require 'itamae-mitsurin/mitsurin/base_task' module ItamaeMitsurin module Mitsurin class ItamaeWithTargetTask < BaseTask ChangeTargetError = ItamaeMitsurin.logger.formatter.colored = true task = namespace :itamae do all = [] begin project = { project: ARGV[1] } if (ARGV[0] == '-T' || ARGV[0] == '--tasks') && !project[:project].nil? unless Dir.exist?("nodes/#{project[:project]}") raise ChangeTargetError, "'#{project[:project]}' project is not exist." end 'Project.json', 'w' do |f| f.flock File::LOCK_EX f.puts project.to_json f.flock File::LOCK_UN end resp = JSON.parse('Project.json')) target = resp['project'] << '/**' ItamaeMitsurin.logger.color(:green) do "Changed target mode '#{project[:project]}'" end end rescue => e ItamaeMitsurin.logger.error e.inspect exit 2 end Dir.glob("nodes/#{target}/*.json").each do |node_file| begin node_name = File.basename(node_file, '.json') node = task.load_node_attributes(node_file) node_short = node[:environments][:hostname].split('.')[0] rescue => e ItamaeMitsurin.logger.error e.inspect "From node file: #{node_file}" exit 2 end all << node_short desc 'Itamae to all nodes' task 'all' => all desc "Itamae to #{node_name}" task node_short do begin run_list = task.load_run_list(node_file) environments = task.load_environments(node) recipe_attributes_list = task.load_recipe_attributes(run_list) merged_recipe = task.merge_attributes(recipe_attributes_list) merged_environments = task.merge_attributes(merged_recipe, environments) attributes = task.merge_attributes(merged_environments, node) task.create_tmp_nodes(node_name, attributes) command = task.create_itamae_command(node_name, attributes) command_recipe = task.list_recipe_filepath(run_list) command_recipe.sort_by! {|item| File.dirname(item) } command << command_recipe.join task.runner_display(attributes[:run_list], run_list, command) st = system command if st ItamaeMitsurin.logger.color(:green) do 'itamae_with_target_task is completed.' end else ItamaeMitsurin.logger.error 'itamae_with_target_task is failed.' exit 1 end rescue => e ItamaeMitsurin.logger.error e.inspect "From node file: #{node_file}" exit 2 end end end end end end end