require File.expand_path("../../spec_helper", __FILE__) module Bamboo module Client describe Remote do let(:url) { "" } let(:http) { mock(Http::Xml) } let(:client) { } let(:document) { m = mock(Http::Xml::Doc) m.stub(:css).with("errors error").and_return [] m } context "authorization" do it "logs in" do document.should_receive(:text_for).with("response auth").and_return "token" http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/login.action", :username => "user", :password => "pass" ).and_return(document) client.login "user", "pass" client.token.should == "token" end it "raises an error if no token is set" do lambda { client.builds }.should raise_error end it "logs out" do http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/logout.action", :auth => "foo" ) client.instance_variable_set "@token", "foo" client.logout client.token.should be_nil end end context "API calls" do before { client.stub(:token => "fake-token") } it "updates and builds" do document.should_receive(:text_for).with("response success").and_return "true" http.should_receive(:post). with("/api/rest/updateAndBuild.action", :buildName => "fake-name"). and_return(document) client.update_and_build("fake-name").should == "true" end it "executes a build" do document.should_receive(:text_for).with("response string").and_return "true" http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/executeBuild.action", :auth => "fake-token", :buildKey => "fake-build-key" ).and_return(document) client.execute_build("fake-build-key").should == "true" end it "fetches a list of builds" do document.should_receive(:objects_for).with("build", Remote::Build, client). and_return(["some", "objects"]) http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/listBuildNames.action", :auth => "fake-token" ).and_return(document) client.builds.should == ["some", "objects"] end it "fetches a list of the latest builds for the given user" do document.should_receive(:objects_for).with("build", Remote::Build, client). and_return(["some", "objects"]) user = "fake-user" http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/getLatestUserBuilds.action", :auth => "fake-token", :user => user ).and_return(document) client.latest_builds_for(user).should == ["some", "objects"] end it "fetches the latest build results for a given key" do document.should_receive(:object_for).with("response", Remote::BuildResult). and_return(["some objects"]) http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/getLatestBuildResults.action", :auth => "fake-token", :buildKey => "fake-key" ).and_return(document) client.latest_build_results("fake-key").should == ["some objects"] end it "fetches the recently completed build results for a given project" do document.should_receive(:objects_for).with("build", Remote::BuildResult). and_return(%w[some results]) http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/getRecentlyCompletedBuildResultsForProject.action", :auth => "fake-token", :projectKey => "fake-project" ).and_return(document) client.recently_completed_results_for_project("fake-project").should == %w[some results] end it "fetches the recently completed build results for a given build key" do document.should_receive(:objects_for).with("build", Remote::BuildResult). and_return(%w[some results]) http.should_receive(:post).with( "/api/rest/getRecentlyCompletedBuildResultsForBuild.action", :auth => "fake-token", :buildKey => "fake-key" ).and_return(document) client.recently_completed_results_for_build("fake-key").should == %w[some results] end end # API calls describe Remote::Build do let(:client) { mock(Remote) } let(:doc) { xml_fixture("build").css("build").first } let(:build) {, client) } it "should know if the build is enabled" do build.should be_enabled end it "should know the name of the build" do == "Thrift - Default" end it "should know the key of the build" do build.key.should == "THRIFT-DEFAULT" end it "should be able to fetch the latest results" do client.should_receive(:latest_build_results).with build.key build.latest_results end it "should be able to execute the build" do client.should_receive(:execute_build).with build.key build.execute end it "should be able to update and build" do client.should_receive(:update_and_build).with build.key build.update_and_build end it "should be able to fetch recentyl completed results" do client.should_receive(:recently_completed_results_for_build).with build.key build.recently_completed_results end end # Remote::Build describe Remote::BuildResult do let(:doc) { xml_fixture("build_result").css("response").first } let(:result) { } it "should have a key" do result.key.should == "ADS-DEFAULT" end it "should have a state" do result.state.should == :successful end it "should know if the build was successful" do result.should be_successful end it "should have a project name" do result.project_name.should == "Advert Selection" end it "should have a build name" do == "DEFAULT" end it "should have a build number" do result.number.should == 28 end it "should have a failed test count" do result.failed_test_count.should == 0 end it "should have a successful test count" do result.successful_test_count.should == 13 end it "should have a start time" do result.start_time.should == Time.parse("2011-01-18 09:55:54") end it "returns nil if start time can not be parsed" do doc.stub(:css).and_return mock(:text => "Sun Sep 32") result.start_time.should be_nil end it "returns nil if start time can not be parsed" do doc.stub(:css).and_return mock(:text => "Sun Sep 32") result.end_time.should be_nil end it "should have an end time" do result.end_time.should == Time.parse("2011-01-18T09:56:40+0100") end it "should have duration" do result.duration.should == 46 end it "should have a duration description" do result.duration_description.should == "46 seconds" end it "should have a relative date" do result.relative_date.should == "1 day ago" end it "should have a test summary" do result.test_summary.should == "13 passed" end it "should have a reason" do result.reason.should == "Code has changed" end it "should have commits" do commits = result.commits commits.size.should == 2 commits.each { |c| c.should be_kind_of Remote::BuildResult::Commit } { |c| }.should == %w[foo bar] end end end # describe Remote end # Client end # Bamboo