# frozen_string_literal: true module GraphQL class Schema module HasSingleInputArgument def resolve_with_support(**inputs) if inputs[:input].is_a?(InputObject) input = inputs[:input].to_kwargs else input = inputs[:input] end new_extras = field ? field.extras : [] all_extras = self.class.extras + new_extras # Transfer these from the top-level hash to the # shortcutted `input:` object all_extras.each do |ext| # It's possible that the `extra` was not passed along by this point, # don't re-add it if it wasn't given here. if inputs.key?(ext) input[ext] = inputs[ext] end end if input # This is handled by Relay::Mutation::Resolve, a bit hacky, but here we are. input_kwargs = input.to_h else # Relay Classic Mutations with no `argument`s # don't require `input:` input_kwargs = {} end if input_kwargs.any? super(**input_kwargs) else super() end end def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def dummy @dummy ||= begin d = Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::Resolver) d.argument_class(self.argument_class) # TODO make this lazier? d.argument(:input, input_type, description: "Parameters for #{self.graphql_name}") d end end def field_arguments(context = GraphQL::Query::NullContext.instance) dummy.arguments(context) end def get_field_argument(name, context = GraphQL::Query::NullContext.instance) dummy.get_argument(name, context) end def own_field_arguments dummy.own_arguments end def any_field_arguments? dummy.any_arguments? end def all_field_argument_definitions dummy.all_argument_definitions end # Also apply this argument to the input type: def argument(*args, own_argument: false, **kwargs, &block) it = input_type # make sure any inherited arguments are already added to it arg = super(*args, **kwargs, &block) # This definition might be overriding something inherited; # if it is, remove the inherited definition so it's not confused at runtime as having multiple definitions prev_args = it.own_arguments[arg.graphql_name] case prev_args when GraphQL::Schema::Argument if prev_args.owner != self it.own_arguments.delete(arg.graphql_name) end when Array prev_args.reject! { |a| a.owner != self } if prev_args.empty? it.own_arguments.delete(arg.graphql_name) end end it.add_argument(arg) arg end # The base class for generated input object types # @param new_class [Class] The base class to use for generating input object definitions # @return [Class] The base class for this mutation's generated input object (default is {GraphQL::Schema::InputObject}) def input_object_class(new_class = nil) if new_class @input_object_class = new_class end @input_object_class || (superclass.respond_to?(:input_object_class) ? superclass.input_object_class : GraphQL::Schema::InputObject) end # @param new_input_type [Class, nil] If provided, it configures this mutation to accept `new_input_type` instead of generating an input type # @return [Class] The generated {Schema::InputObject} class for this mutation's `input` def input_type(new_input_type = nil) if new_input_type @input_type = new_input_type end @input_type ||= generate_input_type end private # Generate the input type for the `input:` argument # To customize how input objects are generated, override this method # @return [Class] a subclass of {.input_object_class} def generate_input_type mutation_args = all_argument_definitions mutation_class = self Class.new(input_object_class) do class << self def default_graphql_name "#{self.mutation.graphql_name}Input" end def description(new_desc = nil) super || "Autogenerated input type of #{self.mutation.graphql_name}" end end mutation(mutation_class) # these might be inherited: mutation_args.each do |arg| add_argument(arg) end end end end private def authorize_arguments(args, values) # remove the `input` wrapper to match values input_args = args["input"].type.unwrap.arguments(context) super(input_args, values) end end end end