#!/bin/usr/env sh # Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. set -e URL=$1 FILENAME=$(basename --suffix=".warc.wet.gz" "${URL}") echo "Processing ${FILENAME}." wget -q -P tmp "${URL}" #echo "Extracting ${FILENAME}.warc.wet.gz" gunzip "tmp/${FILENAME}.warc.wet.gz" #echo "Language identification for ${FILENAME}.warc.wet" fastText/fasttext predict-prob lid.176.bin "tmp/${FILENAME}.warc.wet" > "tmp/${FILENAME}.lid" #echo "Splitting ${FILENAME}.warc.wet per language" paste "tmp/${FILENAME}.lid" "tmp/${FILENAME}.warc.wet" | \ awk '($2 > 0.8 || ($1=="__label__hr" && $2 > 0.4)) && length() > 100 {lang = substr($1, 10); $1=""; $2=""; print $0 >> "shard/"lang".txt"}' #echo "Removing tmp files" rm "tmp/${FILENAME}.lid" rm "tmp/${FILENAME}.warc.wet"