= syslogger
A drop-in replacement for the standard Logger Ruby library, that logs to the
syslog instead of a log file. Contrary to the SyslogLogger library, you can
specify the facility and the syslog options.
== Installation
$ gem install syslogger
== Usage
require 'syslogger'
# Will send all messages to the local0 facility, adding the process id in the message
logger = Syslogger.new("app_name", Syslog::LOG_PID, Syslog::LOG_LOCAL0)
# Send messages that are at least of the Logger::INFO level
logger.level = Logger::INFO # use Logger levels
logger.debug "will not appear"
logger.info "will appear"
logger.warn "will appear"
Documentation available at .
== Development
* Install development dependencies:
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
* Run tests:
$ rake spec
* Package (do not forget to increment Syslogger:VERSION):
$ gem build syslogger.gemspec
== Changelog
See .
== Contributions
See .
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Cyril Rohr, INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique. See LICENSE for details.