Given "it is the correct day for daily backups" do # noop end Given "it is the correct day for weekly backups" do @weekly_backup_day = end Given "it is the correct day for monthly backups" do @monthly_backup_day = end Given(/there are old (.+) backups/) do |period| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(backups_dir, period) %w(2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010).each do |year| File.write(File.join(backups_dir, period, "#{year}-01-01.pgdump.gz"), "foo\n") end end When "I run the backups" do DailyWeeklyMonthly.start("echo 'foo';", backups_dir: backups_dir, day_of_week: @weekly_backup_day || 1, day_of_month: @monthly_backup_day || 1, days_to_keep: 3, weeks_to_keep: 3, months_to_keep: 3) end Then(/I can see a (.+) backup file/) do |period| expect(File.exist?(File.join(backups_dir, period, "#{}.pgdump.gz"))).to be true end Then(/the (.+) backup file contains the backup command contents/) do |period| expect(, period, "#{}.pgdump.gz"))).to eq "foo\n" end Then(/the old (.+) backups have been removed/) do |period| files = Dir[File.join(backups_dir, period, "*.pgdump.gz")].map {|f| File.basename f } expect(files).to match_array [ "2009-01-01.pgdump.gz", "2010-01-01.pgdump.gz", "#{}.pgdump.gz", ] end