module Carload class DashGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) def change_dashboard_file # It is necessary to load models manually. Rails.application.eager_load! # Process model once atime. model_specs = {} ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model| # Rails 5 can use ApplicationRecord. next if ['ApplicationRecord', 'PgSearch::Document', 'ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging', 'ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag'].include? model_specs[] = model end model_name = file_name.to_sym spec = model_specs[model_name] if not spec.associations.empty? cli = spec.associations.each do |name, association| next if association[:filtered] reflection = association[:reflection] begin if reflection.options[:polymorphic] attributes = association[:attributes] elsif reflection.options[:class_name] attributes = model_specs[reflection.options[:class_name].underscore&.to_sym] { |x| x.class != Hash } else attributes = model_specs[] { |x| x.class != Hash } end rescue attributes = nil end next unless attributes if attributes.size == 1 association[:choose_by] = attributes.first else association[:choose_by] = cli.choose do |menu| menu.prompt = "Choose the attribute of model #{} for choosing in #{model_name}? " attributes.each do |attribute| next if attribute.to_s =~ /_id$/ menu.choice attribute end end end # Change corresponding show attribute. spec.index_page[:shows][:attributes] = spec.index_page[:shows][:attributes].map do |attribute| if attribute.to_s =~ /#{name}/ attribute = "#{name}.#{association[:choose_by]}" else attribute end end end end # Check if model exists in dashboard file, but it may be changed. if not Dashboard.models.keys.include? model_name or Dashboard.model(model_name).changed? spec Dashboard.models[model_name] = spec Dashboard.write 'app/carload/dashboard.rb' end end end end