require "mobility/plugins/cache" module Mobility module Backends =begin Stores attribute translation as attribute/value pair on a shared translations table, using a polymorphic relationship between a translation class and models using the backend. By default, two tables are assumed to be present supporting string and text translations: a +mobility_text_translations+ table for text-valued translations and a +string_translations+ table for string-valued translations (the only difference being the column type of the +value+ column on the table). ==Backend Options ===+association_name+ Name of association on model. Defaults to +text_translations+ (if +type+ is +:text+) or +string_translations+ (if +type+ is +:string+). If specified, ensure name does not overlap with other methods on model or with the association name used by other backends on model (otherwise one will overwrite the other). ===+type+ Currently, either +:text+ or +:string+ is supported. Determines which class to use for translations, which in turn determines which table to use to store translations (by default +text_translations+ for text type, +string_translations+ for string type). ===+class_name+ Class to use for translations when defining association. By default, {Mobility::ActiveRecord::TextTranslation} or {Mobility::ActiveRecord::StringTranslation} for ActiveRecord models (similar for Sequel models). If string is passed in, it will be constantized to get the class. @see Mobility::Backends::ActiveRecord::KeyValue @see Mobility::Backends::Sequel::KeyValue =end module KeyValue extend Backend::OrmDelegator # @return [Symbol] name of the association attr_reader :association_name # @!macro backend_constructor # @option options [Symbol] association_name Name of association def initialize(model, attribute, options = {}) super @association_name = options[:association_name] end # @!group Backend Accessors # @!macro backend_reader def read(locale, options = {}) translation_for(locale, options).value end # @!macro backend_reader def write(locale, value, options = {}) translation_for(locale, options).tap { |t| t.value = value }.value end # @!endgroup # @!macro backend_iterator def each_locale translations.each { |t| yield(t.locale.to_sym) if t.key == attribute } end private def translations model.send(association_name) end def self.included(backend) backend.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # @!group Backend Configuration # @option options [Symbol,String] type (:text) Column type to use # @raise [ArgumentError] if type is not either :text or :string def configure(options) options[:type] = (options[:type] || :text).to_sym raise ArgumentError, "type must be one of: [text, string]" unless [:text, :string].include?(options[:type]) end # Apply custom processing for plugin # @param (see Backend::Setup#apply_plugin) # @return (see Backend::Setup#apply_plugin) def apply_plugin(name) if name == :cache include self::Cache true else super end end end module Cache include end end end end