require 'protobuf/message/fields' require 'protobuf/message/serialization' # Under MRI, this optimizes proto decoding by around 15% in tests. # When unavailable, we fall to pure Ruby. # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions begin require 'varint/varint' rescue LoadError end # rubocop:enable Lint/HandleExceptions require 'protobuf/varint' module Protobuf class Message ## # Includes & Extends # extend ::Protobuf::Message::Fields include ::Protobuf::Message::Serialization ::Protobuf::Optionable.inject(self) { ::Google::Protobuf::MessageOptions } ## # Class Methods # def self.to_json name end ## # Constructor # def initialize(fields = {}) @values = {} fields.to_hash.each do |name, value| set_field(name, value, true) end yield self if block_given? end ## # Public Instance Methods # def clear! @values.delete_if do |_, value| if value.is_a?(::Protobuf::Field::FieldArray) value.clear false else true end end self end def clone copy_to(super, :clone) end def dup copy_to(super, :dup) end # Iterate over every field, invoking the given block # def each_field return to_enum(:each_field) unless block_given? self.class.all_fields.each do |field| value = self[] yield(field, value) end end def each_field_for_serialization self.class.all_fields.each do |field| value = @values[field.fully_qualified_name] if value.nil? fail ::Protobuf::SerializationError, "Required field #{}##{} does not have a value." if field.required? next end yield(field, value) end end def field?(name) field = self.class.get_field(name, true) return false if field.nil? if field.repeated? @values.key?(field.fully_qualified_name) && @values[field.fully_qualified_name].present? else @values.key?(field.fully_qualified_name) end end ::Protobuf.deprecator.define_deprecated_methods(self, :has_field? => :field?) def inspect attrs = do |field| [, self[].inspect].join('=') end.join(' ') "#<#{self.class} #{attrs}>" end def respond_to_has?(key) respond_to?(key) && field?(key) end def respond_to_has_and_present?(key) respond_to_has?(key) && (self[key].present? || [true, false].include?(self[key])) end # Return a hash-representation of the given fields for this message type. def to_hash result = {} @values.each_key do |field_name| value = self[field_name] field = self.class.get_field(field_name, true) hashed_value = value.respond_to?(:to_hash_value) ? value.to_hash_value : value result[] = hashed_value end result end def to_json(options = {}) to_hash.to_json(options) end def to_proto self end def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a?(self.class) each_field do |field, value| return false unless value == other[] end true end def [](name) field = self.class.get_field(name, true) fail ArgumentError, "invalid field name=#{name.inspect}" unless field if field.repeated? @values[field.fully_qualified_name] ||= elsif @values.key?(field.fully_qualified_name) @values[field.fully_qualified_name] else field.default_value end end def []=(name, value) set_field(name, value, true) end ## # Instance Aliases # alias :to_hash_value to_hash alias :to_proto_hash to_hash alias :responds_to_has? respond_to_has? alias :respond_to_and_has? respond_to_has? alias :responds_to_and_has? respond_to_has? alias :respond_to_has_present? respond_to_has_and_present? alias :respond_to_and_has_present? respond_to_has_and_present? alias :respond_to_and_has_and_present? respond_to_has_and_present? alias :responds_to_has_present? respond_to_has_and_present? alias :responds_to_and_has_present? respond_to_has_and_present? alias :responds_to_and_has_and_present? respond_to_has_and_present? ## # Private Instance Methods # private def set_field(name, value, ignore_nil_for_repeated) if (field = self.class.get_field(name, true)) if field.repeated? if value.nil? && ignore_nil_for_repeated ::Protobuf.deprecator.deprecation_warning("#{self.class}#[#{name}]=nil", "use an empty array instead of nil") return end unless value.is_a?(Array) fail TypeError, <<-TYPE_ERROR Expected repeated value of type '#{field.type_class}' Got '#{value.class}' for repeated protobuf field #{} TYPE_ERROR end value = value.compact if value.empty? @values.delete(field.fully_qualified_name) else @values[field.fully_qualified_name] ||= @values[field.fully_qualified_name].replace(value) end else if value.nil? # rubocop:disable Style/IfInsideElse @values.delete(field.fully_qualified_name) elsif field.acceptable?(value) @values[field.fully_qualified_name] = field.coerce!(value) else fail TypeError, "Unacceptable value #{value} for field #{} of type #{field.type_class}" end end else unless ::Protobuf.ignore_unknown_fields? fail ::Protobuf::FieldNotDefinedError, name end end end def copy_to(object, method) duplicate = proc do |obj| case obj when Message, String then obj.__send__(method) else obj end end object.__send__(:initialize) @values.each do |name, value| if value.is_a?(::Protobuf::Field::FieldArray) object[name].replace( { |v| }) else object[name] = end end object end end end