module Refinery module Authentication module Devise class UsersController < ::Devise::RegistrationsController # Protect these actions behind an admin login before_action :redirect?, :only => [:new, :create] helper Refinery::Core::Engine.helpers layout 'refinery/layouts/login' def new @user = end # This method should only be used to create the first Refinery user. def create @user = if @user.create_first flash[:message] = t('welcome', scope: 'refinery.authentication.devise.users.create', who: @user) sign_in(@user) redirect_back_or_default(Refinery::Core.backend_path) else render :new end end protected def redirect? if current_refinery_user.has_role?(:refinery) redirect_to refinery.authentication_devise_admin_users_path elsif refinery_users_exist? redirect_to refinery.login_path end end def user_params params.require(:user).permit( :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :username, :plugins, :login, :full_name ) end end end end end