require 'spec_helper' require 'yajl/json_gem' require 'flapjack/pagerduty' describe Flapjack::Pagerduty, :redis => true do let(:config) { {'queue' => 'pagerduty_notifications'} } let(:time) { } it "prompts the blocking redis connection to quit" do redis = mock('redis') redis.should_receive(:rpush).with(nil, %q{{"notification_type":"shutdown"}}) pagerduty = pagerduty.bootstrap pagerduty.add_shutdown_event(:redis => redis) end it "doesn't look for acknowledgements if this search is already running" do @redis.set(Flapjack::Pagerduty::SEM_PAGERDUTY_ACKS_RUNNING, 'true') fp = fp.bootstrap(:config => config) fp.instance_variable_set("@redis_timer", @redis) fp.should_not_receive(:find_pagerduty_acknowledgements) fp.find_pagerduty_acknowledgements_if_safe end it "looks for acknowledgements if the search is not already running" do fp = fp.bootstrap(:config => config) fp.instance_variable_set("@redis_timer", @redis) fp.should_receive(:find_pagerduty_acknowledgements) fp.find_pagerduty_acknowledgements_if_safe end # Testing the private PagerDuty methods separately, it's simpler. May be # an argument for splitting some of them to another module, accessed by this # class, in which case it makes more sense for the methods to be public. # NB: needs to run in synchrony block to catch the evented HTTP requests it "looks for acknowledgements via the PagerDuty API" do EM.synchrony do fp = fp.bootstrap(:config => config) check = 'PING' Time.should_receive(:now).and_return(time) since = (time.utc - (60*60*24*7)).iso8601 # the last week unt = (time.utc + (60*60*24)).iso8601 # 1 day in the future response = {"incidents" => [{"incident_number" => 12, "status" => "acknowledged", "last_status_change_by" => {"id"=>"ABCDEFG", "name"=>"John Smith", "email"=>"", "html_url"=>""} } ], "limit"=>100, "offset"=>0, "total"=>1} stub_request(:get, "" + "fields=incident_number,status,last_status_change_by&incident_key=#{check}&" + "since=#{since}&status=acknowledged&until=#{unt}"). with(:headers => {'Authorization'=>['flapjack', 'password123']}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => response.to_json, :headers => {}) result = fp.send(:pagerduty_acknowledged?, 'subdomain' => 'flpjck', 'username' => 'flapjack', 'password' => 'password123', 'check' => check) result.should be_a(Hash) result.should have_key(:pg_acknowledged_by) result[:pg_acknowledged_by].should be_a(Hash) result[:pg_acknowledged_by].should have_key('id') result[:pg_acknowledged_by]['id'].should == 'ABCDEFG' EM.stop end end it "creates acknowledgements when pagerduty acknowledgements are found" do fp = fp.bootstrap(:config => config) entity_check = mock('entity_check') entity_check.should_receive(:check).and_return('PING') entity_check.should_receive(:pagerduty_credentials).and_return([{ 'service_key' => '12345678', 'subdomain"' => 'flpjck', 'username' => 'flapjack', 'password' => 'password123' }]) entity_check.should_receive(:create_acknowledgement).with('summary' => 'Acknowledged on PagerDuty') Flapjack::Data::Global.should_receive(:unacknowledged_failing_checks).and_return([entity_check]) fp.should_receive(:pagerduty_acknowledged?).and_return({}) fp.send(:find_pagerduty_acknowledgements) end it "runs a blocking loop listening for notifications" do timer = mock('timer') timer.should_receive(:cancel) EM::Synchrony.should_receive(:add_periodic_timer).with(10).and_return(timer) redis = mock('redis') redis.should_receive(:del).with('sem_pagerduty_acks_running') redis.should_receive(:empty!) fp = fp.bootstrap(:config => config) fp.should_receive(:build_redis_connection_pool).and_return(redis) fp.should_receive(:should_quit?).exactly(3).times.and_return(false, false, true) redis.should_receive(:blpop).twice.and_return( ["pagerduty_notifications", %q{{"notification_type":"problem","event_id":"","state":"critical","summary":"!!!"}}], ["pagerduty_notifications", %q{{"notification_type":"shutdown"}}] ) fp.should_receive(:test_pagerduty_connection).and_return(true) fp.should_receive(:send_pagerduty_event) fp.main end it "tests the pagerduty connection" do EM.synchrony do evt = { "service_key" => "11111111111111111111111111111111", "incident_key" => "Flapjack is running a NOOP", "event_type" => "nop", "description" => "I love APIs with noops." } body = evt.to_json stub_request(:post, ""). with(:body => body).to_return(:status => 200, :body => '{"status":"success"}', :headers => {}) fp = fp.bootstrap(:config => config) ret = fp.send(:test_pagerduty_connection) ret.should be_true EM.stop end end it "sends an event to pagerduty" do EM.synchrony do evt = {"service_key" => "abcdefg", "incident_key" => "Flapjack test", "event_type" => "nop", "description" => "Not really sent anyway"} body = evt.to_json stub_request(:post, ""). with(:body => body).to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) fp = fp.bootstrap(:config => config) ret = fp.send(:send_pagerduty_event, evt) ret.should_not be_nil ret.should == [200, nil] EM.stop end end end