## 1.1.2 (28/11/2019)
* Bugfix - fix html escaping issue
## 1.1.1 (12/10/2019)
* Bugfix - call per-cell configuration block with correct index for footer row
## 1.1.0 (28/11/2018)
* Allow passing in class of object to avoid header edge case when the collection is empty
## 1.0.0 (17/06/2018)
* New configuration mechanism for HTML presenter
* Described new configuration mechanism in readme
* Documented skip_header and added and documented skip_footer
## 0.2.1 (26/05/2018)
* Removed Gemfile.lock file
## 0.2.0 (02/09/2016)
* No longer convert column block output to string
* Removed dependencies on ActiveSupport (try and blank?)
* Added specs
## 0.1.0
* First Release