RSPEC_SETUP = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {12}/, '') unless defined?(RSPEC_SETUP) RACK_ENV = 'test' unless defined?(RACK_ENV) require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/boot") Dir[File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../app/helpers/**/*.rb")].each(&method(:require)) RSpec.configure do |conf| conf.include Rack::Test::Methods end # You can use this method to custom specify a Rack app # you want rack-test to invoke: # # app CLASS_NAME # app CLASS_NAME.tap { |a| } # app(CLASS_NAME) do # set :foo, :bar # end # def app(app = nil, &blk) @app ||= block_given? ? app.instance_eval(&blk) : app @app ||= Padrino.application end TEST RSPEC_CONTROLLER_TEST = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {12}/, '') unless defined?(RSPEC_CONTROLLER_TEST) require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe "!PATH!" do pending "add some examples to \#{__FILE__}" do before do get "!EXPANDED_PATH!" end it "returns hello world" do expect(last_response.body).to eq "Hello World" end end end TEST RSPEC_RAKE = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {12}/, '') unless defined?(RSPEC_RAKE) begin require 'rspec/core/rake_task' spec_tasks = Dir['spec/*/'].each_with_object([]) do |d, result| result << File.basename(d) unless Dir["\#{d}*"].empty? end spec_tasks.each do |folder| desc "Run the spec suite in \#{folder}""spec:\#{folder}") do |t| t.pattern = "./spec/\#{folder}/**/*_spec.rb" t.rspec_opts = "--color" end end desc "Run complete application spec suite" task 'spec' => { |f| "spec:\#{f}" } rescue LoadError task :spec do puts "RSpec is not part of this bundle, skip specs." end end task :default => :spec TEST RSPEC_MODEL_TEST = (<<-TEST).gsub(/^ {12}/, '') unless defined?(RSPEC_MODEL_TEST) require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe !NAME! do pending "add some examples to (or delete) \#{__FILE__}" end TEST RSPEC_HELPER_TEST = (<<-TEST) unless defined?(RSPEC_HELPER_TEST) require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe "!NAME!" do pending "add some examples to (or delete) \#{__FILE__}" do let(:helpers){ } before { helpers.extend !NAME! } subject { helpers } it "should return nil" do expect( be_nil end end end TEST def setup_test require_dependencies 'rack-test', :require => 'rack/test', :group => 'test' require_dependencies 'rspec', :group => 'test' insert_test_suite_setup RSPEC_SETUP, :path => "spec/spec_helper.rb" create_file destination_root("spec/spec.rake"), RSPEC_RAKE end def generate_controller_test(name, path) rspec_contents = RSPEC_CONTROLLER_TEST.gsub(/!PATH!/, path).gsub(/!EXPANDED_PATH!/, path.gsub(/:\w+?_id/, "1")) controller_spec_path = File.join('spec',options[:app],'controllers',"#{name.to_s.underscore}_controller_spec.rb") create_file destination_root(controller_spec_path), rspec_contents, :skip => true end def generate_model_test(name) rspec_contents = RSPEC_MODEL_TEST.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.to_s.underscore.camelize).gsub(/!DNAME!/, name.to_s.underscore) model_spec_path = File.join('spec',options[:app],'models',"#{name.to_s.underscore}_spec.rb") create_file destination_root(model_spec_path), rspec_contents, :skip => true end def generate_helper_test(name, project_name, app_name) rspec_contents = RSPEC_HELPER_TEST.gsub(/!NAME!/, "#{project_name}::#{app_name}::#{name}") helper_spec_path = File.join('spec', options[:app], 'helpers', "#{name.underscore}_spec.rb") create_file destination_root(helper_spec_path), rspec_contents, :skip => true end