#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'chronic' require 'chronic_duration' require 'sinatra/base' require 'erb' require 'rack/fiber_pool' require 'json' require 'uri' require 'flapjack/rack_logger' require 'flapjack/data/contact' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/redis_pool' require 'flapjack/utility' module Flapjack module Gateways class Web < Sinatra::Base rescue_exception = Proc.new do |env, e| if @config['show_exceptions'].is_a?(TrueClass) # ensure the sinatra error page shows properly request = Sinatra::Request.new(env) printer = Sinatra::ShowExceptions.new(proc{ raise e }) s, h, b = printer.call(env) [s, h, b] else @logger.error e.message @logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") [503, {}, ""] end end use Rack::FiberPool, :size => 25, :rescue_exception => rescue_exception use Rack::MethodOverride class << self def start @redis = Flapjack::RedisPool.new(:config => @redis_config, :size => 2, :logger => @logger) @logger.info "starting web - class" if accesslog = (@config && @config['access_log']) if not File.directory?(File.dirname(accesslog)) puts "Parent directory for log file #{accesslog} doesn't exist" puts "Exiting!" exit end access_logger = Flapjack::AsyncLogger.new(@config['access_log']) use Flapjack::CommonLogger, access_logger end @api_url = @config['api_url'] if @api_url if URI.regexp(['http', 'https']).match(@api_url).nil? @logger.error "api_url is not a valid http or https URI (#{@api_url}), discarding" @api_url = nil end unless @api_url.match(/^.*\/$/) @logger.info "api_url must end with a trailing '/', setting to '#{@api_url}/'" @api_url = "#{@api_url}/" end end unless @api_url @logger.error "api_url is not configured, parts of the web interface will be broken" end @base_url = @config['base_url'] unless @base_url @logger.info "base_url is not configured, setting to '/'" @base_url = '/' end unless @base_url.match(/^.*\/$/) @logger.warn "base_url must end with a trailing '/', setting to '#{@base_url}/'" @base_url = "#{@base_url}/" end # constants won't be exposed to eRb scope @default_logo_url = "img/flapjack-2013-notext-transparent-300-300.png" @logo_image_file = nil @logo_image_ext = nil if logo_image_path = @config['logo_image_path'] if File.file?(logo_image_path) @logo_image_file = logo_image_path @logo_image_ext = File.extname(logo_image_path) else @logger.error "logo_image_path '#{logo_image_path}'' does not point to a valid file." end end @auto_refresh = @config['auto_refresh'].respond_to?('to_i') && @config['auto_refresh'].to_i > 0 ? @config['auto_refresh'].to_i : false end end include Flapjack::Utility set :protection, :except => :path_traversal set :views, settings.root + '/web/views' set :public_folder, settings.root + '/web/public' helpers do def h(text) ERB::Util.h(text) end def u(text) ERB::Util.u(text) end def include_active?(path) request.path == "/#{path}" ? " class='active'" : "" end end def redis self.class.instance_variable_get('@redis') end def logger self.class.instance_variable_get('@logger') end before do @api_url = self.class.instance_variable_get('@api_url') @base_url = self.class.instance_variable_get('@base_url') @default_logo_url = self.class.instance_variable_get('@default_logo_url') @logo_image_file = self.class.instance_variable_get('@logo_image_file') @logo_image_ext = self.class.instance_variable_get('@logo_image_ext') @auto_refresh = self.class.instance_variable_get('@auto_refresh') input = nil query_string = (request.query_string.respond_to?(:length) && request.query_string.length > 0) ? "?#{request.query_string}" : "" if logger.debug? input = env['rack.input'].read logger.debug("#{request.request_method} #{request.path_info}#{query_string} #{input}") elsif logger.info? input = env['rack.input'].read input_short = input.gsub(/\n/, '').gsub(/\s+/, ' ') logger.info("#{request.request_method} #{request.path_info}#{query_string} #{input_short[0..80]}") end env['rack.input'].rewind unless input.nil? end get '/img/branding.*' do halt(404) unless @logo_image_file && params[:splat].first.eql?(@logo_image_ext[1..-1]) send_file(@logo_image_file) end get '/' do check_stats entity_stats erb 'index.html'.to_sym end get '/checks_all' do check_stats @adjective = '' checks_by_entity = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.find_current_names_by_entity(:redis => redis) @states = checks_by_entity.keys.inject({}) {|result, entity_name| Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity_name, :redis => redis, :create => true) result[entity_name] = checks_by_entity[entity_name].sort.map {|check| [check] + entity_check_state(entity_name, check) } result } @entities_sorted = checks_by_entity.keys.sort erb 'checks.html'.to_sym end get '/checks_failing' do check_stats @adjective = 'failing' checks_by_entity = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.find_current_names_failing_by_entity(:redis => redis) @states = checks_by_entity.keys.inject({}) {|result, entity| result[entity] = checks_by_entity[entity].sort.map {|check| [check] + entity_check_state(entity, check) } result } @entities_sorted = checks_by_entity.keys.sort erb 'checks.html'.to_sym end get '/self_stats' do logger.debug "calculating self_stats" self_stats logger.debug "calculating entity_stats" entity_stats logger.debug "calculating check_stats" check_stats erb 'self_stats.html'.to_sym end get '/self_stats.json' do self_stats entity_stats check_stats json_data = { 'events_queued' => @events_queued, 'all_entities' => @count_current_entities, 'failing_entities' => @count_failing_entities, 'all_checks' => @count_current_checks, 'failing_checks' => @count_failing_checks, 'processed_events' => { 'all_time' => { 'total' => @event_counters['all'].to_i, 'ok' => @event_counters['ok'].to_i, 'failure' => @event_counters['failure'].to_i, 'action' => @event_counters['action'].to_i, } }, 'check_freshness' => @current_checks_ages, 'total_keys' => @dbsize, 'uptime' => @uptime_string, 'boottime' => @boot_time, 'current_time' => Time.now, 'executive_instances' => @executive_instances, } Flapjack.dump_json(json_data) end get '/entities_all' do redirect '/entities' end get '/entities' do @entities = Flapjack::Data::Entity.all(:enabled => true, :redis => redis).map {|e| e.name} entity_stats(@entities) @adjective = '' erb 'entities.html'.to_sym end get '/entities_decommissioned' do entity_stats @adjective = 'decommissioned' @entities = Flapjack::Data::Entity.all(:enabled => false, :redis => redis) erb 'entities.html'.to_sym end get '/entities_failing' do entity_stats @adjective = 'failing' @entities = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_all_names_with_failing_checks(:redis => redis) erb 'entities.html'.to_sym end get '/entity/:entity' do @entity = params[:entity] entity_stats @states = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.find_current_names_for_entity_name(@entity, :redis => redis).sort.map { |check| [check] + entity_check_state(@entity, check) }.sort_by {|parts| parts } erb 'entity.html'.to_sym end get '/check' do @entity = params[:entity] @check = params[:check] entity_check = get_entity_check(@entity, @check) halt(404, "Could not find check '#{@entity}:#{@check}'") if entity_check.nil? check_stats last_change = entity_check.last_change @check_state = entity_check.state @check_enabled = entity_check.enabled? @check_last_update = entity_check.last_update @check_last_change = last_change @check_summary = entity_check.summary @check_details = entity_check.details @check_perfdata = entity_check.perfdata @last_notifications = last_notification_data(entity_check) @scheduled_maintenances = entity_check.maintenances(nil, nil, :scheduled => true) @acknowledgement_id = entity_check.failed? ? entity_check.ack_hash : nil @current_scheduled_maintenance = entity_check.current_maintenance(:scheduled => true) @current_unscheduled_maintenance = entity_check.current_maintenance(:scheduled => false) @contacts = entity_check.contacts @state_changes = entity_check.historical_states(nil, Time.now.to_i, :order => 'desc', :limit => 20) erb 'check.html'.to_sym end post '/acknowledgements/:entity/:check' do @entity = params[:entity] @check = params[:check] @summary = params[:summary] @acknowledgement_id = params[:acknowledgement_id] dur = ChronicDuration.parse(params[:duration] || '') @duration = (dur.nil? || (dur <= 0)) ? (4 * 60 * 60) : dur entity_check = get_entity_check(@entity, @check) halt(404, "Could not find check '#{@entity}:#{@check}'") if entity_check.nil? ack = Flapjack::Data::Event.create_acknowledgement( @entity, @check, :summary => (@summary || ''), :acknowledgement_id => @acknowledgement_id, :duration => @duration, :redis => redis) redirect back end # FIXME: there is bound to be a more idiomatic / restful way of doing this # (probably using 'delete' or 'patch') post '/end_unscheduled_maintenance/:entity/:check' do @entity = params[:entity] @check = params[:check] entity_check = get_entity_check(@entity, @check) halt(404, "Could not find check '#{@entity}:#{@check}'") if entity_check.nil? entity_check.end_unscheduled_maintenance(Time.now.to_i) redirect back end # create scheduled maintenance post '/scheduled_maintenances/:entity/:check' do start_time = Chronic.parse(params[:start_time]).to_i halt(400, "Start time '#{params[:start_time]}' parsed to 0") if start_time == 0 duration = ChronicDuration.parse(params[:duration]) summary = params[:summary] entity_check = get_entity_check(params[:entity], params[:check]) halt(404, "Could not find check '#{params[:entity]}:#{params[:check]}'") if entity_check.nil? entity_check.create_scheduled_maintenance(start_time, duration, :summary => summary) redirect back end # delete a scheduled maintenance delete '/scheduled_maintenances/:entity/:check' do entity_check = get_entity_check(params[:entity], params[:check]) halt(404, "Could not find check '#{params[:entity]}:#{params[:check]}'") if entity_check.nil? entity_check.end_scheduled_maintenance(params[:start_time].to_i) redirect back end # delete a check (actually just disables it) delete '/checks/:entity/:check' do entity_check = get_entity_check(params[:entity], params[:check]) halt(404, "Could not find check '#{params[:entity]}:#{params[:check]}'") if entity_check.nil? entity_check.disable! redirect back end get '/contacts' do @contacts = Flapjack::Data::Contact.all(:redis => redis) erb 'contacts.html'.to_sym end get '/edit_contacts' do erb 'edit_contacts.html'.to_sym end get "/contacts/:contact" do contact_id = params[:contact] halt(404, "No contact id") if contact_id.nil? @contact = Flapjack::Data::Contact.find_by_id(contact_id, :redis => redis) halt(404, "Could not find contact '#{contact_id}'") if @contact.nil? if @contact.media.has_key?('pagerduty') @pagerduty_credentials = @contact.pagerduty_credentials end # FIXME: intersect with current checks, or push down to Contact.entities @entities_and_checks = @contact.entities(:checks => true).sort_by {|ec| ec[:entity].name } erb 'contact.html'.to_sym end private def get_entity_check(entity, check) entity_obj = (entity && entity.length > 0) ? Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity, :redis => redis) : nil return if entity_obj.nil? || (check.nil? || check.length == 0) Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity(entity_obj, check, :redis => redis) end def entity_check_state(entity_name, check) entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity_name, :redis => redis) return ['-', '-', 'never', 'never', false, false, 'never'] if entity.nil? entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity(entity, check, :redis => redis) summary = entity_check.summary summary = summary[0..76] + '...' unless (summary.nil? || (summary.length < 81)) latest_notif = {:problem => entity_check.last_notification_for_state(:problem)[:timestamp], :recovery => entity_check.last_notification_for_state(:recovery)[:timestamp], :acknowledgement => entity_check.last_notification_for_state(:acknowledgement)[:timestamp] }.max_by {|n| n[1] || 0} lc = entity_check.last_change last_change = lc ? (ChronicDuration.output(Time.now.to_i - lc.to_i, :format => :short, :keep_zero => true, :units => 2) || '0s') : 'never' lu = entity_check.last_update last_update = lu ? (ChronicDuration.output(Time.now.to_i - lu.to_i, :format => :short, :keep_zero => true, :units => 2) || '0s') : 'never' ln = latest_notif[1] last_notified = ln ? (ChronicDuration.output(Time.now.to_i - ln.to_i, :format => :short, :keep_zero => true, :units => 2) || '0s') + ", #{latest_notif[0]}" : 'never' [(entity_check.state || '-'), (summary || '-'), last_change, last_update, entity_check.in_unscheduled_maintenance?, entity_check.in_scheduled_maintenance?, last_notified ] end def self_stats @fqdn = `/bin/hostname -f`.chomp @pid = Process.pid @dbsize = redis.dbsize @executive_instances = redis.keys("executive_instance:*").inject({}) do |memo, i| instance_id = i.match(/executive_instance:(.*)/)[1] boot_time = redis.hget(i, 'boot_time').to_i uptime = Time.now.to_i - boot_time uptime_string = (ChronicDuration.output(uptime, :format => :short, :keep_zero => true, :units => 2) || '0s') event_counters = redis.hgetall("event_counters:#{instance_id}") event_rates = event_counters.inject({}) do |er, ec| er[ec[0]] = uptime && uptime > 0 ? (ec[1].to_f / uptime).round : nil er end memo[instance_id] = { 'boot_time' => boot_time, 'uptime' => uptime, 'uptime_string' => uptime_string, 'event_counters' => event_counters, 'event_rates' => event_rates } memo end @event_counters = redis.hgetall('event_counters') @events_queued = redis.llen('events') @current_checks_ages = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.find_all_split_by_freshness([0, 60, 300, 900, 3600], {:redis => redis, :logger => logger, :counts => true } ) end def entity_stats(entities = nil) @count_current_entities = (entities || Flapjack::Data::Entity.all(:enabled => true, :redis => redis)).length @count_failing_entities = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_all_names_with_failing_checks(:redis => redis).length end def check_stats @count_current_checks = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.count_current(:redis => redis) @count_failing_checks = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.count_current_failing(:redis => redis) end def last_notification_data(entity_check) last_notifications = entity_check.last_notifications_of_each_type [:critical, :warning, :unknown, :recovery, :acknowledgement].inject({}) do |memo, type| if last_notifications[type] && last_notifications[type][:timestamp] t = Time.at(last_notifications[type][:timestamp]) memo[type] = {:time => t.to_s, :relative => relative_time_ago(t) + " ago", :summary => last_notifications[type][:summary]} end memo end end def require_css(*css) @required_css ||= [] @required_css += css end def require_js(*js) @required_js ||= [] @required_js += js @required_js.uniq! end def include_required_js if @required_js @required_js.map { |filename| "<script type='text/javascript' src='#{link_to("js/#{filename}.js")}'></script>" }.join("\n ") else "" end end def include_required_css if @required_css @required_css.map { |filename| %(<link rel="stylesheet" href="#{link_to("css/#{filename}.css")}" media="screen">) }.join("\n ") else "" end end # from http://gist.github.com/98310 def link_to(url_fragment, mode=:path_only) case mode when :path_only base = @base_url when :full_url if (request.scheme == 'http' && request.port == 80 || request.scheme == 'https' && request.port == 443) port = "" else port = ":#{request.port}" end base = "#{request.scheme}://#{request.host}#{port}#{request.script_name}" else raise "Unknown script_url mode #{mode}" end "#{base}#{url_fragment}" end def page_title(string) @page_title = string end def include_page_title @page_title ? "#{@page_title} | Flapjack" : "Flapjack" end end end end