require "httparty" class Djatoka include HTTParty # base_uri '' base_uri "http://localhost:8080/adore-djatoka/resolver" default_params :url_ver => 'Z39.88-2004', :svc_val_fmt=> "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:jpeg2000" # Uses Djatoka to scale the image from @source_url according to @scale_value # Accepts optional hash that will be passed through to djatoka as-is # scale_value is passed through to djatoka as svc.scale. # From the Djatoka docs: # svc.scale - Request specific output size by scaling extracted resource. # Option 1) Define a long-side dimension (e.g., svc.scale=96) # * Nearest resolution level, rounded up, is used for level parameter # * Uses the aspect ratio to calculate second value # Option 2) Define absolute w,h values (e.g. 1024,768) # * Images is scaled to the dimensions you specify. # * Value must be less than 2X current resolution # Option 3) Define a single dimension (e.g. 1024,0) with or without Level Parameter # * Uses the aspect ratio to calculate second value # Option 4) Use a single decimal scaling factor (e.g. 0.854) # * Current resolution = 1.0 # * 50% Resolution = 0.5 # * 150% Resolution = 1.5 # * Value must be greater than 0 and less than 2 def self.scale(source_url, scale_value, options={}) options.merge!("svc.scale"=>scale_value) get_image(source_url, options) end # Uses Djatoka to retrieve a redion of the image from @source_url according to @scale_value # Accepts optional hash that will be passed through to djatoka as-is # scale_value is passed through to djatoka as svc.scale. # From the Djatoka docs: # svc.region - Y,X,H,W. # * Y is the down inset value (positive) from 0 on the y axis at the max image resolution. # * X is the right inset value (positive) from 0 on the x axis at the max image resolution. # * H is the height of the image provided as response. # * W is the width of the image provided as response. # * All values may either be absolute pixel values (e.g. 100,100,256,256), float values (e.g. 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1), or a combination (e.g. 0.1,0.1,256,256). def self.region(source_url, region_value, options={}) options.merge!("svc.region"=>region_value) get_image(source_url, options) end def self.get_image(source_url, options={}) options.merge!({:svc_id => "info:lanl-repo/svc/getRegion", :rft_id=>source_url, "svc.format"=>"image/jpeg"}) puts "get_region options: #{options.inspect}" get("", :query => options) end end # url_ver=Z39.88-2004 # &rft_id= # &svc_id=info:lanl-repo/svc/getRegion # &svc_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:jpeg2000 # &svc.format=image/jpeg # &svc.scale=600