require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/test_helper" require 'adhearsion/cli' module AhnCommandSpecHelper def simulate_args(*args) ARGV.clear ARGV.concat args end def capture_stdout(&block) old = $stdout $stdout = io = yield ensure $stdout = old return io.string end def new_tmp_dir(filename=String.random) File.join Dir.tmpdir, filename end end context 'The Ahn Command helper' do include AhnCommandSpecHelper test "args are simulated properly" do before = ARGV.clone simulate_args "create", "/tmp/blah" ARGV.should.not.equal before end test "STDOUT should be captured" do capture_stdout do puts "wee" end.should.equal "wee\n" end end context "A simulated use of the 'ahn' command" do include AhnCommandSpecHelper test "USAGE is defined" do assert Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.const_defined?('USAGE') end test "arguments to 'create' are executed properly properly" do some_path = "/path/somewhere" simulate_args "create", some_path flexmock(Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand::CommandHandler).should_receive(:create).once.with(some_path, :default) capture_stdout { Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! } end test "arguments to 'start' are executed properly properly" do some_path = "/tmp/blargh" simulate_args "start", some_path flexmock(Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand::CommandHandler).should_receive(:start).once.with(some_path, false, nil) Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! end test "should execute arguments to 'start' for daemonizing properly" do somewhere = "/tmp/blarghh" simulate_args "start", 'daemon', somewhere flexmock(Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand::CommandHandler).should_receive(:start).once.with(somewhere, true, nil) Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! end test 'parse_arguments should recognize start with daemon properly' do path = '/path/to/somesuch' arguments = ["start", 'daemon', path] Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.parse_arguments(arguments).should == [:start, path, true, nil] end test 'should recognize start with daemon and pid file properly' do project_path = '/second/star/on/the/right' pid_file_path = '/straight/on/til/morning' arguments = ["start", "daemon", project_path, "--pid-file=#{pid_file_path}"] Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.parse_arguments(arguments).should == [:start, project_path, true, pid_file_path] end test 'parse_arguments should recognize start without daemon properly' do path = '/path/to/somewhere' arguments = ['start', path] Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.parse_arguments(arguments).should == [:start, path, false, nil] end test "if no path is provided, running Ahn command blows up" do the_following_code { Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.parse_arguments(['start']) }.should.raise Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand::CommandHandler::UnknownCommand end test "printing the version" do capture_stdout do simulate_args 'version' Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! end.should =~ end test "printing the help" do capture_stdout do simulate_args 'help' Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! end.should =~ end test "reacting to unrecognized commands" do the_following_code { simulate_args "alpha", "beta" Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! }.should.raise(Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand::CommandHandler::UnknownCommand) end test "giving a path that doesn't contain a project raises an exception" do the_following_code { simulate_args "start", "/asjdfas/sndjfabsdfbqwb/qnjwejqbwh" Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! }.should.raise(Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand::CommandHandler::PathInvalid) end test "giving an unrecognized project name raises an exception" do the_following_code { nonexistent_app_name, nonexistent_path = "a2n8y3gny2", "/tmp/qjweqbwas" simulate_args "create:#{nonexistent_app_name}", nonexistent_path Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! }.should.raise Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand::CommandHandler::UnknownProject end end context 'A real use of the "ahn" command' do include AhnCommandSpecHelper test "the 'create' command" do the_following_code { tmp_path = new_tmp_dir simulate_args "create", tmp_path RubiGen::Base.default_options.merge! :quiet => true capture_stdout { Adhearsion::CLI::AhnCommand.execute! } File.exists?(File.join(tmp_path, ".ahnrc")) true }.should.not.raise end end