require 'digest/sha1' # ensure the Kernel.system and's always use the correct tt and # Treetop library versions, not a previously installed gem ENV['PATH'] = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '../../../bin' + File::PATH_SEPARATOR + ENV['PATH']) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('../../../../lib', __FILE__)) describe "The 'tt' comand line compiler" do context 'when processing a single grammar file' do before(:each) do # create a fresh but dumb grammar file for each example @test_base = "dumb-#{rand(1000)}" @test_grammar = "#{@test_base}.tt", 'w+') do |f| f.print("grammar Dumb\n") f.print("end\n") end unless File.exists?(@test_grammar) end after(:each) do # cleanup test grammar and parser output files f = "#{@test_base}.rb" File.delete(@test_grammar) if File.exists?(@test_grammar) File.delete(f) if File.exists?(f) end it 'can compile a grammar file' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt'} system("ruby -S tt #{@test_grammar}").should be_true pf = "#{@test_base}.rb" File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true end it 'can compile a relative pathed grammar file' do dir = File.basename(File.expand_path(File.dirname(@test_grammar))) # puts %q{emulate 'tt "..//"'} system("ruby -S tt \"../#{dir}/#{@test_grammar}\"").should be_true pf = "#{@test_base}.rb" File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true end it 'can compile an absolute pathed grammar file' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt "/path/to/"'} system("ruby -S tt \"#{File.expand_path(@test_grammar)}\"").should be_true pf = "#{@test_base}.rb" File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true end it 'can compile without explicit file extensions' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt dumb'} system("ruby -S tt #{@test_base}").should be_true pf = "#{@test_base}.rb" File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true end it 'skips nonexistent grammar file without failing or creating bogus output' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt dumb.bad'}"|ruby -S tt #{@test_base}.bad") do |io| ( =~ /ERROR.*?not exist.*?continuing/).should_not be_nil end File.exists?("#{@test_base}.rb").should be_false end it 'can compile to a specified parser source file' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt -o my_dumb_test_parser.rb dumb'} pf = 'my_dumb_test_parser.rb' begin system("ruby -S tt -o #{pf} #{@test_base}").should be_true File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true ensure File.delete(pf) if File.exists?(pf) end end it 'by default, does not overwrite an existing file without an autogenerated header' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt -o must_save_parser.rb dumb'} pf = 'must_save_parser.rb' begin system("ruby -S tt -o #{pf} #{@test_base}").should be_true File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true # Modify the file and make sure it remains unchanged:, "r+") { |f| f.write("# Changed...") } orig_file_hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("|ruby -S tt -o #{pf} #{@test_base}") do |io| ( =~ /ERROR.*?already exists.*?skipping/).should_not be_nil end Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( == orig_file_hash ensure File.delete(pf) if File.exists?(pf) end end it 'by default, overwrites a changed file with an intact autogenerated header' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt -o must_save_parser.rb dumb'} pf = 'must_save_parser.rb' begin system("ruby -S tt -o #{pf} #{@test_base}").should be_true File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true orig_file_hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( # Modify the file and make sure it gets reverted:, "r+") { |f| f.gets; f.write("#") } system("ruby -S tt -o #{pf} #{@test_base}").should be_true Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( == orig_file_hash ensure File.delete(pf) if File.exists?(pf) end end it 'can be forced to overwrite existing file #{@test_base}' do pf = "#{@test_base}.rb" system("echo some junk >#{pf}").should be_true File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true orig_file_hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( system("ruby -S tt -f #{@test_base}").should be_true Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( == orig_file_hash end end context 'when processing multiple grammar files' do before(:each) do # provide fresh but dumb grammar files for each test @test_bases = [] @test_grammars = [] %w[dumb1 dumb2].each do |e| base = "#{e}-#{rand(1000)}" grammar_file = "#{base}.tt" @test_bases << base @test_grammars << grammar_file, 'w+') do |f| f.print("grammar #{e.capitalize}\n") f.print("end\n") end unless File.exists?(grammar_file) end end after(:each) do # cleanup test grammar and output parser files @test_grammars.each { |f| File.delete(f) if File.exists?(f) } @test_bases.each { |f| File.delete("#{f}.rb") if File.exists?("#{f}.rb") } end it 'can compile them in one invocation' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt'} system("ruby -S tt #{@test_grammars.join(' ')}").should be_true @test_bases.each do |f| pf = "#{f}.rb" File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true end end it 'can compile them without explicit file extenstions' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt dumb1 dumb2'} system("ruby -S tt #{@test_bases.join(' ')}").should be_true @test_bases.each do |f| pf = "#{f}.rb" File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true end end it 'can skip nonexistent and invalid extension named grammar files' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt not_here bad_ext.ttg dumb1 dumb2'} system("ruby -S tt not_here bad_ext.ttg #{@test_bases.join(' ')} >/dev/null 2>&1").should be_true File.exists?('not_here.rb').should_not be_true File.exists?('bad_ext.rb').should_not be_true @test_bases.each do |f| pf = "#{f}.rb" File.exists?(pf).should be_true be_true end end it 'can not specify an output file' do # puts %q{emulate 'tt -o my_bogus_test_parser.rb dumb1 dumb2'} pf = 'my_bogus_test_parser.rb' system("ruby -S tt -o #{pf} #{@test_bases.join(' ')} >/dev/null 2>&1").should be_false File.exists?(pf).should be_false end end end