require 'attr_json' class Kithe::Model < ActiveRecord::Base include AttrJson::Record include AttrJson::NestedAttributes include AttrJson::Record::Dirty attr_json_config(default_accepts_nested_attributes: { reject_if: :all_blank }) validates_presence_of :title # this should only apply to Works, but we define it here so we can preload it # when fetching all Kithe::Model. And it's to Kithe::Model so it can include # both Works and Assets. We do some app-level validation to try and make it used # as intended. # # TODO: what should 'dependent' be? has_many :members, class_name: "Kithe::Model", foreign_key: :parent_id, inverse_of: :parent, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :parent, class_name: "Kithe::Model", inverse_of: :members, optional: true # recovering a bit from our generalized members/parent relationship with validations. # parent has to be a Work, and Collections don't have parents (for now?), etc. # Could make this an injectable dependency for other apps? validates_with Kithe::Validators::ModelParent def initialize(*_) raise"Kithe::Model is abstract and cannot be initialized") if self.class == ::Kithe::Model super end # We want friendlier_id to be in URLs, not id def to_param friendlier_id end # Due to rails bug, we don't immediately have the database-provided value after create. :( # If we ask for it and it's empty, go to the db to get it # def friendlier_id(*_) in_memory = super if !in_memory && persisted? && !@friendlier_id_retrieved in_memory = self.class.where(id: id).limit(1).pluck(:friendlier_id).first write_attribute(:friendlier_id, in_memory) clear_attribute_change(:friendlier_id) # just to avoid doing it multiple times if it's still unset in db for some reason @friendlier_id_retrieved = true end in_memory end end