module Metanorma class FontistUtils class << self private def validate_options(options) agree_to_terms = options[:agree_to_terms] || false continue_without_fonts = options[:continue_without_fonts] || false no_progress = options[:no_progress] || false [agree_to_terms, continue_without_fonts, no_progress] end def validate_install_fonts(processor, options) if options[:no_install_fonts] Util.log("[fontist] Skip font installation because" \ " --no-install-fonts argument passed", :debug) return false elsif !has_fonts_manifest?(processor) Util.log("[fontist] Skip font installation because "\ "fonts_manifest is missing", :debug) return false end true end def install_fonts_safe(manifest, agree, continue, no_progress) fontist_install(manifest, agree, no_progress) rescue Fontist::Errors::LicensingError license_error_log(continue) rescue Fontist::Errors::FontError => e log_level = continue ? :warning : :fatal Util.log("[fontist] '#{e.font}' font is not supported. " \ "Please report this issue at" \ "/issues to report this issue.", log_level) rescue Fontist::Errors::FormulaIndexNotFoundError fintist_update_repo(manifest, agree, continue, no_progress) end def fontist_install(manifest, agree, no_progress) Fontist::Manifest::Install.from_hash( manifest, confirmation: agree ? "yes" : "no", no_progress: no_progress, ) end def license_error_log(continue) if continue Util.log( "[fontist] Processing will continue without fonts installed", :debug, ) else Util.log("[fontist] Aborting without proper fonts installed," \ " make sure that you have set option --agree-to-terms", :fatal) end end def fintist_update_repo(manifest, agree, continue, no_progress) if @@updated_formulas_repo Util.log( "[fontist] Bug: formula index not found after 'fontist update'", :fatal, ) end Util.log("[fontist] Missing formula index. Fetching it...", :debug) Fontist::Formula.update_formulas_repo @@updated_formulas_repo = true install_fonts_safe(manifest, agree, continue, no_progress) end end def self.install_fonts(processor, options) return unless validate_install_fonts(processor, options) @@updated_formulas_repo = false manifest = processor.fonts_manifest agree_to_terms, can_without_fonts, no_progress = validate_options(options) install_fonts_safe( manifest, agree_to_terms, can_without_fonts, no_progress, ) end def self.has_fonts_manifest?(processor, options = {}) !options[:no_install_fonts] \ && processor.respond_to?(:fonts_manifest) \ && !processor.fonts_manifest.nil? end def self.location_manifest(processor) Fontist::Manifest::Locations.from_hash(processor.fonts_manifest) end end end