require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'rake/clean' # # Download sources. # namespace :download do task :ois do FileUtils::mkdir_p("deps/src") chdir('deps/src') { unless /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM OIS_FILE="ois_v1-3.tar.gz" sh "wget{OIS_FILE}" sh "tar xzvf #{OIS_FILE}" end } end task :ogre do FileUtils::mkdir_p("deps/src") chdir('deps/src') { if /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM sh "wget" sh "OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0.exe" sh "cp -a OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/include ../" sh "cp -a OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/boost/boost ../include" sh "cp -a OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/lib ../" sh "cp -a OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/boost/lib/* ../lib" else OGRE_FILE="ogre_src_v1-8-0.tar.bz2" sh "wget{OGRE_FILE}" sh "tar xjvf #{OGRE_FILE}" end } end task :procedural do FileUtils::mkdir_p("deps/src") chdir('deps/src') { if /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM sh "wget" sh "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe x OgreProceduralSDK_MingW_v0.2.7z" FileUtils::mkdir_p("./") sh "cp -a OgreProceduralSDK_MingW_v0.2/include ../" sh "cp -a OgreProceduralSDK_MingW_v0.2/lib ../" else sh "hg clone -b v0-2 ogre-procedural" end } end task :all => [:ois, :ogre, :procedural] end desc "Download everything" task :download => 'download:all' namespace :compile do # # Compile libraries. # namespace :deps do task :ois do unless /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM chdir("deps/src/ois-v1-3/") { sh "sh ./bootstrap" sh "./configure --prefix=$PWD/../.." sh "make && make install" } end end task :ogre do unless /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM chdir("deps/src/ogre_src_v1-8-0/") { sh "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=../.. -DOGRE_INSTALL_SAMPLES:BOOL=ON -DOIS_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=$PWD/../../include/OIS -DOIS_LIBRARY_DBG:FILEPATH=$PWD/../../lib/ -DOIS_LIBRARY_REL:FILEPATH=$PWD/../../lib/ -DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING='-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++' -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING='-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++'" sh "make -j4 && make install" } end end task :procedural do unless /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM chdir("deps/src/ogre-procedural/") { sh "OGRE_HOME=../..; OIS_HOME=../..; cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=../.. -DOgreProcedural_BUILD_SAMPLES:BOOL=ON" sh "make -j4 && make -i install" } end end # # Copy the compiled dynamic libraries of Ogre. # task :copylibs do if /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM FileUtils::mkdir_p("./deps/lib/OGRE") sh "cp -a deps/src/OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/bin/release/*.dll deps/lib/" sh "cp -a deps/src/OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/bin/release/Plugin*.dll deps/lib/OGRE" sh "cp -a deps/src/OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/bin/release/RenderSystem*.dll deps/lib/OGRE" sh "cp -a deps/src/OgreProceduralSDK_MingW_v0.2/bin/Release/*.dll deps/lib/" FileUtils::mkdir_p("./deps/share/OGRE") sh "cp -a deps/src/OgreSDK_MinGW_v1-8-0/media deps/share/OGRE" end end task :all => [:ois, :ogre, :procedural, :copylibs] end desc "Compile all of deps libraries." task :deps => 'deps:all' # # Compile extensions # namespace :ext do DLEXT = RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['DLEXT'] task :all => ["lib/OIS.#{DLEXT}", "lib/Ogre.#{DLEXT}", "lib/OgreBites.#{DLEXT}", "lib/Procedural.#{DLEXT}"] ## lib/*.#{DLEXT} file "lib/OIS.#{DLEXT}" => "bindings/ois/OIS.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end file "lib/Ogre.#{DLEXT}" => "bindings/ogre/Ogre.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end file "lib/OgreBites.#{DLEXT}" => "bindings/ogrebites/OgreBites.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end file "lib/Procedural.#{DLEXT}" => "bindings/procedural/Procedural.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end ## ext/**/*.#{DLEXT} file "bindings/ois/OIS.#{DLEXT}" => FileList["bindings/ois/Makefile"] do |f| sh 'cd bindings/ois/ && make clean && make' end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ois/*.{o,so,dll}' file "bindings/ogre/Ogre.#{DLEXT}" => FileList["bindings/ogre/Makefile"] do |f| sh 'cd bindings/ogre/ && make clean && make' end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ogre/*.{o,so,dll}' file "bindings/ogrebites/OgreBites.#{DLEXT}" => FileList["bindings/ogrebites/Makefile"] do |f| sh 'cd bindings/ogrebites && make clean && make' end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ogrebites/*.{o,so,dll}' file "bindings/procedural/Procedural.#{DLEXT}" => FileList["bindings/procedural/Makefile"] do |f| sh 'cd bindings/procedural/ && make clean && make' end CLEAN.include 'bindings/procedural/*.{o,so,dll}' ## ext/**/Makefile file 'bindings/ois/Makefile' => FileList['bindings/ois/interface/ois_wrap.cpp'] do chdir('bindings/ois/') { ruby 'extconf.rb' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ois/Makefile' file 'bindings/ogre/Makefile' => FileList['bindings/ogre/interface/ogre_wrap.cpp'] do chdir('bindings/ogre/') { ruby 'extconf.rb' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ogre/Makefile' file 'bindings/ogrebites/Makefile' => FileList['bindings/ogrebites/interface/ogrebites_wrap.cpp'] do chdir('bindings/ogrebites/') { ruby 'extconf.rb' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ogrebites/Makefile' file 'bindings/procedural/Makefile' => FileList['bindings/procedural/interface/procedural_wrap.cpp'] do chdir('bindings/procedural/') { ruby 'extconf.rb' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/procedural/Makefile' ## make wrappers with swig. file 'bindings/ois/interface/ois_wrap.cpp' do chdir('bindings/ois/interface') { sh 'make' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ois/interface/ois_wrap.{cpp,h,o}' file 'bindings/ogre/interface/ogre_wrap.cpp' do chdir('bindings/ogre/interface') { sh 'make' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ogre/interface/ogre_wrap.{cpp,h,o}' file 'bindings/ogrebites/interface/ogrebites_wrap.cpp' do chdir('bindings/ogrebites/interface') { sh 'make' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/ogrebites/interface/ogrebites_wrap.{cpp,h,o}' file 'bindings/procedural/interface/procedural_wrap.cpp' do chdir('bindings/procedural/interface') { sh 'make' } end CLEAN.include 'bindings/procedural/interface/procedural_wrap.{cpp,h,o}' end desc "Compile all of extension libraries." task :ext => 'ext:all' end # # Document # desc 'Create documents' task :doc => ['bindings/ois/interface/ois_wrap.cpp', 'bindings/ogre/interface/ogre_wrap.cpp', 'bindings/ogrebites/interface/ogrebites_wrap.cpp', 'bindings/procedural/interface/procedural_wrap.cpp'] do |f| sh "rdoc #{f.prerequisites.join(' ')}" end # # Gemspec # lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'Version' spec = do |s| = "ruby-ogre" s.version = Ruby::Ogre::VERSION s.summary = "A ruby wrapper set of Ogre, OIS and Procedural." s.homepage = "" s.authors = ["abexsoft works"] = [""] s.description = "A ruby wrapper set of Ogre, OIS and Procedural." s.platform = Gem::Platform::CURRENT # The list of files to be contained in the gem s.files = FileList['Rakefile', '', '', 'LICENSE', 'doc/**/*', 'bindings/ogre/interface/**/*', 'bindings/ogrebites/interface/**/*', 'bindings/ois/interface/**/*', 'bindings/procedural/interface/**/*', 'lib/**/*', 'deps/lib/libOIS*.so*', 'deps/lib/libOgre*.so*', 'deps/lib/*.dll', 'deps/lib/OGRE/*.so*', 'deps/lib/OGRE/*.dll', 'deps/include/**/*', 'deps/share/OGRE/media/**/*', 'sample/Charactor/*.rb', 'sample/Charactor/sinbad*', 'sample/Charactor/resources.cfg', 'sample/Charactor/plugins.cfg' ].exclude('deps/share/OGRE/media/Makefile', 'deps/share/OGRE/media/CMakeFiles/**/*', 'deps/share/OGRE/media/cmake_install.cmake').to_a s.require_paths = ["lib"] end do |pkg| end