### RHACK [github](https://github.com/tinbka/rhack) RHACK is Ruby Http ACcess Kit: curl-based web-client framework created for developing web-scrapers/bots. ##### Features * Asynchronous, still EventMachine independent. Synchronization can be turned on with fine of 1sec per [bulk] request * Fast as on simple queries as on high load. Can process up to thousands (limited by a net interface, of course) different parallel requests of any HTTP method with no penalty * Flexibly configurable on 3 levels: * Curl::Easy (simplest request configuration, inherited from [curb gem](http://github.com/taf2/curb)) * ::Scout (Curl::Easy wrapper with transparent cookies and extendable anonimization processing, detailed request/response info, callbacks and retry configuration) * ::Frame (Scout array wrapper with smart request interpretor, load balancing and extendable response processor) * Support of javascript processing on loaded html pages is included (johnson gem) * Web-service-client abstraction implementing some examples of how to use this library --- It's still randomly documented since it's just my working tool. #### Main goals for 1.x * More agile response postprocessing configuration. Instead of using :json, :hash etc as a flag, define some "before filters" in the Page and chain them. * Route :xhr option to the Scout; add some transparent control on user-agents: desktop, mobile, randomly predefined... #### Main goals for 2.0 (if it would ever come) * Full javascript processing, including linked scripts; maybe support of other javascript engines gems. * Distributed proxified downloading of large files. * Console real-time speedometer for a downloader. Wait... for f--ks sake? ### CHANGES ##### Version 1.1.0 * ::OAuthClient < ::Client * A full set of abstract OAuth2 authorizaztion and API methods * Per-user key-value oauth_token storage * Handling of tokens expiration * Fits for, at least, facebook.com, linkedin.com and vk.com * ::Storage * Wrapper of Redis-based storage to handily store/cache scrapers data ##### Version 1.0.0 * ::Frame * #initialize: ::ScoutSquad size can be specified by :scouts option (default still is 10) * @static with Hash value is now essentially a default route. :protocol and :host values are used for request where only "path" url is given * Fixed weird #run_callbacks! and :raw behaviour. @res of a Page now always get result of a block passed as :proc_result or block passed to #exec itself * ::Scout * Added explicit cacert loading, cacert.pem by curl.haxx.se lies in /config * Provided support of curl HTTP DELETE and PUT verbs: #loadDelete and #loadPut. From a frame, add :verb => (:delete|:put) as an option to #run. * ::ScoutSquad * Automatically Curl.execute on #next and #rand if Carier Thread is exited without an exception * ::Service * Is renamed to Client what is more sensible. RHACK::Service is still usable as alias * Structural changes * Updated and documented rhack.yml.template that now lies in /config * All initialization moved to /lib/rhack.rb, rhack_in.rb stays there for compatibility * The gem is now being produced in the bundle style: added Gemfile, .gemspec, etc * ::Frame#get_cached and all its methods related to #dl (downloading) moved to rhack/dl * Global variables is replaced by module attributes of respective names * Persistence * Removed every reference to SQL: /cache.rb, /words.rb (removed) and /extensions/declarative.rb (moved to rmtools project as optional part) * Made a foundation for Redis support, redis-based storage itself is coming the very next version * Added rake redis:config: generate rhack.yml -> redis.conf ##### Version 0.4.1 * Сhanged ::Frame @static behaviour, :static option now accept hash with :procotol key (see ::Frame#validate comment) * Changed log level in curl-global.rb * Described the library and *marked down* this readme ##### Version 0.4 * Fixed bugs * idle execution in Rails application thread * Curl::Easy default callback * some misspelling-bugs * ::ScoutSquad * Minified #next waiting time * ::Service * added meta-methods #login (sync only) and #scrape!(<::Page>) * ::Frame * made new cache prototype. Call #use_cache!(false?) for (in)activate and #drop_cache! for clearance * added :xhr exec option * ::Page * #title returns full title by default * #html is auto-encoded to UTF-8 during #process ##### Version 0.3 * Adjusted cookie processor in accordance with web-servers and entrust redirection process to ::Scout * Added some shortcuts to Frame and Curl modules * Сonfig defaults are now taken from rails * Removed crappy database usage from lib/words.rb * curb_multi.c: Moved callbacks out of rb_rescue so that I could know wtf was happen there ##### Version 0.2 * Nastily pulled down curb-0.8.1 extension sources and harshly patched by changes made long before, so that the core will be as modern as possible and with necessary features * Fixed syntax for Ruby 1.9 ##### Version 0.1 * A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... * A library had been created based on Net::HTTP * In a few months its base had been changed by curb-0.4.4 because of poorness and incovinience of Net::HTTP * Had been made background-mode for Curl::Multi and multipart body setting for Curl::Easy so that Curl could be both sync and async * Had been added a couple of wrappers for Curl::Easy and its results, proxy lists processor, scrapers for a few web-services, and plugin for libxml-ruby that lives at rmtools gem now ### License RHACK is copyright (c) 2010-2013 Sergey Baev , and released under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE and CURB-LICENSE files for the details. Rhack includes slightly modified Curb gem extension source code. For original Curb gem code you may want to check ext/curb-original directory or visit .