module Access class Response #basics attr_reader :info, :links, :message, :status, :success, :error, :response_status, :dev_node, :internal_details, :response #resources attr_reader :offers, :stores, :locations, :categories, :suggestions, :oauth_applications, :access_tokens, :oauth_tokens, :oauth_token, :verify, :reports, :members, :filters, :oauth_access_token, :users, :offer_redemptions, :favorites, :campaigns, :channels, :spots, :programs #aggregations attr_reader :offer_count_in_categories, :offer_count_by_redemption_method, :offer_count_by_facet, :custom_aggregation #redemptions attr_reader :content_type, :redemption_method, :details #usages attr_reader :api_calls_over_time, :member_usage #campaign show page attr_reader :key, :campaign_name, :campaign_description, :start_date, :end_date, :campaign_ranking, :spot_list, :channel_list #spot show page attr_reader :spot_name, :spot_text, :spot_ranking, :spot_redirect_url, :spot_redirect_type, :spot_image_url, :offer_resource #channel show page attr_reader :channel_name, :channel_type, :channel_identifier, :channel_description def initialize(response) @response = response # Setting this temporarily so i can have a working member reg call, since it doesn't follow the resource [] best practices response.each { |key, value| instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) if self.class.instance_methods.include? key.to_sym } @response_status = response.message @status ||= response.code check_success(response) if @success @info = if @info (@links = @links.is_a?(Array) ? Access::Link.process_batch(@links) : if @links process_data end end def check_success(response) if response.success? @success = true else create_error end end def create_error @success = false @error =, @status, @message) remove_instance_variable(:@message) if @message end end class OfferResponse < Response def process_data # for when you search and it returns 0 (@offers = []; create_error) if @message @offers = Access::Offer.process_batch(@offers) @offer_count_in_categories = Access::Aggregations.process_batch(@offer_count_in_categories) if @offer_count_in_categories @offer_count_by_redemption_method = Access::Aggregations.process_batch(@offer_count_by_redemption_method) if @offer_count_by_redemption_method @offer_count_by_facet = Access::Aggregations.process_batch(@offer_count_by_facet) if @offer_count_by_facet @custom_aggregation = Access::Aggregations.process_batch(@custom_aggregation) if @custom_aggregation end end class StoreResponse < Response def process_data (@stores = []; create_error) if @message @stores = Access::Store.process_batch(@stores) @offer_count_in_categories = Access::Aggregations.process_batch(@offer_count_in_categories) if @offer_count_in_categories @custom_aggregation = Access::Aggregations.process_batch(@custom_aggregation) if @custom_aggregation end end class LocationResponse < Response def process_data (@locations = []; create_error) if @message @locations = Access::Location.process_batch(@locations) @custom_aggregation = Access::Aggregations.process_batch(@custom_aggregation) if @custom_aggregation end end class CategoryResponse < Response def process_data (@categories = []; create_error) if @message @categories = Access::Category.process_batch(@categories) end end class AutocompleteResponse < Response def process_data # (@suggestions = []; create_error) if @message @suggestions = end end class OauthApplicationResponse < Response def process_data (@oauth_applications = []; create_error) if @message @oauth_applications = Access::OauthApplication.process_batch(@oauth_applications) end end class TokenResponse < Response def process_data (create_error) if @message @access_tokens = Access::Token.process_batch(@access_tokens) if @access_tokens @oauth_tokens = Access::Token.process_batch(@oauth_tokens) if @oauth_tokens @oauth_token = if @oauth_token end end class VerifyResponse < Response def process_data @oauth_access_token = if @oauth_access_token @offers = if @offers @categories = if @categories @locations = if @locations @stores = if @stores end end class RedeemResponse < Response def process_data @details = if @details end end class ReportResponse < Response def process_data @api_calls_over_time = Access::Report.process_batch(@api_calls_over_time) if @api_calls_over_time @member_query_terms = Access::Report.process_batch(@member_query_terms) if @member_query_terms @member_usage = Access::Report.process_batch(@member_usage) if @member_usage @member_postal_codes = Access::Report.process_batch(@member_postal_codes) if @member_postal_codes end end class ProgramResponse < Response def process_data @programs = Access::Program.process_batch([@response]) end end class MemberResponse < Response def process_data @users = Access::Member.process_batch(@users) if @users end end class FilterResponse < Response def process_data @filters = Access::Filter.process_batch(@filters) end end class CitySavingsResponse < Response def process_data end end class ChannelResponse < Response def process_data @channels = Access::Channel.process_batch(@channels) if @channels end end class CampaignResponse < Response def process_data @campaigns = Access::Campaign.process_batch(@campaigns) if @campaigns @spot_list = Access::Spot.process_batch(@spot_list) if @spot_list @channel_list = Access::Channel.process_batch(@channel_list) if @channel_list end end class SpotResponse < Response def process_data @spots = Access::Spot.process_batch(@spots) if @spots @offer_resource = if @offer_resource end end class RedemptionResponse < Response def process_data (@offer_redemptions = []; create_error) if @message @offer_redemptions = Access::Redemption.process_batch(@offer_redemptions) end end class FavoriteResponse < Response def process_data @favorites = Access::Favorite.process_batch(@favorites) if @favorites end end class GeolocationResponse < Response def process_data @locations = Access::Geolocation.process_batch(@locations) if @locations end end end