module Frameit class Offsets # Returns the image offset needed for a certain device type for a given orientation # uses deliver to detect the screen size # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def self.image_offset(screenshot) size = Deliver::AppScreenshot::ScreenSize case screenshot.orientation_name when Orientation::PORTRAIT case screenshot.screen_size when size::IOS_55 return { 'offset' => '+41+146', 'width' => 541 } when size::IOS_47 return { 'offset' => "+43+154", 'width' => 530 } when size::IOS_40 return { 'offset' => "+54+197", 'width' => 544 } when size::IOS_35 return { 'offset' => "+59+260", 'width' => 647 } when size::IOS_IPAD return { 'offset' => '+47+135', 'width' => 737 } when size::IOS_IPAD_PRO return { 'offset' => '+48+90', 'width' => 805 } end when Orientation::LANDSCAPE case screenshot.screen_size when size::IOS_55 return { 'offset' => "+146+41", 'width' => 960 } when size::IOS_47 return { 'offset' => "+153+41", 'width' => 946 } when size::IOS_40 return { 'offset' => "+201+48", 'width' => 970 } when size::IOS_35 return { 'offset' => "+258+52", 'width' => 966 } when size::IOS_IPAD return { 'offset' => '+135+47', 'width' => 983 } when size::IOS_IPAD_PRO return { 'offset' => '+88+48', 'width' => 1075 } end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end end