class AttachmentSizeValidator < RailsUploads::Validators::Base # validates :prop, :attachment_size => { :in => 0..4.megabytes } def validate_each(record, attribute, value) if !has_default?(record, attribute) and value if options.has_key? :in unless options[:in].include? value.size add_error record, attribute, 'attachment_size_in', :greater_than => options[:in].begin, :less_than => options[:in].end end else if options.has_key? :less_than and value.size > options[:less_than] add_error record, attribute, 'attachment_size_less_than', :less_than => options[:less_than] end if options.has_key? :greater_than and value.size < options[:greater_than] add_error record, attribute, 'attachment_size_greater_than', :greater_than => options[:greater_than] end end end end protected def add_error(record, attribute, type, options) super(record, attribute, "errors.messages.#{type}", options) end end