# frozen_string_literal: true module Mongoid class Criteria module Queryable module Extensions # This module contains additional object behavior. module String # Evolve the string into a mongodb friendly date. # # @example Evolve the string. # "2012-1-1".__evolve_date__ # # @return [ Time ] The time at UTC midnight. def __evolve_date__ time = ::Time.parse(self) ::Time.utc(time.year, time.month, time.day, 0, 0, 0, 0) end # Evolve the string into a mongodb friendly time. # # @example Evolve the string. # "2012-1-1".__evolve_time__ # # @return [ Time ] The string as a time. def __evolve_time__ __mongoize_time__.utc end # Get the string as a mongo expression, adding $ to the front. # # @example Get the string as an expression. # "test".__mongo_expression__ # # @return [ String ] The string with $ at the front. def __mongo_expression__ start_with?("$") ? self : "$#{self}" end # Get the string as a sort option. # # @example Get the string as a sort option. # "field ASC".__sort_option__ # # @return [ Hash ] The string as a sort option hash. def __sort_option__ split(/,/).inject({}) do |hash, spec| hash.tap do |_hash| field, direction = spec.strip.split(/\s/) _hash[field.to_sym] = direction.to_direction end end end # Get the string as a specification. # # @example Get the string as a criteria. # "field".__expr_part__(value) # # @param [ Object ] value The value of the criteria. # @param [ true, false ] negating If the selection should be negated. # # @return [ Hash ] The selection. def __expr_part__(value, negating = false) ::String.__expr_part__(self, value, negating) end # Get the string as a sort direction. # # @example Get the string as a sort direction. # "1".to_direction # # @return [ Integer ] The direction. def to_direction self =~ /desc/i ? -1 : 1 end module ClassMethods # Get the value as a expression. # # @example Get the value as an expression. # String.__expr_part__("field", value) # # @param [ String, Symbol ] key The field key. # @param [ Object ] value The value of the criteria. # @param [ true, false ] negating If the selection should be negated. # # @return [ Hash ] The selection. def __expr_part__(key, value, negating = false) if negating { key => { "$#{value.regexp? ? "not" : "ne"}" => value }} else { key => value } end end # Evolves the string into a MongoDB friendly value - in this case # a string. # # @example Evolve the string # String.evolve(1) # # @param [ Object ] object The object to convert. # # @return [ String ] The value as a string. def evolve(object) __evolve__(object) do |obj| obj.regexp? ? obj : obj.to_s end end end end end end end end ::String.__send__(:include, Mongoid::Criteria::Queryable::Extensions::String) ::String.__send__(:extend, Mongoid::Criteria::Queryable::Extensions::String::ClassMethods)