# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2019 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU class Cloud class Google # A role as configured in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::roles} class Role < MU::Cloud::Role # Initialize this cloud resource object. Calling +super+ will invoke the initializer defined under {MU::Cloud}, which should set the attribtues listed in {MU::Cloud::PUBLIC_ATTRS} as well as applicable dependency shortcuts, like @vpc, for us. # @param args [Hash]: Hash of named arguments passed via Ruby's double-splat def initialize(**args) super @mu_name ||= if !@config['scrub_mu_isms'] @deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"]) else @config['name'] end # If we're being reverse-engineered from a cloud descriptor, use that # to determine what sort of account we are. if args[:from_cloud_desc] require 'google/apis/admin_directory_v1' @cloud_desc_cache = args[:from_cloud_desc] if args[:from_cloud_desc].class == ::Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::Role @config['role_source'] = "directory" elsif args[:from_cloud_desc].name.match(/^roles\/(.*)/) or (@cloud_id and @cloud_id.match(/^roles\/(.*)/)) @config['role_source'] = "canned" @config['name'] = Regexp.last_match[1] elsif args[:from_cloud_desc].name.match(/^organizations\/\d+\/roles\/(.*)/) or (@cloud_id and @cloud_id.match(/^organizations\/\d+\/roles\/(.*)/)) @config['role_source'] = "org" @config['name'] = Regexp.last_match[1] elsif args[:from_cloud_desc].name.match(/^projects\/([^\/]+?)\/roles\/(.*)/) or (@cloud_id and @cloud_id.match(/^projects\/\d+\/roles\/(.*)/)) @config['project'] = Regexp.last_match[1] @config['name'] = Regexp.last_match[2] @project_id = @config['project'] @config['role_source'] = "project" else MU.log "I don't know what to do with this #{args[:from_cloud_desc].class.name}", MU::ERR, details: args[:from_cloud_desc] raise MuError, "I don't know what to do with this #{args[:from_cloud_desc].class.name}" end end end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def create @config['display_name'] ||= @mu_name if @config['role_source'] == "directory" role_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(:Role).new( role_name: @mu_name, role_description: @config['display_name'], role_privileges: MU::Cloud::Google::Role.map_directory_privileges(@config['import'], credentials: @credentials).first ) MU.log "Creating directory role #{@mu_name}", details: role_obj resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: @credentials).insert_role(@customer, role_obj) @cloud_id = resp.role_id.to_s elsif @config['role_source'] == "canned" @cloud_id = @config['name'] if !@cloud_id.match(/^roles\//) @cloud_id = "roles/"+@cloud_id end else create_role_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.iam(:CreateRoleRequest).new( role: MU::Cloud::Google.iam(:Role).new( title: @config['display_name'], description: @config['description'] ), role_id: MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"], max_length: 64)).gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/, "_") ) resp = if @config['role_source'] == "org" my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(@config['credentials']) MU.log "Creating IAM organization role #{@mu_name} in #{my_org.display_name}", details: create_role_obj MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: @credentials).create_organization_role(my_org.name, create_role_obj) elsif @config['role_source'] == "project" if !@project_id raise MuError, "Role #{@mu_name} is supposed to be in project #{@config['project']}, but no such project was found" end MU.log "Creating IAM project role #{@mu_name} in #{@project_id}", details: create_role_obj MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: @credentials).create_project_role("projects/"+@project_id, create_role_obj) end @cloud_id = resp.name end end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def groom if @config['role_source'] == "directory" # MU.log "Updating directory role #{@mu_name}", MU::NOTICE, details: role_obj # MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: @credentials).patch_role(@customer, @cloud_id, role_obj) elsif @config['role_source'] == "org" elsif @config['role_source'] == "project" elsif @config['role_source'] == "canned" end @config['bindings'].each { |binding| binding.keys.each { |scopetype| next if scopetype == "entity" binding[scopetype].each { |scope| # XXX handle entity being a MU::Config::Ref entity_id = if binding["entity"]["name"] sib = @deploy.findLitterMate(name: binding["entity"]["name"], type: binding["entity"]["type"]) raise MuError, "Failed to look up sibling #{binding["entity"]["type"]}:#{binding["entity"]["name"]}" if !sib if binding["entity"]["type"] == "users" and sib.config["type"] == "service" binding["entity"]["type"] = "serviceAccount" end sib.cloud_id else binding["entity"]["id"] end # XXX resolve scope as well, if it's named or a MU::Config::Ref bindToIAM(binding["entity"]["type"], entity_id.sub(/.*?\/([^\/]+)$/, '\1'), scopetype, scope["id"]) } } } end @cloud_desc_cache = nil # Return the cloud descriptor for the Role # @return [Google::Apis::Core::Hashable] def cloud_desc(use_cache: true) return @cloud_desc_cache if @cloud_desc_cache and use_cache MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(@config['credentials']) @cloud_desc_cache = if @config['role_source'] == "directory" MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_role(@customer, @cloud_id) elsif @config['role_source'] == "canned" MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_role(@cloud_id) elsif @config['role_source'] == "project" MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_project_role(@cloud_id) elsif @config['role_source'] == "org" MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_organization_role(@cloud_id) end @cloud_desc_cache end # Return the metadata for this group configuration # @return [Hash] def notify base = MU.structToHash(cloud_desc) base.delete(:etag) base["cloud_id"] = @cloud_id base end # Wrapper for #{MU::Cloud::Google::Role.bindToIAM} def bindToIAM(entity_type, entity_id, scope_type, scope_id) MU::Cloud::Google::Role.bindToIAM(@cloud_id, entity_type, entity_id, scope_type, scope_id, credentials: @config['credentials']) end @@role_bind_semaphore = Mutex.new @@role_bind_scope_semaphores = {} # Attach a role to an entity # @param role_id [String]: The cloud identifier of the role to which we're binding # @param entity_type [String]: The kind of entity to bind; typically user, group, or domain # @param entity_id [String]: The cloud identifier of the entity # @param scope_type [String]: The kind of scope in which this binding will be valid; typically project, folder, or organization # @param scope_id [String]: The cloud identifier of the scope in which this binding will be valid # @param credentials [String]: def self.bindToIAM(role_id, entity_type, entity_id, scope_type, scope_id, credentials: nil, debug: false) loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG MU.log "Google::Role.bindToIAM(role_id: #{role_id}, entity_type: #{entity_type}, entity_id: #{entity_id}, scope_type: #{scope_type}, scope_id: #{scope_id}, credentials: #{credentials})", loglevel # scope_id might actually be the name of a credential set; if so, we # map it back to an actual organization on the fly if scope_type == "organizations" my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(scope_id) if my_org scope_id = my_org.name end end @@role_bind_semaphore.synchronize { @@role_bind_scope_semaphores[scope_id] ||= Mutex.new } @@role_bind_scope_semaphores[scope_id].synchronize { entity = entity_type.sub(/s$/, "")+":"+entity_id policy = if scope_type == "organizations" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).get_organization_iam_policy(scope_id) elsif scope_type == "folders" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).get_folder_iam_policy(scope_id) elsif scope_type == "projects" if !scope_id raise MuError, "Google::Role.bindToIAM was called without a scope_id" elsif scope_id.is_a?(Hash) if scope_id["id"] scope_id = scope_id["id"] else raise MuError, "Google::Role.bindToIAM was called with a scope_id Ref hash that has no id field" end end MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).get_project_iam_policy(scope_id.sub(/^projects\//, "")) else puts "WTF DO WIT #{scope_type}" end saw_role = false policy.bindings.each { |binding| if binding.role == role_id saw_role = true if binding.members.include?(entity) return # it's already bound, nothing needs doing else binding.members << entity end end } if !saw_role policy.bindings << MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(:Binding).new( role: role_id, members: [entity] ) end MU.log "Granting #{role_id} to #{entity} in #{scope_id}", MU::NOTICE req_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(:SetIamPolicyRequest).new( policy: policy ) if scope_type == "organizations" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).set_organization_iam_policy( scope_id, req_obj ) elsif scope_type == "folders" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).set_folder_iam_policy( scope_id, req_obj ) elsif scope_type == "projects" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).set_project_iam_policy( scope_id, req_obj ) end } end # Remove all bindings for the specified entity # @param entity_type [String]: The kind of entity to bind; typically user, group, or domain # @param entity_id [String]: The cloud identifier of the entity # @param credentials [String]: # @param noop [Boolean]: Just say what we'd do without doing it def self.removeBindings(entity_type, entity_id, credentials: nil, noop: false) scopes = {} my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(credentials) if my_org scopes["organizations"] = [my_org.name] folders = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "Folder").find(credentials: credentials) if folders and folders.size > 0 scopes["folders"] = folders.keys end end projects = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "Habitat").find(credentials: credentials) if projects and projects.size > 0 scopes["projects"] = projects.keys end scopes.each_pair { |scope_type, scope_ids| scope_ids.each { |scope_id| @@role_bind_semaphore.synchronize { @@role_bind_scope_semaphores[scope_id] ||= Mutex.new } @@role_bind_scope_semaphores[scope_id].synchronize { entity = entity_type.sub(/s$/, "")+":"+entity_id policy = if scope_type == "organizations" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).get_organization_iam_policy(my_org.name) elsif scope_type == "folders" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).get_folder_iam_policy(scope_id) elsif scope_type == "projects" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).get_project_iam_policy(scope_id) end need_update = false policy.bindings.each { |binding| if binding.members.include?(entity) MU.log "Unbinding #{binding.role} from #{entity} in #{scope_id}" need_update = true binding.members.delete(entity) end } # XXX maybe drop bindings with 0 members? next if !need_update or noop req_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(:SetIamPolicyRequest).new( policy: policy ) if scope_type == "organizations" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).set_organization_iam_policy( scope_id, req_obj ) elsif scope_type == "folders" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).set_folder_iam_policy( scope_id, req_obj ) elsif scope_type == "projects" MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).set_project_iam_policy( scope_id, req_obj ) end } } } end # Add role bindings for a given entity from its BoK config # @param entity_type [String]: The kind of entity to bind; typically user, group, or domain # @param entity_id [String]: The cloud identifier of the entity # @param cfg [Hash]: A configuration block confirming to our own {MU::Cloud::Google::Role.ref_schema} # @param credentials [String]: def self.bindFromConfig(entity_type, entity_id, cfg, credentials: nil, deploy: nil, debug: false) loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG return if !cfg MU.log "Google::Role::bindFromConfig binding called for #{entity_type} #{entity_id}", loglevel, details: cfg cfg.each { |binding| if deploy and binding["role"]["name"] and !binding["role"]["id"] role_obj = deploy.findLitterMate(name: binding["role"]["name"], type: "roles") binding["role"]["id"] = role_obj.cloud_id if role_obj end ["organizations", "projects", "folders"].each { |scopetype| next if !binding[scopetype] binding[scopetype].each { |scope| # XXX resolution of Ref bits (roles, projects, and folders anyway; organizations and domains are direct) MU::Cloud::Google::Role.bindToIAM( binding["role"]["id"], entity_type, entity_id, scopetype, scope, credentials: credentials ) } } if binding["directories"] binding["directories"].each { |dir| # this is either an organization cloud_id, or the name of one # of our credential sets, which we must map to an organization # cloud id creds = MU::Cloud::Google.credConfig(dir) customer = if creds my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(dir) if !my_org raise MuError, "Google directory role binding specified directory #{dir}, which looks like one of our credential sets, but does not appear to map to an organization!" end my_org.owner.directory_customer_id elsif dir.match(/^organizations\//) # Not sure if there's ever a case where we can do this with # an org that's different from the one our credentials go with my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(credentials, with_id: dir) if !my_org raise MuError, "Failed to retrieve #{dir} with credentials #{credentials} in Google directory role binding for role #{binding["role"].to_s}" end my_org.owner.directory_customer_id else # assume it's a raw customer id and hope for the best dir end if !binding["role"]["id"].match(/^\d+$/) resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).list_roles(customer) if resp and resp.items resp.items.each { |role| if role.role_name == binding["role"]["id"] binding["role"]["id"] = role.role_id break end } end end # Ensure we're using the stupid internal id, instead of the # email field (which is the "real" id most of the time) real_id = nil if entity_type == "group" found = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "Group").find(cloud_id: entity_id, credentials: credentials) if found[entity_id] real_id = found[entity_id].id end elsif entity_type == "user" found = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "User").find(cloud_id: entity_id, credentials: credentials) if found[entity_id] real_id = found[entity_id].id end else raise MuError, "I don't know how to identify entity type #{entity_type} with id #{entity_id} in directory role binding" end real_id ||= entity_id # fingers crossed assign_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(:RoleAssignment).new( assigned_to: real_id, role_id: binding["role"]["id"], scope_type: "CUSTOMER" ) # XXX guard this mess MU.log "Binding directory role #{(binding["role"]["name"] || binding["role"]["id"])} to #{entity_type} #{entity_id} in #{dir}", details: assign_obj MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).insert_role_assignment( customer, assign_obj ) } end } # XXX whattabout GSuite-tier roles? end # Does this resource type exist as a global (cloud-wide) artifact, or # is it localized to a region/zone? # @return [Boolean] def self.isGlobal? true end # Return the list of "container" resource types in which this resource # can reside. The list will include an explicit nil if this resource # can exist outside of any container. # @return [Array] def self.canLiveIn [nil, :Habitat, :Folder] end # Denote whether this resource implementation is experiment, ready for # testing, or ready for production use. def self.quality MU::Cloud::RELEASE end # Remove all roles associated with the currently loaded deployment. # @param noop [Boolean]: If true, will only print what would be done # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: If true, will remove resources not flagged as originating from this Mu server # @return [void] def self.cleanup(noop: false, ignoremaster: false, credentials: nil, flags: {}) customer = MU::Cloud::Google.customerID(credentials) my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(credentials) filter = %Q{(labels.mu-id = "#{MU.deploy_id.downcase}")} if !ignoremaster and MU.mu_public_ip filter += %Q{ AND (labels.mu-master-ip = "#{MU.mu_public_ip.gsub(/\./, "_")}")} end MU.log "Placeholder: Google Role artifacts do not support labels, so ignoremaster cleanup flag has no effect", MU::DEBUG, details: filter if flags['known'] flags['known'].each { |id| next if id.nil? # GCP roles don't have a useful field for packing in our deploy # id, so if we have metadata to leverage for this, use it. For # directory roles, we try to make it into the name field, so # we'll check that later, but for org and project roles this is # our only option. if my_org and id.is_a?(Integer) or id.match(/^\d+/) begin resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).get_role(customer, id) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e next if e.message.match(/notFound/) raise e end if resp MU.log "Deleting directory role #{resp.role_name}" if !noop MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).delete_role(customer, id) end end elsif id.match(/^projects\/.*?\/roles\//) begin resp = MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: credentials).get_project_role(id) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e next if e.message.match(/notFound/) raise e end if resp MU.log "Deleting project role #{resp.name}" if !noop MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: credentials).delete_project_role(id) end end elsif id.match(/^organizations\//) begin resp = MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: credentials).get_organization_role(id) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e #MU.log e.message, MU::ERR, details: id #next next if e.message.match(/notFound/) raise e end if resp MU.log "Deleting organization role #{resp.name}" if !noop MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: credentials).delete_organization_role(id) end end end } end if my_org and MU.deploy_id and !MU.deploy_id.empty? resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).list_roles(customer) if resp and resp.items resp.items.each { |role| if role.role_name.match(/^#{Regexp.quote(MU.deploy_id)}/) MU.log "Deleting directory role #{role.role_name}" if !noop MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).delete_role(customer, role.role_id) end end } end end end # Locate and return cloud provider descriptors of this resource type # which match the provided parameters, or all visible resources if no # filters are specified. At minimum, implementations of +find+ must # honor +credentials+ and +cloud_id+ arguments. We may optionally # support other search methods, such as +tag_key+ and +tag_value+, or # cloud-specific arguments like +project+. See also {MU::MommaCat.findStray}. # @param args [Hash]: Hash of named arguments passed via Ruby's double-splat # @return [Hash]: The cloud provider's complete descriptions of matching resources def self.find(**args) credcfg = MU::Cloud::Google.credConfig(args[:credentials]) customer = MU::Cloud::Google.customerID(args[:credentials]) my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(args[:credentials]) found = {} args[:project] ||= args[:habitat] if args[:project] canned = Hash[MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: args[:credentials]).list_roles.roles.map { |r| [r.name, r] }] begin MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "Habitat").bindings(args[:project], credentials: args[:credentials]).each { |binding| found[binding.role] = canned[binding.role] } rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/forbidden: /) end resp = begin MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: args[:credentials]).list_project_roles("projects/"+args[:project]) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/forbidden: /) end if resp and resp.roles resp.roles.each { |role| found[role.name] = role } end if args[:cloud_id] found.reject! { |k, _v| k != role.name } end # Now go get everything that's bound here bindings = MU::Cloud::Google::Role.getAllBindings(args[:credentials]) if bindings and bindings['by_scope'] and bindings['by_scope']['projects'] and bindings['by_scope']['projects'][args[:project]] bindings['by_scope']['projects'][args[:project]].keys.each { |r| if r.match(/^roles\//) begin role = MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: args[:credentials]).get_role(r) found[role.name] = role rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/(?:forbidden|notFound): /) MU.log "Failed MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: #{args[:credentials]}).get_role(#{r})", MU::WARN, details: e.message end elsif !found[r] # MU.log "NEED TO GET #{r}", MU::WARN end } end else if credcfg['masquerade_as'] if args[:cloud_id] begin resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: args[:credentials]).get_role(customer, args[:cloud_id].to_i) if resp found[args[:cloud_id].to_s] = resp end rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/(?:forbidden|notFound): /) end else resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: args[:credentials]).list_roles(customer) if resp and resp.items resp.items.each { |role| found[role.role_id.to_s] = role } end end end # These are the canned roles resp = begin MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: args[:credentials]).list_roles rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/forbidden: /) end if resp resp.roles.each { |role| found[role.name] = role } end if my_org resp = begin MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: args[:credentials]).list_organization_roles(my_org.name) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/forbidden: /) end if resp and resp.roles resp.roles.each { |role| found[role.name] = role } end end end found end # Reverse-map our cloud description into a runnable config hash. # We assume that any values we have in +@config+ are placeholders, and # calculate our own accordingly based on what's live in the cloud. def toKitten(**args) bok = { "cloud" => "Google", "credentials" => @config['credentials'], "cloud_id" => @cloud_id } my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(@config['credentials']) # This can happen if the role_source isn't set correctly. This logic # maybe belongs inside cloud_desc. XXX if cloud_desc.nil? if @cloud_id and @cloud_id.match(/^roles\/(.*)/) @config['role_source'] = "canned" elsif @cloud_id and @cloud_id.match(/^organizations\/\d+\/roles\/(.*)/) @config['role_source'] = "org" elsif @cloud_id and @cloud_id.match(/^projects\/\d+\/roles\/(.*)/) @config['role_source'] = "project" end end # GSuite or Cloud Identity role if cloud_desc.class == ::Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::Role return nil if cloud_desc.is_system_role bok["name"] = @config['name'].gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '-').downcase bok['role_source'] = "directory" bok["display_name"] = @config['name'] if !cloud_desc.role_description.empty? bok["description"] = cloud_desc.role_description end if !cloud_desc.role_privileges.nil? and !cloud_desc.role_privileges.empty? bok['import'] = [] ids, _names, _privs = MU::Cloud::Google::Role.privilege_service_to_name(@config['credentials']) cloud_desc.role_privileges.each { |priv| if !ids[priv.service_id] MU.log "Role privilege defined for a service id with no name I can find, writing with raw id", MU::DEBUG, details: priv bok["import"] << priv.service_id+"/"+priv.privilege_name else bok["import"] << ids[priv.service_id]+"/"+priv.privilege_name end } bok['import'].sort! # at least be legible end else # otherwise it's a GCP IAM role of some kind return nil if cloud_desc.stage == "DISABLED" if cloud_desc.name.match(/^roles\/([^\/]+)$/) name = Regexp.last_match[1] bok['name'] = name.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '-') bok['role_source'] = "canned" elsif cloud_desc.name.match(/^([^\/]+?)\/([^\/]+?)\/roles\/(.*)/) _junk, type, parent, name = Regexp.last_match.to_a bok['name'] = name.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '-') bok['role_source'] = type == "organizations" ? "org" : "project" if bok['role_source'] == "project" bok['project'] = parent end if cloud_desc.included_permissions and cloud_desc.included_permissions.size > 0 bok['import'] = cloud_desc.included_permissions end else raise MuError, "I don't know how to parse GCP IAM role identifier #{cloud_desc.name}" end if !cloud_desc.description.nil? and !cloud_desc.description.empty? bok["description"] = cloud_desc.description end bok["display_name"] = cloud_desc.title bindings = MU::Cloud::Google::Role.getAllBindings(@config['credentials'])["by_role"][@cloud_id] if bindings refmap = {} bindings.keys.each { |scopetype| bindings[scopetype].each_pair { |scope_id, entity_types| # If we've been given a habitat filter, skip over bindings # that don't match it. if scopetype == "projects" if (args[:habitats] and !args[:habitats].empty? and !args[:habitats].include?(scope_id)) or !MU::Cloud::Google.listHabitats(@credentials).include?(scope_id) next end end entity_types.each_pair { |entity_type, entities| mu_entitytype = (entity_type == "serviceAccount" ? "user" : entity_type)+"s" entities.each { |entity| next if entity.nil? foreign = if entity_type == "serviceAccount" and entity.match(/@(.*?)\.iam\.gserviceaccount\.com/) !MU::Cloud::Google.listHabitats(@credentials).include?(Regexp.last_match[1]) end entity_ref = if entity_type == "organizations" { "id" => ((org == my_org.name and @config['credentials']) ? @config['credentials'] : org) } elsif entity_type == "domain" { "id" => entity } else shortclass, _cfg_name, _cfg_plural, _classname = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(mu_entitytype) if args[:types].include?(shortclass) and !(entity_type == "serviceAccount" and MU::Cloud::Google::User.cannedServiceAcctName?(entity)) MU.log "Role #{@cloud_id}: Skipping #{shortclass} binding for #{entity}; we are adopting that type and will set bindings from that resource", MU::DEBUG next end MU::Config::Ref.get( id: entity, cloud: "Google", type: mu_entitytype ) end if entity_ref.nil? MU.log "I somehow ended up with a nil entity reference for #{entity_type} #{entity}", MU::ERR, details: [ bok, bindings ] next end refmap ||= {} refmap[entity_ref] ||= {} refmap[entity_ref][scopetype] ||= [] mu_scopetype = scopetype == "projects" ? "habitats" : scopetype if scopetype == "organizations" or scopetype == "domains" # XXX singular? plural? barf refmap[entity_ref][scopetype] << ((scope_id == my_org.name and @config['credentials']) ? @config['credentials'] : scope_id) else refmap[entity_ref][scopetype] << MU::Config::Ref.get( id: scope_id, cloud: "Google", type: mu_scopetype ) end refmap[entity_ref][scopetype].uniq! } } } } bok["bindings"] ||= [] refmap.each_pair { |entity, scopes| newbinding = { "entity" => entity } scopes.keys.each { |scopetype| newbinding[scopetype] = scopes[scopetype].sort } bok["bindings"] << newbinding } end end # Our only reason for declaring canned roles is so we can put their # bindings somewhere. If there aren't any, then we don't need # to bother with them. if bok['role_source'] == "canned" and (bok['bindings'].nil? or bok['bindings'].empty?) return nil end bok end # Schema used by +user+ and +group+ entities to reference role # assignments and their scopes. # @return [] def self.ref_schema { "type" => "object", "description" => "One or more Google IAM roles to associate with this entity. IAM roles in Google can be associated at the project (+Habitat+), folder, or organization level, so we must specify not only role, but each container in which it is granted to the entity in question.", "properties" => { "role" => MU::Config::Ref.schema(type: "roles"), "projects" => { "type" => "array", "items" => MU::Config::Ref.schema(type: "habitats") }, "folders" => { "type" => "array", "items" => MU::Config::Ref.schema(type: "folders") }, "organizations" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Either an organization cloud identifier, like +organizations/123456789012+, or the name of set of Mu credentials listed in +mu.yaml+, which can be used as an alias to the organization to which they authenticate." } } } } end @@binding_semaphore = Mutex.new @@bindings_by_role = {} @@bindings_by_entity = {} @@bindings_by_scope = {} # Retrieve IAM role bindings for all entities throughout our # organization, map them in useful ways, and cache the result. def self.getAllBindings(credentials = nil, refresh: false) my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(credentials) @@binding_semaphore.synchronize { if @@bindings_by_role.size > 0 and !refresh return { "by_role" => @@bindings_by_role.dup, "by_scope" => @@bindings_by_scope.dup, "by_entity" => @@bindings_by_entity.dup } end def self.insertBinding(scopetype, scope, binding = nil, member_type: nil, member_id: nil, role_id: nil) role_id = binding.role if binding @@bindings_by_scope[scopetype] ||= {} @@bindings_by_scope[scopetype][scope] ||= {} @@bindings_by_scope[scopetype][scope][role_id] ||= {} @@bindings_by_role[role_id] ||= {} @@bindings_by_role[role_id][scopetype] ||= {} @@bindings_by_role[role_id][scopetype][scope] ||= {} do_binding = Proc.new { |type, id| @@bindings_by_role[role_id][scopetype][scope][type] ||= [] @@bindings_by_role[role_id][scopetype][scope][type] << id @@bindings_by_scope[scopetype][scope][role_id][type] ||= [] @@bindings_by_scope[scopetype][scope][role_id][type] << id @@bindings_by_entity[type] ||= {} @@bindings_by_entity[type][id] ||= {} @@bindings_by_entity[type][id][role_id] ||= {} @@bindings_by_entity[type][id][role_id][scopetype] ||= [] @@bindings_by_entity[type][id][role_id][scopetype] << scope } if binding binding.members.each { |member| member_type, member_id = member.split(/:/) do_binding.call(member_type, member_id) } elsif member_type and member_id do_binding.call(member_type, member_id) end end if my_org resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).list_role_assignments(MU::Cloud::Google.customerID(credentials)) resp.items.each { |binding| begin user = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).get_user(binding.assigned_to) insertBinding("directories", my_org.name, member_id: user.primary_email, member_type: "user", role_id: binding.role_id.to_s) next rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError # notFound end begin group = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).get_group(binding.assigned_to) MU.log "GROUP", MU::NOTICE, details: group # insertBinding("directories", my_org.name, member_id: group.primary_email, member_type: "group", role_id: binding.role_id.to_s) next rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError # notFound end role = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).get_role(MU::Cloud::Google.customerID(credentials), binding.role_id) MU.log "Failed to find entity #{binding.assigned_to} referenced in GSuite/Cloud Identity binding to role #{role.role_name}", MU::DEBUG, details: role } resp = MU::Cloud::Google.resource_manager(credentials: credentials).get_organization_iam_policy(my_org.name) resp.bindings.each { |binding| insertBinding("organizations", my_org.name, binding) } MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "Folder").find(credentials: credentials).keys.each { |folder| MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "Folder").bindings(folder, credentials: credentials).each { |binding| insertBinding("folders", folder, binding) } } end MU::Cloud::Google.listHabitats(credentials).each { |project| begin MU::Cloud.resourceClass("Google", "Habitat").bindings(project, credentials: credentials).each { |binding| insertBinding("projects", project, binding) } rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e if e.message.match(/forbidden: /) MU.log "Do not have permissions to retrieve bindings in project #{project}, skipping", MU::WARN else raise e end end } return { "by_role" => @@bindings_by_role.dup, "by_scope" => @@bindings_by_scope.dup, "by_entity" => @@bindings_by_entity.dup } } end # Convert a list of bindings of the type returned by {MU::Cloud::Google::Role.getAllBindings} into valid configuration language. # @param roles [Hash] # @param credentials [String] # @return [Hash] def self.entityBindingsToSchema(roles, credentials: nil) my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(credentials) role_cfg = [] roles.each_pair { |role, scopes| rolemap = { } rolemap["role"] = if !role.is_a?(Integer) and role.match(/^roles\//) # generally referring to a canned GCP role { "id" => role.to_s } elsif role.is_a?(Integer) or role.match(/^\d+$/) # If this is a GSuite/Cloud Identity system role, reference it by # its human-readable name intead of its numeric id role_desc = MU::Cloud::Google::Role.find(cloud_id: role, credentials: credentials).values.first if role_desc.is_system_role { "id" => role_desc.role_name } else MU::Config::Ref.get( id: role, cloud: "Google", credentials: credentials, type: "roles" ) end else # Possi-probably something we're declaring elsewhere in this # adopted Mu stack MU::Config::Ref.get( id: role, cloud: "Google", credentials: credentials, type: "roles" ) end scopes.each_pair { |scopetype, places| if places.size > 0 rolemap[scopetype] = [] if scopetype == "organizations" or scopetype == "directories" places.each { |org| rolemap[scopetype] << ((org == my_org.name and credentials) ? credentials : org) } else places.each { |place| mu_type = scopetype == "projects" ? "habitats" : scopetype rolemap[scopetype] << MU::Config::Ref.get( id: place, cloud: "Google", credentials: credentials, type: mu_type ) } end end } role_cfg << rolemap } role_cfg end # Cloud-specific configuration properties. # @param _config [MU::Config]: The calling MU::Config object # @return [Array]: List of required fields, and json-schema Hash of cloud-specific configuration parameters for this resource def self.schema(_config) toplevel_required = [] schema = { "name" => { "pattern" => '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\/]+$' }, "display_name" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "A human readable name for this role. If not specified, will default to our long-form deploy-generated name." }, "role_source" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Google effectively has four types of roles: +directory+: An admin role in GSuite or Cloud Identity +org+: A custom organization-level IAM role. Note that these are only valid in GSuite or Cloud Identity environments +project+: A custom project-level IAM role. +canned+: A reference to one of the standard pre-defined IAM roles, usually only declared to apply {bindings} to other artifacts. If this value is not specified, and the role name matches the name of an existing +canned+ role, we will assume it should be +canned+. If it does not, and we have credentials which map to a valid organization, we will assume +org+; if the credentials do not map to an organization, we will assume +project+.", "enum" => ["directory", "org", "project", "canned"] }, "description" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Detailed human-readable description of this role's purpose" }, "bindings" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "object", "description" => "One or more entities (+user+, +group+, etc) to associate with this role. IAM roles in Google can be associated at the project (+Habitat+), folder, or organization level, so we must specify not only the target entity, but each container in which it is granted to the entity in question.", "properties" => { "entity" => MU::Config::Ref.schema, "projects" => { "type" => "array", "items" => MU::Config::Ref.schema(type: "habitats") }, "folders" => { "type" => "array", "items" => MU::Config::Ref.schema(type: "folders") }, "organizations" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Either an organization cloud identifier, like +organizations/123456789012+, or the name of set of Mu credentials, which can be used as an alias to the organization to which they authenticate." } } } } } } [toplevel_required, schema] end # Cloud-specific pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::roles}, bare and unvalidated. # @param role [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a member # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validateConfig(role, configurator) ok = true MU::Cloud::Google.credConfig(role['credentials']) my_org = MU::Cloud::Google.getOrg(role['credentials']) if !role['role_source'] begin lookup_name = role['name'].dup if !lookup_name.match(/^roles\//) lookup_name = "roles/"+lookup_name end MU::Cloud::Google.iam(credentials: role['credentials']).get_role(lookup_name) MU.log "Role #{role['name']} appears to be a referenced to canned role #{role.name} (#{role.title})", MU::NOTICE role['role_source'] = "canned" rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError role['role_source'] = my_org ? "org" : "project" end end if role['role_source'] == "canned" if role['bindings'].nil? or role['bindings'].empty? MU.log "Role #{role['name']} appears to refer to a canned role, but does not have any bindings declared- this will effectively do nothing.", MU::WARN end end if role['role_source'] == "directory" if role['import'] and role['import'].size > 0 mappings, missing = map_directory_privileges(role['import'], credentials: role['credentials']) if mappings.size == 0 MU.log "None of the directory service privileges available to credentials #{role['credentials']} map to the ones declared for role #{role['name']}", MU::ERR, details: role['import'].sort ok = false elsif missing.size > 0 MU.log "Some directory service privileges declared for role #{role['name']} aren't available to credentials #{role['credentials']}, will skip", MU::DEBUG, details: missing end end end if role['role_source'] == "directory" or role['role_source'] == "org" if !my_org MU.log "Role #{role['name']} requires an organization/directory, but credential set #{role['credentials']} doesn't appear to have access to one", MU::ERR ok = false end end if role['role_source'] == "project" role['project'] ||= MU::Cloud::Google.defaultProject(role['credentials']) if configurator.haveLitterMate?(role['project'], "habitats") MU::Config.addDependency(role, role['project'], "habitat") end end if role['bindings'] role['bindings'].each { |binding| if binding['entity'] and binding['entity']['name'] and configurator.haveLitterMate?(binding['entity']['name'], binding['entity']['type']) MU::Config.addDependency(role, binding['entity']['name'], binding['entity']['type']) end } role['bindings'].uniq! end ok end @@service_id_to_name = {} @@service_id_to_privs = {} @@service_name_to_id = {} @@service_name_map_semaphore = Mutex.new # Generate lookup tables mapping between hex service role identifiers, # human-readable names of services, and the privileges associated with # those roles. # @param credentials [String] # @return [Array] def self.privilege_service_to_name(credentials = nil) customer = MU::Cloud::Google.customerID(credentials) @@service_name_map_semaphore.synchronize { if !@@service_id_to_name[credentials] or !@@service_id_to_privs[credentials] or !@@service_name_to_id[credentials] @@service_id_to_name[credentials] ||= {} @@service_id_to_privs[credentials] ||= {} @@service_name_to_id[credentials] ||= {} resp = MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(credentials: credentials).list_privileges(customer) def self.id_map_recurse(items, parent_name = nil) id_to_name = {} name_to_id = {} id_to_privs = {} items.each { |p| svcname = p.service_name || parent_name if svcname id_to_name[p.service_id] ||= svcname name_to_id[svcname] ||= p.service_id else # MU.log "FREAKING #{p.service_id} HAS NO NAME", MU::WARN end id_to_privs[p.service_id] ||= [] id_to_privs[p.service_id] << p.privilege_name if p.child_privileges ids, names, privs = id_map_recurse(p.child_privileges, svcname) id_to_name.merge!(ids) name_to_id.merge!(names) privs.each_pair { |id, childprivs| id_to_privs[id] ||= [] id_to_privs[id].concat(childprivs) } end } [id_to_name, name_to_id, id_to_privs] end @@service_id_to_name[credentials], @@service_id_to_privs[credentials], @@service_name_to_id[credentials] = self.id_map_recurse(resp.items) end return [@@service_id_to_name[credentials], @@service_id_to_privs[credentials], @@service_name_to_id[credentials]] } end # Convert a list of shorthand GSuite/Cloud Identity privileges into # +RolePrivilege+ objects for consumption by other API calls # @param roles [Array]: # @param credentials [String]: # @return [Array] def self.map_directory_privileges(roles, credentials: nil) rolepriv_objs = [] notfound = [] if roles ids, names, privlist = MU::Cloud::Google::Role.privilege_service_to_name(credentials) roles.each { |p| service, privilege = p.split(/\//) if !names[service] and !ids[service] notfound << service elsif !privlist[names[service]].include?(privilege) notfound << p elsif names[service] rolepriv_objs << MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(:Role)::RolePrivilege.new( privilege_name: privilege, service_id: names[service] ) else rolepriv_objs << MU::Cloud::Google.admin_directory(:Role)::RolePrivilege.new( privilege_name: privilege, service_id: service ) end } end [rolepriv_objs, notfound.uniq.sort] end end end end end