When enabled, root squash restricts
# root-level access from clients that try to access your file system
# as a root user.
# @return [Types::LustreRootSquashConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileSystemLustreConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileSystemLustreConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration updates for an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file
# system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFileSystemOntapConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# fsx_admin_password: "AdminPassword",
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# throughput_capacity: 1,
# add_route_table_ids: ["RouteTableId"],
# remove_route_table_ids: ["RouteTableId"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] fsx_admin_password
# The ONTAP administrative password for the `fsxadmin` user.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] disk_iops_configuration
# The SSD IOPS (input/output operations per second) configuration for
# an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system. The default is 3 IOPS
# per GB of storage capacity, but you can provision additional IOPS
# per GB of storage. The configuration consists of an IOPS mode
# (`AUTOMATIC` or `USER_PROVISIONED`), and in the case of
# `USER_PROVISIONED` IOPS, the total number of SSD IOPS provisioned.
# @return [Types::DiskIopsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# Specifies the throughput of an FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system,
# measured in megabytes per second (MBps). Valid values are 128, 256,
# 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096 MBps.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] add_route_table_ids
# (Multi-AZ only) A list of IDs of new virtual private cloud (VPC)
# route tables to associate (add) with your Amazon FSx for NetApp
# ONTAP file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] remove_route_table_ids
# (Multi-AZ only) A list of IDs of existing virtual private cloud
# (VPC) route tables to disassociate (remove) from your Amazon FSx for
# NetApp ONTAP file system. You can use the API operation to retrieve
# the list of VPC route table IDs for a file system.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileSystemOntapConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileSystemOntapConfiguration < Struct.new(
SENSITIVE = [:fsx_admin_password]
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration updates for an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# copy_tags_to_volumes: false,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# throughput_capacity: 1,
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this
# property to `0` disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic
# backups for a maximum of 90 days. The default is `0`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the file system should
# be copied to backups. This value defaults to `false`. If it's set
# to `true`, all tags for the file system are copied to all automatic
# and user-initiated backups where the user doesn't specify tags. If
# this value is `true` and you specify one or more tags, only the
# specified tags are copied to backups. If you specify one or more
# tags when creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from
# the file system, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_volumes
# A Boolean value indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to snapshots. This value defaults to `false`. If it's set to
# `true`, all tags for the volume are copied to snapshots where the
# user doesn't specify tags. If this value is `true` and you specify
# one or more tags, only the specified tags are copied to snapshots.
# If you specify one or more tags when creating the snapshot, no tags
# are copied from the volume, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# A recurring daily time, in the format `HH:MM`. `HH` is the
# zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the zero-padded
# minute of the hour. For example, `05:00` specifies 5 AM daily.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# The throughput of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system, measured in
# megabytes per second
(MB/s). Valid values depend on the
# DeploymentType you choose, as follows:
# * For `SINGLE_AZ_1`, valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048,
# 3072, or 4096 MB/s.
# * For `SINGLE_AZ_2`, valid values are 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560,
# 3840, 5120, 7680, or 10240 MB/s.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# A recurring weekly time, in the format `D:HH:MM`.
# `D` is the day of the week, for which 1 represents Monday and 7
# represents Sunday. For further details, see [the ISO-8601 spec as
# described on Wikipedia][1].
# `HH` is the zero-padded hour of the day (0-23), and `MM` is the
# zero-padded minute of the hour.
# For example, `1:05:00` specifies maintenance at 5 AM Monday.
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] disk_iops_configuration
# The SSD IOPS (input/output operations per second) configuration for
# an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file
# system. The default is 3 IOPS per GB of storage capacity, but you
# can provision additional IOPS per GB of storage. The configuration
# consists of the total number of provisioned SSD IOPS and how the
# amount was provisioned (by the customer or by the system).
# @return [Types::DiskIopsConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The request object for the `UpdateFileSystem` operation.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFileSystemRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_system_id: "FileSystemId", # required
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# storage_capacity: 1,
# windows_configuration: {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# throughput_capacity: 1,
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName",
# password: "DirectoryPassword",
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# },
# audit_log_configuration: {
# file_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# file_share_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# audit_log_destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# },
# lustre_configuration: {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# auto_import_policy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, NEW, NEW_CHANGED, NEW_CHANGED_DELETED
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, LZ4
# log_configuration: {
# level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, WARN_ONLY, ERROR_ONLY, WARN_ERROR
# destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# root_squash_configuration: {
# root_squash: "LustreRootSquash",
# no_squash_nids: ["LustreNoSquashNid"],
# },
# },
# ontap_configuration: {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# fsx_admin_password: "AdminPassword",
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# throughput_capacity: 1,
# add_route_table_ids: ["RouteTableId"],
# remove_route_table_ids: ["RouteTableId"],
# },
# open_zfs_configuration: {
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# copy_tags_to_volumes: false,
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# throughput_capacity: 1,
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# disk_iops_configuration: {
# iops: 1,
# },
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The ID of the file system that you are updating.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# A string of up to 64 ASCII characters that Amazon FSx uses to ensure
# idempotent updates. This string is automatically filled on your
# behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an Amazon
# Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity
# Use this parameter to increase the storage capacity of an Amazon FSx
# for Windows File Server, Amazon FSx for Lustre, or Amazon FSx for
# NetApp ONTAP file system. Specifies the storage capacity target
# value, in GiB, to increase the storage capacity for the file system
# that you're updating.
# You can't make a storage capacity increase request if there is an
# existing storage capacity increase request in progress.
# For Windows file systems, the storage capacity target value must be
# at least 10 percent greater than the current storage capacity value.
# To increase storage capacity, the file system must have at least 16
# MBps of throughput capacity. For more information, see [Managing
# storage capacity][1] in the *Amazon FSx for Windows File Server User
# Guide*.
# For Lustre file systems, the storage capacity target value can be
# the following:
# * For `SCRATCH_2`, `PERSISTENT_1`, and `PERSISTENT_2 SSD` deployment
# types, valid values are in multiples of 2400 GiB. The value must
# be greater than the current storage capacity.
# * For `PERSISTENT HDD` file systems, valid values are multiples of
# 6000 GiB for 12-MBps throughput per TiB file systems and multiples
# of 1800 GiB for 40-MBps throughput per TiB file systems. The
# values must be greater than the current storage capacity.
# * For `SCRATCH_1` file systems, you can't increase the storage
# capacity.
# For more information, see [Managing storage and throughput
# capacity][2] in the *Amazon FSx for Lustre User Guide*.
# For ONTAP file systems, the storage capacity target value must be at
# least 10 percent greater than the current storage capacity value.
# For more information, see [Managing storage capacity and provisioned
# IOPS][3] in the *Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/managing-storage-capacity.html
# [2]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/LustreGuide/managing-storage-capacity.html
# [3]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/managing-storage-capacity.html
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] windows_configuration
# The configuration updates for an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
# file system.
# @return [Types::UpdateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] lustre_configuration
# The configuration object for Amazon FSx for Lustre file systems used
# in the `UpdateFileSystem` operation.
# @return [Types::UpdateFileSystemLustreConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# The configuration updates for an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file
# system.
# @return [Types::UpdateFileSystemOntapConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# The configuration updates for an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file system.
# @return [Types::UpdateFileSystemOpenZFSConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileSystemRequest AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileSystemRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response object for the `UpdateFileSystem` operation.
# @!attribute [rw] file_system
# A description of the file system that was updated.
# @return [Types::FileSystem]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileSystemResponse AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileSystemResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Updates the configuration for an existing Amazon FSx for Windows File
# Server file system. Amazon FSx only overwrites existing properties
# with non-null values provided in the request.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# weekly_maintenance_start_time: "WeeklyTime",
# daily_automatic_backup_start_time: "DailyTime",
# automatic_backup_retention_days: 1,
# throughput_capacity: 1,
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName",
# password: "DirectoryPassword",
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# },
# audit_log_configuration: {
# file_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# file_share_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# audit_log_destination: "GeneralARN",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# The preferred start time to perform weekly maintenance, formatted
# d:HH:MM in the UTC time zone. Where d is the weekday number, from 1
# through 7, with 1 = Monday and 7 = Sunday.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# The preferred time to start the daily automatic backup, in the UTC
# time zone, for example, `02:00`
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic daily backups. Setting this
# to zero (0) disables automatic daily backups. You can retain
# automatic daily backups for a maximum of 90 days. For more
# information, see [Working with Automatic Daily Backups][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/using-backups.html#automatic-backups
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# Sets the target value for a file system's throughput capacity, in
# MB/s, that you are updating the file system to. Valid values are 8,
# 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048. You cannot make a throughput
# capacity update request if there is an existing throughput capacity
# update request in progress. For more information, see [Managing
# Throughput Capacity][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/managing-throughput-capacity.html
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] self_managed_active_directory_configuration
# The configuration Amazon FSx uses to join the Windows File Server
# instance to the self-managed Microsoft AD directory. You cannot make
# a self-managed Microsoft AD update request if there is an existing
# self-managed Microsoft AD update request in progress.
# @return [Types::SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfigurationUpdates]
# @!attribute [rw] audit_log_configuration
# The configuration that Amazon FSx for Windows File Server uses to
# audit and log user accesses of files, folders, and file shares on
# the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system..
# @return [Types::WindowsAuditLogCreateConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Used to specify changes to the ONTAP configuration for the volume you
# are updating.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateOntapVolumeConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# junction_path: "JunctionPath",
# security_style: "UNIX", # accepts UNIX, NTFS, MIXED
# size_in_megabytes: 1,
# storage_efficiency_enabled: false,
# tiering_policy: {
# cooling_period: 1,
# },
# snapshot_policy: "SnapshotPolicy",
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] junction_path
# Specifies the location in the SVM's namespace where the volume is
# mounted. The `JunctionPath` must have a leading forward slash, such
# as `/vol3`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] security_style
# The security style for the volume, which can be `UNIX`. `NTFS`, or
# `MIXED`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] size_in_megabytes
# Specifies the size of the volume in megabytes.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_efficiency_enabled
# Default is `false`. Set to true to enable the deduplication,
# compression, and compaction storage efficiency features on the
# volume.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] tiering_policy
# Update the volume's data tiering policy.
# @return [Types::TieringPolicy]
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_policy
# Specifies the snapshot policy for the volume. There are three
# built-in snapshot policies:
# * `default`\: This is the default policy. A maximum of six hourly
# snapshots taken five minutes past the hour. A maximum of two daily
# snapshots taken Monday through Saturday at 10 minutes after
# midnight. A maximum of two weekly snapshots taken every Sunday at
# 15 minutes after midnight.
# * `default-1weekly`\: This policy is the same as the `default`
# policy except that it only retains one snapshot from the weekly
# schedule.
# * `none`\: This policy does not take any snapshots. This policy can
# be assigned to volumes to prevent automatic snapshots from being
# taken.
# You can also provide the name of a custom policy that you created
# with the ONTAP CLI or REST API.
# For more information, see [Snapshot policies][1] in the *Amazon FSx
# for NetApp ONTAP User Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/ONTAPGuide/snapshots-ontap.html#snapshot-policies
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags for the volume should be
# copied to backups. This value defaults to false. If it's set to
# true, all tags for the volume are copied to all automatic and
# user-initiated backups where the user doesn't specify tags. If this
# value is true, and you specify one or more tags, only the specified
# tags are copied to backups. If you specify one or more tags when
# creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are copied from the
# volume, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateOntapVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateOntapVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Used to specify changes to the OpenZFS configuration for the volume
# that you are updating.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# storage_capacity_reservation_gi_b: 1,
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1,
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# read_only: false,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity_reservation_gi_b
# The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to reserve from the parent
# volume. You can't reserve more storage than the parent volume has
# reserved. You can specify a value of `-1` to unset a volume's
# storage capacity reservation.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_capacity_quota_gi_b
# The maximum amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) that the volume can
# use from its parent. You can specify a quota larger than the storage
# on the parent volume. You can specify a value of `-1` to unset a
# volume's storage capacity quota.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] record_size_ki_b
# Specifies the record size of an OpenZFS volume, in kibibytes (KiB).
# Valid values are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 KiB. The
# default is 128 KiB. Most workloads should use the default record
# size. Database workflows can benefit from a smaller record size,
# while streaming workflows can benefit from a larger record size. For
# additional guidance on when to set a custom record size, see [ Tips
# for maximizing performance][1] in the *Amazon FSx for OpenZFS User
# Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/OpenZFSGuide/performance.html#performance-tips-zfs
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] data_compression_type
# Specifies the method used to compress the data on the volume. The
# compression type is `NONE` by default.
# * `NONE` - Doesn't compress the data on the volume. `NONE` is the
# default.
# * `ZSTD` - Compresses the data in the volume using the Zstandard
# (ZSTD) compression algorithm. Compared to LZ4, Z-Standard provides
# a better compression ratio to minimize on-disk storage
# utilization.
# * `LZ4` - Compresses the data in the volume using the LZ4
# compression algorithm. Compared to Z-Standard, LZ4 is less
# compute-intensive and delivers higher write throughput speeds.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] nfs_exports
# The configuration object for mounting a Network File System (NFS)
# file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] user_and_group_quotas
# An object specifying how much storage users or groups can use on the
# volume.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] read_only
# A Boolean value indicating whether the volume is read-only.
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateSnapshotRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# name: "SnapshotName", # required
# snapshot_id: "SnapshotId", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the snapshot to update.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot_id
# The ID of the snapshot that you want to update, in the format
# `fsvolsnap-0123456789abcdef0`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateSnapshotRequest AWS API Documentation
class UpdateSnapshotRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] snapshot
# Returned after a successful `UpdateSnapshot` operation, describing
# the snapshot that you updated.
# @return [Types::Snapshot]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateSnapshotResponse AWS API Documentation
class UpdateSnapshotResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateStorageVirtualMachineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# active_directory_configuration: {
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName",
# password: "DirectoryPassword",
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# },
# },
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# storage_virtual_machine_id: "StorageVirtualMachineId", # required
# svm_admin_password: "AdminPassword",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] active_directory_configuration
# Updates the Microsoft Active Directory (AD) configuration for an SVM
# that is joined to an AD.
# @return [Types::UpdateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine_id
# The ID of the SVM that you want to update, in the format
# `svm-0123456789abcdef0`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] svm_admin_password
# Enter a new SvmAdminPassword if you are updating it.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateStorageVirtualMachineRequest AWS API Documentation
class UpdateStorageVirtualMachineRequest < Struct.new(
SENSITIVE = [:svm_admin_password]
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] storage_virtual_machine
# Describes the Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage virtual machine
# (SVM) configuration.
# @return [Types::StorageVirtualMachine]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateStorageVirtualMachineResponse AWS API Documentation
class UpdateStorageVirtualMachineResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Updates the Microsoft Active Directory (AD) configuration of an SVM
# joined to an AD. Please note, account credentials are not returned in
# the response payload.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# self_managed_active_directory_configuration: {
# user_name: "DirectoryUserName",
# password: "DirectoryPassword",
# dns_ips: ["IpAddress"],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] self_managed_active_directory_configuration
# The configuration that Amazon FSx uses to join the Windows File
# Server instance to a self-managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
# directory.
# @return [Types::SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfigurationUpdates]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class UpdateSvmActiveDirectoryConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateVolumeRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken",
# volume_id: "VolumeId", # required
# ontap_configuration: {
# junction_path: "JunctionPath",
# security_style: "UNIX", # accepts UNIX, NTFS, MIXED
# size_in_megabytes: 1,
# storage_efficiency_enabled: false,
# tiering_policy: {
# cooling_period: 1,
# },
# snapshot_policy: "SnapshotPolicy",
# copy_tags_to_backups: false,
# },
# name: "VolumeName",
# open_zfs_configuration: {
# storage_capacity_reservation_gi_b: 1,
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1,
# record_size_ki_b: 1,
# data_compression_type: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZSTD, LZ4
# nfs_exports: [
# {
# client_configurations: [ # required
# {
# clients: "OpenZFSClients", # required
# options: ["OpenZFSNfsExportOption"], # required
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# user_and_group_quotas: [
# {
# type: "USER", # required, accepts USER, GROUP
# id: 1, # required
# storage_capacity_quota_gi_b: 1, # required
# },
# ],
# read_only: false,
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] client_request_token
# (Optional) An idempotency token for resource creation, in a string
# of up to 64 ASCII characters. This token is automatically filled on
# your behalf when you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) or an
# Amazon Web Services SDK.
# **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally
# not need to pass this option.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The ID of the volume that you want to update, in the format
# `fsvol-0123456789abcdef0`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# The configuration of the ONTAP volume that you are updating.
# @return [Types::UpdateOntapVolumeConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the OpenZFS volume. OpenZFS root volumes are
# automatically named `FSX`. Child volume names must be unique among
# their parent volume's children. The name of the volume is part of
# the mount string for the OpenZFS volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# The configuration of the OpenZFS volume that you are updating.
# @return [Types::UpdateOpenZFSVolumeConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateVolumeRequest AWS API Documentation
class UpdateVolumeRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] volume
# A description of the volume just updated. Returned after a
# successful `UpdateVolume` API operation.
# @return [Types::Volume]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/UpdateVolumeResponse AWS API Documentation
class UpdateVolumeResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Describes an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS
# volume.
# @!attribute [rw] creation_time
# The time that the resource was created, in seconds (since
# 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), also known as Unix time.
# @return [Time]
# @!attribute [rw] file_system_id
# The globally unique ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon FSx.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle
# The lifecycle status of the volume.
# * `AVAILABLE` - The volume is fully available for use.
# * `CREATED` - The volume has been created.
# * `CREATING` - Amazon FSx is creating the new volume.
# * `DELETING` - Amazon FSx is deleting an existing volume.
# * `FAILED` - Amazon FSx was unable to create the volume.
# * `MISCONFIGURED` - The volume is in a failed but recoverable state.
# * `PENDING` - Amazon FSx hasn't started creating the volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ontap_configuration
# The configuration of an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP volume.
# @return [Types::OntapVolumeConfiguration]
# @!attribute [rw] resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given resource. ARNs uniquely
# identify Amazon Web Services resources. We require an ARN when you
# need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web
# Services. For more information, see [Amazon Resource Names
# (ARNs)][1] in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] tags
# A list of `Tag` values, with a maximum of 50 elements.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_id
# The system-generated, unique ID of the volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] volume_type
# The type of the volume.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] lifecycle_transition_reason
# The reason why the volume lifecycle status changed.
# @return [Types::LifecycleTransitionReason]
# @!attribute [rw] administrative_actions
# A list of administrative actions for the volume that are in process
# or waiting to be processed. Administrative actions describe changes
# to the volume that you have initiated using the `UpdateVolume`
# action.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] open_zfs_configuration
# The configuration of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume.
# @return [Types::OpenZFSVolumeConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/Volume AWS API Documentation
class Volume < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A filter used to restrict the results of describe calls for Amazon FSx
# for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volumes. You can use
# multiple filters to return results that meet all applied filter
# requirements.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass VolumeFilter
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "file-system-id", # accepts file-system-id, storage-virtual-machine-id
# values: ["VolumeFilterValue"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name for this filter.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] values
# The values of the filter. These are all the values for any of the
# applied filters.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/VolumeFilter AWS API Documentation
class VolumeFilter < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# No Amazon FSx volumes were found based upon the supplied parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# A detailed error message.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/VolumeNotFound AWS API Documentation
class VolumeNotFound < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration that Amazon FSx for Windows File Server uses to
# audit and log user accesses of files, folders, and file shares on the
# Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system. For more information,
# see [ File access auditing][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/file-access-auditing.html
# @!attribute [rw] file_access_audit_log_level
# Sets which attempt type is logged by Amazon FSx for file and folder
# accesses.
# * `SUCCESS_ONLY` - only successful attempts to access files or
# folders are logged.
# * `FAILURE_ONLY` - only failed attempts to access files or folders
# are logged.
# * `SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE` - both successful attempts and failed
# attempts to access files or folders are logged.
# * `DISABLED` - access auditing of files and folders is turned off.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_share_access_audit_log_level
# Sets which attempt type is logged by Amazon FSx for file share
# accesses.
# * `SUCCESS_ONLY` - only successful attempts to access file shares
# are logged.
# * `FAILURE_ONLY` - only failed attempts to access file shares are
# logged.
# * `SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE` - both successful attempts and failed
# attempts to access file shares are logged.
# * `DISABLED` - access auditing of file shares is turned off.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] audit_log_destination
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the destination of the audit
# logs. The destination can be any Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group
# ARN or Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream ARN.
# The name of the Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group must begin with the
# `/aws/fsx` prefix. The name of the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehouse
# delivery stream must begin with the `aws-fsx` prefix.
# The destination ARN (either CloudWatch Logs log group or Kinesis
# Data Firehose delivery stream) must be in the same Amazon Web
# Services partition, Amazon Web Services Region, and Amazon Web
# Services account as your Amazon FSx file system.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/WindowsAuditLogConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class WindowsAuditLogConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Windows file access auditing configuration used when creating or
# updating an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass WindowsAuditLogCreateConfiguration
# data as a hash:
# {
# file_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# file_share_access_audit_log_level: "DISABLED", # required, accepts DISABLED, SUCCESS_ONLY, FAILURE_ONLY, SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE
# audit_log_destination: "GeneralARN",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] file_access_audit_log_level
# Sets which attempt type is logged by Amazon FSx for file and folder
# accesses.
# * `SUCCESS_ONLY` - only successful attempts to access files or
# folders are logged.
# * `FAILURE_ONLY` - only failed attempts to access files or folders
# are logged.
# * `SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE` - both successful attempts and failed
# attempts to access files or folders are logged.
# * `DISABLED` - access auditing of files and folders is turned off.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_share_access_audit_log_level
# Sets which attempt type is logged by Amazon FSx for file share
# accesses.
# * `SUCCESS_ONLY` - only successful attempts to access file shares
# are logged.
# * `FAILURE_ONLY` - only failed attempts to access file shares are
# logged.
# * `SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE` - both successful attempts and failed
# attempts to access file shares are logged.
# * `DISABLED` - access auditing of file shares is turned off.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] audit_log_destination
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that specifies the destination of the
# audit logs.
# The destination can be any Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group ARN or
# Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream ARN, with the following
# requirements:
# * The destination ARN that you provide (either CloudWatch Logs log
# group or Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream) must be in the
# same Amazon Web Services partition, Amazon Web Services Region,
# and Amazon Web Services account as your Amazon FSx file system.
# * The name of the Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group must begin with
# the `/aws/fsx` prefix. The name of the Amazon Kinesis Data
# Firehouse delivery stream must begin with the `aws-fsx` prefix.
# * If you do not provide a destination in `AuditLogDestination`,
# Amazon FSx will create and use a log stream in the CloudWatch Logs
# `/aws/fsx/windows` log group.
# * If `AuditLogDestination` is provided and the resource does not
# exist, the request will fail with a `BadRequest` error.
# * If `FileAccessAuditLogLevel` and `FileShareAccessAuditLogLevel`
# are both set to `DISABLED`, you cannot specify a destination in
# `AuditLogDestination`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/WindowsAuditLogCreateConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class WindowsAuditLogCreateConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The configuration for this Microsoft Windows file system.
# @!attribute [rw] active_directory_id
# The ID for an existing Amazon Web Services Managed Microsoft Active
# Directory instance that the file system is joined to.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] self_managed_active_directory_configuration
# The configuration of the self-managed Microsoft Active Directory
# (AD) directory to which the Windows File Server or ONTAP storage
# virtual machine (SVM) instance is joined.
# @return [Types::SelfManagedActiveDirectoryAttributes]
# @!attribute [rw] deployment_type
# Specifies the file system deployment type, valid values are the
# following:
# * `MULTI_AZ_1` - Specifies a high availability file system that is
# configured for Multi-AZ redundancy to tolerate temporary
# Availability Zone (AZ) unavailability, and supports SSD and HDD
# storage.
# * `SINGLE_AZ_1` - (Default) Specifies a file system that is
# configured for single AZ redundancy, only supports SSD storage.
# * `SINGLE_AZ_2` - Latest generation Single AZ file system. Specifies
# a file system that is configured for single AZ redundancy and
# supports SSD and HDD storage.
# For more information, see [Single-AZ and Multi-AZ File Systems][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/high-availability-multiAZ.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] remote_administration_endpoint
# For `MULTI_AZ_1` deployment types, use this endpoint when performing
# administrative tasks on the file system using Amazon FSx Remote
# PowerShell.
# For `SINGLE_AZ_1` and `SINGLE_AZ_2` deployment types, this is the
# DNS name of the file system.
# This endpoint is temporarily unavailable when the file system is
# undergoing maintenance.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] preferred_subnet_id
# For `MULTI_AZ_1` deployment types, it specifies the ID of the subnet
# where the preferred file server is located. Must be one of the two
# subnet IDs specified in `SubnetIds` property. Amazon FSx serves
# traffic from this subnet except in the event of a failover to the
# secondary file server.
# For `SINGLE_AZ_1` and `SINGLE_AZ_2` deployment types, this value is
# the same as that for `SubnetIDs`. For more information, see
# [Availability and durability: Single-AZ and Multi-AZ file
# systems][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/high-availability-multiAZ.html#single-multi-az-resources
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] preferred_file_server_ip
# For `MULTI_AZ_1` deployment types, the IP address of the primary, or
# preferred, file server.
# Use this IP address when mounting the file system on Linux SMB
# clients or Windows SMB clients that are not joined to a Microsoft
# Active Directory. Applicable for all Windows file system deployment
# types. This IP address is temporarily unavailable when the file
# system is undergoing maintenance. For Linux and Windows SMB clients
# that are joined to an Active Directory, use the file system's
# DNSName instead. For more information on mapping and mounting file
# shares, see [Accessing File Shares][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/accessing-file-shares.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] throughput_capacity
# The throughput of the Amazon FSx file system, measured in megabytes
# per second.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] maintenance_operations_in_progress
# The list of maintenance operations in progress for this file system.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] weekly_maintenance_start_time
# The preferred start time to perform weekly maintenance, formatted
# d:HH:MM in the UTC time zone. d is the weekday number, from 1
# through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] daily_automatic_backup_start_time
# The preferred time to take daily automatic backups, in the UTC time
# zone.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] automatic_backup_retention_days
# The number of days to retain automatic backups. Setting this to 0
# disables automatic backups. You can retain automatic backups for a
# maximum of 90 days.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] copy_tags_to_backups
# A boolean flag indicating whether tags on the file system should be
# copied to backups. This value defaults to false. If it's set to
# true, all tags on the file system are copied to all automatic
# backups and any user-initiated backups where the user doesn't
# specify any tags. If this value is true, and you specify one or more
# tags, only the specified tags are copied to backups. If you specify
# one or more tags when creating a user-initiated backup, no tags are
# copied from the file system, regardless of this value.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] aliases
# An array of one or more DNS aliases that are currently associated
# with the Amazon FSx file system. Aliases allow you to use existing
# DNS names to access the data in your Amazon FSx file system. You can
# associate up to 50 aliases with a file system at any time. You can
# associate additional DNS aliases after you create the file system
# using the AssociateFileSystemAliases operation. You can remove DNS
# aliases from the file system after it is created using the
# DisassociateFileSystemAliases operation. You only need to specify
# the alias name in the request payload. For more information, see
# [DNS aliases][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fsx/latest/WindowsGuide/managing-dns-aliases.html
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] audit_log_configuration
# The configuration that Amazon FSx for Windows File Server uses to
# audit and log user accesses of files, folders, and file shares on
# the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.
# @return [Types::WindowsAuditLogConfiguration]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/fsx-2018-03-01/WindowsFileSystemConfiguration AWS API Documentation
class WindowsFileSystemConfiguration < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure