<%- assert_locals gem -%> <%= render partial: "shared/header" -%> require "bundler/setup" require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rubocop/rake_task" RuboCop::RakeTask.new require "rake/testtask" desc "Run tests." Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"] t.warning = false end namespace :test do desc "Runs tests with coverage." task :coverage do require "simplecov" SimpleCov.start do command_name "<%= gem.name %>" track_files "lib/**/*.rb" add_filter "test/" end Rake::Task[:test].invoke end end # Acceptance tests desc "Run the <%= gem.name %> acceptance tests." task :acceptance do puts "The <%= gem.name %> gem does not have acceptance tests." end namespace :acceptance do task :coverage do end task :cleanup do end end require "yard" require "yard/rake/yardoc_task" YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |y| y.options << "--fail-on-warning" end desc "Run yard-doctest example tests." task :doctest do puts "The <%= gem.name %> gem does not have doctest tests." end desc "Run the CI build" task :ci do header "BUILDING <%= gem.name %>" header "<%= gem.name %> rubocop", "*" Rake::Task[:rubocop].invoke header "<%= gem.name %> yard", "*" Rake::Task[:yard].invoke header "<%= gem.name %> test", "*" Rake::Task[:test].invoke end namespace :ci do task :acceptance do end task :a do end end task default: :test def header str, token = "#" line_length = str.length + 8 puts "" puts token * line_length puts "#{token * 3} #{str} #{token * 3}" puts token * line_length puts "" end