require 'smartdc/cli/machine/tag' require 'smartdc/cli/machine/metadata' require 'smartdc/cli/machine/snapshot' module Smartdc::Cli class Machine < Thor include Smartdc::CliHelper desc 'list', 'Lists all machines we have on record for your account.' method_option :type, type: :string, aliases: '-t', desc: 'virtualmachine or smartmachine' method_option :state, type: :string, aliases: '-s', desc: 'running or stopped' def list output Smartdc.machines(options), options.merge(table: :horizontal, include: %i[ id name state primaryIp memory disk dataset ]) end desc 'show [ID]', 'Gets the details for an individual machine.' def show(id=nil) output Smartdc.machine(use_machine(id)), options.merge(table: :vertical) end desc 'add [NAME]', 'Allows you to provision a machine.' method_option :image, type: :string, aliases: '-i', desc: 'The image UUID' method_option :package, type: :string, aliases: '-p', desc: 'Id of the package to use on provisioning' def add(name) body = {name: name}.merge(options) output Smartdc.create_machine(body), options.merge({table: :vertical}) end desc 'destroy [ID]', 'Allows you to completely destroy a machine.' def destroy(id=nil) id = use_machine(id) output Smartdc.destroy_machine(id), options.merge(message: "Destroy [#{id}] of machine.") end desc 'stop [ID]', 'Allows you to shut down a machine.' def stop(id=nil) id = use_machine(id) output Smartdc.stop_machine(id), options.merge(message: "Stop [#{id}] of machine.") end desc 'start [ID]', 'Allows you to boot up a machine.' def start(id=nil) id = use_machine(id) output Smartdc.start_machine(id), options.merge(message: "Start [#{id}] of machine.") end desc 'reboot [ID]', 'Allows you to reboot a machine' def reboot(id=nil) id = use_machine(id) output Smartdc.reboot_machine(id), options.merge(message: "Reboot [#{id}] of machine.") end desc 'resize [ID]', 'Resize a machine to a new package.' method_option :package, type: :string, aliases: '-p', desc: 'A package id, as returned from ListPackages' def resize(id=nil) body = {package: options[:package]} id = use_machine(id) output Smartdc.resize_machine(id, body), options.merge(message: "Resize [#{id}] of machine.") end desc 'use [ID]', 'Sets use machine.' def use(id=nil) clicfg = sdccfg = if id.nil? puts "Use [#{sdccfg[:use_machine]}] of machine." else sdccfg[:use_machine] = id clicfg.write(sdccfg) end end register(Smartdc::Cli::MachineTag, 'tag', 'tag [COMMAND]', 'Machine tag') register(Smartdc::Cli::MachineMetadata, 'meta', 'meta [COMMAND]', 'Machine metadata') register(Smartdc::Cli::MachineSnapshot, 'snapshot', 'snapshot [COMMAND]', 'Machine snapshot') end end