# user.rb - This file contains the User class.
# Copyright (C) 2011 MediaSift Ltd
# == Overview
# The User class represents a user of the API. Applications should start their
# API interactions by creating an instance of this class. Once initialised it
# provides factory methods for all of the functionality in the API.

require 'rest_client'
require 'crack'

module DataSift
	# User class.
	# == Introduction
	# The User class represents a user of the API. Applications should start their
	# API interactions by creating an instance of this class. Once initialised it
	# provides factory methods for all of the functionality in the API.
	class User
		USER_AGENT = 'DataSiftRuby/0.1';
		API_BASE_URL = 'api.datasift.net/';
		STREAM_BASE_URL = 'stream.datasift.net/';

		attr_reader :username, :api_key, :rate_limit, :rate_limit_remaining, :api_client

		# Constructor. A username and API key are required when constructing an
		# instance of this class.
		# === Parameters
		# * +username+ - The user's username
		# * +api_key+ - The user's API key
		def initialize(username, api_key)

			raise EInvalidData, 'Please supply valid credentials when creating a User object.' unless username.size > 0 and api_key.size > 0

			@username = username
			@api_key = api_key
			@rate_limit = -1;
			@rate_limit_remaining = -1

		# Creates and returns a definition object.
		# === Parameters
		# * +csdl+ - Optional CSDL string with which to prime the object.
		def createDefinition(csdl = '')
			DataSift::Definition.new(self, csdl, false)

		# Returns the user agent this library should use for all API calls.
		def getUserAgent()

		# Sets the ApiClient object to use to access the API
		def setApiClient(client)
			@api_client = client

		# Make a call to a DataSift API endpoint.
		# === Parameters
		# * +endpoint+ - The endpoint of the API call.
		# * +params+ - The parameters to be passed along with the request.
		def callAPI(endpoint, params = {})
			if !@api_client
				@api_client = ApiClient.new()

			res = @api_client.call(@username, @api_key, endpoint, params)

			# Set up the return value
			retval = res['data']

			# Update the rate limits from the headers
			@rate_limit = res['rate_limit']
			@rate_limit_remaining = res['rate_limit_remaining']

			case res['response_code']
			when 200
				# Do nothing
			when 401
				# Authentication failure
				raise AccessDeniedError, retval.has_key?('error') ? retval['error'] : 'Authentication failed'
			when 403
				# Check the rate limit
				raise RateLimitExceededError, retval['comment'] if @rate_limit_remaining == 0
				# Rate limit is ok, raise a generic exception
				raise APIError.new(403), retval.has_key?('error') ? retval['error'] : 'Unknown error'
				raise APIError.new(res['http_code']), retval.has_key?('error') ? retval['error'] : 'Unknown error'
